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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-04-27

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>



  • [2] Eklogh Arxiepiskopoy
  • [3] PASOK
  • [4] Olympiakh


    Ta problhmata sthn Olympiakh Aeroporia, oi eswkommatikes diergasies sto PASOK, h synodos koryfhs ths EE kai h eklogh neoy Arxiepiskopoy einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy typoy.

    KAQHMERINOS ADESMEYTOS: Ieros polemos gia ton qrono toy Serafeim kai thn ekklhsiastikh perioysia.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: 8 metra fwtia.Neo forologiko amok.

    APOGEYMATINH: Maxh gia th draxmh. Se dokimasia to eqniko nomisma.

    H AQHNAIKH: Monomaxia agiwn sth Mhtropolh. Ayrio h eklogh toy neoy arxiepiskopoy.

    AYRIANH: Leykh apergia sto PASOK. Syntribh toy Shmith stis Dhmotikes perimenei h eswkommatikh antipoliteysh.

    H BRADYNH: O laos egkataleipei to PASOK. Gkalop: 6 monades prohgeitai h ND.

    EQNOS: Koyrsa gia 2. "Kleidi" o Ierwnymos. H diadoxh sthn Ekklhsia. Ti chfizoyn oi 77 ierarxes.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Kai to onoma aytoy Xristodoylos. Erwthmatika prokalei h yperaisiodojia toy Mhtropolith Pisidias k. Meqodioy.

    ELEYQEROS: Kindynoi gia th Qrakh. Ekrhtikh h katastash sto Kossyfopedio kai sta boreia synora mas.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Eklogh kaqarsh sthn Ekklhsia. Anqimos-Xristodoylos epikratesteroi gia to qrono.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Fegge moy na perpatw. Metarryqmish: Ereyna ths "E" bgazei skotadi.

    H EJOYSIA: Diodia sthn Aqhna. 500 drx gia kaqe diadromh sto kentro ths prwteyoysas.

    ESTIA: Giati dialyoyn thn "Olympiakh". Syneidhth epilogh na thn kleisoyn.

    TA NEA: Mono anohtoi proteinoyn twra ekloges. O Eyaggelos Giannopoylos milaei sta "Nea".

    [2] Eklogh Arxiepiskopoy

    To EQNOS grafei oti "ena molis eikositetrawro apomenei gia thn anadeijh toy neoy Arxiepiskopoy Aqhnwn kai pashs Ellados. H koyrsa gia th diadoxh eiserxetai sthn telikh eyqeia. An kai mexri ton termatismo tipota den mporei na apokleistei, ektimatai oti oi dyo poy prhgoyntai einai: o Alejandroypolews, 'Anqimos kai o Dhmhtriados Xristodoylos. Ayto ypologizoyn oi idioi".

    O ELEYQEROS anaferei oti "mia hmera prin apo thn eklogh neoy Arxiepiskopoy kai oi ypochfioi metroyn tis dynameis toys. To poios omws apo aytoys qa kerdisei ton arxiepiskopiko qrono qa ejarthqei apo tis symmaxies poy qa dhmioyrghqoyn epeita apo ton prwto gyro ths chfoforias".

    H ELEYQERH WRA shmeiwnei oti "oles oi kinhseis kai olo to paraskhnio, Gerontwn kai Mh ths Ekklhsias, deixnoyn oti h Arxiepiskopikh Kalph qa dwsei gia NEO ARXIEPISKOPO Aqhnwn kai Pashs Ellados ton shmerino Mhtropolith Dhmhtriados k. Xristodoylo Paraskeyaidh".

    O KAQHMERINOS ADESMEYTOS yposthrizei oti "oso pernoyn oi wres poy odhgoyn ta bhmata twn 77 Arxierewn pros thn kalph, to anoigma ths opoias ayrio to meshmeri qa anaggeilei gia enan apo oloys to megalo mhnyma, toso kai anebainei to qermometro sto paraskhnio, opoy ektylissontai polla, ma para polla".

    H AQHNAIKH sxoliazei, "Ayrio klhrwnei" gia arxiepiskopo kai opws symbainei se kaqe klhrwsh "ola paizontai". Oydeis apo toys ypochfioys gia to qrono exei ejasfalisei to magiko ariqmo chfwn poy qa ton qesei epikefalhs ths Ekklhsias ths Elladas isobiws".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS prosqetei oti to kaqoliko aithma gia kaqarsh kai ananewsh ths Ekklhsias, anamenetai na ikanopoihqei me thn ayrianh eklogh neoy Arxiepiskopoy. H symmaxia Zakynqoy-Qhbwn ekfrazei molis 15 (ek twn 77) mhtropolites. Kaqoristikh qa einai h prwth chfoforia, kaqws o pleiochfwn ypochfios (piqanotata enas ek twn Alejandroypolews-Dhmhtriados) qa enisxyqei kai apo toys ypoloipoys".

    [3] PASOK

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA grafei oti "enantion olwn -plhn toy prwqypoyrgoy- epiteqhke o Kwstas Skandalidhs, kroyontas ton kwdwna toy kindynoy gia thn poreia ths kybernhshs kai toy kommatos kai epixeirwntas na katoxyrwsei to rolo toy grammatea ws endiamesoy (diaithth) stis diafores omades".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS anaferei oti "mia aitia kai dyo aformes einai ikanes na dhmioyrghsoyn tis katallhles synqhkes prokeimenoy na odhghsoyn se paraithsh ton grammatea ths KE toy PASOK, Kwsta Skandalidh. Ayto anaferoyn osoi gnwrizoyn oti h qesh toy grammatea ths KE apotelei dixws allo to "kleidi" twn ejelijewn sto Synedrio toy PASOK, thn anoijh toy 1999".

    "Monon enas anohtos, enas politikos blaj qa skeftotan na eishghqei ekloges", tonizei sth synenteyjh toy sta NEA o ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs Eyaggelos Giannopoylos. O ypoyrgos epitiqetai sthn "eswkommatikh antipoliteysh" toy PASOK legontas pws "den paei allo" kai epishmainontas pws htan adynamia toy prwqypoyrgoy "to oti thn afhse na shkwnei kefali".

    [4] Olympiakh

    H APOGEYMATINH grafei oti "pthsh pros thn ...abebaiothta pragmatopoiei kai pali h Olympiakh Aeroporia. H kybernhsh dia stomatos toy ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Oikonomias Giannoy Papantwnioy (synenteyjh se kyriakatikh efhmerida) ekfrazei amfibolies gia thn apotelesmatikothta toy neoy sxedioy ejygianshs poy h idia epebale, para thn omobrontia antidrasewn".

    Symfwna me thn ESTIA, "meta maqhmatikhs pleon bebaiothtos, h Olympiakh Aeroporia odeyei pros oristikhn dialysin. Ws eixen anagracei h "Estia" hdh thn 17hn Febroyarioy kai en synexeia thn 31hn Martioy - ypo ton titlo "Giati kleinei h Olympiakh"-to kleisimon toy aerometaforews apotelei syneidhthn kybernhtikhn epiloghn".

    H AYRIANH anaferei oti "MAT sta sxedia twn pilotwn ths OA kai sta jena symferonta ekane h Dioikhsh ths etairias, afoplizontas ta epixeirhmata panw sta opoia "extizan" apergiakes kinhtopoihseis gia to trihmero Tetarth ews kai Paraskeyh, "ikanopoiwntas" apolyta to zhtoymeno twn stasewn ergasias poy einai h mh syrriknwsh toy aeroporikoy ergoy".

    H BRADYNH shmeiwnei oti "me ...tsakismena ta ftera, h Olympiakh odhgeitai sth dialysh kai to jepoylhma anti pinakioy fakhs. H dioikhsh apeilei toys ergazomenoys me apolyseis kai "kobei" kerdofora dromologia, yperatlantika kai se xwres ths Eyrwphs, enw oi zhmies ths OA apo tis arxes toy xronoy ypologizontai se 150 dis draxmes.Kai to iptameno proswpiko apanta me staseis ergasias".

    H EJOYSIA prosqetei oti "apo th stash twn pilotwn ejarta h dioikhsh ths Olympiakhs Aeroporias to an qa proxwrhsei se syrriknwsh twn dromologiwn, wste na mporei na ekteleitai kanonika to pthtiko programma ths etairias kai na pacei h talaipwria sta aerodromia".

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