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MPA NEWS IN BRIEF (16/07/1996)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


* Thn askhsh pieshs pros thn Ellada gia thn aney orwn arshs toy beto sth xrhmatodothsh ths Agkyras, zhthse apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, o ekproswpos toy toyrkikoy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn. H kinhsh ayth ekdhlwnetai ws kinhsh dysareskeias ths xqesinhs apofashs twn dekapente. Ypenqymizetai oti h Ellada hre to beto gia th xrhmatodothsh ths Toyrkias apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh mesw toy programmatos MEDA, afoy oi 15 Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn ths E.E. apodexqhkan toys oroys poy eixe qesei h xwra mas. Sthn koinh toys dhlwsh tonizetai h anagkh toy sebasmoy twn kanonwn toy Dieqnoys Dikaioy, twn Dieqnwn Symfwniwn ths edafikhs akeraiothtas, ths kyriarxias kai ths kalhs geitonias twn kratwn melwn ths koinothtas me tis trites xwres. Epishs anaferetai oti h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh parakoloyqei me anhsyxia ta problhmata poy dhmioyrgei h Toyrkia opws ayto me ta Imia kai ekfrazei th fysikh allhleggyh ths pros thn Aqhna. H telikh apanthsh pantws ths Toyrkias anamenetai ayrio kata th synanthsh ths ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn ths, Tansoy Tsiller, me ton Irlando proedreyonta toy Symboylioy Ypoyrgwn k. Springk.

* Diadoxikes synanthseis me ton yfypoyrgo Eqnikhs Oikonomias, Xrhsto Paxta kai sth synexeia me ton ypoyrgo, Gianno Papantwnioy, eixe o Prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths, to meshmeri. Antikeimeno twn synanthsewn aytwn einai h prowqhsh twn megalwn ergwn kai h aporrofhsh twn koinotikwn kondyliwn.

* Deigmatolhptikoys elegxoys stis perioxes toy Ebroy, opoy emfanisthkan kroysmata afqwdh pyretoy, pragmatopoioyn apo to prwi oi koinotikoi empeirognwmones. Kroysmata ths nosoy entopisthkan kai se zwa toy xwrioy, Doriskos Ebroy, kai apofasisthke na qanatwqoyn 1.500 probata prokeimenoy na mh metadoqei h asqeneia sthn perioxh.

* Protaseis poy apoteloyn thn beltiwmenh ekfrash toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE M. Gkali gia to Kypriako,oi opoies yioqethqhkan apo to Symboylio Asfaleias, metaferei symfwna me plhrofories, h monimh antiproswpos twn HPA ston OHE Mantlin Olmprait kata th diarkeia twn episkecewn ths sthn Aqhna, th Leykwsia kai thn Agkyra. Oi protaseis aforoyn toso sth meiwsh twn toyrkikwn katoxikwn dynamewn me antallagma th meiwsh twn amyntikwn dapanwn ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias kai qemata ths apagkistrwshs, oso kai me thn apostratikopoihsh toy nhsioy meta th lysh toy Kypriakoy, xwris omws na asxoloyntai leptomerws me thn proteinomenh polyeqnikh dynamh. H Mantlin Olmprait qa synanthqei to apogeyma sthn Aqhna me ton Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Amynas Gerasimo Arsenh kai me ton Proedro ths N.D Miltiadh Ebert. Ayrio qa synanthqei me ton Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith kai ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Qeodwro Pagkalo.

* Bebaios oti h Nea Dhmokratia qa kerdisei tis prosexeis ekloges, emfanisthke milwntas stoys symboyloys toy, o Likti\dgr Ebert, o opoios toys anakoinwse oti se ena mhna qa enhmerwqoyn gia tis qeseis poy qa analaboyn ston kratiko mhxanismo. O proedros toy kommatos yposthrije oti o ellhnikos laos exei enapoqsei tis tyxes toy sth N.D.

* Me thn politikh kai stratiwtikh hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Eqnikhs Amynas synanthqhke shmera o yfypoyrgos kai arxhgos toy Genikoy Epiteleioy twn Enoplwn Dynamewn ths Armenias strathgos Mikael Xaroytoynian. Syzhthse qemata poy aforoyn thn prowqhsh ths synergasias sto stratiwtiko tomea metajy Elladas kai Armenias kaqws kai h katastash poy epikratei sta Balkania. O Armenios yfypoyrgos Amynas poy brisketai sthn Ellada proskeklhmenos toy arxhgoy GEEQA pterarxoy, Aqanasioy Tzoganh qa episkeftei stratiwtikes egkatastaseis kai monades, anwtata stratiwtika ekpaideytika idrymata kaqws kai arxaiologikoys xwroys twn Aqhnwn kai ths Qessalonikhs. Qa anaxwrhsei apo th xwra mas stis 19 Ioylioy.

* Synexizontai oi ekdhlwseis mnhmhs kai katadikhs toy prajikophmatos kai ths toyrkikhs eisbolhs sthn Kypro. Apoce qa anoijei sth Leykwsia ekqesh fwtografias me qemata "Agnooymenoi- Katexomena- Egklwbismenoi- Katastrofh politistikhs klhronomias". Thn ekqesh qa thn egkainiasei o Proedros Glaykos Klhridhs kai qa parameinei anoixtei mexri to Sabbato 20 Ioylioy, 22h epeteio ths toyrkikhs eisbolhs.

* Nekros breqhke to prwi sto diamerisma toy sthn Kalamaria Qessalonikhs o 37xronos Lazaros I. Xaralampidhs kai symfwna me tis prwtes ektimhseis toy iatrodikasth o qanatos toy ofeiletai se xrhsh narkwtikwn oysiwn. To meshmeri prokeitai na ginei nekrocia gia na diapistwqoyn oi pragmatikoi logoi poy odhghsan sto qanato ton 37xrono.

* Ayrio anamenetai sto Zagkremp gia synomilies me ton Kroath Proedro, Franio Toytzman, o Amerikanos mesolabhths, Ritsarnt Xolmproyk. O k. Xolmproyk anakoinwse shmera, oti ''den einai ikanopoihmenos'' apo to epipedo efarmoghs ths eirhneytikhs symfwnias toys Nteiton sth Bosnia, kyriws oson afora stoys Serbobosnioys.

* Liges nefwseis poy to apogeyma qa ayjhqoyn, problepei gia shmera h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia, gia th Boreia Ellada. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn asqeneis kai h qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 20 ews 31 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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