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SPECIAL REPORT (96/10/04)From: Macedonian Press Agency <>Macedonian Press Agency News in ASCII Greek DirectoryEKTAKTO DELTIO TOY MAKEDONIKOY PRAKTOREIOY EIDHSEWNQessalonikh 4 Oktwbrioy 1996,TITLOI EIDHSEWN
OI EIDHSEIS ANALYTIKA[01] GIA ENOTHTA THS N.D. EKANAN LOGO O M.EBERT KAI O G.SOYFLIAS AMESWS META TO APOTELESMA THS EKLOGHS PROEDROY TOY KOMMATOSGia enothta ths Neas Dhmokratias ekanan logo amesws meta to apotelesma, o nikhths kai o htthmenos twn eklogwn. "Anoigoyme kainoyria selida, h opoia prepei na dwsei nea dynamikh, nea prooptikh sto komma mas gia na mporesoyme na mpoyme sto neo aiwna me ena diaforetiko pneyma, me mia diaforetikh antilhch. Oloi enwmenoi se ena koino stoxo na bohqhsoyme thn Ellada, thn paratajh mas, toys opadoys mas kai ta stelexh mas". Ayta htan ta prwta logia toy Miltiadh Ebert opoy epanejelegh gia deyterh synexh fora proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias. O k.Ebert, tonise oti den yparxoyn nikhtes h htthmenoi apo ayth thn anametrhsh. Dhlwse oti oi kindynoi poy qa diatrejei h Ellada ston eqniko tomea qa einai megaloi. "Exei poly megalh shmasia loipon h ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh, na einai isxyrh, enwmenh, apotelesmatikh kai apofasistikh." O neos proedros eipe oti prepei na ginei anadiatajh stis dynameis mesa sto komma kai oti prepei na jekinhsei mia nea eswkommatikh poreia h opoia telika qa katalhjei sto taktiko synedrio poy qa sygklhqei to prwto ejamhno toy 1997."Prepei na arxisei enas anoixtos dialogos xwris fobies, prokatalhceis, dogmatismoys gia na ftasoyme telika se ena synedrio dhmokratiko, anoixto sto opoio qa symmetasxei olh h koinwnia" katelhje o k.Ebert. Me th xarakthristikh frash "Giwrgo xasame" arxise thn omilia toy o Giwrgos Soyflias, o opoios amesws meta synexarei ton k.Ebert gia thn epityxia toy kai toy eyxhqhke kalh epityxia gia to kalo toy kommatos kai toy topoy. Ypogrammise akomh, oti sebetai thn etymhgoria ths pleiochfias kai apodexetai to apotelesma. "Tis qeseis moy, tis idees moy alla kai ti prepei na apofygei to komma diatypwsa me safhneia kata th diarkeia twn teleytaiwn hmerwn. To zhtoymeno kata thn apoch moy gia to komma einai epanakthsh ths oysiastikhs enothtas kai h antapokrish toy stis prosdokies kai tis prooptikes ths paratajhs, toy kosmoy kai ths ellhnikhs koinwnias sto synolo ths kai fysika gi ayto to zhtoymeno einai h nikh stis epomenes ekloges" katelhje o k.Soyflias. Sthn anametrhsh, poy krathse gyrw stis 3 wres, nikhths gia deyterh synexh fora ejelegh o Miltiadhs Ebert, me chfoys 103 enanti 84 toy Giwrgoy Soyflia, enw yphrjan tria leyka kai ena akyro. Symfwna me plhrofories den chfise o boyleyths ths Aitwloakarnanias Andreas Karagkoynhs kai o Eyrwboyleyths S.Argyros, enw to ena leyko to erije o Byrwn Polydwras. [02] DHLWSEIS STELEXWN THS ND GIA TO APOTELESMA THS CHFOFORIASThn ektimhsh oti h enothta ths ND einai dedomenh kai to mono poy xreiazetai twra einai ''doyleia'' ejefrasan sthn pleiochfia toys ta stelexh toy kommatos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs poy epanejelejan shmera to Miltiadh Ebert sth qesh toy arxhgoy ths paratajhs toys, xarakthrizontas parallhla thn eklogh ayth ws nikh toy kommatos toys. ''Kerdise h enothta ths ND. To komma qa jekinhsei apo shmera thn poreia toy, to rolo toy, ton antipoliteytiko sthn arxh, ton kybernhtiko, otan erqei h wra, gia na mporesei na antimetwpisei o topos ta megala problhmata poy yparxoyn. Gia th ND elhje h metabatikh periodos. Einai ena neo jekinhma, ena neo jekinhma gemato elpida'', dhlwse o Prokophs Paylopoylos. ''Proxwrame enwmenoi gia poly apotelesmatikh antipoliteysh'', shmeiwse o boyleyths Epikrateias ths ND, Giannhs Tzoannos, enw o Stefanos Manos arnhqhke na kanei dhlwseis, legontas xarakthristika: ''qa ta poyme ola otan erqei h wra'', enw se erwthsh an to apotelesma ayto diasfalizei thn enothta toy kommatos, apanthse : '' Asfalws nai''. ''Giortasame shmera ta 22 xronia ths dhmokratias me diaforetiko tropo. Apo dw kai pera einai wra agwna. Enwmenoi oloi mazi. Ekeino poy exei shmasia einai oti nikhsan oi dhmokratikes diadikasies'', dhlwse o boyleyths, Dhmhtrhs Sioyfas, enw o Eyaggelos Mpasiakos ypogrammise pws ''shmera h ND apedeije oti einai ena dhmokratiko kai ygies komma''. O epitimos Proedros ths ND, Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs dhlwse xarakthristika : ''Nomizw, oti h typikh enothta sthn koryfh den kindyneyei. Pisteyw, omws, oti to komma mas prepei na katalabei oti ta kommata xreiazontai kai opadoys'', enw h Ntora Mpakogiannh shmeiwse: ''to eklektoriko swma echfise kata thn apofash toy. Eyxomai ston k.Ebert kaqe epityxia''. [03] O EKTOS KATA SEIRA PROEDROS THS N.D. APO THN IDRYSH THS EKLEXQHKE SHMERAO Miltiadhs Ebert me th shmerinh epaneklogh toy einai o ektos kata seira proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias sta 22 akribws xronia meta thn idrytikh diakhryjh toy megaloy aytoy kommatos th ellhnikhs dejias. To komma idryqhke stis 30 Septembrioy 1974 apo ton Kwnstantino Karamanlh, o opoios yphrje kai o prwtos toy proedros , alla h idrytikh toy diakhryjh, poy orize th Nea Dhmokratia ws komma toy rizospastikoy vikekeuheqislo}, doqhke stis 4 Oktwbrioy toy idioy etoys. Oi prwtes eleyqeres ekloges edwsan sthn Nea Dhmokratia th syntriptikh pleiochfia toy 54,37% kai 219 boyleytes. Eji xronia meta, stis 5 Maioy 1980, o Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs eklegetai Proedros ths Dhmokratias kai h Nea Dhmokratia eklegei treis meres meta ws neo ths proedro ton Gewrgio Rallh me 88 chfoys yper enanti twn 84 toy synypochfioy toy kai metepeita proedroys toy kommatos Eyaggeloy Aberwf. Symfwna me to katastatiko toy kommatos sthn eklogh toy neoy arxhgoy chfizoyn mono oi 175 boyleytes poy eixan eklegei meta tis ekloges toy 1978. Antipalos toy Gewrgioy Rallh sthn prwth anametrhsh einai o metepeita proedros toy kommatos Eyaggelos Aberwf. To apotelesma twn eklogwn toy 1981 odhgei th Nea Dhmokratia sthn antipoliteysh kai o Gewrgios Rallhs gia logoys eyqijias paraiteitai . Stis 5 Dekembrioy 1981 h koinoboyleytikh omada toy kommatos me 61 chfoys yper kai 41 kata anoigei ton dromo gia thn diadikasia ekloghs neoy proedroy kai pente hmeres meta arxisei h deyterh anametrhsh me ypochfioys ton Eyaggelo Aberf, ton Kwsth Stefanopoyo kai ton Giannh Mpoyto. H diadikasia ekloghs einai h idia kai chfizoyn mono oi boylyetes poy ejeleghsan to 1982. Eklegetai o Eyaggelos Aberwf me 67 chfoys enanti 32 toy Kwsth Stefanopoyloy kai 12 toy Giannh Mpoytoy. O Eyaggelos Aberwf odhgeitai sth paraithsh meta tis eyrwekloges toy '84, logw toy apotelesmatos twn eklogwn alla kai logw problhmatwn ygeias. Etsi thn 1h Septembrioy 1984 h koinoboyleytikh omada ths Neas Dhmokratias kaleitai na eklejei ton trito ths proedro. Ypochfioi einai o Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs kai o Kwsths Stefanopoylos. Eklegetai o prwtos me 70 chfoys enanti twn 40 poy phre o deyteros. H eklogikh apotyxia toy kommatos, ena xrono meta, odhgei ton k Mhtsotakh stis 24 Aygoystoy 1985 sthn paraithsh. Sth diadikasia ekloghs toy tetartoy proedroy poy pragmatopoieitai stis 29 Aygoystoy 1985 o monadikos ypochfios einai o Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs poy epaneklegetai me 82 chfoys enan 37 leykwn kai enos akyroy. O Kwsths Stefanopoylos den paresth sthn chfoforia kai argotera apoxwrei apo to komma mazi me 9 boyleytes kai idryei th DH.ANA. Oi ekloges toy '89-'90, meta apo 9 xronia diakybernhshs ths xwras apo to PASOK fernoyn jana th Nea Dhmokratia sthn kybernhsh . H anatroph ths kybernhshs Mhtsotakh to 1993 me thn apoxwrhsh toy tote boyleyth Giwrgoy Sympilidh kai h epanodos toy PASOK sthn ejoysia odhgoyn ton Kwnstantino Mhtsotakh se paraithsh. Stis 3 Noembrioy 1993 arxizei h diadikasia ekloghs neoy proedroy. H diafora apo tis prohgoymenes chfofories einai oti den chfizoyn mono oi boyleytes ths koinoboyleytikhs omadas alla sygkroteitai eidiko swma eklektorwn apoteloymeno apo boyleytes kai eyrwboyleytes kaqws kai apo ekproswpoys ths bashs toy kommatos, oi opoioi anadeixthkan apo eswkommatikes ekloges stos organwseis bashs toy kommatos. To swma twn 182 eklektorwn eklegei ton Miltiadh Ebert me 141 chfoys enanti 37 chfwn toy synypochfioy toy Giannh Barbitsiwth Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at |