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Greek Government Press Briefing, 09-09-02

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>

Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Tetarth, 2 Septembrioy 2009

Ariqmos Deltioy: 222155790

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 2 Septembrioy 2009



Geia sas.

Ek meroys ths kybernhshs, toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai proswpika katadikazw me ton pio aperifrasto tropo tis anandres bombistikes epiqeseis shmera ta jhmerwmata sthn Aqhna kai th Qessalonikh. Kaqe dhmokratika skeptomenos poliths, h ellhnikh koinwnia sto synolo ths, ekfrazei ton apotropiasmo ths sthn askhsh kaqe morfhs bias. H katadikh twn energeiwn aytwn kai oswn krybontai pisw apo aytes einai, opws prepei na einai, rhth, kaqolikh kai xwris peristrofes.

Oi diwktikes arxes kanoyn hdh o,ti einai aparaithto, prokeimenoy na diereynhqoyn se baqos aytes oi ypoqeseis, opws ginetai me oles tis ypoqeseis kai na odhghqoyn oi ypeyqynoi sth Dikaiosynh.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, h kybernhsh kai eseis proswpika, kathgoreite systhmatika to teleytaio diasthma to PASOK oti synthrei ena proeklogiko klima, synthrei thn proeklogologia kai epidiwkei na ferei mia anastatwsh genikotera sthn ellhnikh koinwnia kai sta politika pragmata. Omws, to teleytaio diasthma kai dh thn teleytaia ebdomada, koryfaioi Ypoyrgoi ths kybernhshs, me dhlwseis toys poy tassontai eite yper, eite kata twn eklogwn, eite akoma pio syxna gia mikres ``xeiroyrgikes epembaseis'' sto kybernhtiko sxhma, allages, synthroyn ayto to klima. Antilambanetai h kybernhsh oti me th stash ths se o,ti afora to na mh dinei apanthsh gia to an pame h oxi se ekloges, synthreitai ena klima pragmatika poly bary;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na pw tipote sxetika me senaria. Sas to exw pei.

XIWTHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, o Prwqypoyrgos exei ayrio programmatismenes synanthseis;

ANTWNAROS: An yphrxe kati, qa sas to eixa anakoinwsei.

XIWTHS: Oyte kapoia aifnidiastikh episkech sto Proedriko Megaro;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw kati na sas anakoinwsw.

GARGALAKOS: Epeidh hdh kykloforei oti o Prwqypoyrgos ayrio qa dei ton k. Papoylia, den exete kamia enhmerwsh ep` aytoy;

ANTWNAROS: Epanalambanw: Den exw na sas kanw kamia anakoinwsh.

SANTAMOYRHS: Qa hqela na rwthsw gia to prwto qema, kyrie Ekproswpe. Exoyme ayth thn energeia, h opoia erxetai entos trihmeroy sth synexeia dhmosiopoihshs ekqeshs, h opoia qewreitai oti ferei thn ypografh ths k. Xilari Klinton kai feretai na periexei kai onomata poy askoyn tromokratikh drasthriothta sthn Ellada, exoyme thn epomenh egkrish toy memorandum sth Boylh gia thn katarghsh ths bizas kai shmera ayth thn tromokratikh energeia. Ayth h allhloyxia sas bazei se opoiesdhpote skeceis;

ANTWNAROS: Syndeete pragmata ta opoia, nomizw, den exoyn sxesh to ena me to allo...

SANTAMOYRHS: Paraqetw thn allhloyxia, den syndew tipote.

ANTWNAROS: Kai egw sas lew oti paraqetete mia allhloyxia, sthn opoia den exei sxesh to ena qema me to allo.

PALAIOLOGOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, epeidh eimaste en anamonh twn apofasewn toy Prwqypoyrgoy, toylaxiston mporeite na mas peite, ean mporeite bebaiws, an qa ginei shmera h ayrio;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na sas pw kati.

POLYMEROS: Na rwthsw kati me aformh thn peiqarxikh ereyna eis baros toy k. Zagorianoy, o opoios me ayta poy blepw ``kathgoreitai'', den jerw an isxyei, gia xeiragwghsh ths Dikaiosynhs sthn ypoqesh ths Siemens. Me aformh ayto, to PASOK kai o k. Roblias kathgorei thn kybernhsh, (den akoygetai) ayta ta dyo gegonota, syskotish ths periodoy 2004-2007, apokryptontas thn alhqeia. Sas kathgorei gia kommenes kai rammenes sta metra ths Neas Dhmokratias apofaseis. Ti sxoliazei h kybernhsh panw se ayta;

ANTWNAROS: Kala qa kanei to PASOK, na prajei epiteloys ayto to opoio den kanei mexri shmera: Na afhsei th Dikaiosynh anenoxlhth kai anejarthth, na kanei th doyleia ths.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, ek ths qesews sas kai ek toy roloy sas, diaceydete h epibebaiwnete plhrofories, an den apatwmai, sas rwtw eyqews.

ANTWNAROS: Den einai ayth h apostolh moy. Nomizw oti antilambaneste thn apostolh moy diaforetika apo ayth poy einai oysiastika: H apostolh moy einai na sas enhmerwnw.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Orqws, isws einai ena kommati ayths. Sas rwtw, loipon, eyqews: Diaceydete ta senaria poy qeloyn ekloges; Den sas rwtw gia anasxhmatismo...

ANTWNAROS: Monos sas xrhsimopoieite tetoia lejh. Den sxoliazw senaria. To exw pei epaneilhmmenws...

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: To endexomeno eklogwn;

ANTWNAROS: Den sxoliazw senaria.

PALAIOLOGOS: Twra, omws, qa sas rwthsw kati to opoio den einai senario. Poios o logos ths apotrophs ths kinhshs twn 40 boyleytwn na diabibasoyn sto Megaro Majimoy thn aproqymia na prosfygei o Prwqypoyrgos se prowres kalpes;

ANTWNAROS: Anafereste profanws se dhmosieymata kai perimenete apo mena na sxoliasw dhmosieymata;

PALAIOLOGOS: Oxi, den anaferomai se dhmosieymata, anaferomai se plhrofories poy perihlqan se gnwsh moy oti xqes to brady o k. Tragakhs apetrece kapoioys boyleytes, metajy aytwn anaferw xarakthristika ton k. Karamario, apo to na yparjei mia kinhsh, endexomenws mia epistolh, me thn ypografh toys me thn opoia qa ejefrazan thn antiqesh toys sto endexomeno prowrwn eklogwn.

ANTWNAROS: Den gnwrizw oyte to senario to opoio molis moy perigracate.

PALAIOLOGOS: Den sas enhmerwse o k. Tragakhs gi` ayto;

ANTWNAROS: Sas apanthsa.

GARGALAKOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, apokleiete ws ekproswpos ths kybernhshs na epidiwjei o Prwqypoyrgos thn prowrh prosfygh stis kalpes tis epomenes hmeres;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na pw tipote gia senaria.

SANTAMOYRHS: Qa hqela mia epalhqeysh, giati den eimai bebaios, h 4h Oktwbrioy einai h hmeromhnia idryshs ths Neas Dhmokratias; Kai an ontws isxyei ayto, ayto qa mporoyse na prosferei mia dynamikh stis ejelijeis oi opoies menoyn mysthrio shmera;

ANTWNAROS: Kanete syndeseis. Exete thn tash twn syndesewn shmera. Me kanenan tropo den prokeitai na anaferqw, giati kai ayth einai senariologia. Den prokeitai na mpw ston peirasmo, oso kai na prospaqhsete, na sxoliasw tetoioy eidoys senaria.

PANTAZHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, mexri prosfata o Prwqypoyrgos kai eseis o idios legate oti h proqesh ths kybernhshs den einai oi ekloges. Exei allajei kati;

ANTWNAROS: H kybernhsh exei topoqethqei para polles fores gi` ayto to qema kai den prokeitai na anaferqw se kanena senario poy exei sxesh me ekloges.

PANTAZHS: Sygnwmh, den einai senario. Apla, an exei allajei h qesh ths kybernhshs panw se ayto poy exete hdh pei.

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na kanw kamia syzhthsh panw se ayto to qema.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, emmenete sth qesh sas thn opoia exete diatypwsei edw oti einai stash eyqynhs gia thn kybernhsh h antimetwpish ths oikonomikhs krishs, h synepeia sthn oloklhrwsh toy kybernhtikoy ergoy kai twn metarryqmisewn kai oxi h prosfygh stis kalpes;

ANTWNAROS: Exw pei epaneilhmmena oti h kybernhsh apo thn hmera thn opoia epanejelegh, alla kai apo thn hmera thn opoia ejelegh thn prwth fora, me ypeyqynothta kanei prajh oles tis desmeyseis ths. Kai qa symfwnhsw me kati to opoio eipe, xqes, o ekproswpos toy kommatos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs: Eipe oti ayto to opoio ginetai einai mia maxh metajy dyo antilhcewn. Ontws, kat` ejairesh qa symfwnhsw mazi toy. Einai apo th mia meria h antilhch toy laikismoy, ths mikrokommatikhs antilhchs, twn yposxesewn gia ola se oloys, ths dhmioyrgias xrewn kai elleimmatwn katw apo to xali. Dhladh h antilhch poy ekfrazoyn synexws kai diaxronika o k. Papandreoy kai h hgetikh toy omada sto PASOK. Mia hgetikh omada poy exei maqei na leei oxi se ola.

Kai apo thn allh pleyra einai h antilhch toy noikokyrematos ths oikonomias poy mas afhse to PASOK se kaka xalia, giati eixe mageirecei oles tis statistikes. Ths frontidas gi` aytoys poy exoyn th megalyterh anagkh. Toy oloklhrwmenoy sxedioy gia na antimetwpistoyn apotelesmatika me stoxeymenes draseis oi synepeies ths dieqnoys oikonomikhs krishs kai sth xwra mas. Twn anagkaiwn tomwn kai metarryqmisewn. Twn megalwn dhmosiwn ergwn. Twn megalwn kai oysiastikwn, gia th xwra mas, qesmikwn parembasewn. Se oles aytes poy to komma ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs den antapokriqhke sth qesmikh apostolh thn opoia exei, legontas oxi se ola.

Epanalambanw, gia mia akomh fora: Einai dhladh h antilhch ths koinwnikhs prosforas, h antilhch ths ypeyqynothtas, h stash poy ekfrazei h kybernhsh ths Neas Dhmokratias kai toy Kwsta Karamanlh.

KAKALHS: Mas perigracate twra to proeklogiko dilhmma poy qa qesei o Prwqypoyrgos en ocei twn eklogwn;

ANTWNAROS: Egw periegraca ti eipe xqes, apo thn allh pleyra, o ekproswpos toy kommatos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, na sas rwthsw gia orismena qemata: Dhmosia asfaleia, tromokratikes epiqeseis, pyrkagies. En pash periptwsei, tiqetai qema gia thn politikh hgesia toy Ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn; Fainetai oti h kybernhsh den ta paei kala ekei.

ANTWNAROS: Nomizw oti den einai o katallhlos xwros na kanoyme syzhthsh ef` olhs ths ylhs.

ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Edw exoyme mia tromokratikh...

ANTWNAROS: Bebaiws. Kai parakalw oloys sas, na thn antimetwpisete me th deoysa sobarothta, ayth h opoia epiballetai.

KAKALHS: Pws qa sxoliazate to dia tayta ths politikhs analyshs poy exei shmera h ESTIA; Oti dhladh, oti kai na anakoinwsei o Prwqypoyrgos, h politikh zhmia gia th Nea Dhmokratia exei epelqei kai dystyxws einai poly megalh. Meta apo 5,5 xronia sthn kybernhsh, to komma ayto ekane ta panta gia na anoijei sto PASOK to dromo gia thn epanodo toy sthn ejoysia. Sthn pragmatikothta h Nea Dhmokratia aytoxeiriazetai.

ANTWNAROS: Diabazw me endiaferon olo ton Typo kai xairomai poy kai eseis, profanws, arxisate na diabazete mia palia, istorikh efhmerida.

KAKALHS: Den apanthsate omws sto erwthma. Giati parolo poy den...

ANTWNAROS: Den sxoliazw, opws gnwrizete, dhmosieymata.

PALAIOLOGOS: Xqes petajate to ganti sto PASOK gia to zhthma toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Antapanthse o ekproswpos Typoy k. Papakwnstantinoy kai sthn oysia epanefere to gnwsto dilhmma: H xwra xreiazetai ekloges.

ANTWNAROS: Isxyei sto akeraio h xqesinh qesh moy. O ekproswpos toy kommatos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs epanalambanei, profanws katopin entolhs toy arxhgoy toy, thn antiqesmikh kai antisyntagmatikh qesh thn opoia exei parei kai synexizei na yposthrizei to komma toy.

Sas eyxaristw.

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