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Greek Government Press Briefing, 08-05-26

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>

Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Deytera, 26 Maioy 2008

Ariqmos Deltioy: 138751203

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 26 Maioy 2008


Xairete kai kalh ebdomada.

O Prwqypoyrgos k. Kwstas Karamanlhs qa parastei ayrio, stis 19.00, sth Boylh, sthn chfoforia epi twn anaqewrhtewn diatajewn toy Syntagmatos. Ayrio, loipon, einai h chfoforia, me thn opoia kleinei mia makra diadikasia anaqewrhshs toy Syntagmatos.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

KAKALHS: Mias kai milhsate gia th diadikasia anaqewrhshs toy Syntagmatos, diabasame th synenteyjh toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn k. Paylopoyloy, oti h kybernhsh prowqei thn chfish triwn eidikwn nomwn gia ta arqra 16,24 kai 103. Ayto, ti akribws shmainei; Qa parakamcete sthn prajh to Syntagma, qa katarghsete sthn prajh tis diatajeis twn sygkekrimenwn arqrwn toy Syntagmatos, dhladh, sthn prajh qa katarghsete kai th nomimothta toy Syntagmatos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi. Opws gnwrizete, to Syntagma problepei se polla arqra toy thn chfish nomwn. Giati, to Syntagma einai o katastatikos xarths ths xwras, o opoios gia na exei efarmogh, xreiazetai se polla arqra chfish nomwn. Den exoyme kati perissotero, omws, ekei. Thn ekpaideytikh metarryqmish th gnwrizete. Exei proxwrhsei. Oi apoceis ths kybernhshs eginan -katopin enos endelexoys dialogoy kai me tis gnwmes poy akoysthkan apo oles tis alles pleyres- nomos toy kratoys o opoios kai efarmozetai.

KAKALHS: Den mas eipate, omws, poios einai o skopos aytwn twn eidikwn nomwn. Giati ejaggellete eidikoys nomoys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw akribws na sas pw...

KAKALHS: ... Einai kat` epitaghn toy Syntagmatos h gia na parakamcete to Syntagma;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den parakamptei kaneis to Syntagma. Gia paradeigma, yphrxe to arqro 14 par. 9 poy proeblepe nomo gia to basiko metoxo. Egine enas nomos apo to PASOK, egine enas allos nomos apo th Nea Dhmokratia.

FANIDHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, qelw na rwthsw, ean ejakoloyqei na einai ikanopoihmenh h kybernhsh apo thn ekxwrhsh toy manatzment toy OTE sthn DEUTSCHE TELEKOM, meta tis apokalyceis gia kataskopeia stelexwn, dhmosiografwn, sth Germania. Epishs, qelw na rwthsw, ean yparxei periptwsh na akyrwqei h symfwnia ayth, meta tis prosfates ejelijeis.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ayto poy exw na sas pw einai oti h ellhnikh kybernhsh exei diasfalisei sth symfwnia ayth, me kaqe dynato tropo, ta eqnika symferonta kai thn eqnikh asfaleia. To gnwrizete poly kala, exoyn ginei analytikes anakoinwseis. H synenteyjh Typoy twn armodiwn ypoyrgwn dihrkhse peripoy treis wres ekeinh thn hmera. H symfwnia den exei tipote kryfo. Den exw na prosqesw kati perissotero. Gia ena qema to opoio exei idiaitero endiaferon, qa perimenoyme kai to ti qa ginei sth germanikh dikaiosynh.

GKOYTZANHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, gia to qema ths Paideias, qelw na rwthsw kati. Ean gia thn idrysh mh kerdoskopikwn, mh kratikwn panepisthmiwn, den xreiazetai allagh toy Syntagmatos, opws lene pia kapoia kybernhtika stelexh, tote giati egine olh ayth h fasaria to prohgoymeno diasthma kai den proxwroysate sthn idrysh toys, alla to ferate sth Boylh kai prospaqhsate na kanete anaqewrhsh toy arqroy 16;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exw na kanw kanena sxolio gia tis ektimhseis oi opoies exoyn akoystei.

KORAH: Kyrie Ypoyrge, h kybernhsh gnwrize gia to sygkekrimeno qema poy apokalyptei to SPIEGEL kai to dhmosieyei shmera kai h ELEYQEROTYPIA, oti dhladh h DEUTSCHE TELEKOM parakoloyqoyse stelexh ths kai dhmosiografoys prin katalhjei se ayth th symfwnia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, ej oswn eimai se qesh na gnwrizw.

KORAH: To gegonos, loipon, oti apekrybh apo thn ellhnikh kybernhsh, den shmainei kati ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas ekana mia dhlwsh. Den nomizw oti yparxei kati perissotero poy mporw na prosqesw. Sas eipa oti qa perimenoyme apo th germanikh dikaiosynh na diereynhsei mia pragmatika endiaferoysa ypoqesh.

KORAH: Pantws, to qewreite sobaro qema;


ROYMELIWTHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, plhrofories ston Typo anaferoyn oti oi syskeceis poy sygkalei o Ypoyrgos Anaptyjhs ginontai me entolh toy idioy toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Prwton, ean ayto epibebaiwnetai. Kai epishs, fainetai oti to teleytaio diasthma leitoyrgei h politikh hgesia toy Ypoyrgeioy Anaptyjhs ypo th stenh parakoloyqhsh toy, gia na to poyme etsi. Ayto, giati exoyn diapistwqei problhmata syntonismoy;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den isxyei kati tetoio. Ekeino poy exw na sas pw einai oti o Prwqypoyrgos synexws epikoinwnei -allote se syskeceis poy gnwrizete, synanthseis poy gnwrizete, sto Megaro Majimoy, allote thlefwnika- sxedon kaqhmerinws me to synolo toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy gia mia seira apo qemata, ta opoia, opws ayto poy anaferate, exoyn idiaiterh krisimothta, idiaitero endiaferon. Alla, se kamia periptwsh, den yparxei ypotimhsh toy ergoy toy armodioy ypoyrgoy kai toy armodioy yfypoyrgoy. Isa-isa, poy prospaqoyn na kanoyn th doyleia toys me ton kalytero dynato tropo.

PALAIOLOGOS: Symfwnei h kybernhsh, me th qesh poy ekfrasthke proxqes apo ton yfypoyrgo Anaptyjhs k. Blaxo, sth Boylh, oti oi opoioi elegktikoi mhxanismoi yphrxan, xaqhkan sth dekaetia 1994-2004 kai ws ek toytoy kai shmera den yparxoyn organwmenoi elegktikoi mhxanismoi.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa epanalabw to idio pragma: Melos ths kybernhshs einai kai o ypoyrgos kai o yfypoyrgos kai kaqe ypoyrgos kai kaqe yfypoyrgos. Ara, ti moy lete an symfwnei h kybernhsh; Melos ths kybernhshs einai.

PALAIOLOGOS: Alla nomizw oti einai omologia enoxhs, an moy epitrepete th dikh moy thn apoch, na bgainei enas ypoyrgos, yfypoyrgos, armodios gia toys elegxoys kai na paradexetai dhmosia oti den mporoyn na ginoyn elegxoi.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Nomizw oti exete katalabei laqos. Den eipe akribws...

PALAIOLOGOS: Einai h pollosth fora poy moy lete oti katalabainw laqos.

ROYSOPOYLOS: ... Den eipe akribws ayto o k. Blaxos. Allo einai ayto poy eipe.

MPALHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, exete kapoio sxolio gi` ayta poy eipe xqes o k. Anqimos sth Qessalonikh, ta osa akoysthkan sthn edra toy...


TSIOYFOS: Ejetazei h kybernhsh to endexomeno epibolhs diatimhshs kai se alla proionta, peran twn ladiwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw ti dynatothtes yparxoyn. Antilambanetai kapoios oti se mia sygxronh agora, ta qemata ths diatimhshs ginontai oloena kai pio dyskola, to na mporesei na epiballei diatimhsh. O armodios ypoyrgos exei kanei kapoies dhlwseis. Ean yparxei kati perissotero qa to plhroforhqeite apo ton idio kai qa sas dwsw kai egw symplhrwmatika stoixeia.

GKOYTZANHS: Se sxesh me th diatimhsh k. Ypoyrge, mhpws meta apo tessera xronia katalabe h kybernhsh oti den leitoyrgei h agora kai den mporei o antagwnismos na epiferei ta ofelh poy prepei gia toys katanalwtes, opote epistrecate se pio klasikoys tropoys elegxoy, opws h diatimhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exei anaptyxqei kapoio idiomorfo montelo sthn Ellada. Einai to montelo ths oikonomias poy isxyei se olh thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Den einai, dhladh, mia xwra h opoia akoloyqei kati kai oi ypoloipes 26 xwres kati diaforetiko. Einai ayto to montelo poy akoloyqoyn shmera oles oi dytikes koinwnies, oi dytikes oikonomies. Kai sigoyra to akoloyqoyn oi 27 xwres ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Kata synepeia, einai ena problhma -to opoio syzhthsame para polles fores thn perasmenh ebdomada kai fantazomai oti qa synexisoyme na syzhtoyme- poy antimetwpizei kai h ellhnikh kybernhsh, opws antimetwpizoyn kai oles oi ypoloipes kybernhseis.

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, egeiretai ena zhthma oti yparxei ena problhma sth synergasia anamesa ston k. Fwlia kai ton k. Blaxo. Kapoies plhrofories, malista, lene oti oi sxesh toys einai toso tetamenh, wste den antallassoyn koybenta. Exete eseis ypoch sas se poio pedio kineitai h synergasia toys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Proswpika, exw thn entelws antiqeth eikona.

PALAIOLOGOS: Dhladh, den milane kaqoloy.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Thn entelws antiqeth, eipa. Twra, me prokaleite pali na sas pw oti den katalabate ti apanthsa. Alla, qa symplhrwsw -epeidh to eipate, me to dikio sas, prohgoymenws- oti den exei kamia diaqesh ypotimhshs kanenos eidoys parathrhsh h apanthsh.

PALAIOLOGOS: Oyte kai egw to eipa eirwnika.

KAKALHS: Sto qema ths diatrofikhs krishs hqela na kanw dyo erwthseis. Pws ejhgeite oti toses ebdomades meta to skandalo me to hlielaio den exei entopistei akoma h phgh apo thn opoia prohlqe h noqeysh toy hlielaio. Den exei entopistei akoma o mhxanismos poy ekane ayth th noqeia, me apotelesma na yparxei to aisqhma anasfaleias genikotera stoys katanalwtes kai deyteron, an oi desmeymenes posothtes qa dioxeteyqoyn pali sthn agora.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se o,ti afora to deytero skelos ths erwthshs sas, ennoeitai oti den prokeitai na symbei kati to opoio qa einai antiqeto me ta osa oi episthmones qa eishghqoyn gia th sygkekrimenh ypoqesh. Einai gnwsto oti h episthmonikh koinothta exei parei qesh gia thn epimolynsh me oryktelaio. Ara, loipon, nomizw oti h apanthsh einai aytonohth. Se o,ti afora to prwto, aplws epibebaiwnei th synqetothta twn problhmatwn poy antimetwpizoyme sto sygxrono kosmo. To erwthma poy qesate einai dhladh mia apanthsh oysiastika se osa syzhthqhkan ayto to diasthma: Oti dhladh h sygxronh koinwnia antimetwpizei sygxrona problhmata kai sygxronoys kindynoys poy den gnwrize prin apo liga xronia. Oyte h episthmonikh koinothta, h opoia einai ayth poy qa mas kaqodhghsei sto pws qa kinhqoyme, oyte fysika h politikh hgesia, kapoias apo tis polles eyrwpaikes xwres poy antimetwpisan to problhma. Emeis, pantws, gnwrizete poly kala oti exoyme parei poly sygkekrimenes kai aysthres qeseis den einai aplws systaseis, einai aysthres qeseis- gia th mh xrhsimopoihsh pia sthn agora toy sygkekrimenoy hlielaioy. Exoyn katasxeqei oles oi posothtes, exei apagoreyqei kai h eisagwgh newn sxetikwn posothtwn ews otoy doqoyn apanthseis sta episthmonika erwthmata poy kai eseis qesate.

KAKALHS: Epeidh diabasa kai mia kyriakatikh synenteyjh sas, an moy epitrepete symplhrwmatikes erwthseis, apo pote anakalycate oti kyriarxei h nootropia na perimenoyme ta panta apo mia kybernhsh, oson afora thn antimetwpish ths kerdoskopias; Proeklogika, alla legate kai se kaqe periptwsh legate oti o antagwnismos qa lysei to problhma (den akoygetai)

ROYSOPOYLOS: Otan qa breite tis dhlwseis moy proeklogika, elate sto press room na tis syzhthsoyme. Breite, dhladh, ayto poy lete oti alla elega proeklogika kai elate na ta syzhthsoyme. Edw qa eimai.

KAKALHS: Nai. Kai san kybernhsh qymamai poly kala ti elege o Prwqypoyrgos.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Proeklogika den hmastan kybernhsh, ektos ki an ennoeite tis teleytaies ekloges. Proeklogika, an anafereste sto 2004, hmastan antipoliteysh.

KAKALHS: Tote, ti legate gia thn akribeia; Ayto poy lete twra, oti h nootropia na perimenoyme apo thn kybernhsh ftaiei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa parakalesw na diabasete pali th synenteyjh moy. Me timate, bebaiws, poy th diabasate, alla janakanete ton kopo na diabasate ayto to sygkekrimeno shmeio kai qa anakalycete oti den einai akribws ayto to opoio lete.

KAKALHS: Sthn idia synenteyjh lete oti oi elegktikoi mhxanismoi apoteloyntai apo anqrwpoys. Ti qa legate stoys 250 elegktes toy EFET poy exoyn na antimetwpisoyn 450.000 epixeirhseis;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ti ennoeite, ti qa elega;

KAKALHS: Pws mporoyn na to kanoyn ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oti h eykolh doyleia den einai kanenos. Se kaqe tomea einai bebaio oti xreiazontai perissotera proswpa. Kai ston tomea ths ygeias xreiazontai perissotera proswpa kai sth Dikaiosynh k.o.k.. Giati antistoixws, ypoqeseis sthn ygeia kaqysteroyn perissotero apo o,ti isws qa eprepe. Ston tomea ths Dikaiosynhs, epishs kaqysteroyn ypoqeseis. Ayto, omws, den shmainei oti mporei na ginei ena kratos sto opoio qa einai oloi dhmosioi ypallhloi. Xreiazetai systhmatikh doyleia kai xreiazetai kai zhlos sth doyleia ayth.

KORAH: Dedomenoy oti oi Germanoi, h Deutsche Telekom, en prokeimenw, den distasan na sthsoyn ena kyklwma kataskopeias gia dikoys toys anqrwpoys, dhmosiografoys, stelexh ths etaireias kai dedomenoy oti h kybernhsh yphrje qyma ypoklopwn kai malista kai o idios o Prwqypoyrgos, den qa eprepe na ginoyn kapoies deyteres skeceis se o,ti afora th symfwnia toy OTE me thn Deutsche Telekom;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Moy eteqh h erwthsh kai prohgoymenws me allo tropo kai exw apanthsei.

GKOYTZANHS: Xqes, h efhmerida ``TO PRWTO QEMA'' dhmosieyse mia epistolh toy k. Antwnh Makrodhmhtrh, o opoios einai kaqhghths kai o opoios anefere gia ton k. Paylopoylo oti einai taktikisths, oti einai diglwssos, toy eperripte eyqynes oti kaqysterei h dioikhtikh metarryqmish kai diafora. O k. Makrodhmhtrhs, an den apatwmai, einai symboylos toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia qemata dhmosias dioikhshs. Dhmioyrgeitai kapoio zhthma gia thn kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Swsta ta lete mexri enos shmeioy, dhladh sto oti einai symboylos, bebaiws etsi einai. Diabasa, loipon, thn epistolh poy estalh ston Prwqypoyrgo me hmeromhnia 19 Maioy 2008 kai diabasa kai to antistoixo dhmosieyma poy exei olh thn epistolh. H diafora mas einai oti sto keimeno poy exei stalei ston Prwqypoyrgo, meta to shmeio 6, to shmeio 7 einai teleiws diaforetiko apo ayto poy fainetai sthn efhmerida. Dhladh, den yparxei poyqena sthn epistolh toy k. Makrodhmhtrh ayto to shmeio poy diabasa egw sthn efhmerida. Amesws meta to briefing einai sth diaqesh sas na sas th deijw.

GKOYTZANHS: Thn exoyme kai emeis.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Lew oti exoyme aythn ths efhmeridas kai thn pragmatikh epistolh. Meta thn enhmerwsh, an qelete na sas th deijw.

TSIOYFOS: Na sas rwthsw kati allo, se sxesh me th xqesinh synenteyjh sas. Exete kati sto myalo sas, legontas oti piqanon me ta alla kommata ths Boylhs, an den synainesei to PASOK sto qema ths ekloghs Proedroy ths Dhmokratias na breqei koinh synistwsa;

ROYSOPOYLOS: To Syntagma exei sygkekrimenes kai prosdiorismenes diadikasies poy mas lynei ontws oles tis apories sxetika me thn eklogh Proedroy ths Dhmokratias.

TSIOYFOS: Symfwnoi.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Pantws, einai poly nwris na syzhthsoyme to qema ths ekloghs Proedroy Dhmokratias.

TSIOYFOS: Den exete kati sto myalo sas gia proswpo poy qa odhghsei ta alla kommata se mia synainetikh lysh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh ektima oti h prosfora toy Karoloy Papoylia einai shmantikh sth qesh ayth.

PALAIOLOGOS: Kat` arxhn, na pw oti eseis o idios, me th dhlwsh sas, anoijate qema Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Ennow th xqesinh synenteyjh sas ston ``Typo ths Kyriakhs''. Alla, hqela na rwthsw se sxesh me to qema ths Paideias, h kybernhsh...

ROYSOPOYLOS: To prwto einai parathrhsh;

PALAIOLOGOS: To prwto einai mia parathrhsh, etsi apla, epeidh eipate oti einai prowro na syzhtame gia Proedro ths Dhmokratias, alla eseis to anoijate me th dhlwsh sas.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Osa xronia eimai Ekproswpos Typoy (sxedon oktw ton ariqmo, ta misa sthn antipoliteysh, ta misa sthn kybernhsh), exw synhqisei na apantw stis erwthseis twn dhmosiografwn.

PALAIOLOGOS: Pera apo thn parathrhsh, qa hqela na kanw thn erwthsh: Epeidh diabasa poly kala tis dhlwseis toy k. Paylopoyloy gia to qema ths nomoqetikhs prwtoboylias se sxesh me to qema twn mh kratikwn AEI, efoson eipe oti qa ejantlhsoyme olo to xrono kai oles tis dynatothtes gia na breqei koinos stoxos, skefteste, protiqetai h kybernhsh na pathsei panw se mia gnwmodothsh toy stelexoys toy PASOK Eyaggeloy Benizeloy, se sxesh me th dynatothta idryshs mh kratikwn, mh kerdoskopikwn panepisthmiwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exw tipote perissotero na pw.

PALAIOLOGOS: Ayto shmainei oti peripoy to skefteste. Dhladh, efoson to proanhggeile o k. Paylopoylos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Jekinate me parathrhsh, synexizete me erwthsh kai kanete parathrhsh. Egw, den exw na pw tipota perissotero.

ROYMELIWTHS: Gia tis dhlwseis toy k. Gkroyefski oti ``qa mpoyme sto NATO kai sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh mono ws  Makedonia '', yparxei kapoio sxolio apo thn ellhnikh kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ekana ena sxolio thn Pempth sxetika me ta osa legontai sth geitona xwra kata thn proeklogikh periodo thn opoia diagei. Nomizw oti den xreiazetai na to symplhrwsw h na to beltiwsw. Ta leei ola.

GKOYTZANHS: Qa kanei kai alles periodeies sthn eparxia o Prwqypoyrgos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: O Prwqypoyrgos analoga me ta qemata kai sthn eparxia periodeyei kai diaforoys xwroys episkeptetai, omilei, synomilei k.o.k.

GKOYTZANHS: Sthn perifereia exei kairo na paei. Rwtaw an yparxei kai kapoia proqesh, twra, th stigmh poy milame oxi ean prokycei.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Otan yparxei kati qa anakoinwnetai. Den exw tipota ayth th stigmh.

KAKALHS: H ellhnikh koinwnia einai synthrhtikh eipe o k. Alogoskoyfhs, giati den dexetai tis allages. H aporia moy einai mallon afelhs. Pws mia toso synthrhtikh koinwnia eklegei mia toso proodeytikh kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa parameinei anapanthth h aporia sas.

Sas eyxaristw.

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