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Greek Government Press Briefing, 06-11-10

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>



Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Paraskeyh, 10 Noembrioy 2006

Ariqmos Deltioy: 39989041

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 10 Noembrioy 2006



Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Eidame se kapoia efhmerida oti phgate kai metalabate. Ayto qa arei tis amarties sas;

BLAXOS: Ejomologhqhke. Ejomologhqhkate; Eipate tipota gia mas;

ROYSOPOYLOS: To diabasa kai egw. Den exei sxesh me thn pragmatikothta to qema, alla en pash periptwsei, h pisth toy kaqenos einai proswpiko toy zhthma.

BLAXOS: Qa katebeite sto ypoloipo Attikhs;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Me exete janarwthsei kai sas exw pei oti einai ena qema to opoio den me exei apasxolhsei akomh.

BLAXOS: Qa yparjei nomoqetikh ryqmish apo thn kybernhsh gia na lyqei to problhma me toys symbasioyxoys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Allh nomoqetikh ryqmish, oxi. Yparxei mia nomoqetikh ryqmish thn opoia kai akoloyqoyme. Ayth akoloyqhse  an anafereste, profanws se ayto- kai to anwtato dikasthrio, to Elegktiko Synedrio.

BLAXOS: Epeidh omws yparxei ena megalo problhma, aytoi oi anqrwpoi exoyn proslhfqei, exoyn ergastei kai erxetai to Elegktiko Synedrio kai toys leei oti den qa parete ta lefta gia ta opoia exete ergastei. Ayto den einai adikia; Den prepei h kybernhsh na antimetwpisei ayth thn adikia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den qa ypeiselqw sto sxoliasmo ths apofashs. Ekeino poy qa pw einai oti o nomos htan safhs apo thn prwth stigmh: Proeblepe, dhladh, ton ariqmo twn ananewsewn ews mia dietia gia toys symbasioyxoys. En synexeia yphrjan prosfyges orismenwn symbasioyxwn. Alles kerdhqhkan, alles xaqhkan se o,ti afora ta asfalistika metra kai hrqe to Elegktiko Synedrio prokeimenoy na parei oristikh apofash.

MPOTSARAKOS: Zhtaei h kybernhsh allages stis probleceis toy Syntagmatos me th Syntagmatikh Anaqewrhsh gia tis amoibes twn dikastikwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas qymizw oti o Prwqypoyrgos sth syzhthsh poy eixe ginei sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada, otan paroysiasame tis qeseis mas gia to Syntagma, eixe xarakthristika dhlwsei oti den einai swsto, den einai epitrepto na kaqorizetai h eisodhmatikh politikh apo dikastikes apofaseis. Ayto, loipon, einai ws problhmatismos edw kai para poly kairo stis skeceis ths Neas Dhmokratias.

PAPADHMHTRIOY: Se periptwsh omws poy symbei ayto sth Syntagmatikh Anaqewrhsh, qa isxysei apo to 2009 kai meta. Skeftetai h kybernhsh na kanei kati amesa gi` ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qesmikh einai h parembash poy mporei na kanei h kybernhsh. Den yparxei alloy eidoys parembash.

KAKALHS: An o Prwqypoyrgos hqele na qesei terma sthn eklogologia, giati den ebgaine eyqews kai dhmosia na pei ston ellhniko lao oti oi ekloges qa ginoyn sto telos ths tetraetias kai protimhse mia anepishmh syzhthsh me toys dhmosiografoys kai mia asafh, kata th gnwmh moy, dhlwsh gia to pote qa ginoyn oi ekloges;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa parakaloysa toys synergates moy na promhqeysoyn ston k. Kakalh thn eyqeia kai dhmosia dhlwsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy, thn prwth Kyriakh twn eklogwn kai en synexeia kai mia deyterh dhmosia parembash toy poy anaferetai, me kathgorhmatiko tropo, stis ekloges toy 2008.

KAKALHS: Mporeite na peite kaqara oti oi ekloges qa ginoyn sto telos ths tetraetias;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Me exete rwthsei toses polles fores poy pragmatika aporw giati me janarwtate.

KAKALHS: Den einai apanthsh omws.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Pws den einai; Exw hdh apanthsei polles fores sthn erwthsh sas.

BLAXOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, qa hqela na rwthsw kati allo. Yparxoyn dyo apofaseis misqodikeioy. H mia leei oti o misqos twn dikastikwn qa einai bash mias amoibhs enos megaloy stelexoys, megalhs etaireias thlefwnikhs kai mia deyterh apofash poy leei oti o Proedros toy Areioy Pagoy qa exei misqo iso me to misqo toy Genikoy Dieyqynth toy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn. H kybernhsh poia apo tis dyo qa ylopoihsei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh, opws gnwrizete, akoloyqei mia aysthrh dhmosionomikh politikh, dioti h xwra antimetwpizei mia seira apo oikonomika problhmata. Den htan stis proqeseis ths kybernhshs - oyte einai stis proqeseis ths sthn politikh ths dhladh - na yparjei mia seira epayjhsewn se kathgories h sta posa ta opoia diabasa aytes tis hmeres. Gnwrizete poly kala, loipon, poia einai h qesh ths kybernhshs.

BLAXOS: Dikaiwqhkan, omws, oi anqrwpoi sta dikasthria. Kai yphrxe kai h apofash toy misqodikeioy, toy opoioy h leitoyrgia problepetai apo to Syntagma.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Bebaiws, den to amfisbhtei kanenas. Gi' ayto kai sebomaste th Dikaiosynh h opoia einai mia diakrith ejoysia, to exoyme pei polles fores edw, to exoyn pei kai alloi sto dhmosio bio. Den prokeitai na sxoliasw thn apofash, aplws lew poia einai h qesh ths kybernhshs. Thn eipe xqes me poly analytiko tropo, allwste, o k. Antwnaros.

BLAXOS: Nai, alla qa prepei na dwsete kai ta xrhmata omws, etsi; Dhladh qa ta dwsete ta xrhmata kai basei poias apofashs qa dwsete ta xrhmata; Giati edw gennatai kai to qema an kybernhsh qa anoijei to poygki ths na dwsei kai ta xrhmata.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Xrhmata, opws jerete, dyskola yparxoyn. Ginetai mia prospaqeia apo oloys toys Ellhnes polites wste na mporesoyme na antapejelqoyme se ypoxrewseis poy exei analabei h xwra apo to parelqon me bash eyrwpaikes synqhkes  orqws tis exei analabei h xwra  prokeimenoy na meiwqei to elleimma, na mporesoyme na ayjhsoyme thn antagwnistikothta ths oikonomias k.o.k. Oloi oi Ellhnes polites kanoyn qysies.

BLAXOS: Nai, alla gia thn katantia ths oikonomias eyqynontai oi politikoi. Kai ayth th stigmh erxeste eseis, oi politikoi  kai den lew esas ton Roysopoylo h th Nea Dhmokratia, to synolo toy politikoy kosmoy  na lete ston Ellhna polith oti esy 'Ellhna polith para to gegonos oti de ftais plhrwneis to marmaro.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ayto to opoio leme ston Ellhna polith einai oti emeis sebomaste toys kopoys kai tis qysies toy, den proxwrame se alogistes paroxes -ayto einai kati to opoio exete dei sthn prajh - den proxwrame se spatalh dhmosioy xrhmatos. Kai milw me sygkekrimenes ekfraseis giati kaqe mia exei anafora ston tomea ths. Dhladh den mporei na pei kaneis oti h kybernhsh ayth spatala dhmosio xrhma ayjanontas alogista proypologismoys ypoyrgeiwn h organismwn. Kai yp' ayth thn ennoia sebomaste apolytws toys kopoys twn Ellhnwn politwn.

BLAXOS: Sas ypenqymizw pantws oti exete pei oti oi desmeyseis poy exete analabei qa isxysoyn se baqos tetraetias. Ara, dhladh ...

ROYSOPOYLOS: Isxyoyn akribws kai exoyme pei oti ws to telos ths tetraetias oi desmeyseis mas isxyoyn kai ginetai megalh prospaqeia na ginoyn prajh. Ayth einai h xarakthristikh frash, thn opoia exw pei polles fores edw.

BLAXOS: To exete pei kai ston k. Alogoskoyfh ayto; Giati o k. Alogoskoyfhs leei gia aytosygkrathsh gi' ayto rwtw.

MPOTSARAKOS: Otan lete oti den yparxoyn xrhmata gia tetoies paroxes stoys ariqmoys poy eidate, poy oi ariqmoi apotypwnoyn tis dikastikes apofaseis, shmainei oti h kybernhsh exei periqwria na mhn efarmosei tis dikastikes apofaseis gia tis amoibes twn dikastikwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Einai ena qema to opoio qa prepei na epejergastoyn ta armodia ypoyrgeia. Einai ena poly lepto nomiko zhthma. Den exw na sas dwsw perissoteres kai leptomereis ejhghseis se ayto. Antilambanomai to endiaferon poy exei. Ekeino poy qa hqela na sygkrathsete sth mnhmh sas einai h politikh topoqethsh poy egine kai xqes kai shmera se o,ti afora ayth thn ypoqesh.

SIDERHS: Epeidh den exw katalabei, oi symbasioyxoi qa breqoyn sto dromo kai qa kindyneysoyn na xasoyn kai ta dedoyleymena toys; Nai h oxi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti aytos o nomos isxyei edw kai dyo xronia. Osoi loipon ergasthkan me aytes tis synqhkes, gnwrizan apo thn arxh - kai den toys aifnidiase kanenas  oti qa ypogracoyn symbaseis ergoy gia dyo xronia. Ayto to opoio leei o nomos, ayto kai threitai. Den antilambanomai loipon giati xrhsimopoieite ekfraseis oi opoies fortizoyn to koinwniko synolo, dhmioyrgoyn omws ceydh eikona. Ean eseis k. Siderh ypogracete me to SKAI ena symbolaio dyo etwn, sta dyo xronia o idiokthths toy staqmoy, o dieyqynths toy staqmoy qa kanei mia syzhthsh mazi sas ean qa ananewqei h oxi. Den einai aytonohto oti qa meinete 22 h 32 xronia wspoy na parete syntajh. Yparxei loipon, epiteloys, mia entimh antimetwpish twn symbasioyxwn apo thn Politeia, poy den yphrxe sto parelqon. Dioti sto parelqon  kai ayto ennooysame otan legame gia omhria  h politikh ejoysia, h kybernhsh kratoyse tis symbaseis, tis ananewne kata to dokoyn, wste enas ergazomenos na einai omhros. Emeis hrqame kai lysame ayto to problhma. Eipame telos sthn omhria. Xarakthristika paradeigmata eida sthn ERT, sxedon 1500 atoma monimopoihqhkan, milame gia synadelfoys sas, oi opoioi htan antapokrites 20 xronia me symbaseis ergoy. Epiteloys lyqhke ayto to qema. Dhladh den mporei na dexqw oti enas anqrwpos o opoios ergazetai epi 20 xronia me ananeoymenes symbaseis ergoy, den einai proswpiko to opoio kalyptei pagies kai diarkeis anagkes. Ayto to dexqhke h kybernhsh me pragmatismo. Eipame ta pragmata me to onoma toys. To lysame ayto to problhma. Kai o nomos o opoios ftiaxthke, dinei me kaqaro tropo ston opoiodhpote symbasioyxo na gnwrizei ejarxhs oti apo th stigmh poy ypografei mia symbash ayth exei hmeromhnia lhjhs. Aplws, ayto poy egine twra einai oti thrhqhke o nomos. Oti epiteloys h hmeromhnia lhjhs threitai. Den sas lew oti einai eyxaristo na menei kapoios ektos doyleias. Alla apo thn allh pleyra, qa anagnwrisete se ayth thn kybernhsh thn entimothta oti ekane ena nomo poy elyse problhmata pollwn etwn. Kai milhse me entimothta stoys ergazomenoys, legontas apo edw kai pera oti ``an qelhsete na kanete mia symbash ergoy me thn tade epixeirhsh toy Dhmosioy, na jerete oti ayth qa diarkei toso kai oxi perissotero''.

MPOTSARAKOS: Na ypoqesw apo thn apanthsh poy dwsate gia tis ayjhseis twn dikastikwn oti to idio isxyei kai gia tis ayjhseis twn boyleytwn poy einai synartwmenes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Epanalambanw oti den htan kai den einai stis proqeseis ths kybernhshs na ayjhsei toys misqoys twn boyleytwn.

KAKALHS: To montelo Tsoytsoplidh, toy Genikoy Grammatea Apasxolhshs, gia oligh syntajh kai merikh ergasia einai metajy twn metarryqmisewn poy eipe o Prwqypoyrgos oti ginontai apodektes apo to lao kai pote qa to efarmosei ayto h kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Agnow to montelo poy moy lete. Lypamai poy den mporw na parw qesh sto erwthma sas.

KAKALHS: Den exete parakoloyqhsei - einai kai prwtoselido shmera  tis xqesines dhlwseis toy Grammatea toy Ypoyrgeioy Apasxolhshs;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Eilikrina sas lew oti den to gnwrizw, opote den mporw na parw qesh.

KAKALHS: Mporeite omws na peite gia thn allh topoqethsh, toy k. Alogoskoyfh, oti oloi qa pane sta 65, dhladh akoma kai osoi ergazontai sta barea kai anqygieina kai oi mhteres anhlikwn kai osoi exoyn 35etia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Me olo to sebasmo se oloys sas, gnwrizete poly kala oti eimai epifylaktikos sto pws metaferontai dhlwseis allwn ypoyrgwn. An o k. Alogoskoyfhs exei kanei mia dhlwsh, eimai bebaios oti ayth h dhlwsh exei pisw ths ena baqos kai mia barythta kai den exw kanena logo na thn amfisbhthsw.

KAKALHS: Eiste sigoyros oti metaferqhkan swsta oi dhlwseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy xqes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Apolytws, giati allwste jekinhsa legontas oti exw empistosynh stoys dhmosiografoys. Akoma.

BLAXOS: Gia th synanthsh, shmera, toy Prwqypoyrgoy qa mas peite; Giati synanthqhke me ton Proedro ths gallikhs Trapezas;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw kati perissotero. Mporw na maqw kai na sas enhmerwsw to apogeyma.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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