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Greek Government Press Briefing, 06-11-03

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>



Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Paraskeyh, 3 Noembrioy 2006

Ariqmos Deltioy: 38843804

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 3 Noembrioy 2006



Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Pws krinete thn paramonh toy yfypoyrgoy Ygeias k. Kwnstantopoyloy se ekpomph, h opoia paroysiase maqhtiko porno ypo to prosxhma oti edine apodeijeis gia thn parabatikh symperifora twn maqhtwn kai nomimopoihse etsi thn paroysiash ayths ths ekpomphs;

ANTWNAROS: Prokeitai gia dika sas sxolia kai dikh sas analysh. O Prwqypoyrgos k. Kwstas Karamanlhs, apo thn prwth stigmh kai me thn eyaisqhsia poy diakrinei ton idio kai fysika ola ta melh ths kybernhshs ths opoias einai epikefalhs, edwse entolh ston armodio yfypoyrgo k. Giwrgo Kwnstantopoylo na synanthqei me th mhtera ths kopelas kai thn idia thn kopela kai na kanei o,ti einai aparaithto. Opws gnwrizete osoi apo esas htan parontes edw, proxqes Tetarth, se mia atyph syzhthsh poy eixame amesws meta thn enhmerwsh, sas eixa proanaggeilei ayth th synanthsh, h opoia kai egine xqes to prwi sto grafeio toy k. Kwnstantopoyloy. Apo thn ellhnikh Politeia poy ekproswpei o k. Kwnstantopoylos, me thn idiaiterh eyaisqhsia poy diakrinei kai ton idio, ginetai o,ti epiballetai, wste na amblynqoyn oi synepeies aytoy toy poly dysarestoy peristatikoy. Qa gnwrizete, epishs, oti shmera to prwi pragmatopoihqhke, me entolh ths Ypoyrgoy Paideias k. Mariettas Giannakoy, synanthsh ths mhteras kai ths 16xronhs maqhtrias me toys eidikoys grammateis diapolitismikhs ekpaideyshs kai prwtobaqmias kai deyterobaqmias ekpaideyshs. Oi ekproswpoi ths politikhs hgesias toy Ypoyrgeioy meteferan pros th mhtera ths maqhtrias to proswpiko endiaferon ths Ypoyrgoy kai fysika ths kybernhshs gia thn ejasfalish olwn twn proypoqesewn gia thn peraiterw omalh sxolikh poreia ths maqhtrias.

SIDERHS: Oydeis antilegei ws pros ayto kai einai pros timhn sas. Egw rwthsa gia thn eyqykrisia toy k. Yfypoyrgoy.

ANTWNAROS: Eimai bebaios oti den qelete na amfisbhthsete oti prepei na akoystei, se ena tetoio poly dysaresto symban kai h apoch ths Politeias. Fantazomai oti kai eseis o idios qa epikrinate ton k. Kwnstantopoylo ean den eixe topoqethqei o idios.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, qa hqela na moy peite, pws antimetwpizei h kybernhsh th nea toyrkikh torpilh, h opoia aperrice telika thn protash ths finlandikhs Proedrias gia trimerhs sto Elsinki. O k. Gkioyl malista, se dhlwseis toy, epekrine thn Aqhna ws thn aitia aytoy toy nayagioy.

ANTWNAROS: Ep` aytoy, topoqethqhke xqes, opws gnwrizete, me diejodikh dhlwsh ths h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn k. Ntora Mpakogiannh, dieykrinizontas malista oti h Ellada oydepote prosklhqhke se ayth thn atyph synanthsh. Allwste, den yphrxe kanenas logos gi` ayto. Diabazw apo th dhlwsh ths k. Mpakogiannh: ``Ean h Ellada eprokeito na symmetasxei se mia syzhthsh gia ton Kanonismoy Emporioy Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs-toyrkokypriakhs Koinothtas, qa to ekane opws problepetai apo tis diadikasies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs sta armodia organa ths mazi me ta loipa krath-melh. Epomenws, h Ellada oyte proseklhqh, oyte allwste eteqh pote tetoio qema'', katalhgei h k. Mpakogiannh.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Kata thn apoch sas ayth h adiallakth synexizomenh toyrkikh qesh ti epiptwseis mporei na exei gia thn entajiakh ths poreia, afoy se liges hmeres qa breqei enwpios enwpiwn twn 25.

ANTWNAROS: Einai gnwsto oti h Toyrkia exei analabei sygkekrimenes desmeyseis enanti ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs stis opoies kai prepei na antapokriqei plhrws.

KAKALHS: Wraia h eyaisqhsia toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia thn dekaejaxronh gia na amblynqoyn oi synepeies aytoy toy dysarestoy peristatikoy, opws eipate, o Prwqypoyrgos exei thn eyaisqhsia na topoqethqei apenanti se ayton ton polemo lasphs kai ejaqliwshs apo th meria twn kanaliwn ayton ton thlekanibalismo twn teleytaiwn hmerwn. H kybernhsh den qa parei qesh apenanti se ayth thn katastash; Politikh qesh ennow kai oxi na parapemcei sto ERS.

ANTWNAROS: Ola osa eipa qetoyn me safhneia to plaisio mesa sto opoio h kybernhsh antimetwpizei to sygkekrimeno qema.

KAKALHS: Pisteyetai dhladh oti o thlediasyrmos bohqaei na fwtistoyn ta gegonota aytoy toy dysarestoy peristatikoy;

ANTWNAROS: Den mporw na sas apagoreysw na ermhneysete ta osa eipa me ton tropo poy eseis prokrinete. Alla qelw na pisteyw oti h pleiochfia twn synadelfwn sas qa ta sxoliasei, qa ta analysei diaforetika.

KAKALHS: Den apodokimazete kan ayton ton thlekanibalismo.

ANTWNAROS: Sas eipa oti prokeitai gia ena poly dysaresto symban poy anagetai sthn proswpikh sfaira atomwn. Kai ola ta qemata poy anagontai sthn proswpikh sfaira atomwn prepei na ta antimetwpizei kaneis me idiaiterh eyaisqhsia kai me poly megalh diakritikothta.

KAKALHS: Blepete ayth h stash na threitai apo ta kanalia;

ANTWNAROS: O,ti eixa na pw, to eipa.

MAYRIDHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, eseis hsaste kai dhmosiografos. Qa meinw ligo sto qema. Qa yioqetoysate tetoia praktikh;

ANTWNAROS: Den prokeitai na kanw allo sxolio. Egw den eimai pia dhmosiografos. Eimai Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos. Kai ws Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos topoqetoymai se ayth thn aiqoysa.

MAYRIDHS: Me thn prohgoymenh idiothta sas ws dhmosiografos.

ANTWNAROS: Den thn exw pleon.

KAKALHS: Thn exei apokhryjei.

ANTWNAROS: Den xrhsimopoihsa fysika egw ayth th lejh.

SIDERHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, shmera h efhmerida ``EQNOS'' paraqetei stoixeia apo thn omilia toy Prwqypoyrgoy to 2005 gia thn ejwterikh politikh kai thn omilia th xqesinh kai eidame panomoiotypes ekfraseis. Dyo tina mporei na symbainoyn. Eite oti h ejwterikh politikh telei en akinhsia kai etsi mas kanan oi fraseis toy 2005 gia na tis xrhsimopoihsoyme kai xqes, eite bariontoysan aytoi poy grafoyn to logo toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Exete trith apoch, yparxei ermhneia;

ANTWNAROS: Ekeinos poy epanalambanei ta idia kai ta idia einai o k. Papandreoy. O Prwqypoyrgos toy apanthse me tis qeseis ths kybernhshs gia thn ejwterikh politikh poy einai pagies, staqeres, jekaqares.

SMYRNHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, yparxei shmera mia entonh fhmologia oti yparxei mia nea kontra stoys kolpoys ths kybernhshs, metajy toy k. Polydwra kai toy oikonomikoy epiteleioy gia to epidoma epikindynothtas sta Swmata Asfaleias. Malista, yparxei fhmologia oti o k. Polydwras einai ejallos kai qelei na synanthqei me ton Prwqypoyrgo gia to qema ayto.

ANTWNAROS: Den sxoliazw fhmologies. Den gnwrizw tipota sxetika me osa moy metaferete.

SPYRAKH: Pera apo tis fhmologies yparxei mia dhlwsh toy k. Polydwra poy xqes to brady eipe se synanthsh oti diakatexetai apo enagwnia aisiodojia, gia ton tropo me ton opoio qa ejelixqei to 8% poy ws epidoma eixe anakoinwqei prin apo thn DEQ. Exete na dwsete mia ejhghsh sto ti akribws shmainei enagwnia aisiodojia;

ANTWNAROS: Oxi, den exw kamia. Jerete oti kata thn proetoimasia toy proypologismoy oi ypoyrgoi briskontai se synexh epafh me to oikonomiko epiteleio ths kybernhshs, prokeimenoy ola ta megeqh na oristikopoihqoyn. Den einai kati kainoyrgio ayto. Den ginetai prwth fora.

SPYRAKH: H deyterh erwthsh k. Ekproswpe, afora sto xrono ston opoio qa katateqei to nomosxedio gia thn allagh toy tropoy leitoyrgias twn AEI. Exei kati neotero na mas pei h kybernhsh ep' aytoy;

ANTWNAROS: Isxyoyn ola osa exw pei kat' epanalhch ayth thn ebdomada. Den yparxei kati kainoyrgio.

SPYRAKH: H metarryqmish paramenei proteraiothta ths kybernhshs;

ANTWNAROS: To eipa me poly jekaqaro tropo proxqes thn Tetarth kai to epanalambanw gia mia akomh fora: H metarryqmish proxwraei. Den yparxei oyte anabolh, oyte anastolh twn sxediwn ths kybernhshs.

KAKALHS: Pisteyete oti h apofash ths ADAE na mhn proxwrhsei se elegxoys sthn etairia Ericsson, syndeetai me enan tropo kai me thn apofash ths kybernhshs na stamathsei thn epitroph ths Boylhs gia to qema;

ANTWNAROS: H ADAE, opws gnwrizete, einai Anejarthth Arxh. Den sxoliazw tis apofaseis twn Anejarthtwn Arxwn.

KAKALHS: To politiko mhnyma omws htan safes apo thn apofash ths kybernhshs. Dhladh na koykoylwqei h ypoqesh.

ANTWNAROS: Me opoiondhpote tropo kai ean me rwthsete, den prokeitai na topoqethqw epi apofasewn Anejarthtwn Arxwn. Jerete to nomiko plaisio entos toy opoioy leitoyrgoyn oi Anejarthtes Arxes sthn xwra mas.

MAYRIDHS: O Prwqypoyrgos exei programmatisei ena tajidi sto Londino stis 20 toy mhnos. Qa metabei;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw kati pros anakoinwsh. Molis oristikopoihqei to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy qa enhmerwqeite.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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