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Greek Government Press Briefing, 05-06-21

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 21 Ioynioy 2005





O Prwqypoyrgos, ayrio stis 10.30, qa milhsei sthn pro hmerhsias diatajews syzhthsh me qema thn politikh ths kybernhshs sto zhthma ths apasxolhshs twn gynaikwn, meta apo sxetikh protash ths G.G. toy KKE.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

TSIODRAS: H erwthsh moy afora tis apergies poy kanoyn oi trapezoypallhloi kai gi` ayth poy exei programmatisei h GSEE thn Paraskeyh: An h kybernhsh meta apo aytes tis apofaseis poy exoyn parei ta syndikata einai diateqeimenh na epanejetasei kapoies pleyres twn ryqmisewn poy exei kataqesei h ths politikhs ths.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oi ergazomenoi askoyn to nomimo dikaiwma toys. H kybernhsh epi seira ebdomadwn -kai mhnwn se orismenes periptwseis- exei syzhthsei ayta ta qemata. Katalhjame sthn tropologia, h opoia exei hdh katateqei kai qa proxwrhsei.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, oi ergazomenoi lene oti den egine dialogos gia oles aytes tis ergasiakes allages kai eidika gia to qema toy Tameioy twn Trapezwn. Den egine dialogos me oloys toys endiaferomenoys.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Eidika gia to qema toy Tameioy twn Trapezwn, gnwrizete poly kala oti yparxei enas nomos: o nomos toy k. Reppa, o opoios epiballei thn entajh olwn sto IKA apo to 2008 kai meta.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kai epeidh to ekane o k. Reppas eiste ypoxrewmenoi na to efarmosete;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Einai enas nomos o opoios th xronikh stigmh poy syntaxqhke, bohqhse oysiastika sto na proxwrhsei h lysh enos kommatioy toy megaloy problhmatos poy antimetwpizoyn ta asfalistika twn Trapezwn. Me th nea ryqmish poy ginetai, didetai pragmatika wqhsh sta tameia kai bohqoyntai, wste na mhn exoyn peraiterw megalytera problhmata.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Qa proxwrhsete kai sthn entajh kai twn ergazomenwn stis DEKO sto idio kaqestws, sto IKA;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den yparxei kati tetoio.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Pros to paron h den yparxei kaqoloy;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den yparxei kati tetoio.

XADOYLHS: Exete kapoio sxolio gia th xqesinh anakoinwsh ths FIFA poy ekfrazei kapoia anhsyxia gia politikh antiparaqesh metajy EPO kai Ypoyrgeioy Aqlhtismoy;


TSIODRAS: Eipate oti den yparxei kati tetoio. Yparxei sxedio poy exei steilei h kybernhsh sthn Komision gia thn entajh twn DEKO sto IKA;

ROYSOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh exei syzhthsei me thn Komision gia to qema toy asfalistikoy twn trapezwn.

TSIODRAS: Mono ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Opws eixe syzhthqei kai gia ton OTE.

SOYGLERHS: Oles aytes oi tropologies qa chfistoyn me thn paroysa Boylh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Nai. Exei katartistei nomosxedio poy qa katateqei sthn Olomeleia, isws kai ayth thn ebdomada.

KAKALHS: H kybernhsh, ektos apo metra kai politikes poy na metakylyoyn ta barh stoys ergazomenoys kai stoys oikonomika asqenesteroys, den exei ypoch ths kanena allo metro; Giati mexri twra kanena metro den exei lhfqei yper twn ergazomenwn kai twn oikonomika asqenesterwn.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Nomizw oti den parakoloyqeite to ergo ths kybernhshs. Gia paradeigma, h ypoqesh toy LAFKA einai ena poly shmantiko metro poy enisxyei toys pragmatika adynamoys syntajioyxoys. Yparxei kai mia seira allwn metrwn poy exoyn lhfqei, opws h ejeyresh newn qesewn ergasias kai apasxolhshs, h enisxysh newn prwtoboyliwn, eite aforoyn se gynaikes -gia tis opoies yparxoyn eidika programmata- eite se andres gia na anoijoyn epixeirhseis h prokeitai gia metra poy bohqoyn tis mikromesaies epixeirhseis.

KAKALHS: Ayto poy blepoyn oi ergazomenoi einai oti systhmatika jhlwnontai dikaiwmata kai katakthseis poy eixan, eite sto asfalistiko, eite stis ergasiakes sxeseis apo thn kybernhsh ths Neas Dhmokratias.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den jerw ean qewreite katakthsh to 116% epi toy basikoy misqoy sth syntajh, wstoso yparxoyn kai zhthmata poy exoyn na kanoyn me biwsimothta twn tameiwn. Ean, loipon, den skeftei kaneis to ayrio, tote antilambaneste oti to ayrio qa einai poly xeirotero apo to shmera. Ypo ayth thn ennoia, h kybernhsh kalese toys trapezoypallhloys na skeftoyn to ayrio, to opoio afora toso toys idioys, oso kai tis epomenes genees. Afora ta paidia toys, afora thn eqnikh oikonomia.

KAKALHS: Den kalese omws kai toys trapezites, oi opoioi exoyn terastia kerdh mexri twra.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanete laqos. Oi trapezes qa plhrwsoyn ena poly shmantiko pososto, etsi wste to tameio ayto na proxwrhsei swsta. Parakalw na diabasete prosektika th ryqmish.

Sas eyxaristw.

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