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Greek Government Press Briefing, 05-06-07

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 7 Ioynioy 2005





Oloklhrwqhke, prin apo ligo, h synedriash ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs me qema syzhthshs to sxedio nomoy poy paroysiase o Ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs, k. Boylgarakhs, gia th dhmioyrgia toy Kentroy Meletwn Asfaleias, to opoio qa ajiopoiei ena kommati ths olympiakhs klhronomias toy 2004 kai qa einai nomiko proswpo idiwtikoy dikaioy. To Kentro Meletwn Asfaleias qa leitoyrgei se synergasia me polles xwres prokeimenoy na metadoqei h empeiria poy apekthse h Ellhnikh Astynomia kata thn proetoimasia kai kata th diarkeia twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Hdh, opws gnwrizete, o Ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs k. Boylgarakhs, exei polles epafes me eyrwpaikes kai alles xwres, etsi wste na proxwrhsoyn kapoies symfwnies gia thn ajiopoihsh ths empeirias ayths. Leptomereis dhlwseis exei kanei o k. Boylgarakhs ejerxomenos toy Megaroy Majimoy.

Qa kanw mia mikrh anafora, me aformh ta osa sas eipa kai xqes, gia thn ypoqesh ths lymatolasphs. To YPEXWDE exei syzhthsei arketes fores me toys dhmarxoys kai exei ftasei se kapoioy eidoys synainesh. Gnwrizete oloi oti o eisaggeleas eixe kalesei xqes, ws ofeile -gia logoys dhmosias ygeias kai afoy prohgoymenws o eniaios Syndesmos Dhmwn kai Koinothtwn toy Nomoy Attikhs toy eixe steilei epistolh- toys dhmarxoys kai syzhthse mazi toys mia lysh poy breqhke me th synainesh toy YPEXWDE. To YPEXWDE ayrio exei kalesei oloys toys dhmarxoys h ekproswpoys toy syndesmoy toys, na metaboyn sth Qessalonikh gia na diapistwsoyn kai oi idioi sthn prajh oti to systhma jhranshs poy leitoyrgei ekei edw kai tria xronia einai apolytws petyxhmeno. Den dhmioyrgei kanena problhma kai einai kata ta protypa ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Antistoixws qa ginei kai sthn Aqhna, opws sas anakoinwsa xqes. O ypoyrgos PEXWDE to exei pei polles fores aytes tis hmeres.

Ayrio, o Prwqypoyrgos qa milhsei sthn olomeleia ths Boylhs sthn pro hmerhsias diatajews syzhthsh me qema: Anaptyjh, apasxolhsh kai koinwnikh synoxh.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

BLAXOS: O k. Regkoyzas eipe alhqeia h cemata;

TSIODRAS: Sxetika me ton k. Regkoyza, einai h erwthsh moy, kapws diaforetikh ap` oti th diatypwse o synadelfos@

BLAXOS: As mas apanthsei prwta se ayto.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Amesws meta kyrie Blaxo, giati edwsa to logo ston k. Tsiodra.

TSIODRAS: An to 1,3 dis. poy eipe o k. Regkoyzas einai ontws ewlo opws o idios eipe.

ROYSOPOYLOS: O k. Regkoyzas, opws gnwrizete, anaferqhke sthn problech poy eixe ginei gia ton Proypologismo toy 2004, dhladh sthn problech poy eixe kanei h kybernhsh toy PASOK. Oi probleceis aytes -opws eixame thn eykairia na apotypwsoyme sta prwta stoixeia ths apografhs, to perasmeno fqinopwro- htan yperbolikes. H apografh, oloklhrwqhke ton Febroyario toy 2005, opote kai anakoinwqhke to akribes elleimma. H kybernhsh to Septembrio meiwse ta plasmatika esoda, poy eixe problecei h kybernhsh toy PASOK, kata 700 ekatommyria eyrw. To Martio, anagnwrisame dhmosiws anagnwrisame thn ysterhsh kai gi` ayto proxwrhsame se mia dysaresth apofash opws thn eixa xarakthrisei kai tote kai thn lew kai twra: Thn ayjhsh toy FPA, kata 1%. H kybernhsh yphrje kai einai apolytws eilikrinhs. Kai gi` ayto einai mia akomh apodeijh oti threi ta ypesxhmena. Kai bebaiws se kamia periptwsh ayth h kybernhsh den kanei dhmioyrgikh logistikh.

BLAXOS: Me sygxwreite. Poy to katalabate oti o k. Regkoyzas anaferotan sto PASOK, giati emeis poy diabasame kai akoysame th dhlwsh toy, den leei tipota gia to PASOK. Sth synexeia leei gia to PASOK ki eseis bebaia shmera.

ROYSOPOYLOS: O k. Regkoyzas, opws gnwrizete, anaferqhke ston proypologismo toy 2004, poy eixe sxediasei to PASOK.

BLAXOS: Pantws, dhmioyrgei problhma sthn kybernhsh kai ston k. Karamanlh h anafora ayth toy k. Regkoyza h oxi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: To gegonos oti o proypologismos toy 2004, opws kai oi prohgoymenoi proypologismoi toy PASOK, eixan megalh dosh plastothtas. Einai kati to opoio apodeixqhke peritrana me thn apografh alla kai poy eixe epishmanqei apo tis armodies yphresies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

BLAXOS: Ara, den yparxei qema Regkoyza. Ayto mas lete. Paramenei sth qesh toy.

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ypoyrge, me sygxwreite. Otan o armodios Yfypoyrgos gia ta esoda toy kratoys leei oti ston proypologismo enegrafh ena poso, to 1,3 dis to opoio eixame plhrh epignwsh oti den qa to eisprattame, ayto anaferetai ston proypologismo poy ektelese h kybernhsh toy PASOK;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Diabasa thn anakoinwsh toy k. Regkoyza h opoia einai safhs. Ayto to opoio moy lete den anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh, oyte stis dhlwseis poy exei kanei.

SPYRAKH: Me sygxwreite alla anaferqhke eis ephkoon 15 synadelfwn.

GKOYTZANHS: Kai katonomase ton k. Doyka.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oyte ayto, epishs, einai safes. Oyte ayto anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh toy k. Regkoyza.

BLAXOS: Einai diorqwtikh anakoinwsh. Milate gia th diorqwtikh anakoinwsh toy k. Regkoyza.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Einai anakoinwsh poy doqhke xqes to apogeyma.

BLAXOS: Ayth thn opoian ejedwse o k. Regkoyzas gia na mazecei to qema poy eixe dhmioyrghsei o idios meta apo thlefwnhma poy toy egine apo to Megaro Majimoy.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Menw se ayta poy eipe sthn anakoinwsh toy o k. Regkoyzas.

BLAXOS: Dhladh, oysiastika den hjere ti elege thn prwth fora, ayto mas lete;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas apanthsa.

BLAXOS: Me sygxwreite, kyrie Ekproswpe, den teleiwsa.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Mhn monopwleite. Qa sas janadwsw ton logo.

BLAXOS: Einai poly shmantiko o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos na leei: Egw menw sth diorqwtikh anakoinwsh, ara qewrw kata th dikh moy logikh @ dhladh qewrei o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos- oti o k. Regkoyzas den hjere ti elege sth synenteyjh toy me toys dhmosiografoys.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kai mono an dextw ton epiqetiko prosdiorismo ``diorqwtikh anakoinwsh'' opws to anaferete, einai ws na exw dextei oti exei proyparjei allh anakoinwsh. Den exei proyparjei allh anakoinwsh. O k. Regkoyzas ekane aythn thn anakoinwsh to apogeyma, parakoloyqwntas ta reportaz kai pws metadidontoysan kapoioy eidoys dhlwseis toy. Ayto loipon, poy apotelei anakoinwsh toy Yfypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn, einai ayto sto opoio menw.

PYROBOLAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, ayto poy eipate gia thn Ellhnikh Astynomia, dhladh h EL.AS. qa bohqhsei thn Kina gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: O Ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs k. Boylgarakhs diejagei syzhthseis me thn kybernhsh ths Kinas gia kapoioy eidoys synergasia gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2008. Oi syzhthseis aytes den exoyn akomh oloklhrwqei, briskontai se ejelijh.

PYROBOLAKH: Qa paei kapoia omada ekei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ej oswn gnwrizw, erxontai apo thn Kina kapoioi ypeyqynoi asfaleias kai qa metabei kai kapoia omada toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajhs sthn Kina.

PYROBOLAKH: H omada poy qa erqei apo thn Kina qa ekpaideytei apo thn EL.AS.;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den mporei na gnwrizw leptomereies. Sas eipa oti yparxoyn kapoioy eidoys syzhthseis gia symfwnies. Apo ekei kai pera to Ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs, otan oloklhrwsei aytes tis syzhthseis qa anakoinwsei tis symfwnies stis leptomereies toys.

TSIODRAS: Sxetika me ton k. Regkoyza. Pws einai dynaton dekapente atoma poy htan ekei na katalaban laqos. An htan mia plhroforia poy dhmosieyetai mporei na einai laqos. Dekapente atoma katalaban laqos, sxetika me to ti ennooyse o k. Regkoyzas kai xreiasthke meta apo dyo wres diorqwtikh anakoinwsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se oti, afora sto qema ths diorqwtikhs anakoinwshs, exw hdh apanthsei. Oson afora sto prwto skelos ths erwthshs sas, einai profanes oti den eimai armodios na sas apanthsw.

TSIODRAS: Nai, alla eiste Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, omws kai lete oti milhse gia to 2004. Dekapente anqrwpoi akoysan laqos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den eimai armodios na sas apanthsw.

TSIODRAS: Sxetika me thn apografh. Lete oti oloklhrwqhke to Febroyario toy 2005. Mexri shmera h kybernhsh eixe dhlwsei oti oloklhrwqhke to Septembrio toy 2004.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanete laqos. H kybernhsh eixe pei oti ta prwta stoixeia gia thn apografh qa dinontan to Fqinopwro toy 2004. Me thn oloklhrwsh ths apografhs doqhke ton Febroyario me epishmh anakoinwsh o akribhs ariqmos toy elleimmatos. Parakalw anatrejte kai sta dika sas reportaz na to pistopoihsete.

SPYRAKH: Qa janateqei pros syzhthsh to qema ths epidothshs twn dhmosiwn sygkoinwniwn sthn Aqhna; To lew, giati yparxei diatypwmenh mia tetoia skech se kyriakatikh efhmerida apo ton k. Alogoskoyfh kai mia diaforetikh ektimhsh apo ton k. Liaph se dhmosia dhlwsh toy.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oi sygkoinwnies einai koinwniko agaqo. H kybernhsh asfalws epidotei tis sygkoinwnies kai ayto htan to nohma kai twn dyo ypoyrgwn.

KORAH: Kyrie Ypoyrge, eilikrina me ola ayta ta qemata poy mas eipate@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Panta eilikrina apantw, ektos kai an ennoeite to eilikrina@

KORAH: Ki egw sas kanw mia etsi eilikrinh erwthsh apo kardias. Den plhttetai h ajiopistia ths kybernhshs kai me olo ayto to alaloym poy parathrhqhke sto qema toy k. Regkoyza xqes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kaqenas mporei na kanei tis dikes toy ektimhseis. Wstoso, sas eipa pws exoyn ta gegonota, me bash thn anakoinwsh toy Yfypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn.

KORAH: Giati, ekdoqhke anakoinwsh, afoy den yphrxe kanena qema;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Pws den yphrxe qema; Eixe arxisei, hdh, na proballetai stis thleoraseis kai sta radiofwna ena qema poy htan diaforetiko apo ayto poy o k. Regkoyzas dhlwnei sthn anakoinwsh toy kai apo ayto poy eixe dhlwsei stoys dhmosiografoys nwritera. Ara, loipon, yphrxe qema.

KORAH: O Prwqypoyrgos, dhladh, den exei problhma me ton k. Regkoyza; Aisqanetai eytyxhs poy o k. Regkoyzas einai sthn kybernhsh toy.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ta sxolia dika sas.

SOYGLERHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, toso o k. Regkoyzas, oso kai o k. Doykas sto parelqon ekanan anakoinwseis, kata diasthmata, poy kapoies stigmes kinoyntai makria apo tis dhlwseis poy kanei o armodios Ypoyrgos k. Alogoskoyfhs. Yparxei problhma metajy twn triwn; Qa hqela to sxolio sas.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den qymamai se poies periptwseis anafereste. Se kaqe periptwsh, omws, exoyn ginei erwthseis edw kai kaqe periptwsh exei apanthqei xwrista. Mporeite, epomenws na anatrejete gia na deite poia htan h topoqethsh toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomias, kaqws kai h dikh moy topoqethsh.

SOYGLERHS: Oi kyrioi Doykas kai Regkoyzas den enhmerwnoyn ton k. Alogoskoyfh gia tis anakoinwseis poy qa kanoyn; Den exoyn thn plhrh kalych; Giati, diapistwnoyme tetoia fainomena.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Synergasia yparxei. Apo th stigmh, omws, poy qetete etsi to erwthma, einai ws na apodexomai oti exoyn symbei ola ayta ta opoia legame prohgoymenws. Egw apodexomai thn anakoinwsh toy Yfypoyrgoy.

BLAXOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, o k. Regkoyzas ejedwse anakoinwsh. An, loipon, oi dhmosiografoi eixan diastreblwsei tis apoceis toy, enas ypoyrgos qa ekane to aploystero olwn: Qa apomagnhtofwnoyse tis dhlwseis kai qa tis edine sth dhmosiothta. Oriste ti eipa kai oriste ti metadidoyn ta radiofwna kai oi thleoraseis. Den ekane, omws ayto. Ejedwse allh anakoinwsh gia na diorqwsei ton eayton toy. Einai profanes oti kapoios ton phre thlefwno, endexomenws apo to Majimoy, kai toy eipe ti kaneis edw pera, bgale anakoinwsh na mazeceis ta amazeyta. Ayto einai profanes. Logiko den einai ayto poy lew; Ean ton diastreblwsan as bgalei ta apomagnhtofwnhmena keimena twn logwn toy na ta kollhsei ston toixo.

ROYSOPOYLOS: To idio dikaiwma, antistoixws, exoyn kai oi dhmosiografoi. Efoson exoyn magnhtofwnhsei th syzhthsh poy eixan me ton Ypoyrgo na thn apomagnhtofwnhsoyn kai na apodeijoyn ayta poy anaferontai se orismena reportaz shmera.

BLAXOS: Ean ta bgaloyn qa yparxei tote qema Regkoyza;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas exw pei oti den apantw se ypoqetikes erwthseis.

KAKALHS: Mporeite na mas peite poio einai to antikeimeno twn epafwn poy jekinhse o Prwqypoyrgos, opws diabazoyme, me toys dieyqyntes kai toys ekdotes twn kanaliwn kai twn efhmeridwn; Mhpws h sthrijh twn diarqrwtikwn allagwn ths kybernhshs kai h synach symmaxiwn sto xwro twn MME;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Diabasate apospasmatika oti o Prwqypoyrgos jekinhse kapoies synanthseis me orismenoys dhmosiografoys kai dh dieyqyntes MME. Kai to ``apospasmatika'' dinei mia apanthsh en merei se ayto poy rwtate. Dioti tetoioy eidoys synanthseis kai ws Arxhgos ths Antipoliteyshs kai ws Prwqypoyrgos exei kanei kai alles.

KAKALHS: Peite mas oloklhrwmena thn apoch, tote.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ti na sas pw oloklhrwmena, giati o Prwqypoyrgos blepei dhmosiografoys; Pisteyw oti eseis ws dhmosiografos qa prepei na eiste eytyxhs, na exei th dynatothta enas dhmosiografos -eite dieyqynths, eite reporter- na synomilhsei me ton Prwqypoyrgo kai na ton rwthsei gia orismena pragmata. Tiqetai kai ayto en amfibolw;

KAKALHS: Oxi, alla twra jekinhse aytos o kyklos. Eixe prohghqei kai allos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, den jekinhse twra kapoios kyklos. Aplws twra egrafh. Periergws pws, egrafh. Dioti h synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me enan dhmosiografo @kata th dikh moy gnwmh kai th dhmosiografikh empeiria moy- den apotelei eidhsh.

GKOYTZANHS: Qa htan endexomenws eidhsh an exei synanthqei me ton k. Libanh, opws grafthke;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exei ginei tetoia synanthsh.

GARGALAKOS: Me ton k. Xrysoxoidh qa synanthqei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den problepetai.

GARGALAKOS: Gia na ton bohqhsei stis diarqrwtikes allages.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den problepetai. Den yparxei kapoio tetoio aithma.

GKOYTZANHS: Yparxei ena qema tajhs poy eseis, ws prwhn dhmosiografos, prepei na to katalabainete. H syzhthsh poy egine xqes den htan off. Htan mia kanonikh syzhthsh, enhmerwsh, synenteyjh twn oikonomikwn syntaktwn poy toys edine o k. Regkoyzas. Oloi oi synadelfoi, loipon, katalaban ayto to pragma, anejarthtws toy Mesoy sto opoio ergazontai kai oloi eipan to idio pragma. Kai jafnika ekdoqhke mia anakoinwsh poy den toys diaceydei, apla leei kati diaforetiko. Dhladh, pws qa synennooymaste tote;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ma, ki eseis den lete kati diaforetiko, lete to idio pragma poy me rwthsan kai alloi synadelfoi sas nwritera. Den exw na sas pw tipote perissotero.

GKOYTZANHS: Yparxei, omws, qema epikoinwnias. Pws qa synennooymaste;

KORAH: Qelete na mas peisete oti o Prwqypoyrgos, blepontas xqes ta deltia eidhsewn kai shmera anoigontas ton Typo, eipe ``ti kakoi poy einai aytoi oi dhmosiografoi'';

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas eipa, ta sxolia dika sas. O Prwqypoyrgos pote den leei oti oi dhmosiografoi einai kakoi.

KORAH: Gia toys ypoyrgoys toy ti leei, den mas eipate.

XONDROS: Sth dhmosiografikh poreia kai thn politikh poreia sas, sas exei janatyxei to gegonos oti 15 anqrwpoi na mhn katalaban ti akribws lete kai na to metaferoyn diaforetika; Eite eseis me 15 synadelfoys sas, se mia synomilia me enan ypoyrgo kai oi 15 na toy metaferete diaforetika na mhn katalabainei ti akribws leei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: H dikh moy periptwsh den exei toso endiaferon.

PEPONHS: Poso eilikrinhs einai o Proypologismos toy 2005, otan exei xtistei se mia bash plasmatikh panw sto 2004;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Endiaferon erwthma. Den exei xtistei se plasmatikh bash. Gi` ayto eipame oti anakoinwqhke hdh apo ton perasmeno Septembrio oti yphrxan plasmatika posa ston Proypologismo toy 2004. To anakoinwsame kai to diorqwsame.

KORAH: Prohgoymenws eipate oti epeidh akribws oi eisprajeis, ta esoda toy kratoys den htan ta anamenomena, h kybernhsh phre kapoia metra ton perasmeno Martio. Epeidh kai pali ta stoixeia einai poly anhsyxhtika, ayth h dhlwsh sas ws proaggelos twn newn metrwn poy qa parei sth synexeia h kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se kamia periptwsh den isxyei ayto poy lete. Allwste, xqes h syzhthsh toy k. Regkoyza me toys dhmosiografoys -alla ayto den eida na apotelei antikeimeno eidhshs- htan oti hdh eixame megalh ayjhsh sta esoda ton perasmeno mhna. Ara, loipon, h eidhsh gnwrizete fantazomai einai oti exoyme megalh ayjhsh. To deytero shmeio poy qelw na parathrhsw se ayto poy lete einai oti h kybernhsh, paroysiazontas me eilikrineia ta stoixeia sthn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph, elabe, opws gnwrizete, mia dieth periodo wste na mporesei na diorqwsei ta problhmata toy parelqontos. Exoyme, loipon, mprosta mas dyo xronia. Exoyme mia politikh poy akoloyqoyme me synepeia. Exoyme parei hdh ta metra poy htan aparaithta. Kai sto telos ths dietias qa exoyme petyxei to stoxo mas.

BLAXOS: Einai petyxhmenos yfypoyrgos o k. Regkoyzas;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den kanw tetoioy eidoys sxolia, den einai dikh moy doyleia. Gnwrizete poly kala oti ayth einai doyleia toy Prwqypoyrgoy.

GKOYTZANHS: Mias kai eipate oti den sas rwthsame gia to allo to skelos twn dhlwsewn toy k. Regkoyza, mhpws h ayjhsh twn esodwn ofeiletai sthn ayjhsh twn foroepidromwn ths Eforias, kata to prwto tetramhno toy 2005;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Otan lete ``epidromes'' -ayto dhmioyrgei eikones gkangksterikhs tainias- ti akribws ennoeite;

GKOYTZANHS: Tis foroepidromes. Exei katoxyrwqei san oros kai to gnwrizete.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ennoeite oti yparxei kapoios poy den qa prepei na plhrwnei foroys se ayto ton topo; @H qa prepei h eforia na agnoei aytoys poy ofeiloyn; Mhpws prepei na oligwrei; Giati an symbei ayto poy lete, fantazeste oti oxi mono den prokeitai na kleisei to elleimma, alla ta pragmata qa ginoyn poly xeirotera gia to synolo twn politwn. Kaqenas kanei mia doyleia. H eforia kanei mia doyleia. H ypoxrewsh twn politwn einai na plhrwnoyn toys foroys toys kai h eforia exei thn ypoxrewsh na kanei th doyleia ths.

GKOYTZANHS: Poses fores exei ginei taktopoihsh prohgoymenwn ekkremothtwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Mporeite na rwthsete sto Ypoyrgeio Oikonomias.


KAPRALOS: Ayrio o Prwqypoyrgos sthn pro hmerhsias syzhthsh sth Boylh, qa zhthsei th synainesh toy k. Papandreoy gia thn prowqhsh twn diarqrwtikwn allagwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa akoysete thn omilia toy. Den mporw apo shmera na pw ti qa pei ayrio o Prwqypoyrgos.

SOYGLERHS: Akoysa to prwi sto radiofwno to Grammatea twn Elegktwn toy SDOE k. Gewrgakopoylo. Edwse kapoia stoixeia gia th diafqora sto Dhmosio, h opoia thn teleytaia pentaetia exei pentaplasiastei kai kineitai se ryqmoys megalyteroys. Ti kanei h kybernhsh gia th diafqora, idiaitera sto Dhmosio, stis Nomarxies kai stis alles dhmosies yphresies;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Yparxei mia seira apo qesmikes parembaseis poy exoyn ginei kai tis gnwrizete. Exei asxolhqei to kaqe ypoyrgeio jexwrista. Mporw na sas dwsw ena katalogo me ta ypoyrgeia kai ta qemata patajhs ths diafqoras sto ayriano briefing.

XONDROS: Mporeite na mas peite, pws einai dynaton otan o toyrismos thn prwth periodo paroysiazei to ligotero 15% ptwsh stoys megaloys toyristikoys proorismoys ths xwras, na kleisei me ayjhsh 6%; Pws exei kanei toys ypologismoys o k. Abramopoylos, dioti oi toyristikoi paragontes ths Elladas den to katalabainoyn ayto. Mhpws yparxei mia ejhghsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: H sezon molis jekinhse. Bgazete ta symperasmata sas gia to synolo ths xronias. Qewrw oti einai adokimo na ginetai. Perimenete na teleiwsei h sezon.

XONDROS: H sezon jekina to Martio gia toys megaloys toyristikoys proorismoys. Hdh, kanoyn logo gia toys dyo prwtoys mhnes gia mia ptwsh 15%.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exete ypomonh na moy qesete thn erwthsh sto telos ths sezon. Tote qa sas apanthsw.

KORAH: Ena sxolio ths kybernhshs gia ta stoixeia twn epiqewrhtwn ths dhmosias dioikhshs oti h patajh ths kakodioikhshs kai ths diafqoras thn opoia exete kanei kai shmaia sas, den exei apodwsei kai oi paranomies synexizontai me ameiwto ryqmo. Pws to ejhgeite ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa moy epitrecete na dw prwta thn ekqesh -oxi dhmosieymata efhmeridas- gia na topoqethqw.

KORAH: Einai apo synenteyjh me ton ypoyrgo sas ton k. Paylopoylo.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa moy epitrecete na dw prwta thn ekqesh. Alla, afoy eipate oti einai erwthma se synenteyjh toy k. Paylopoyloy, fantazomai qa exei apanthsei o k. Paylopoylos se ayto. Egw, omws, qa prepei na dw thn idia thn ekqesh.

Sas eyxaristw.

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