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Greek Government Press Briefing, 05-06-03

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 3 Ioynioy 2005





Chfisthke shmera sth Boylh to nomosxedio toy Ypoyrgeioy Dikaiosynhs, to opoio afora sthn epitaxynsh twn diadikasiwn aponomhs dikaiosynhs.

Me thn eisagwgh toy nomosxedioy sth Boylh, eixa thn eykairia na sas kanw mia syntomh anafora. Syntomh qa einai kai h shmerinh anafora, me dedomeno oti oi poinikes ypoqeseis poy ekkremoyn mono sto Efeteio Aqhnwn einai 23.000, alla kai me dedomeno to gegonos oti exei metrhqei, ws mesos oros, ta 7,5 xronia apo thn telesh toy egklhmatos ews thn ekdosh apofashs. Oi ryqmiseis poy prowqei o neos nomos einai idiaiterws shmantikes. Metajy allwn:

Apopoinikopoioyntai oi elafres parabaseis toy Kwdika Odikhs Kykloforias.

Paragrafontai oi epiblhqeises kai mh ektiqeises poines fylakishs mexri eji mhnwn.

Aplopoieitai h ekdosh diazygiwn.

Epekteinetai to wrario synedriasewn twn Dikasthriwn kata mia wra, ews tis 16.00.

Orizetai anwtato xroniko orio, mesa sto opoio prepei na prosdiorizontai, pros ekdikash, oi agwges.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Ena sxolio qa kanw mono: Ayto me thn aplopoihsh diazygiwn, qa sas prosporisei chfoys.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Polloi qa sas sympaqhsoyn.

POYLIDOY: Mhpws exete apanthsh se ekeino poy sas rwthsa gia mia thleoptikh ekpomph.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas zhtw sygnwmh, den exw apanthsh. Amesws meta qa epikoinwnhsw kai qa sas apanthsw.

KAKALHS: O k. Alogoskoyfhs sth Genikh Syneleysh toy SEB eixe zhthsei th sygklish twn orwn apasxolhshs metajy dhmosio kai idiwtikoy tomea, ennoeitai pros to xeirotero, ap` o,ti fanhke apo th symfwnia ston OTE, alla ayta einai allh istoria. Akribws to idio zhthse shmera o k. Mhtsotakhs. Sas problhmatizei to gegonos oti h kybernhsh exei pleon thn idia fwnh me ton k. Mhtsotakh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Opws gnwrizete, den sxoliazw pote tis dhlwseis toy epitimoy Proedroy ths Neas Dhmokratias kai prwhn Prwqypoyrgoy.

SIDERHS: Qa hqela na sas rwthsw, ean sas problhmatizei h tyxh poy eixe o k. Mhtsotakhs.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio.

IWANNOY: Shmera, o Ypoyrgos Oikonomias apo th Boylh ejapelyse sfodrh epiqesh enantion toy PASOK, legontas oti epixeirei na xeiragwghsei to Syndikalistiko Kinhma. Eipe, xarakthristika, oti egkaloyntai syndikalistes se politika grafeia, profanws apo stelexh toy PASOK, an katalaba swsta, gia ton tropo me ton opoio xeiristhkan thn ypoqesh k.t.l. Exete kapoia tetoia stoixeia oti to PASOK epixeirei na ekfobhsei h na xeiragwghsei to Syndikalistiko Kinhma;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exw na pw tipota ep` aytoy. O,ti eixe na pei o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, to eipe.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Enw ayth th stigmh ginetai mia prospaqeia gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy, oi epishmes plhrofories apo th Leykwsia anaferoyn oti oi Toyrkoi metaferoyn nea oplika systhmata sthn katexomenh perioxh. Pws antimetwpizei ayto to qema h ellhnikh kybernhsh kai pws skeftetai na antidrasei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Epeidh einai idiaitera eyaisqhto qema, qa moy epitrecete na enhmerwqw prwta apo ta Ypoyrgeia Ejwterikwn kai Amynas.

GKOYTZANHS: Skeftetai h kybernhsh ejomoiwsh, proseggish toy kaqestwtos poy isxyei ston idiwtiko tomea me ayto poy isxyei sto Dhmosio;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw erwthqei gia to idio qema me diaforetiko tropo oles aytes tis hmeres, me aformh thn ypoqesh toy OTE. Den exw na pw kati perissotero.

GKOYTZANHS: Ayto einai genikotero. Einai gia tis ergasiakes sxeseis.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se o,ti afora tis ergasiakes sxeseis exei kanei anakoinwseis o k. Panagiwtopoylos gia tis syzhthseis poy exei ws armodios ypoyrgos me syndikalistikoys foreis.

SIDERHS: Meta apo 14 mhnes rastwnhs, h kybernhsh epitaxynei. Einai diarqrwmeno sxedio ayto h apoce aytosxediazoyme, epeidh ta problhmata mas phran ampariza, gia na xrhsimopoihsw thn kaqomiloymenh kai den mporeite na kanete diaforetika;

ROYSOPOYLOS: To diatypwsate kai xqes to erwthma me diaforetiko tropo. Den exw na pw tipote peraiterw.

KAKALHS: O Ypoyrgos Naytilias kathggeile oti yparxoyn akriboplhrwmenoi limenergates, 122.000 eyrw nomizw. Giati den toys dinete sth dhmosiothta, na jeroyme poioi einai aytoi poy pairnoyn tetoioys misqoys; Den exete ta stoixeia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Mporeite na apeyqynqeite ston Ypoyrgo Naytilias, prokeimenoy na sas dwsei ta stoixeia poy qelete. Dhladh, ennoeite na dwsei sth dhmosiothta lista me onomata;

KAKALHS: Nai. Giati oxi; Den mporei, omws, na ginetai spekoyla xwris stoixeia.

GKOYTZANHS: Se synexeia ths erwthshs toy k. Siderh, asxeta me to poios einai o xarakthrismos, yparxei ena erwthma: Giati twra anoijan ola ayta ta qemata kai oxi nwritera, giati ayth th stigmh.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kat` arxas apanthsa xqes kai exw apanthsei kai alles fores palaiotera. Den dexomai, se kamia periptwsh -opws den to dexetai kanenas poy gnwrizei- ayth thn ``aprajia''. Ara, loipon, arxhs genomenhs apo laqos proseggish, qa moy epitrecete na mh dwsw peraiterw apanthsh.

GKOYTZANHS: Gi` ayto eipa, asxeta me to xarakthrismo, giati twra h kybernhsh anoigei jafnika ola ayta ta qemata.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den isxyei oti twra h kybernhsh anoije jafnika ta qemata. Einai pragmata poy exoyme pei polles fores otan hmastan sthn antipoliteysh. Yparxoyn sto programma mas diarqrwtikes allages. Ta pragmata ginontai to ena meta to allo. Oyte ola mporei na anoijoyn ton prwto mhna ths diakybernhshs ths xwras apo mia nea kybernhsh, oyte bebaiws ton teleytaio xrono h ton teleytaio mhna. Yparxoyn pragmata poy ginontai me th seira.

TSIODRAS: Epeidh hrqa twra, mporei na exei ginei h erwthsh. Sxetika me ton k. Mhtsotakh, pws sxoliazete prwton, oti o k. Mhtsotakhs proteinei na katateqei kai apo ta dyo megala kommata sth Boylh enas nomos, o opoios leei oti oi ergasiakes sxeseis ston eyrytero dhmosio tomea qa diepontai apo toys idioys oroys me toys loipoys ergazomenoys ston idiwtiko tomea.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw hdh apanthsei.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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