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Greek Government Press Briefing, 04-01-22Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 22 Ianoyarioy 2004H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOYTYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO XRHSTO PRWTOPAPA Geia sas. Opws gnwrizete, oloklhrwqhke h synedriash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy. Yparxoyn dhlwseis toy k. Benizeloy. Eisagwgika, o Prwqypoyrgos eipe ta ejhs: ``H shmerinh synedriash mas einai afierwmenh stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes. Kai toyto, giati, opws jeroyme oloi, o xronos o opoios arxise exei ws kentriko stoxo ths xwras thn pragmatopoihsh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, twn Agwnwn poy qa anadeijoyn thn Ellada. Prepei, loipon, na synexisoyme, symfwna me to programma mas, th doyleia thn opoia exoyme arxisei, na anadeijoyme ayth th doyleia kai na proetoimasoyme th doyleia poy exoyme na kanoyme mexri ton Aygoysto. Edw prepei na tonisw oti h Olympiakh proetoimasia, oso kai na exeis taktopoihsei ola ta qemata ta opoia ekkremoyn, den teleiwnoyn para me thn enarjh twn Agwnwn. Den teleiwnei prin, giati yparxei mia teleytaia fash idiaitera krisimh. Afora thn ikanopoihtikh leitoyrgia olwn twn ergwn, twn egkatastasewn kai twn programmatwn, twn aqlhtikwn kai mh programmatwn, apo thn asfaleia mexri tis teletes poy sxetizontai me toys Agwnes. Epomenws, h synedriash ayth exei ena skopo, na epishmanoyme se oloys th shmasia twn Agwnwn, na doyme ta opoia qemata sxetizontai me thn proetoimasia, alla kai th synexish ths; Proetoimasias ayths entatika kai thn etoimothta mas gia ta epomena stadia doyleias poy exoyme na kanoyme mexri ton Aygoysto''. Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas. ANTWNOPOYLOS: Kriqhkan dyo jenodoxeia akatallhla na filojenhsoyn tis omades palhs. Qa hqela to sxolio sas; PRWTOPAPAS: Tetoio qema pantws den syzhthqhke shmera sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio. ANTWNOPOYLOS: Genika ena sxolio sto qema ayto; PRWTOPAPAS: An ta jenodoxeia exoyn kriqei akatallhla, ayto shmainei praktika oti exei ginei elegxos kai exei diapistwqei h akatallhlothta toys. Den mporw na gnwrizw ti exei ginei. Oti diapistwqhke meta apo ton elegxo. Qa apanthsoyn oi armodioi. SIDERHS: Mas eixate pei edw oti qa sebeste toys qesmoys kai den qa paijete me to qema toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. O k. Tsoxatzopoylos milhse gia ekloges to 2005. Mhpws, h opoia anakamch twn posostwn sas, sas ekane na anakroysete prymna apo thn prohgoymenh apofash sas; PRWTOPAPAS: Oxi! Nomizw oti exete parejhghsei ta osa eipe o k. Tsoxatzopoylos. Kat` arxhn, den miloyse gia dikh mas prwtoboylia h gia dikh mas kinhsh. Htan mia eleyqerh syzhthsh, apo o,ti jerw, me kapoioys dhmosiografoys. Se kamia periptwsh, omws, den yponohse oti to PASOK qa prokalesei ekloges kai nomizw oti prepei na yparxei kai sxetikh dieykrinish apo ton idio. Alla, epeidh exw syzhthsei me ton idio, sas plhroforw oti, se kamia periptwsh, den eipe oti to PASOK qa prokalesei ekloges. MIXAHL: Kata th syzhthsh gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, to PASOK eixe epimeinei sto na aposyndeqei h dienergeia prowrwn eklogwn, ejaitias adynamias ekloghs toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Den egine dekth h protash ayth kai isxyei o,ti isxyei sto Syntagma. Erwtw: H qesh ayth toy PASOK, ws qesh toy PASOK, synexizei na sas desmeyei; PRWTOPAPAS: Gnwrizete para poly kala oti emeis sebomaste toys qesmoys kai kanoyme o,ti mporoyme kaqe fora, prokeimenoy na yparjoyn oi anagkaies synennohseis, wste na katalhgoyme sto katallhlotero, kaqe fora, proswpo sth qesh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. To exoyme kanei kai to 1995, to kaname kai to 2000 kai panta kinoymaste sthn idia kateyqynsh, sthn idia politikh. I. XASAPOPOYLOS: Shmera, yparxoyn dhmosieymata oti o Giwrgos Papandreoy kai to epiteleio toy meletoyn thn katarghsh twn panellhniwn ejetasewn, allages sto ejetastiko systhma kai genika thn anamorfwsh sto xwro ths Paideias. Qa hqela to sxolio ths kybernhshs. PRWTOPAPAS: Se syntomo xroniko diasthma o k. Giwrgos Papandreoy qa anaferqei analytika stis metarryqmiseis poy qa yparxoyn sto programma mas gia to xwro ths Paideias. O idios qa anaferqei stis metarryqmiseis aytes poy pragmatika qa syneisferoyn sth genikoterh anabaqmish ths Paideias mas. Me thn eykairia, omws, ayth qelw na sas ypenqymisw oti analoges qeseis san ki aytes poy eidan shmera to fws ths dhmosiothtas exei epejergastei kai se aytes exei anaferqei kai palaiotera o k. Papandreoy kata th qhteia toy sto ypoyrgeio Paideias. MIXAHL: O k. Papandreoy otan htan sto ypoyrgeio Paideias eixe kanei analoges protaseis. Ara, exei dikio o adelfos toy Nikos Papandreoy poy egrace oti o k. Eyqymioy@; PRWTOPAPAS: Ti einai ayto poy lete; MIXAHL: Me sygxwreite. O k. Eyqymioy den akoloyqhse aytes tis epejergasies poy jekinhse o idios. PRWTOPAPAS: Hmoyn safhs kai mhn emplekete ton k. Eyqymioy. MIXAHL: Ma giati; Den einai synexeia h politikh ths mias kybernhshs me thn allh; PRWTOPAPAS: Eipa safws oti o idios o k. Papandreoy, ws Proedros toy PASOK, se syntomo xroniko diasthma qa kanei anafores stis genikoteres metarryqmiseis poy qa prowqhsoyme gia thn anabaqmish ths Paideias. Sas qymizw oti analoges qeseis, konta se aytes poy eidan to fws ths dhmosiothtas shmera, eixe ekfrasei palaiotera o k. Giwrgos Papandreoy otan htan ypoyrgos Paideias. I. XASAPOPOYLOS: To erwthma einai, giati h kybernhsh toy PASOK den efarmose ws twra aytes tis allages. PRWTOPAPAS: Eginan polla sto xwro ths Paideias. Twra, se ayth th nea selida, se ayth th nea epoxh, erxontai kai nees protaseis, yperbaseis kai kapoies tolmhres metarryqmiseis. As perimenoyme na tis doyme analytika apo ton idio ton k. Papandreoy kai na tis syzhthsoyme opote qelete. Ta pragmata wrimazoyn. ZOYLAS: Sthn apanthsh sas gia ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias yphrxe kai mia istorikh anafora sto 1995, qa hqela na sas rwthsw, ean krinete epityxh ekeinh thn epilogh toy PASOK. PRWTOPAPAS: Paroti den exei oloklhrwqei h qhteia toy Proedroy, gia na mporoyme na kanoyme apologismo, qelw na sas qymisw oti to synolo toy ellhnikoy laoy tima kai sebetai ton k. Kwnstantino Stefanopoylo. ZOYLAS: To 1990 ejaireitai; PRWTOPAPAS: Anaferqhka stis prospaqeies poy kaname na ejeyreqei koina apodekth lysh to 1995 kai to 2000. Qelw na sas qymisw oti to 1990 eixame kanei prospaqeies na breqei koinh lysh gia to proswpo toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai na mhn pesei h tote oikoymenikh kybernhsh, giati yphrxe mia idiaitera dysaresth katastash, kyriws sto oikonomiko pedio. Eixame pei, ws PASOK, eixe pei o Andreas Papandreoy, oti kalo qa htan, gia ena diasthma, na synexistei h poreia ths oikoymenikhs kybernhshs, wste na yparxei synainesh, prokeimenoy na antimetwpistoyn ta amesa problhmata. Kai qa mporoyse na ejeyreqei koinh lysh gia to proswpo toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Omws, qymaste tis kinhseis poy eixan ginei apo thn pleyra ths N.D.. Eginan ekloges kai meta apo aytes yphrxe h pleiochfia, me thn opoia ejelegh o tote Proedros. ZOYLAS: Qa mporoysate na moy kanete th xarh na pame gia ligo kai sto 1985; PRWTOPAPAS: An qelete na syzhthsoyme kai gia thn prwth proedreyomenh Dhmokratia meta to 1992, eimai sth diaqesh sas. MPENEKH: Kai to PASOK me ta omoioxrwma chfodeltia (den akoygetai) PRWTOPAPAS: Ayta ta qemata exoyn lyqei pisteyw kata ton kalytero tropo. MPOTWNHS: O Prwqypoyrgos, kata th synedriash toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy, ekane kapoia politikh anafora gia tis politikes ejelijeis; PRWTOPAPAS: Den yphrje anafora gia tis politikes ejelijeis. Qa hqela na kanw dyo sxolia:
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