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Greek Government Press Briefing, 03-06-05

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 5 Ioynioy 2003




Geia sas.

Opws gnwrizete, o ypoyrgos brisketai sth Boylh, opoy syzhteitai to nomosxedio gia ta MME.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Qa hqela na moy peite ean thn epomenh hmera apo th syzhthsh sth Boylh yparxoyn kerdismenoi kai xamenoi gia thn kybernhsh;

SPHLIOPOYLOY: O Prwqypoyrgos, xqes sth Boylh, aneptyje analytika ola ta qemata poy apasxoloyn thn ellhnikh koinwnia. Milhse gia thn poreia ths oikonomias, thn anergia, th gewrgia. Epishmane ta qetika shmeia, anagnwrise ta arnhtika kai dhlwse pws eimaste edw gia na lysoyme ta opoia nea problhmata exoyn dhmioyrghqei h prokeitai na dhmioyrghqoyn sto mellon. Pisteyoyme pws o ellhnikos laos enhmerwqhke diejodika apo tis dyo topoqethseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy. O arxhgos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs epanelabe tis qeseis toy. Kata thn apoch ths kybernhsh den allaje tipota me thn topoqethsh toy.

GARGALAKOS: Exw dyo erwthseis: Prwton, o Prwqypoyrgos giati den tritologhse, parolo oti eixe to dikaiwma kai deyteron, giati den anaferqhke se onomata afoy exei milhsei gia symferonta poy qeloyn na plhjoyn thn kybernhsh;

SPHLIOPOYLOY: Den einai h prwth fora poy o Prwqypoyrgos den kanei xrhsh toy dikaiwmatos na tritologhsei. Aneptyje sthn prwtologia kai th deyterologia toy ola ta qemata. Den ekrine skopimo na tritologhsei. Oso gia ta onomata, o k. Shmiths topoqethqhke safws, dinontas to stigma ths politikhs mas: oti, dhladh, oi epixeirhmaties gia thn kybernhsh -kai gia oloys toys boyleytes- den prepei na einai oyte filoi, oyte exqroi. Oi epixeirhmaties kanoyn th doyleia toys kai oloi oi boyleytes ofeiloyn na exoyn ws monadiko stoxo na lynoyn ta problhmata toy ellhnikoy laoy kai na proaspizoyn ta eqnika symferonta mas.

GARGALAKOS: Ayth thn wra, ginetai mia diadhlwsh, ejw apo th Boylh, ergazomenwn sthn etairia AGNO. Epishs, exoyme kai thn periptwsh twn metallwryxwn xrysoy, oi opoioi menoyn katw apo th gh, ekfrazontas me ayto ton tropo th diamartyria toys.

SPHLIOPOYLOY: Oson afora thn etairia AGNO, apo tis 29 Maioy, ystera apo dieqnh diagwnismo, sygxwneythke me thn etairia omoeidwn proiontwn (dhladh galaktos, tyrioy kai allwn) KOLIOS. Kanenas ergazomenos den exei xasei th doyleia toy. Antiqeta, h etairia KOLIOS exei desmeytei na anaptyjei thn etairia, na kanei nees ependyseis kai, ws ek toytoy, oloi oi ergazomenoi qa ths einai xrhsimoi. Elpizoyme oti me ayth thn energeia ths kybernhshs qa exoyme kai nees qeseis ergasias. Yparxoyn kapoia problhmata ergazomenwn, poy eqese o syllogos toys, gyrw apo ta asfalistika dikaiwmata toys kai kapoia deytereyonta poy, isws, gi@ aytoys, na einai prwteyonta. Exoyn zhthsei synanthsh me ton ypoyrgo Ergasias, o opoios qa toys dexqei isws kai shmera, gia na syzhthsoyn ayta ta problhmata. Qelw na tonisw oti, oxi mono den efyge kanenas ergazomenos, oxi mono den problepetai oti qa fygei, alla elpizoyme oti qa dhmioyrghqoyn kai nees qeseis ergasias.

Oson afora to qema me toys metallwryxoys, yparxei -opws gnwrizete- ena diadoxo sxhma, metajy twn palaiwn kai twn newn, to opoio einai oristiko. Oi diapragmateyseis einai se ejelijh, ayth th stigmh. Oi ergazomenoi qa plhrwqoyn kanonika, mexri telos Aprilioy, apo thn palia etairia. Oi misqoi toys apo 1hs Maioy, qa katablhqoyn apo to neo sxhma. Poly syntoma qa anakoinwqei to sxhma kai opoies alles leptomereies prokycoyn. H kybernhsh prospaqei na brei, me ayto to sxhma, biwsimh lysh, poy qa diasfalizei kai ta symferonta twn ergazomenwn. Epeidh to qema einai se ejelijh, den exw na prosqesw kati allo ep@ aytoy. Qa enhmerwqeite syntoma.

GIANNISHS: Symplhrwtika, otan synhfqh h symbash kai eixe perasei apo th Boylh, diatympanizotan, tote, oti eprokeito gia mia poly orqh symbash, h opoia qa ejasfalize ergasia kai bebaiws qa htan mia kerdofora epixeirhsh. Oi ergazomenoi kataggelloyn twra oti oi idiokthtes ayths ths etairias thn xrhsimopoihsan ws oxhma gia na bgaloyn lefta se xrhmatisthria twn HPA kai, sth synexeia, na thn kleisoyn. Pws apanta h kybernhsh sto gegonos oti ayth h etairia katelhje ekei poy katelhje;

SPHLIOPOYLOY: Epeidh ayth th stigmh oi diapragmateyseis, metajy toy palaioy kai toy neoy sxhmatos einai se ejelijh, na mhn kanoyme alles kriseis. Otan oloklhrwqoyn oi diapragmateyseis, qa krinoyme to parelqon, alla kai kyriws to mellon ths neas etairias.

ARGYROS: Xqes, o Prwqypoyrgos proanhggeile oti meta to 2006 h anergia qa meiwqei sto 7,5%. Basei poiwn stoixeiwn qa meiwqei; Rwtw, epeidh ayto to diasthma den fainetai na yparxei apoklimakwsh ths anergias! Kai ti apantate, ws kybernhsh, ston k. Karamanlh poy rwthse na maqei, ti eginan oi 300 xiliades nees qeseis ergasias poy ejaggelqhkan proeklogika;

SPHLIOPOYLOY: H meiwsh ths anergias einai dedomenh. Ayto, omws, den shmainei oti lyqhke to problhma ths anergias. O agwnas ths kybernhshs synexizetai. H prosoxh mas einai strammenh se ayto to megalo koinwniko qema. Oso qa yparxei, estw kai enas anergos, h kybernhsh me thn eyaisqhsia poy th diakrinei, qa agwnizetai gi ayto to qema. Oi 300 xiliades qeseis ergasias, einai gegonos giati diaforetika pws qa meiwnotan to pososto ths anergias se monochfio ariqmo. Tonizw oti o Prwqypoyrgos basizei tis ektimhseis toy se dyo paragontes: O prwtos einai oi ryqmoi anaptyjhs, poy einai ychloi gia ta eyrwpaika kai dieqnh dedomena kai o deyteros einai to staqero klima poy qa dhmioyrghqei sth xwra mas kai qa ferei perissoteres kai kalyteres ependyseis. Aytoi oi dyo paragontes qa apanthsoyn sto qema ths anergias.

Sas eyxaristw.

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