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Greek Government Press Briefing, 02-10-28

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Londino, 28 Oktwbrioy 2002

(topikh wra:15.00)


Synomilies diarkeias miamishs wras eixan shmera, sth 1 meta to meshmeri, o Prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths kai o Prwqypoyrgos ths M. Bretanias Tony Mpler. Meta th synanthsh, poy perielambane kai geyma ergasias, sthn prwqypoyrgikh katoikia sthn Downing Street 10, o Prwqypoyrgos, enhmerwnontas kat` arxas toys Ellhnes dhmosiografoys, eipe ta ejhs:

"Me ton Prwqypoyrgo k. Tony Mpler syzhthsame, se mia egkardia atmosfaira, me pollh eilikrineia, ola ta qemata poy apasxoloyn thn Ellada, th M. Bretania, thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh.

Prwta apo ola, bebaiws, syzhthsame gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn E.E., tis prospaqeies poy ginontai gia thn epilysh toy politikoy problhmatos ths Kyproy, thn elleich protasewn apo thn pleyra twn Toyrkokypriwn, prokeimenoy na proxwrhsei ayto to qema, kaqws kai ejetasame poia mporei na einai h synexeia.

Syzhthsame, epishs, ta qemata ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias. Ena kentriko qema twn syzhthsewn htan h dieyrynsh, pws dhladh qa oloklhrwsoyme ayth th diadikasia, enw syzhthsame kai alla shmantika qemata, opws ayta poy aforoyn thn koinwnikh politikh, thn ergasia, thn antagwnistikothta, olo ayto to synolo poy symperilambanetai katw apo to kefalaio "Lissabona" kai prokeitai na syzhthqei sto Symboylio Koryfhs toy Martioy.

Ena trito megalo qema gia mas kai th M. Bretania einai to qema twn metanastwn, ths katapolemhshs ths paranomhs metanasteyshs, ta qemata toy asyloy. Brisketai se ejelijh mia syzhthsh kai brhkame dromoys, idiws sto qema toy asyloy, na sympesoyn oi apoceis mas, gia na breqoyn lyseis sth diarkeia ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias.

Syzhthsame, bebaiws kai gia th dieqnh katastash, opws to qema toy Irak.

Telos, qelw na anaferw oti qymisa ston k. Mpler oti h Ellada qa hqele, otan ginoyn oi Olympiakoi Agwnes to 2004, na exei ta marmara toy Parqenwna sto Moyseio ths Akropolhs, kai tonisa oti hrqe pia o kairos na skeftoyme sobara gyrw apo ayto to qema.

Sas eyxaristw".

Sth synexeia, o Prwqypoyrgos, enhmerwnontas toys Bretanoys dhmosiografoys kai milwntas sthn agglikh glwssa, eipe ta ejhs:

"Syzhthsa me to Bretano Prwqypoyrgo Tony Mpler qemata dimeroys synergasias, tis ejelijeis sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, th dieyrynsh poy htan to basiko qema twn synomiliwn mas. Opws gnwrizete, sto prosfato Eyrwpaiko Symboylio twn Bryjellwn phrame thn apofash na synexistoyn oi diapragmateyseis sto Eyrwpaiko Symboylio ths Kopegxaghs. Kai oi "15" symfwnhsame stis Bryjelles na yparjei telikh apofash sthn Kopegxagh gia to qema ths dieyrynshs ws synoloy kai oti den qa yparjei jexwristh syzhthsh gia kaqe xwra.

Pisteyoyme me ton k. Mpler oti qa yparjei qetikh apofash kai gia tis deka xwres.

Syzhthsame epishs to qema an qa prepei na oristei mia hmeromhnia (enarjhs entajiakwn diapragmateysewn) gia thn Toyrkia. Kai oi dyo eimaste ths apochs oti qa prepei na yparjei mia qetikh endeijh pros thn Toyrkia.

Egine akomh antallagh apocewn gia to qema ths koinhs eyrwpaikhs politikhs asfaleias kai amynas (ESDP - European Security Defence Policy). Stis Bryjelles egine to prwto megalo bhma kai to Eyrwpaiko Symboylio edwse entolh ston ypato ekproswpo ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia ta qemata KEPAA Jabie Solana na synexisei th diadikasia gia ta epomena stadia. Zhthsa apo ton k. Mpler na syndramei ton k. Solana sthn prospaqeia toy na oloklhrwsei ayth th diadikasia prin apo th Synodo Koryfhs toy NATO poy qa pragmatopoihqei sthn Praga stis 22 kai 23 Noembrioy, oytws wste h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh na analabei th dynamh sta Skopia sta telh toy trexontos etoys - arxes toy epomenoy, kanontas xrhsh twn meswn toy NATO.

Syzhthsa epishs to qema ths paranomhs metanasteyshs. Kai h M. Bretania kai h Ellada qeloyn to qema ayto na teqei ypo elegxo. Opws enqymeiste, sth diarkeia ths ispanikhs proedrias phrame orismenes apofaseis, alla twra kaqistatai anagkaio na efarmostoyn aytes oi apofaseis. Pros toyto prepei na yparjei mia koinh politikh poy qa afora to qema toy asyloy, to qema ths synoriakhs astynomias, alla kai th dynatothta synachs symfwniwn epaneisdoxhs me trites xwres.

O k. Mpler anefere to qema twn "parathrhtwn aeroplanwn". H periptwsh toys qa ekdikastei apo ellhniko dikasthrio stis 5 Noembrioy. Pisteyw pws qa yparjei mia qetikh ejelijh, alla ayto fysika enapokeitai sthn ellhnikh dikaiosynh, symfwna me toys kanones dikaioy poy isxyoyn sth xwra mas".

BRETANH DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Kyrie Proedre, ti ennoeite otan lete qetikh ejelijh;

PRWQYPOYRGOS: Oti h ypoqesh qa ekdikastei endelexws apo to dikasthrio.

Telos, anaferqhka sto qema twn marmarwn toy Parqenwna. Edwsa sto Bretano Prwqypoyrgo k. Tony Mpler ena shmeiwma kai toy ypenqymisa oti oi Olympiakoi Agwnes qa diejaxqoyn sthn Aqhna to 2004 kai tote qa exoyme to neo Moyseio ths Akropolhs, opoy qa exei oloklhrwqei enas katallhlos xwros, opoy qa mporoysan kallista ta marmara toy Parqenwna na ekteqoyn ekei. Sto shmeiwma poy toy paredwsa diatypwnontai protaseis, me bash tis opoies qa mporoyse na epiteyxqei mia symfwnia me to Bretaniko Moyseio kai apo ellhnikhs pleyras na ekteqoyn sto Moyseio ayto eyrhmata ths ellhnikhs klassikhs epoxhs.

DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Ti apanthsh phrate se ayto;

PRWQYPOYRGOS: Den apanthse.

Sas eyxaristw.

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