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Greek Government Press Briefing, 01-11-29Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 29 Noembrioy 2001H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWNJENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO XRHSTO PRWTOPAPA Geia sas. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas. GARGALAKOS: Qa mporoysate na mas ajiologhsete tis dhlwseis kai th stash ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs se o,ti afora th syllhch toy Passarh; PRWTOPAPAS: Einai kapws dyskolo, giati htan polles kai poikiles aytes oi dhlwseis. Gia mia fora akomh, opws qa prosejate, yphrje h gnwsth polyglwssia ths Neas Dhmokratias. Qelw na pisteyw oti qa epikrathsei synesh kai qa yparjoyn sth synexeia cyxraimoteres topoqethseis. GARGALAKOS: Esxatws, exei jekinhsei enas neos kyklos eswstrefeias kai meta apo tis xqesines apanthseis toy k. Laliwth stoys epikrites toy, fainetai oti aytos o kyklos eswstrefeias qa entaqei. Anhsyxei ton Prwqypoyrgo ayto to fainomeno; PRWTOPAPAS: O Prwqypoyrgos endiaferetai gia thn prowqhsh toy kybernhtikoy ergoy kai bebaiws endiaferetai kai gia thn efarmogh toy politikoy sxediasmoy toy PASOK. O Prwqypoyrgos sth synanthsh toy me ton k. Laliwth syzhthse zhthmata poy exoyn na kanoyn me thn olh stash kai ton programmatismo mas, enocei twn dhmotikwn kai nomarxiakwn eklogwn, kaqws kai qemata poy aforoyn thn prowqhsh toy politikoy sxediasmoy toy Kinhmatos. Shmeiwnw oti thn erxomenh ebdomada qa synedriasei to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy PASOK. Apo ekei kai pera, gnwrizete oti -opws exoyme jekaqarisei apo thn arxh- den sxoliazw zhthmata poy aforoyn to komma. SOYGLERHS: Qa hqela to sxolio sas gia thn epishmh qesh ths N.D. mesw toy k. Royssopoyloy poy eipe oti gia thn ypoqesh toy Passarh exei eyqynh h kybernhsh, alla oxi h EL.AS, h opoia ekane poly kala th doyleia ths. PRWTOPAPAS: Einai qetiko oti apo th N.D., mesw ths epishmhs fwnhs ths, eipwqhke oti h EL.AS. ekane poly kala th doyleia ths, dioti yphrjan kai polles aneyqynes topoqethseis apo stelexh ths. Me ayth thn ennoia, ean telikws, h epishmh qesh ths N.D. einai ayth, oson afora thn EL.AS., einai swsth kai qetikh. Omws, qa prepei kai ta alla stelexh ths na mh dhmioyrgoyn to gnwsto fainomeno sygxyshs kai polyglwssias poy xarakthrizei to komma ths N.D.. Oson afora thn eyqynh ths kybernhshs, perimenoyme na mas prosdiorisoyn poia kata th gnwmh toys einai, prokeimenoy na mporoyme na topoqethqoyme. ALEIFEROPOYLOS: H kybernhsh einai ikanopoihmenh apo ton tropo poy kinhqhke h kratikh mhxanh se o,ti afora tis plhmmyres ths Samoy; PRWTOPAPAS: Se kaqe entono fysiko fainomeno, gnwrizete poly kala oti dhmioyrgoyntai problhmata. Pragmati, oi plhmmyres sth Samo dhmioyrghsan sobara problhmata stoys katoikoys. Ayth th stigmh, brisketai sth Samo o Genikos Grammateas Politikhs Prostasias k. Papanikolaoy. Apo thn kybernhtikh pleyra qa yparjoyn oles oi anagkaies kinhseis kai qa lhfqoyn ola ta anagkaia metra, me toys mhxanismoys poy diaqetoyme, prokeimenoy na ginei h apokatastash apo tis zhmies. Kai, bebaiws, qa kanoyme o,ti to kalytero dynato. BITALHS: Qelw na epanelqw sto qema poy eqese o k. Gargalakos. Xqes, an qymamai kala, yphrxe mia epishmansh toy k. Laliwth oti o Prwqypoyrgos den bazei xalinari, anaforika me ton tropo antiparaqeshs apenanti sth N.D..Q hqela na sas rwthsw, loipon, ean exei bash h epishmansh ayth toy k. Laliwth kai an o Prwqypoyrgos epiqymei mia antiparaqesh xamhlwn h ychlwn tonwn me th N.D. PRWTOPAPAS: Sas exw pei oti den qa sxoliasw dhlwseis toy Grammatea ths K.E. toy Kinhmatos. Kai ayto oxi giati qelw na to apofygw, alla giati apo thn arxh exw jekaqarisei kai to exoyme symfwnhsei metajy mas oti apo to Press Room den qa parembainoyme se zhthmata poy aforoyn th leitoyrgia toy PASOK. Oson afora, twra to erwthma sas gia ton Prwqypoyrgo, sas eipa oti kata th synanthsh poy eixe, ws Proedros toy PASOK, me ton k. Laliwth, syzhthse qemata poy aforoyn thn proetoimasia toy PASOK gia tis dhmotikes kai nomarxiakes ekloges kai to genikotero politiko sxediasmo toy Kinhmatos, enocei ths synedriash toy E.G. toy PASOK. Bebaiws, gia ta zhthmata poy syndeontai me th genikoterh antimetwpish ths N.D. apo to PASOK kai thn taktikh poy akoloyqoyme gia ta zhthmata ayta, exete enhmerwqei apo to keimeno poy exei dianeimei to Grafeio Typoy toy Prwqypoyrgoy, meta th synanthsh ths perasmenhs Deyteras. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, qa gnwrizete oti xqes eixame parabiash toy eqnikoy enaerioy xwroy ths Elladas apo megalo ariqmo toyrkikwn aeroskafwn. Ayto malista to antelhfqh kai anwtatos Amerikanos ajiwmatoyxos sto Arxhgeio ths Larisas. Dierwtwmai, meta apo ayth thn toyrkikh piesh, an h perifhmh proseggish Elladas-Toyrkias mporei na proxwrhsei. Poio einai to sxolio sas; PRWTOPAPAS: Prepei na bazoyme to kaqe pragma sth qesh toy. Se kaqe parabiash ginontai panta apo thn pleyra mas oles oi anagkaies energeies. Gnwrizete oti yparxei mia seira energeiwn poy ginontai apo to ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn. Ekeino, omws, poy prepei na doyme stis pragmatikes toy diastaseis einai poso qetika exei apodwsei h politikh poy akoloyqoyme, h politikh poy exoyme akoloyqhsei stoys dieqneis organismoys, se o,ti afora th sxesh ths Toyrkias me thn E.E., alla kai thn olh sxesh mas me thn Toyrkia. Exoyme jekaqarisei oti epiqymoyme na einai mia sxesh kalhs geitonias. Einai mia politikh poy exei apodwsei karpoys. Kai ayto fainetai jekaqara apo th stash ths E.E. apenanti sto zhthma ths prooptikhs entajhs ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias sthn E.E.. Pisteyoyme oti einai mia epityxhmenh politikh qa synexisoyme na akoloyqoyme. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Den exw antirrhsh gia thn prospaqeia poy kanei h Ellada gia thn proseggish. To erwthma einai: Eseis diapistwnete oti exei allajei h toyrkikh qesh, oson afora ta ellhnotoyrkika kai idiaitera oson afora thn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy; PRWTOPAPAS: Exoyme, kat` epanalhch, shmeiwsei oti idiaitera meta th diafainomenh prooptikh entajhs ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias sthn E.E., yphrjan orismenes kinhseis sklhrynshs apo thn toyrkikh pleyra. Qelw na sas qymisw oti sth synenteyjh Typoy poy edwse o Prwqypoyrgos, sth Slobakia, tonise oti den prokeitai na fobhqoyme kai qa akoloyqhsoyme staqera to dromo poy exoyme xarajei. O dromos aytos apodidei karpoys. Den prokeitai na syzhthsoyme kati diaforetiko apo o,ti exei syzhthqei kai apofasistei mexri twra gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn E.E. Kai bebaiws pantote ergazomaste staqera gia thn epilysh toy politikoy problhmatos ths Kyproy, sto plaisio twn apofasewn toy OHE. Epidiwkoyme sxeseis kalhs geitonias me thn Toyrkia, alla ayto den shmainei oti qa apodexqoyme toys opoioys isxyrismoys h tis opoies qeseis proballontai apo thn toyrkikh pleyra. Asfalws, oxi. BITALHS: To GEA, meta tis xqesines 35 parabiaseis paroysia toy k. Kis, synetaje ena eidiko ypomnhma kai to diabibase sto YPEJ me aithma na ginei diabhma sto NATO, dedomenoy oti oi xqesines parabiaseis htan oi mazikoteres kata ton teleytaio enamisi xrono. Egine ayto to diabhma, qa ginei; PRWTOPAPAS: Akoloyqeitai h synhqhs diadikasia pros thn toyrkikh pleyra. Ean yparjei kati jexwristo gia th sygkekrimenh periptwsh qa sas enhmerwsw. I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Qewreite oti h syzhthsh poy exei anoijei stoys kolpoys ths kybernhshs kai toy kybernwntos kommatos empodizei thn probolh toy kybernhtikoy ergoy; Kai deyteron, o Prwqypoyrgos protiqetai na parembei se ayth th syzhthsh tis epomenes meres; PRWTOPAPAS: Exw hdh apanthsei. KAPPOS: Gia ena qema to opoio epanefere o k. Papandreoy: Qelw na rwthsw an qewrei qemito h kybernhsh na symboyleyei thn ellhnikh Dikaiosynh gia to ti einai xompi h den einai kai ean en pash periptwsei qewreite oti ayto apotelei parembash sto ergo ths Dikaiosynhs; PRWTOPAPAS: Den yparxei kamia parembash. O k. Papandreoy den symboyleyse kanenan. Me thn eyaisqhsia poy prepei na diakrinei to ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn apenanti se ena qema poy sto Hnwmeno Basileio exei parei shmantikes diastaseis, prosqese ena stoixeio to opoio prepei na lhfqei ypoch, opws lambanontai ypoch ola ta stoixeia apo thn ellhnikh Dikaiosynh. H prosqhkh aytoy toy stoixeioy, pisteyw oti einai xrhsimh. FILHS: H kybernhsh qewrei oti h eyrwpaikh symbash poy afora kai thn etairodikia exei anadromikh isxy; PRWTOPAPAS: Ayto einai ena qema poy afora, kat` ejoxhn, to ypoyrgeio Dikaiosynhs. Gnwrizete poly kala oti empleketai me mia seira nomikwn zhthmatwn kai qa lyqei armodiws. FILHS: Ti ennoeite armodiws; Den einai nomotexniko qema, politikh qesh einai. PRWTOPAPAS: Einai ena ejoxws nomiko qema. Politikh qesh einai ayth thn opoia apofasisame xqes: Kyrwsh ths symbashs, h opoia qa yparjei. FILHS: Exei anadromikh isxy; FILHS: Kyrwsh ths symbashs qa yparjei oso to dynaton taxytera. Apo kei kai pera, einai ena qema panw sto opoio qa ginei sxetikh topoqethsh apo to ypoyrgeio Dikaiosynhs. Einai kaqara nomiko zhthma. FILHS: H Ellada kyrwnei mia symbash kai den gnwrizei ean ayth h symbash exei anadromikh isxy h oxi. Dhladh, analambanei ypoxrewseis h Ellada kai den gnwrizei th nomikh isxy ths symbasews; PRWTOPAPAS: Gnwrizete oti otan kyrwnetai mia dieqnhs symbash, den exeis thn eyxereia na thn kaqorizeis. Yparxei ena nomiko plaisio mesa sto opoia kyrwnetai ayth h symbash. Yparxei to qema ths anadromikothtas. Peri aytoy exoyn ekfrastei diafores apoceis. Qa topoqethqei ypeyqyna to ypoyrgeio Dikaiosynhs, giati afora mia seira nomikwn zhthmatwn. H kyrwsh ginetai me mia sygkekrimenh nomoqetikh diadikasia. FILHS: Den sas kalw na diaplassete th symbash. Sas lew, ean kata thn krish ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs exei anadromikh isxy. PRWTOPAPAS: Apanthsa. FILHS: Gia to bambaki exete kapoio sxolio, me bash kai tis teleytaies apofaseis; PRWTOPAPAS: Einai poly sobaro qema. Yparxei, pleon, mia oristikh apofash ths E.E, h opoia elhfqh xqes kai ikanopoiei tis ellhnikes qeseis. Bebaiws, qelw na shmeiwsw oti yphrje parembash toy Prwqypoyrgoy pros ton armodio Koinotiko Epitropo k. Fisler gi` ayto to qema. Opws, yphrje kai mia poly shmantikh doyleia, h opoia egine apo ton ypoyrgo Gewrgias Giwrgo Dry, ton armodio yfypoyrgo Gewrgias Baggelh Argyrh kai paragontes toy ypoyrgeioy Gewrgias. Ayto poy apofasisthke, xqes, apo thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph, ikanopoiei tis ellhnikes qeseis, me apotelesma h telikh timh toy bambakos poy qa diamorfwqei na einai stis probleceis toy ypoyrgeioy Gewrgias, dhladh, metajy 270 kai 286 draxmwn. Qelw, epishs, na shmeiwsw oti exoyme pleon tis oristikes apanthseis. H timh toy bambakos qa diamorfwqei se ikanopoihtiko epipedo gia toys paragwgoys mas, me tis prospaqeies ths kybernhshs. To eisodhma poy qa exei o paragwgos kata kilo qa einai peripoy -ean ypologistoyn oi epistrofes toy FPA kai toy petrelaioy- stis peripoy 300 draxmes, ana kilo. FILHS: Kanate megala almata stis times. Oi paragwgoi qa to qymhqoyn otan erqei h wra na plhrwqoyn. Eipate, peripoy 300 draxmes ana kilo. PRWTOPAPAS: Epitrecte moy na sas enhmerwsw analytika: H prokatabolh poy qa parei o Ellhnas bambakoparagwgos einai 189,5 draxmes ana kilo. Peran, omws, ths prokatabolhs qa yparjei kai h telikh ekkaqarish, opws ginetai kaqe xrono. Sthn ekkaqarish -giati ginontai kapoioi ypologismoi ths posothtas kai apo ekei ejartatai to deytero meros ths epidothshs poy dinei h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh- ypologizetai oti qa fqasei poly parapanw h timh. Dhladh, qa jeperasei ta oria poy eixan teqei. Mazi me thn timh poy prosferoyn ta ekkokkisthria, logw toy antagwnismoy, qa prosteqei ena poso akomh kai qa pame se ena orio, analoga me thn poiothta, to opoio qa einai metajy 270 kai 286 draxmwn. Ayth einai h bebaiothta, ayth einai h ektimhsh mas. Ean ypologistoyn kai oi epistrofes toy FPA kai ths timhs toy petrelaioy, gia fetos h timh toy bambakioy qa fqasei, gyrw stis 300 draxmes ana kilo. Qelw na tonisw dyo pragmata. Prwton, oti xarh stis prospaqeies poy eginan kai apo ton Prwqypoyrgo kai apo to ypoyrgeio Gewrgias exoyme mia ikanopoihtikh ejelijh sthn timh toy bambakioy sthn Ellada. Deyteron, oti einai h telikh timh. Den yparxei, logw kai toy kanonismoy ths E.E. alla kai me tis ejelijeis poy exoyme me thn Koinh Agrotikh Politikh (KAP), kamia dynatothta allaghs ayths ths apofashs. Ayto prepei na to gnwrizoyn oi Ellhnes paragwgoi. Ayto den allazei me kanena tropo. KAPPOS: Eyrwpaikes xwres exoyn taxqei qetika h arnhtika apenanti sto endexomeno amerikanikwn xtyphmatwn sto Irak, Soydan kai alles xwres. H qesh ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs poia einai; PRWTOPAPAS: Gnwrizete oti h E.E. den eynoei thn epektash twn epixeirhsewn. H ellhnikh pleyra exei taxqei me ayth thn apofash, plhn ejairesewn, poy exoyn na kanoyn me apodedeigmenes tromokratikes energeies. se kapoia perioxh. Alla, ayth th stigmh den exoyme kati tetoio. FILHS: H Dieqnhs Amnhstia kai alloi Organismoi kataggelloyn oti oi ``apeleyqerwtes'' toy Afganistan, h Boreia Symmaxia, mprosta sta matia twn dieqnwn dynamewn, tis opoies yposthrizei kai h Ellada, exoyn epidoqei se "pogkrom", se sfages kai genikws anaptyssoyn draseis poy synistoyn egklhmata polemoy. O Prwqypoyrgos, proxqes sth Boylh, den brhke logo na ta katadikasei, isws na mhn ta gnwrize. Shmera yparxei kapoia katadikh; PRWTOPAPAS: H prospaqeia antimetwpishs ths tromokratias den mporei na dikaiologhsei kamia energeia apo opoydhpote ki an proerxetai, h opoia qa exei ta xarakthristika poy anaferate. Pisteyw, omws, oti oles aytes oi kataggelies qa ejetastoyn kai qa yparjei apo th Dieqnh Koinothta epishmh topoqethsh. Einai safes oti kaneis den mporei na symfwnhsei me energeies poy yperbainoyn thn entolh ths Dieqnoys Koinothtas. Einai aytonohth h topoqethsh ths ellhnikhs pleyras. FILHS: Ti perimenete na pei h Amerikh kai h Boreia Symmaxia, oti sfazoyn; Poia stoixeia perimenete; PRWTOPAPAS: Otan synedriasoyn ta organa ths E.E. -kai ektimw oti qa fqasoyn kai ekei oi kataggelies- qa topoqethqoyme. Bebaiws, emeis katadikazoyme kaqe prajh bias, poy den sympiptei me tis entoles ths Dieqnoys Koinothtas gi ayth thn epixeirhsh. Alla, den eginan kai apo tis dynameis ths Dieqnoys Koinothtas. FILHS: Gnwrizete ean ta amerikanika strateymata sthn perioxh kalyptoyn h deixnoyn anoxh se aytes tis sfages; PRWTOPAPAS: H topoqethsh poy ekane h E.E. kai symfwnhse h ellhnikh pleyra, einai safhs. Afora epixeirhseis antimetwpishs ths tromokratias. Tipota allo. Einai logiko oti kaqe prajh, h opoia einai ektos twn oriwn kai dhmioyrgei fainomena bias, den mas briskei symfwnoys. FILHS: H synexish toy polemoy shmera sto Afganistan einai enantion ths tromokratias; Ayto mas lete; PRWTOPAPAS: Eipa gia thn entolh poy doqhke. FILHS: Allo sas lew: H synexish toy polemoy sto Afganistan, synista polemo enantion ths tromokratias; PRWTOPAPAS: Jerete oti den exoyn syllhfqei akomh oi epikefalhs ths Al-Kainta. FILHS: Gia ton eyrwstrato exoyme kapoia neoterh ejelijh; PRWTOPAPAS: Yparxei safhs topoqethsh. Eida oti ekane kai h N.D. mia epikairh eperwthsh. Yphrje safestath topoqethsh, xqes, kai apo ton armodio ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn G. Papandreoy kai apo mena. Sas parapempw sth xqesinh topoqethsh moy, sthn opoia den yparxei kamia allagh. Se kamia periptwsh den qa apodexqoyme gewgrafikes ejaireseis apo thn Koinh Ejwterikh Politikh kai Politikh Asfaleias. Poso, mallon, otan orismenes protaseis gia tetoies ejaireseis aforoyn idiaitera eyaisqhtes, eqnika, perioxes gia mas. Qa kinhqoyme aysthra mesa sto plaisio poy oloi oi etairoi -kai emeis bebaiws- exoyme chfisei sth Synodo ths Nikaias kai ektimw oti prepei na ginoyn sebastes apo oloys aytes oi apofaseis. Yparxoyn synexeis energeies se ayth thn kateyqynsh. FILHS: Apo xqes mexri shmera, yparxoyn dyo ejelijeis gia ta qemata ayta. H prwth, einai h dhlwsh toy Belgoy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn. Ayth thn periodo to Belgio askei thn Proedria ths E.E.. Qa hqela na mas peite, ean sas kalyptei to periexomeno ayths ths dhlwshs. Twra den exoyme na kanoyme me Bretano h Amerikano poy kanei paraskhniakes energeies. Exoyme na kanoyme me th belgikh proedria poy symmeteixe stis energeies aytes sthn Agkyra. Poio einai to sxolio sas; PRWTOPAPAS: H belgikh proedria htan sthn Agkyra dia toy Prwqypoyrgoy toy Belgioy. Ej oswn gnwrizw, den yphrje kamia symfwnia me thn toyrkikh pleyra. Bebaiws, opws gnwrizete, anamenoyme to Belgo Prwqypoyrgo kai proedreyonta toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy sthn Ellada, tis epomenes hmeres. Ayta ta qemata qa syzhthqoyn kai edw. H qesh ths ellhnikhs pleyras einai safhs. Thn eipa xqes, thn epanelaba kai shmera. FILHS: Den qelw na moy peite th qesh sas. Entajei, thn katalaba th qesh sas. Yparxei xqesino sxolio ths belgikhs proedrias. Einai dhmosia dhlwsh ayth. Ep` aytoy, ti exete na peite; PRWTOPAPAS: Epanelaba th qesh mas, h opoia apanta se oloys. Exoyme chfisei sth Synodo ths Nikaias ena plaisio gia th dhmioyrgia toy eyrwstratoy kai ton tropo parembashs toy. Prepei na kinhqoyme oloi mesa stis kateyqynseis poy exoyme apofasisei, symfwnhsei kai chfisei. Kai prepei aytes oi apofaseis na ginoyn apo oloys sebastes. Kaqe allh energeia den mporei na thn kanoyme apodekth. Antidroyme kai qa antidrasoyme. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Ean to qema teqei epishmws, h Ellada einai apofasismenh na askhsei beto; PRWTOPAPAS: Ean to qema teqei epishmws -bebaiws, prepei na shmeiwsw oti den exei teqei se organo ths E.E., mexri ayth th stigmh- apo opoiadhpote pleyra, h Ellada qa antidrasei me ola ta mesa poy krinei prosfora, pros yperaspish twn eqnikwn symferontwn mas. FILHS: Exw mia deyterh erwthsh. O k. Papandreoy, xqes, milwntas sto geyma twn jenwn antapokritwn, eipe oti to qema ths amynas, ths asfaleias ths Kyproy den einai dynato na antimetwpistei apo thn eyrwpaikh amyna, giati ayth exei entolh mono gia na parembainei ws parathrhths gia ta qemata ths eirhnhs kai oxi gia na epiballei thn eirhnh. Dhladh, "peace keeping" kai oxi "peace making". Qa hqela na rwthsw, ean ayth h topoqethsh toy k. Papandreoy dieykolynei th formoyla ths Amerikhs kai twn Bretanwn. PRWTOPAPAS: Den pisteyw oti dieykolynei kamia "formoyla". Den einai etsi. Yparxei mia diafora se o,ti yparxei ayth thn wra kai se o,ti paei na ginei. O eyrwstratos den yparxei ayth th stigmh. Oi apofaseis pros thn prowqhsh ths dhmioyrgias toy, ws gnwrizete, parqhkan sthn prosfath atyph Synodo -ejalloy den pairnei kai oristikes apofaseis- twn armodiwn ypoyrgwn. Ayto to qema qa syzhthqei kai stis taktikes Synodoys twn organwn ths E.E. kai apo ekei kai pera qa milame gia thn yparjh toy eyrwstratoy. Shmera, den exoyme kati tetoio. ALEIFEROPOYLOS: Oi ellhnikes arxes gnwrizoyn apospasmata h merh twn kataqesewn toy Passarh stis roymanikes arxes poy aforoyn th drash toy sthn Ellada; Kai an aytes oi kataqeseis toy exoyn na kanoyn me swfronistikoys kai dikastikoys ypallhloys kai tyxon eyqynes toys; PRWTOPAPAS: Qa sas proteina na afhsoyme na proxwrhsei h diadikasia ths anakrishs. Yparxei stenh synergasia twn ellhnikwn armodiwn arxwn me tis roymanikes. Me thn oloklhrwsh ths anakritikhs diadikasias, qa yparjei kai h katallhlh enhmerwsh. Qa htan laqos, loipon, na yparjoyn tetoioy eidoys parembaseis. STAMATOPOYLOS: Mhpws jerei h kybernhsh pws efyge; PRWTOPAPAS: Pisteyw oti qa prokycei apo thn anakritikh diadikasia. STAMATOPOYLOS: Ta synora mas dhladh, einai "soyrwthri"; Opoios qelei mpainei, bgainei; Pws egine na fygei o pio epikindynos, o pio katazhtoymenos kakopoios sthn Ellada; An efyge aytos, katalabainete oi ypoloipoi... PRWTOPAPAS: Pisteyw oti exete katanohsei pws h erwthsh sas periexei to stoixeio ths yperbolhs. Gnwrizete peri tinos prokeitai kai th synergasia poy eixe me jenoys kakopoioys. Kai gnwrizete oti se aytes tis periptwseis, oso kala kai an fylas ta synora, panta mporei kapoios na brei diejodo. STAMATOPOYLOS: Ti ennoeite "me jenoys kakopoioys"; Dhladh, jenoi kakopoioi elegxoyn ta synora; Otan moy lete oti exei synergasia me jenoys kakopoioys, aytoi mporoyn na elegxoyn kai ta synora; PRWTOPAPAS: Ayth th fora h erwthsh sas periexei entono to stoixeio ths yperbolhs kai den xreiazetai na apanthsw. STAMATOPOYLOS: Kati akomh: O Prwqypoyrgos giati den phge shmera sth Boylh gia th syzhthsh ths DEKA, gia thn ejetastikh epitroph; PRWTOPAPAS: O Prwqypoyrgos eixe mia seira aneilhmmenwn ypoxrewsewn gia thn prowqhsh toy kybernhtikoy ergoy. Kai bebaiws, den ajiologoyme oti h protash gia systash mias ejetastikhs epitrophs apotelei ena toso shmantiko gegonos. Ejalloy, exw topoqethqei kai politika panw sto pragmatiko periexomeno ayths ths protashs: Prokeitai gia protash antiperispasmoy. STAMATOPOYLOS: Den einai sobarh mia protash gia ejetastikh epitroph, otan kathgoreitai h kybernhsh, otan kathgoroyntai ypoyrgoi, otan yparxei ayth h apath kai den qa paei o Prwqypoyrgos na yperaspisei thn kybernhsh; Poios qa paei; PRWTOPAPAS: Kyrie Stamatopoyle, qa sas synistoysa na prosexete stoys xarakthrismoys. Kai idiaitera sto xarakthrismo "apath" poy gnwrizete poly kala oti den isxyei. An kapoia apath yparxei edw, einai h prospaqeia dhmioyrgias entypwsewn ston ellhniko lao kai dhmioyrgias gegonotwn se baros ths oikonomias kai toy Xrhmatisthrioy apo to komma ths N.D. Apo thn allh pleyra, qa elega oti h idia h protash gia systash ejetastikhs epitrophs, deixnei to xarakthra poy kai h idia h N.D. dinei stis kinhseis ths: Kinhseis entypwsewn. Ejetastikh epitroph shmainei na diereynhsw kai oxi oti kathgorw. Den yparxei kathgoria. Opoios zhta ejetastikh epitroph den apeyqynei kathgoria. Ypotiqetai oti zhta ereyna. Einai, omws, kaqaro oti ayth h kinhsh einai kinhsh entypwsewn. Stis kinhseis entypwsewn, stoys antiperispasmoys aytoys, prepei na apodwsoyme th shmasia poy toys prepei. STAMATOPOYLOS: Sthn chfoforia qa paei; PRWTOPAPAS: Mporeite na exete ypomonh orismenes wres. Sas eyxaristw. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |