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Greek Government Press Briefing, 01-11-16

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 16 Noembrioy 2001




Geia sas.

Na sas enhmerwsw, eisagwgikws, oti o Prwqypoyrgos parabreqhke, prin apo ligh wra, se ekdhlwsh sxoleioy ths perioxhs Keratsinioy, synodeyomenos apo ton ypoyrgo Paideias Petro Eyqymioy. O Prwqypoyrgos ekrine skopimo na parabreqei se mia maqhtikh giorth gia na timhsei thn epeteio toy Polytexneioy.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

XRISTAKOS: Hqela ena sxolio ths kybernhshs sxetika me thn epikeimenh ypografh ths koinhs ypochfiothtas gia to Eyrwpaiko Prwtaqlhma toy 2008, me thn Toyrkia, poy ypografetai shmera sthn Kwnstantinoypolh.

PRWTOPAPAS: Gnwrizete oti exei topoqethqei qetika o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Papandreoy. Afoy anelaban oi anejarthtes omospondies ayth thn eyqynh, emeis blepoyme qetika thn kinhsh toys. Einai allo ena bhma poy prowqei th filia kai th synergasia metajy twn dyo lawn.

KARAGIANNH: Mhpws mporeite na mas dwsete kapoies epiprosqetes plhrofories gia to antikeimeno ths syskechs poy qa exete ayrio me ton Prwqypoyrgo;

PRWTOPAPAS: Qa syzhthqoyn ola ta qemata poy sxetizontai me th leitoyrgia toy ypoyrgeioy kai tis proteraiothtes toy, plhn ekeinwn, fysika, ths leitoyrgias toy kybernhtikoy ekproswpoy. Dhladh, qa syzhthsoyme qemata poy syndeontai me th leitoyrgia toy ypoyrgeioy, me tis proteraiothtes toy, me thn prooptikh ths epejergasias enos sxedioy nomoy gia thn ylopoihsh twn epitagwn toy neoy Syntagmatos. Qa einai mia prwth syzhthsh panw stoys sxediasmoys ths neas politikhs hgesias. Mhn perimenete, omws, amesws kapoies eidhseis. Einai qemata poy qeloyn eidikh epejergasia kai doyleia. Kai qa yparxei enhmerwsh twn armodiwn prin apo kaqe energeia. Qa syzhthsoyme me oles tis pleyres.

PITTARAS: Problhmatizetai h kybernhsh apo th stash twn boyleytwn toy PASOK, sth Boylh, se o,ti afora to nomosxedio gia ton aigialo;

PRWTOPAPAS: H kybernhsh problhmatizetai otan paroysiazontai antidraseis apo toys boyleytes ths pleiochfias, se oles tis periptwseis. Otan oi boyleytes toy Kinhmatos antidroyn h otan ypoballoyn kapoies sygkekrimenes protaseis, emeis ofeiloyme na eimaste anoiktoi. Ofeiloyme na lambanoyme ypoch tis protaseis toys. Ofeiloyme na kanoyme o,ti to dynato kalytera, prokeimenoy na ejasfalizetai h eyryterh dynath pleiochfia kata thn chfish sxediwn nomoy sth Boylh. Ejalloy, oi boyleytes poy sygkrotoyn thn kybernhtikh pleiochfia, oi boyleytes toy kybernwntos kommatos, exoyn kai aytoi eyqynh, exoyn kai aytoi thn apostolh toys, thn entolh poy toys edwse o ellhnikos laos na symballoyn sthn kalyterh dynath leitoyrgia toy Koinoboylioy kai thn kalyterh epejergasia twn sxediwn nomoy pros ofelos twn politwn kai ths xwras. Gi ayto to logo, pantote, xreiazetai na apodidoyme idiaiterh prosoxh sthn proetoimasia mesa apo toys Koinoboyleytikoys Tomeis Ergasias kai, bebaiws, sth syzhthsh poy diejagetai meta stis Diarkeis Epitropes toy Koinoboylioy.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Yparxei kati neotero apo tis ereynes twn yphresiwn gia th xqesinh ekrhjh sto N. Cyxiko;

PRWTOPAPAS: Den exoyme mexri ayth th stigmh kati neotero. Diejagetai sxetikh ereyna. Oi armodies yphresies kanoyn th doyleia toys. Ereynoyn to xwro kai kaqe stoixeio poy exei prokycei h mporei na prokycei. Otan einai etoimes qa proboyn stis sxetikes anakoinwseis.

ARGYROS: Poia kathgoria yparxei gi aytoys poy fwtografizan sthn Kalamata kai toys odhgoyn stis fylakes;

PRWTOPAPAS: Exei apaggelqei kathgoria gia kataskopeia. Yphrxe mexri xqes krathsh toys se kapoies eidikes synqhkes. Exei apaggelqei kathgoria ki exoyn kriqei profylakisteoi apo tis armodies arxes. Apo ekei kai pera gia tis ejelijeis twn pragmatwn, qa enhmerwqeite.

ANANIADHS: Proxqes, egine ena epishmo paixnidi metajy twn eqnikwn omadwn Elpidwn Elladas-Toyrkias. Ekei egine kapoia biaiopragia. Qa mporoyse na pei kaneis oti htan synhqismenh gia ta podosfairika dedomena h yperbolikh. Akoloyqhse mia apisteyth seira palinwdiwn h erasitexnismwn, an moy epitrepetai h ekfrash, apo thn pleyra ths ellhnikhs omospondias. Sthn arxh hqele na krycei to epeisodio, na mh diarreysei k.t.l. Shmera, malista, ston Typo to qema exei parei arnhtikh ektash gia tis sxeseis twn dyo omospondiwn kai to pws qa diorganwsoyme to Eyrwpaiko Prwtaqlhma 2008. H erwthsh moy, loipon, einai h ejhs: Skeftetai h kybernhsh na prostateysei ayth thn koinh ypochfiothta me allo tropo, ektos apo thn epixorhghsh poy doqhke sthn EPO kai kalws doqhke gia ta prwta ejoda, apo to ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn; Skeftetai na thn prostateysei apo endexomenoys antistoixoys erasitexnismoys ths mias h ths allhs pleyras; Alla, milame gia th dikh mas pleyra.

PRWTOPAPAS: Einai safes pws an kataggelqei oti opoiosdhpote Ellhnas poliths exei ypostei otidhpote, qa yparjoyn oi anagkaies antidraseis. Mexri ayth th stigmh, den exei ginei sxetikh kataggelia. To allo shmeio poy qelw na epishmanw einai oti h epilogh ths koinhs protashs -giati einai protash akoma- gia th diorganwsh twn Eyrwpaikwn Agwnwn Podosfairoy, egine apo tis dyo omospondies. Gnwrizete oti kai me bash to katastatiko twn dieqnwn omospondiwn, alla kai th leitoyrgia toys, oi omospondies aytes einai anejarthtes, den einai kybernhtikes organwseis, kai ta dioikhtika symboylia toys eklegontai me eleyqerh chfoforia, metajy twn melwn twn organwsewn toys. Apo ekei kai pera, ekanan ayth thn epilogh. H ellhnikh kybernhsh, dia toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, exei topoqethqei qetika kai pisteyei oti einai mia energeia poy mporei na prowqhsei ta zhthmata synergasias kai kalhs geitonias me thn Toyrkia. Bebaia, apo pleyras ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs, ean telika analhfqoyn oi agwnes, qa lhfqoyn ola ta anagkaia metra gia na diejaxqoyn me asfaleia kai oso ginetai kalytera. Emeis qa kanoyme ayto poy prepei sto metro poy exoyme eyqynh ws kybernhsh. Th diorganwsh den thn exoyme emeis, alla h Podosfairikh Omospondia.

ANANIADHS: Eynoei h kybernhsh th diorganwsh. Etsi den einai;

PRWTOPAPAS: Einai safes oti exei topoqethqei qetika.

ANANIADHS: Den fobatai, mhpws ginoyn kai alloi tetoioi problhmatikoi xeirismoi; Einai ikanopoihmenh h kybernhsh apo toys xeirismoys ths Ellhnikhs Podosfairikhs Omospondias aytwn twn dyo teleytaiwn hmerwn; Den fobatai oti ayto eblace to klima;

PRWTOPAPAS: Den qa topoqethqei o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos gia toys xeirismoys ths Ellhnikhs Podosfairikhs Omospondias. Topoqetoymai panw se ena eyrytero gegonos, poy einai h koinh diorganwsh toy Eyrwpaikoy Prwtaqlhmatos. Epanalambanw oti qa laboyme ola ta anagkaia metra gia na ginoyn me asfaleia oi agwnes. Apo ekei kai pera, o ellhnikos laos einai panta filojenos kai ypeyqynos. Den katalabainw giati na exoyme diafores me ton opoiondhpote ston aqlhtiko tomea. Ejalloy, opws gnwrizete -kai ayto einai ena poly qetiko gegonos- Toyrkoi epaggelmaties aqlhtes, agwnizontai se ellhnikes omades. Den einai kako ayto.

LEONTOPOYLOS: Mexri twra, h kybernhsh elege oti den qa steilei strato sto Afganistan. Xqes, to KYSEA allaje ayth th qesh. Ti mesolabhse kai phrate ayth thn apofash;

PRWTOPAPAS: H kybernhsh den qa steilei strato sto Afganistan. To KYSEA apofasise tria akomh bhmata sto plaisio, bebaia, mias genikoterhs synennohshs me to NATO kai twn prwtoboyliwn toy. Sto plaisio ayto, opws anakoinwsa kai xqes, yparxei h dynatothta, ena polemiko skafos epifaneias na pleysei sthn perioxh toy Arabikoy kolpoy. Yparxei apofash na staloyn akomh 300 andres sto Kossobo, ean xreiastei, prokeimenoy na antikatasthsoyn strateymata allwn xwrwn toy NATO, an ayta apoxwrhsoyn. Epishs, yparxei kai h apofash gia thn apostolh dyo ews triwn metagwgikwn, typoy C-130, apokleistika gia metafora anqrwpistikhs bohqeias. To tonizw ayto. Einai loipon safes: Eimaste mesa sth Dieqnh Koinothta, metexoyme stis apofaseis kai tis kinhseis ths. Den exoyme, omws, amesh stratiwtikh emplokh. H Ellada den qa symmetasxei se stratiwtikes epixeirhseis sto Afganistan.

ARGYROS: Yparxei kapoio sxolio gia th shmerinh entash sto Polytexneio;

PRWTOPAPAS: Gnwrizete poio einai gia mas to nohma toy Polytexneioy. Apo ekei kai pera, h opoiadhpote entash den symballei se tipota.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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