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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-11-13

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 13 Noembrioy 2000



Geia sas kai kalh ebdomada.

Na sas enhmerwsw, en taxei, gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy tis prosexeis hmeres.

O Prwqypoyrgos synanthqhke, shmera, me ton Proedro ths Kypriakhs Boylhs k. Kyprianoy. Se ligo qa dexqei kai qa dejiwqei toys Ellhnes poy diakriqhkan stoys Paraolympiakoys Agwnes ths Aystralias. Amesws meta, stis 2.30, qa dexqei se synergasia ton epikefalhs ths ellhnikhs Epitrophs Olympiakwn Agwnwn k. Lamph Nikolaoy.

Ayrio stis 10 to prwi, qa dexqei thn ka Basw Papandreoy kai ton k. Mixalh Xrysoxoidh. Qa proedreysei se ayth th syskech gia qemata koinhs armodiothtas twn dyo ypoyrgwn. Argotera, stis 12 to meshmeri, qa dexqei ton Proedro ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias k. Klhridh, o opoios brisketai sth xwra mas. Qa exoyn synomilies, qa toy paraqesei kai geyma, opws synhqizetai. Oi dyo andres qa proboyn se dhlwseis, meta tis synomilies kai prin apo to geyma. Ayrio to apogeyma stis 7, qa synedriasei, ypo thn proedria toy Prwqypoyrgoy, h diypoyrgikh Epitroph gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004.

Thn Tetarth, stis 10 to prwi, qa dexqei se synergasia thn politikh hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Ygeias, ton k. Papadopoylo kai ton k. Qano, kaqws kai ton ypoyrgo Ergasias k. Giannitsh. Antikeimeno ths syzhthshs qa einai h politikh ths kybernhshs enantia sth ftwxeia kai ton koinwniko apokleismo, h syzhthsh gia to legomeno "dixty koinwnikhs prostasias". Argotera, stis 12 to meshmeri, qa episkefqei toys pente neoys staqmoys toy METRO, sth diadromh apo to Syntagma sth Dafnh. To apogeyma, stis 6.30, qa parastei sthn teleth poy organwnetai sth Boylh pros timh twn aqlhtwn poy diakriqhkan stoys Paraolympiakoys Agwnes.

Thn Pempth to prwi, qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, to opoio qa asxolhqei me qemata toy ypoyrgeioy Dikaiosynhs.

Thn Paraskeyh, qa exei synergasia me to Grammatea ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs toy PASOK K. Skandalidh.

Sto telos ths ebdomadas qa episkefqei thn Ellada o Prwqypoyrgos ths Polwnias, o opoios qa exei synomilies me ton k. Shmith.

Apo to prwi einai se ejelijh h synanthsh -poy gia tetarth synexomenh xronia organwnei to ypoyrgeio mas- twn ellhnikhs katagwghs dhmosiografwn poy ergazontai se jena shmantika MME, se oles tis xwres toy kosmoy. Apo th makrinh Aystralia kai thn Argentinh h apo alles xwres ths Eyrwphs, ellhnikhs katagwghs dhmosiografoi, poy exoyn katagrafei, meta apo ereyna poy dienhrghse to ypoyrgeio mas, briskontai sthn Ellada, prokeimenoy na enhmerwqoyn apo ekproswpoys twn politikwn kommatwn kai twn koinwnikwn forewn, gia thn katastash sthn patrida mas. Ayth h diaskech jekinhse sto Zappeio. Qa einai olh thn ebdomada proskeklhmenoi mas oi filoi dhmosiografoi, prokeimenoy apo "prwto xeri" na exoyn mia eikona gia thn katastash sth xwra mas. Epanalambanw, oti einai proskeklhmenoi gia tetarth synexomenh xronia, oxi oi idioi bebaia. Einai ena programma to opoio ejelissetai.

Qa hqela na sas enhmerwsw -an den to gnwrizete- oti eixame ena tragiko atyxhma shmera, sto plaisio mias askhshs sto pedio bolhs ths Neas Agxialoy. Ena aeroplano F-16 toy typoy Block 30, dystyxws, meta thn katabyqish kai thn en synexeia apagkistrwsh toy, katepese sth qalassa, sthn eyryterh perioxh opoy einai to pedio bolhs. Ginontai ereynes gia ton yposmhnago poy htan o xeirisths toy maxhtikoy aeroskafoys, xwris epityxia mexri twra. Einai ena tragiko peristatiko.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: O k. Etsebit, ekane xqes mia dhlwsh. Eipe oti den exoyn isxy gia thn Toyrkia toso to tmhma toy keimenoy etairikhs sxeshs poy afora to Kypriako, oso kai to eggrafo poy teqhke ypoch twn dyo merwn stis synomilies ths Geneyhs gia to Kypriako, san qeseis toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE. Qa hqela to sxolio sas.

REPPAS: Ta qemata ayta syzhtoyntai poly kairo. H Ellada paramenei stis qeseis poy exei diatypwsei, qeseis poy ekfrazoyn thn E.E. afenos kai afeteroy ton OHE, oson afora to politiko problhma ths Kyproy. Oi dhlwseis twn Toyrkwn ajiwmatoyxwn den einai mono se baros ths Kyproy h ths prospaqeias poy kataballei h Dieqnhs Koinothta na antimetwpisei to kypriako qema. Einai kai se baros ths Toyrkias. Giati antilambaneste pws me th stash ths ayth, h opoia ekfrazetai me tis dhlwseis twn hgetwn ths, mia stash h opoia oysiastika strefetai enantion toy OHE kai twn apofasewn poy exei labei h enantion ths E.E. kai twn apofasewn poy exei labei h hgesia ths E.E., h Toyrkia den epitygxanei tipota allo, para thn peraiterw apomonwsh ths. Anti, dhladh, na epidiwjei h toyrkikh hgesia thn proseggish ths Toyrkias pros th Dieqnh Koinothta, idiaiterws toys eyrwpaikoys qesmoys, petyxainei telikws to antiqeto apotelesma. Pisteyw oti qa prepei na anaprosanatolisei thn politikh ths. Ayto einai kati poy ejyphretei kai thn idia thn Toyrkia. Qa prepei na to antilhfqoyn. Kaqenas einai diateqeimenos na bohqhsei, otan aytos ston opoio anaferetai h bohqeia, prwta kai kyria, deixnei oti einai etoimos kai mporei na bohqhsei ton eayto toy. H Toyrkia den bohqaei ton eayto ths. Ayto mporw na pw epigrammatika.

ANTYPAS: Eipate oti epitygxanei thn peraiterw apomonwsh ths. Poia einai ta stoixeia poy sas kanoyn na lete oti h Toyrkia brisketai se apomonwsh;

REPPAS: H Toyrkia, gnwrizete poly kala, edw kai polla xronia -kai menw se ena paradeigma mono- epidiwkei na entaxqei sthn E.E. Einai kati poy dhlwnoyn rhta oi hgetes ths. Den to exei petyxei. Kai den to exei petyxei, mexri twra, epeidh akribws einai se apostash apo tis arxes kai toys kanones, basei twn opoiwn leitoyrgoyn oi xwres ths E.E. Kai den qa to epityxei an parameinei se ayth thn politikh. Ektos ki an ayto apotelei epilogh ths hgesias ths Toyrkias h enos tmhmatos twn paragontwn ths Toyrkias poy exoyn logo gia tis ejelijeis sth geitonikh xwra. Alla, ayto apotelei eswteriko qema ths Toyrkias.

MIXAHL: Apo tis apanthseis sas katalabainw oti ton teleytaio kairo exete mia epifylajh gia th stash ths Toyrkias genikotera. Kata poso, dhladh, h Toyrkia akoloyqei thn poreia poy eseis epiqymeite. Na ypoqesw, loipon, oti h dikh sas epifylajh h ayth h mikrh aytosygkrathsh brisketai se apoklish me tis dhlwseis toy k. Papandreoy, poy pairnei to proswpiko risko sthn ejomalynsh twn sxesewn me thn Toyrkia;

REPPAS: Den yparxei apoklish, yparxei apolyth taytish qesewn. Giati gnwrizete oti h Ellada, anejarthtws twn ejelijewn, einai wfelhmenh. Kai einai wfelhmenh giati sth mia periptwsh h Toyrkia qa enarmonistei me to Dieqnes Dikaio, qa entaxqei stoys dytikoys qesmoys kai qa apokthsei mia politikh koyltoyra symperiforas analoghs me ayth twn allwn xwrwn ths E.E. kai etsi qa symballei, pisteyoyme, sthn edraiwsh ths eirhnhs kai ths staqerothtas sthn perioxh. Einai wfelhmenh, epishs, h Ellada kai sthn periptwsh ekeinh poy h Toyrkia den kataferei na antapokriqei se ayth thn proklhsh kai den qa kerdisei to stoixhma, to opoio kaleitai na kerdisei. Giati tote, h Dieqnhs Koinothta qa exei antilhfqei oti para tis prospaqeies ths Eyrwphs kai ths Elladas symperilambanomenhs, h Toyrkia exei alloys prosanatolismoys, einai alles oi epiloges ths. Ara, h Ellada kai h Eyrwph qa exoyn antapokriqei sta aithmata twn kairwn. H Toyrkia qa einai ayth poy gia mia akomh fora den qa ajiopoihsei mia eykairia poy ths prosferetai. H qesh ayth, poy aneptyje o k. Papandreoy, einai qesh poy o kaqenas eykola mporei na antilhfqei kai pisteyw oti aspazetai to synolo toy politikoy kosmoy ths xwras mas. Den yparxei allos tropos epikoinwnias sthn oikodomhsh sxesewn me tis geitonikes xwres kai thn Toyrkia.

MIXAHL: Kata poso to aspazetai h den to aspazetai o politikos kosmos ths xwras exete kaqe dikaiwma na to sxoliazete. Alla, qelw na sas rwthsw to ejhs: Ean gia sas, ws ekproswpo ths kybernhshs, einai risko ayth h qesh;

REPPAS: Apanthsa, oti se kaqe periptwsh h Ellada einai wfelhmenh. Ayto eipe kai o k. Papandreoy, o opoios ws ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn exei anoijei mia nea selida, metajy twn allwn, kai sto kefalaio twn ellhno-toyrkikwn sxesewn. Einai tolmhrh h prwtoboylia toy k. Papandreoy na anaprosanatolisei thn ellhnikh politikh se enan tropo, poy qa elege kaneis oti einai pio "epiqetikos" se sxesh me to parelqon. Analambanontai apo thn Ellada, dhladh, politikes kai diplwmatikes prwtoboylies me "epiqetiko" tropo, prokeimenoy na anadeixqoyn ta qemata. Kai ayto, pisteyw, ofeiletai kai ston k. Papandreoy. Exei apodwsei karpoys. Gia prwth fora h Ellada exei fwnh toso isxyrh sth Dieqnh Koinothta. Pisteyw oti o k. Papandreoy, kaqws kaqodhgei ayth thn politikh, exei kaqe logo na epishmainei oti bebaiws oydeis mporei, ek twn proterwn, na gnwrizei an kai se poio pososto qa yparjei antapokrish se ayth thn politikh kai diplwmatikh prwtoboylia ths xwras mas. Ayto einai kati poy oydeis ek twn proterwn mporei na to pei.

SKOYRHS: Me aformh thn koinh synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me toys kyrioys Giannitsh kai Papadopoylo kai me dedomeno oti o Prwqypoyrgos exei milhsei epaneilhmmena gia mia emprosqobarh politikh, qelw na rwthsw h nomoqethsh gia thn apasxolhsh kai tis ergasiakes sxeseis pote qa ginei; Qa ginei to Noembrh;

REPPAS: Ayth h prwtoboylia ths kybernhshs analambanetai taxytata. Entos twn hmerwn, mporw na pw. Qa moy epitrecete, me aformh thn erwthsh sas, na kanw anafora se ena allo qema, poy afora to asfalistiko problhma, epeidh diapistwnw oti se diafora dhmosieymata ekfrazetai anhsyxia megaloy ariqmoy sympolitwn mas gia tis ejelijeis se ayto to pedio: H kybernhsh exei anaqesei se egkyro aggliko oiko th meleth toy asfalistikoy qematos. Sto telos Ianoyarioy anamenetai h diatypwsh apo thn pleyra toy agglikoy oikoy twn sxetikwn protasewn. Ola ayta qa syzhthqoyn sto plaisio twn politikwn prwtoboyliwn poy qa analabei h kybernhsh kai me toys koinwnikoys etairoys. Ara, opoiadhpote antidrash, ayth thn wra, den antapokrinetai se pragmatika dedomena. Einai mia antidrash epipolaih, h opoia mporei na odhghsei se blabh twn symferontwn twn idiwn twn ergazomenwn. Prepei na gnwrizoyn oloi -to exoyme allwste janapei- oti den prokeitai h kybernhsh na analabei aifnidiastikes prwtoboylies kai den prokeitai, se kaqe periptwsh, na qigoyn wrima asfalistika dikaiwmata twn politwn. Ara, loipon, taxytata, entos ayths ths periodoy, analambanoyme th nomoqetikh prwtoboylia. Oson afora ta qemata poy aptontai toy asfalistikoy problhmatos qa mas apasxolhsoyn toys epomenoys mhnes, me th seira poy anefera molis prin.

SKOYRHS: H kybernhsh, giati se polles eyrwpaikes xwres yparxei, antimetwpizei to endexomeno na kaqierwsei elaxisto eggyhmeno eisodhma, mias kai qa ginei syzhthsh gia to ``dixty kata ths ftwxeias'';

REPPAS: Pisteyoyme oti h politikh gia thn antimetwpish ths ftwxeias kai toy koinwnikoy apokleismoy, anadeiknyetai mesa apo seira metrwn. H kybernhsh exei proxwrhsei sth lhch tetoiwn metrwn, prokeimenoy na bohqhsoyme tis koinwnika asqenesteres omades toy ellhnikoy plhqysmoy. Den yparxoyn polles xwres sthn E.E. -oyte kan arketes qa elega- poy na exoyn kaqierwsei mia tetoia politikh me ton titlo poy xrhsimopoihsate. Den exoyme, kat` arxas, enan tetoion prosanatolismo. Ayto poy kyriws mas endiaferei einai to periexomeno ths politikhs, h oysia mias politikhs, ta metra ths politikhs, ta opoia bohqoyn toys koinwnika adynamoys na zoyn kalytera. Gnwrizete poio einai to plegma aytwn twn prwtoboyliwn, sto xwro ths ygeias, ths periqalchs, ths koinwnikhs pronoias, ths frontidas gia toys hlikiwmenoys kai toys pasxontes, ta metra gia toys xamhlosyntajioyxoys. Qa meinoyme, loipon, se ayto to plaisio, poy qa einai to antikeimeno syzhthshs sth meqayrianh (15.11) syskech, kai meta th syskech qa gnwrizoyme perissoteres leptomereies gia tis prwtoboylies poy analambanei h kybernhsh pros thn kateyqynsh ayth.

SKOYRHS: Eipate oti ta metra gia to ``dixty enantia sthn ftwxeia'', exoyn lhfqei; Den perimenoyme nea metra apo th syskech;

REPPAS: Eipa oti exoyn lhfqei tetoia metra. Qa perimenete thn ejeidikeysh kai alles leptomereies sthn efarmogh ayths ths politikhs poy exoyme apofasisei, meta apo ayth th syskech. Alla, tetoia metra, opws p.x. to EKAS k.t.l., asfalws exoyn lhfqei. Einai polla ta metra poy isxyoyn se ayth thn kateyqynsh.

SOYGLERHS: O Proedros ths N.D. sthn omilia toy sthn Kalamata, xarakthrise ton Prwqypoyrgo ``maestro ths diaplokhs''. Exei kapoio sxolio h kybernhsh;

REPPAS: H N.D. poreyetai etsi, xwris programma. Adynatei na diatypwsei qetikes protaseis gia thn antimetwpish twn problhmatwn poy apasxoloyn th xwra. Gi ayto periorizetai o k. Karamanlhs sthn epanalhch aytoy toy motiboy ths diaplokologias, pisteyontas pws etsi, me th synthrhsh enos noshroy klimatos, qa mporesei na dhmioyrghsei sygxysh kai na apoprosanatolisei toys polites. Emeis epiqymoyme thn antiparaqesh, th sygkrish kai th sygkroysh me thn Antipoliteysh, se programmatiko kai politiko pedio. Giati exoyme programma, exoyme protaseis, exoyme politikh. H N.D. den diaqetei politikh, O arxhgos ths kai synolikws h hgesia ths httas ths N.D. epanalambanoyn ton eayto toys. Me alla logia, epanalambanoyn ta laqh toys kai qa epanalaboyn kai tis httes toys.

Sas eyxaristw.

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