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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-11-07

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 7 Noembrioy 2000




Geia sas.

Synedriasan, shmera apo koinoy, h Kybernhtikh Epitroph kai to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy PASOK, me qema syzhthshs thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos. Egine anafora sthn ergasia ths Epitrophs gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos kai syzhthsh gia kaqe mia apo tis anaqewrhtees diatajeis, symfwna me th diatypwsh sthn opoia katelhje h Epitroph. Anthllaghsan apoceis kai diatypwqhkan problhmatismoi. H koinoboyleytikh pleiochfia proserxetai sth syzhthsh poy qa ginei sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs me tis qeseis poy exoyn apotypwqei sto keimeno, to opoio hdh gnwrizete, kai epi twn diatajewn aytwn qa ginei peraiterw syzhthsh. Sxetikes dhlwseis exei kanei, hdh, o eishghths ths pleiochfias. Den exw tipota allo na prosqesw.

Amesws meta synedriase to KYSEA poy asxolhqhke me dyo qemata:

-To prwto qema afora to mnhmonio synergasias Elladas kai Kyproy gia thn prolhch, ton periorismo kai thn antimetwpish krisewn sthn Ellada kai thn Kypro h thn Ellada h thn Kypro. To mnhmonio ayto exei yioqethqei apo to ypoyrgiko symboylio ths Kyproy. To KYSEA enekrine th sxetikh eishghsh toy Ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Amynas kai apofasise na isxysei ayto to mnhmonio. Kaqe xwra exei to diko ths mhxanismo, exei sygkekrimenes diadikasies poy akoloyqoyntai gia thn antimetwpish tetoiwn katastasewn. Me to mnhmonio apofasisthke oi dyo xwres na synergazontai, na syntonizontai, dhladh, ta organa, mesw twn diadikasiwn poy exei egkaqidrysei kaqe kratos, prokeimenoy na antimetwpisoyn mia krish poy ekdhlwnetai sthn Ellada kai thn Kypro h mono sthn Ellada h mono sthn Kypro.

-To deytero qema: To KYSEA apofasise thn paratash ths qhteias toy Arxhgoy GEEQA k. Manoysoy Paragioydakh gia enan akomh xrono. Gnwrizete oti oloklhrwnetai h dieths qhteia toy kai o nomos dinei th dynatothta paratashs gia enan akomh xrono sthn idia qesh. Logw ths epityxoys qhteias toy, to KYSEA, meta apo eishghsh toy Ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Amynas, apofasise omofwna na parateinei gia enan akomh xrono th qhteia toy.

KARGOYDH: Poia einai ayta ta Organa poy qa xeirizontai, qa antimetwpizoyn, qa epejergazontai tis kriseis; Giati milhsate gia syntonismo kai synergasia twn armodiwn arxwn.

REPPAS: Den yparxei koino Organo. Yparxei mnhmonio poy problepei pws syntonizontai ta Organa poy exoyn qespisei oi dyo xwres. Einai to KYSEA, o ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynas, to Symboylio Amynas, to Symboylio twn arxhgwn twn Epiteleiwn kai o arxhgos GEEQA. Ayta einai gnwsta.

SOYRMELH: Ayto to mnhmonio, profanws eixe ypografei prosfata. Pote eixe ypografei;

REPPAS: Ayto to mnhmonio syzhthqhke shmera kai apofasisthke apo to KYSEA na yioqethqei. Egkriqhke shmera.

SOYRMELH: Qa yparjei diadikasia epikyrwshs toy apo to Koinoboylio;

REPPAS: Oxi, den antimetwpizetai tetoio qema, giati den einai anagkaio.

SOYRMELH: Kai otan lete "kriseis", apo o,ti katalabainw, me bash ta Organa, ti ennoeite;

REPPAS: Ennow se qemata asfaleias kai amynas. To eipa sthn arxh.

GIANNAKOPOYLOS: Pote qa ginei gnwsth h apofash poy elabe, xqes, se synedriash ths, h Arxh Prostasias Proswpikwn Dedomenwn, gia th gnwsth typoy X.O. ypografh@;

REPPAS: Otan thn anakoinwsei h Arxh Prostasias Proswpikwn Dedomenwn. Einai anejarthth Arxh kai den einai dynato na gnwrizei opoiosdhpote allos to periexomeno ths apofashs ths, oyte mporei na ypagoreysei to ryqmo me ton opoio ekdidei apofaseis.

GIANNAKOPOYLOS: Se mia ebdomada, se deka hmeres;

REPPAS: Einai kati poy den mporei na to gnwrizei kaneis, peran ths Arxhs Prostasias Proswpikwn Dedomenwn.

MOYRTHS: Exw mia genikh kai mia eidikh erwthsh: Eipate gia apoceis kai problhmatismoys poy ekfrasthkan apo ta melh ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs kai toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy gia thn Anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos. Mporeite na mas peite, en syntomia, na mas proideasete, na mas dwsete mia eikona twn problhmatismwn poy anaptyxqhkan; Kai mia eidikh erwthsh: ean yparxei gia thn kybernhsh qema anadiatypwshs ths diatajhs gia to arqro 24 gia thn prostasia twn daswn, gia to opoio exei kanei logo kai o ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs apo xqes.

REPPAS: To qema sto opoio anaferqhkate arqro 24 gia thn prostasia twn daswn syzhthqhke sth shmerinh synedriash. To qema einai poly shmantiko. H Kybernhtikh Epitroph ejefrase th qesh oti prepei na parameinoyme sthn paroysa diatypwsh, h opoia diasfalizei kai thn prostasia toy dasikoy ploytoy ths xwras, xwris na odhgoymaste se paradojothtes, prokeimenoy na feroyme se peras poly shmantika erga, ta opoia exoyn eqnikh shmasia.

Mporw na pw metajy twn allwn -giati exei kai politikh shmasia, epeidh mporei na syzhteitai ayto to qema- oti o Prwqypoyrgos anaferqhke kathgorhmatika sto qema toy eklogikoy systhmatos kai eipe oti qema allaghs toy, oyte antimetwpisame, oyte yfistatai. To lew epeidh gnwrizw oti yparxei mia fhmologia, aytes tis hmeres, gia to sygkekrimeno qema, poy exei parei mia sxetikh ektash. Den yparxei tetoio qema.

Apo kei kai pera, oles oi syzhthseis oi opoies eginan syneklinan se orismena basika shmeia gia ta shmantika politika qemata poy perilambanontai stis diatajeis toy ypo anaqewrhsh Syntagmatos, opws einai ayto ths diafaneias. Prepei na qwrakisoyme th Dhmokratia, toys qesmoys me tetoio tropo, wste na einai dynatos o elegxos, oson afora thn idiokthsia twn MME, kai taytoxrona na dhmioyrghsoyme ena pedio synallagwn toy Dhmosioy me idiwtikes epixeirhseis, opoy ola qa ejelissontai me diafaneia, me oroys ygioys antagwnismoy, xwris na dinetai h dynatothta ston opoiondhpote na qewrei oti h leitoyrgia enos MME paizei kaqoristiko rolo, prokeimenoy na lhfqoyn apofaseis se ayto ton tomea.

Egine, p.x., syzhthsh gia qemata toy Anwtatoy Symboylioy Epiloghs Proswpikoy (ASEP), gia to opoio jekaqaristhke oti o rolos toy katoxyrwnetai, pleon, syntagmatika. Opws problepei o sxetikos nomos, to ASEP prepei na einai to organo poy qa probainei se proslhceis.

Analogh syzhthsh egine gia qemata poy aforoyn ta kwlymata twn boyleytwn, enocei ths ypochfiothtas toys h ta asymbibasta poy exei o boyleyths kata thn askhsh twn kaqhkontwn toy.

Symfwnoyme me tis diatajeis, opws aytes exoyn diatypwqei sto keimeno poy qa syzhthqei sthn Olomeleia.

Egine, epishs, anafora se qemata poy aforoyn th leitoyrgia ths Dikaiosynhs. Paramenoyme gia ta sxetika qemata stis diatajeis, opws ayta exoyn apofasistei.

Gia tis Anejarthtes Arxes meiname symfwnoi sth qesh, h opoia perilambanetai sto nomosxedio poy syzhteitai sth Boylh gia to ESR. Na sygkrotoyntai, dhladh, apo th diaskech twn Proedrwn me ayjhmenh pleiochfia.

Egine syzhthsh epi olwn twn diatajewn. Katalhjame, opws sas eipa, oti oi diatypwseis oi opoies eginan apo thn armodia Epitroph mas briskoyn symfwnoys kai ep aytwn qa kinhqoyme sth syzhthsh sthn Olomeleia.

SOYRMELH: Ayto to keimeno, ap o,ti katalaba, den jerw, diaceyste me, eixe ftiaxtei apo thn kypriakh kybernhsh, h opoia to yioqethse, to esteile sthn ellhnikh kybernhsh, h opoia to yioqethse@

REPPAS: Yphrje diaboyleysh metajy twn dyo ypoyrgeiwn. Katelhjan se mia eishghsh kai se ena keimeno, to opoio perilambanei diadikasies kai draseis, poy briskei symfwnes kai tis dyo kybernhseis.

SOYRMELH: Qa yparjei kai ypografh se ayto h den xreiazetai;

REPPAS: Sas eipa oti kaqe keimeno exei egkriqei apo thn kypriakh kai apo thn ellhnikh kybernhsh. Ara, loipon, kaqe kybernhsh exei yioqethsei to idio keimeno.

SOYRMELIDHS: Milhsan, kat idian, o Prwqypoyrgos kai o k. Tsoxatzopoylos;

REPPAS: Oxi, den yphrje tetoios logos. O k. Tsoxatzopoylos milhse sto plaisio ths synedriashs. Den proekyce allo qema, wste na xreiastei idiaiterh epikoinwnia.

Sas eyxaristw.

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