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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-11-02

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 2 Noembrioy 2000




Geia sas.

Gnwrizete oti synedriazei h diypoyrgikh epitroph gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004. Amesws meta th synedriash qa ginoyn dhlwseis.

Egw qa eimai ayrio sth Boylh, opoy syzhteitai to nomosxedio gia to Eqniko Symboylio Radiothleorashs (ESR). H enhmerwsh qa ginei apo to synadelfo Thlemaxo Xythrh.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Pws sxediazei na parembei o Prwqypoyrgos sthn kontra poy yparxei, symfwna me plhrofories, anamesa ston k. Xristodoylakh, ton k. Papantwnioy kai ton k. Berelh sxetika me thn eisodo ths DEH sthn thlepikoinwniakh agora;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti ayth thn periodo h kybernhsh prowqei politikh gia thn apeleyqerwsh twn agorwn stis thlepikoinwnies kai thn energeia. Oi tomes aytes einai poly shmantikes, einai diarqrwtikes allages poy allazoyn to topio ths ellhnikhs oikonomias kai ths koinwnias genikotera. Logiko einai sto plaisio twn synergasiwn na diatypwnontai diafores apoceis, giati h kybernhsh epiqymei thn wra poy qa parei th sygkekrimenh nomoqetikh prwtoboylia, na emfanisei mia protash poy qa einai artia kai wfelimh, prokeimenoy etsi na diasfalistei to symferon toy koinwnikoy synoloy. Den xreiazetai, loipon, mexri tote na poyme tipota parapanw. Kalo einai epishs na apofeygoyme na sxoliazoyme tis skeceis poy diatypwnoyn diaforoi kybernhtikoi paragontes, me titloys san ayton poy ki eseis xrhsimopoihsate. Den prokeitai peri ``kontras''. Kaqe allo. Sto plaisio mias synergasias, mias synedriashs, diatypwnontai apoceis. An den yparxoyn apoceis, tote den xreiazetai na ginei synedriash. Alla, otan ginetai synedriash kai diatypwnontai apoceis, kaqe apoch poy den einai apolytws taytoshmh me mia allh, syxna qewreitai pws exei ena xarakthra exqriko. Tipota apo ola ayta den antapokrinetai sthn pragmatikothta.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: H Ellada exei na antimetwpisei mia krisimh katastash, oson afora thn etairikh sxesh E.E.-Toyrkias, sthn opoia syzhthsh ayth kai sxesh, opws legetai, afhse na ennohqei kai o k. Koyk allwste, den qa anaferetai kaqoloy to qema ths Kyproy kai bebaia den qa qetei h E.E. thn Toyrkia pro twn eyqynwn ths. Dierwtwmai pws skeftetai na antidrasei h ellhnikh kybernhsh se ayth thn katastash;

REPPAS: Exw apanthsei kai palaiotera se analogh erwthsh. Epanalambanw oti to keimeno ths etairikhs sxeshs E.E.-Toyrkias aparaithtws qa anaferetai se treis, toylaxiston, ajones. O enas afora ta legomena ``krithria ths Kopegxaghs'', o deyteros afora tis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis kai tis ypoxrewseis ths Toyrkias na symbalei sth dhmioyrgia synqhkwn kalhs geitonias kai o tritos ajonas afora to kypriako zhthma. Emeis paramenoyme se ayth thn politikh qesh. Ayto prepei na to labei sobara ypoch ths kai h Toyrkia, h opoia asfalws den symmetexei stis diergasies gia th diatypwsh toy keimenoy ths etairikhs sxeshs. H E.E. gnwrizei th stash ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs apo ``prwto xeri'', afoy ajiwmatoyxoi ths exoyn syzhthsei @kai malista prosfatws, to sxetiko qema- me ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo kai ton Ellhna Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn. Den yparxei periptwsh h ellhnikh kybernhsh na mh qesei to Kypriako ypo to pneyma kai to gramma ths symfwnias poy egine sto Elsinki kai sto plaisio ths etairikhs sxeshs.

MIXAHL: Ayto to triptyxo, to analyete kai to qetete pleon jekaqara ston k. Gilmaz poy einai shmera edw.

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti epikeintai oi synanthseis toy k. Gilmaz me Ellhnes ajiwmatoyxoys. Sas diabebaiwnw oti sto plaisio aytwn twn synanthsewn o Prwqypoyrgos kai o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn qa qesoyn me entono tropo ola ta qemata poy apasxoloyn tis dyo xwres. Qa krinoyn th stash ths Toyrkias, thn teleytaia periodo, opws p.x. sto plaisio ths teleytaias NATOikhs askhshs kai bebaiws qa kanoyn me ton pio safh tropo gnwsth th qesh ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs gia to qema ths etairikhs sxeshs. Qa tonisoyn kai ston k. Gilmaz tis ypoxrewseis poy exei h Toyrkia, an filodojei na proseggisei thn E.E., ypoxrewseis poy aforoyn thn enarmonish ths me to plaisio ths apofashs poy elabe h E.E. sto Elsinki, ton perasmeno xrono.

MIXAHL: Wstoso, k. Ypoyrge, h toyrkikh pleyra den exei afhsei kanena periqwrio parermhneiwn. Exei jekaqarisei to plaisio sto opoio qelei na kinhqei. Bebaiws kai apo thn pleyra mas emeis leme oti den apodexomaste ayto to plaisio. To zhtoymeno, loipon, einai, poia einai h epomenh mera stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis, enocei ths eyrwpaikhs poreias ths Toyrkias poy oytws h allws jekinhse meta to Elsinki.

REPPAS: H Ellada, ws melos ths E.E., symmeteixe sth dhmioyrgia aytoy toy plaisioy gia tis eyrwtoyrkikes sxeseis. H Eyrwph, loipon, exei kanei gnwsth th qesh ths. H Toyrkia, apo th dikh ths pleyra, qa prepei na antapokriqei se ayth thn prosklhsh kai proklhsh ths Eyrwphs. An den to kanei, qa prokycei kostos gia thn idia thn Toyrkia.


KWNSTANTINIDHS: To qema ayto poy prokyptei, den nomizw oti einai qema metajy Elladas-Toyrkias. Einai qema metajy Eyrwphs-Toyrkias kai metajy Elladas-Eyrwphs.

REPPAS: Ayto eipa sthn prohgoymenh apanthsh moy. Oti symmeteixame sth dhmioyrgia aytoy toy plaisioy, ths apofashs dhladh poy elhfqh apo thn E.E., sto Elsinki. H Eyrwph, loipon, eipe th qesh ths. H prosklhsh-proklhsh ths Eyrwphs pros thn Toyrkia einai dedomenh. H Toyrkia prepei na antapokriqei se ayto. An den to kanei, qa yparjei kostos gia thn Toyrkia.

KALARITHS: Exei diatypwqei h apoch apo orismenoys etairoys oti qa ginoyn aytes oi anafores sto keimeno, alla den qa einai akribws desmeytikes. Ti lete;

REPPAS: Ayto to qema qa syzhthqei, sth Synodo Koryfhs sth Nikaia. Den exei ginei ektetamenos dialogos, ayth thn wra, alla dia ths diplwmatikhs odoy h ellhnikh kybernhsh exei kanei gnwsth th qesh ths ayth stoys Eyrwpaioys etairoys.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Ayta poy mas lete gia thn ejelijh twn ellhno-toyrkikwn sxesewn, ginontai se synarthsh me ta amerikanika symferonta gia ayth th gewstrathgikh perioxh h agnoeite teleiws ton amerikaniko paragonta kai proxwreite me thn Eyrwph kai thn Toyrkia k.t.l.;

REPPAS: Ola ayta ginontai me gnwmona to eqniko symferon mas kai monon ayto. Opoy to eqniko symferon sympiptei me th qesh allwn kratwn, ayto einai enas paragontas gia ton opoio mporei na pei kaneis oti einai qetikos. Apo ekei kai pera, omws, o gnwmonas gia th xarajh kai thn efarmogh ths politikhs mas einai to eqniko symferon kai tipote allo.

MOYRTHS: Ektimate oti h proxqesinh symfwnia twn dyo ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn einai apo ta stoixeia ekeina poy bohqoyn, wste na erqoyn pio konta sth synach kai thn katartish ths etairikhs sxeshs ths E.E. me thn Toyrkia;

REPPAS: Einai mia symfwnia epi ths diadikasias. Den einai mia symfwnia epi ths oysias. Gnwrizete oti sto plaisio toy NATO, edw kai arketa xronia, syzhtoyntai tetoia qemata. Epishs, gnwrizete oti exoyme safeis qeseis gia ta epi meroys zhthmata poy anaferontai stis dyo kathgories. Den exoyme kanena logo -kai parakalw ki eseis etsi na proseggizete ta qemata ayta- na fobomaste na syzhthsoyme opoiodhpote zhthma se ayto to pedio kai me ayto ton tropo. Exoyme jekaqarisei thn politikh mas. Exoyme pei oti mono h yfalokrhpida apotelei problhma, diafora metajy Elladas kai Toyrkias. Apo ekei kai pera, epiqymoyme thn eirhnh kai th staqerothta sthn perioxh kai ayto, metajy twn allwn, mporei na epiteyxqei an diathrhqoyn anoiktoi oi diayloi epikoinwnias. Sthn epoxh mas h epikoinwnia einai ek twn wn oyk aney, prokeimenoy na oikodomoyntai kales sxeseis metajy twn xwrwn. Pantote, bebaiws, me bash kanones kai arxes, poy oloi prepei na sebontai kai na throyn. Ayth einai h politikh mas.

MIXAHL: Ws Ypoyrgos Typoy exete kai thn armodiothta ths epopteias ths ERT. Ti apantate, loipon, sthn ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh, h opoia kataggellei thn ERT gia th symprajh me ton k. Romero kai thn analhch twn radiothleoptikwn metadosewn kai dikaiwmatwn ths Olympiadas toy 2004;

REPPAS: Einai prwtofanes na kathgoreitai h ERT, an kai den gnwrizw tis leptomereies, tis qeseis ths N.D., ki an ontws exei diatypwsei mia tetoia kritikh.

MIXAHL: Katateqhke gia sas, erwthsh sth Boylh.

REPPAS: Den exei erqei akoma stis yphresies mas. Einai prwtofanhs mia tetoia kritikh, otan h ERT symmetexei ston Omilo, o opoios anelabe th radiothleoptikh kalych twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004. H ERT, dhladh, exei mia epityxia. Ejhlqe nikhfora apo mia diagwnistikh diadikasia kai en toytois krinetai arnhtika apo th N.D. Ayto einai prwtofanes. Sto plaisio ayths ths symfwnias, metajy twn allwn, problepetai oti to stelexiako dynamiko ths ERT kai o ejoplismos ths, kaqws epishs o ejoplismos kai ta stelexh twn allwn ellhnikwn MME qa ajiopoihqoyn sto epakro kai kata proteraiothta apo ton Omilo ayto, gia thn kalych twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Ayto einai mia qetikh ejelijh kai mia epityxia gia thn ERT kai gia th xwra mas. Aporw pws diatypwnetai ayth h kritikh.

MIXAHL: Eseis ta lete kala, alla h kritikh estiazetai sto ejhs: Oti h ERT, ola ayta qa ta kanei swsta kai mprabo ths, mono poy den qa parei mia. Ola ta lefta qa ta parei o Romero. Gi` ayto sas egkaloyn, ti kanete gia na katoxyrwsete kai ta kerdh ths ERT.

REPPAS: Ola ayta problepontai. Qa "triboyn ta matia toys" kai oi pleon kakopistoi, otan diapistwsoyn oti h ERT -opws kai me th metadosh allwn megalwn aqlhtikwn ekdhlwsewn- kai sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh qa exei shmantika kerdh.

ALEJAKH: Shmera to prwi, o Yfypoyrgos Typoy k. Xythrhs, se ena radiofwniko staqmo, diatypwse polles epifylajeis ws pros to "poqen esxes" toy k. Karamanlh, afhnontas na ennohqei oti yparxoyn polla shmeia anapanthta. Exete kati na peite panw se ayto;

REPPAS: Apanthsame, kat` epanalhch, se tetoies erwthseis kai paramenoyme stis qeseis poy exoyme diatypwsei kai o k. Xythrhs kai egw.

Sas eyxaristw.

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