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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-29

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 29 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

O Prwqypoyrgos episkeptetai ayth thn wra to ypoyrgeio Anaptyjhs. Argotera, stis 2.30, qa dexqei to Grammatea ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs toy PASOK K. Skandalidh.

Ayrio, stis 10 to prwi, qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, me antikeimeno syzhthshs thn askoymenh ejwterikh politikh.

Th Deytera -mporw na sas pw apo twra- qa episkefqei th xwra mas o Proedros ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs. Stis 12 to meshmeri, qa synanthqei me ton Prwqypoyrgo, oi dyo hgetes qa proboyn se dhlwseis kai akoloyqws qa parateqei geyma ston k. Klhridh.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

MIXAHL: Mia dieykrinistikh erwthsh: O k. Shmiths prokeitai na paei se ayth thn ekdhlwsh gia to Iwbhlaio, toy Apostoloy Payloy;

REPPAS: Apanthsa, xqes, se sxetikh erwthsh.

SOYRMELH: H episkech toy k. Klhridh einai ergasias h einai epishmh;

REPPAS: Einai episkech ergasias. Gnwrizete poly kala oti metabainei sth Geneyh, prokeimenoy na labei meros sto neo gyro synomiliwn. Einai pantws oysiastikh, opws kai na thn onomasete.

XRYSOSTOMIDHS: Xqes, o arxhgos ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs, sthn omilia toy sth Boylh, anaferqhke sto Xrhmatisthrio kai sta 18,2 tris. poy kata thn ektimhsh toy exoyn xaqei kai xrhsimopoihse sklhrh glwssa. Ti exei na apanthsei se ayto h kybernhsh;

REPPAS: Gia ton elegxo twn proswpwn kai twn organwn exoyme qespisei diadikasies, oi opoies prepei na ginontai sebastes. Aytes qa prepei na akoloyqoyme, prokeimenoy na apodidoyme eyqynes se aytoys poy pragmatika exoyn eyqynes. Den qa prepei na epidoqoyme se ena ``kynhgi magisswn''. O arxhgos ths N.D. epixeirei na dhmioyrghsei entypwseis. Ayth h prospaqeia toy einai systhmatikh, prokeimenoy na diathrhsei mia qesh idiaiterhs probolhs gia ton eayto toy kai gia to komma toy. Pisteyei, etsi, oti bohqaei kai to komma toy. Ayto einai amfibolo. To bebaio einai oti den bohqaei to Xrhmatisthrio. Qa elega, kiolas, oti to yponomeyei me mia tetoia politikh kataggeliwn, thn opoia den synodeyei me sygkekrimena stoixeia. Pisteyw oti qa prepei, epiteloys, na ginei pio ypeyqynos sth diaxeirish qematwn poy aforoyn xiliades sympolites mas. Kai en pash periptwsei, h N.D ean exei kati sygkekrimeno na pei gia kapoio qema, gnwrizei poios einai o dromos poy prepei na akoloyqhsei gia na fqasei se ena apotelesma, an thn endiaferei pragmatika to apotelesma kai den epidiwkei, mono kai mono, th dhmioyrgia efhmerwn entypwsewn. Giati fainetai oti ayto, to deytero, symbainei.

XRYSOSTOMIDHS: Problhmatizei kaqoloy thn kybernhsh to gegonos oti mia oikonomia poy poreyetai kala, qa prepei kapoia stigmh ayto na antanakla kai ston pinaka toy Xrhmatisthrioy; Sas problhmatizei oti ayto den symbainei;

REPPAS: Den qa ejetazoyme thn poreia toy Xrhmatisthrioy, mera me thn hmera. Oi diakymanseis einai ena fainomeno fysiologiko, anamenomeno, sto plaisio leitoyrgias toy Xrhmatisthrioy. Den qa sxoliasoyme peraiterw ta ths leitoyrgias toy Xrhmatisthrioy, giati kati tetoio den bohqaei to Xrhmatisthrio. Ayto to opoio mporoyme na kanoyme emeis einai na ekplhrwsoyme tis desmeyseis poy exoyme analabei, prokeimenoy etsi, opws se oloys toys tomeis, kai sthn oikonomia, na petyxoyme toys stoxoys poy exoyme ejaggeilei ston ellhniko lao. H kalh poreia ths ellhnikhs oikonomias einai h megalyterh prosfora poy mporoyme na kanoyme ston topo, stoys sympolites mas kai sto Xrhmatisthrio. Kai ston tomea ayto, mexri twra, exoyme petyxei kai qa synexisoyme ayth thn epityxhmenh poreia.

GEROPOYLOS: Shmera, o Mhtropoliths Peiraiws Kallinikos, kata th diarkeia khrygmatos gia thn eorth toy Apostoloy Payloy, paroysia malista toy k. Xristodoyloy, htan ojys apenanti sthn kybernhsh, malista ekane logo gia kaqestws oligarxias poy epikratei sth xwra. Qa hqela to sxolio sas.

REPPAS: Einai mia dikh sas ermhneia oti taytizei thn ennoia ths oligarxias me thn kybernhsh. Den nomizw na anefere kati tetoio. Apo ekei kai pera, gnwrizete poly kala oti sth dhmokratia oles oi apoceis einai sebastes kai akoygontai isotima. H dynatothta na akoygontai, bebaiws, den ypakoyei stoys kanones ths pleiochfias kai ths meiochfias. Kaqe apoch, aytotelws, qa prepei na ekfrazetai eleyqera. Gnwrizete, apo thn allh, oti h kybernhsh den exei xrhsimopoihsei kai den yioqetei ena logo ojy kai sygkroysiako.

MPOTWNHS: Apomakrynetai h diadikasia toy dialogoy, meta kai th xqesinh apofash ths Diarkoys Ieras Synodoy;

REPPAS: Gia to qema ayto exoyme diatypwsei th dikh mas qesh. Exoyme pei oti o sebasmos twn atomikwn dikaiwmatwn einai plhrhs kai apolytos. Den ypakoyei sthn arxh ths pleiochfias kai bebaiws, den qa prepei opoiadhpote skopimothta ki an yparxei, opoiadhpote skopimothta kai an yphretei kapoios, na odhghqoyme sthn parakamch aytoy toy sebasmoy toy atomikoy dikaiwmatos estw kai enos polith. Me ayth thn ennoia, pisteyoyme oti kaqenas mporei, sto plaisio toy Syntagmatos kai twn nomwn, na drasthriopoieitai eleyqera. Exei thn eyqynh twn epilogwn toy kai bebaiws analambanei thn eyqynh twn epilogwn aytwn, otan oi diadikasies, oi opoies dromologoyntai, mporei na odhghsoyn se dixasmo ths ellhnikhs koinwnias.

KAPPOS: Se mia prohgoymenh erwthsh gia to Xrhmatisthrio, eipate oti den bohqaei to Xrhmatisthrio to na probainoyme se dhlwseis. Pisteyete oti to bohqaei h epistrofh se mia katastash, peripoy proeklogikh, dhladh na yparxoyn dhlwseis apo pleyras ths N.D. me antidhlwseis apo thn pleyra ths kybernhshs kai na synexizetai ayth h dielkystinda;

REPPAS: Apanthsa se sygkekrimenh erwthsh, me aformh tis dhlwseis poy ekane o k. Karamanlhs, gia tis opoies me rwthse synadelfos sas. Isxyoyn ayta poy eipa.

KAPPOS: Se ena allo qema: Anaferqhkate sthn episkech Klhridh poy profanws ginetai enocei twn diapragmateysewn toy tritoy gyroy sth Geneyh. Prosdoka h kybernhsh kapoia oysiastikh allagh sth Geneyh; Eseis bebaia den mporeite na milhsete gia thn kypriakh kybernhsh. Ti prosdoka h Aqhna apo th Geneyh;

REPPAS: Qa elega oti den mporei kaneis na milhsei gia aisiodojia. Oi prosdokies, kaqe allo para, ayth thn wra, einai eyxaristes, doqentos oti h allh pleyra threi mia apolytws arnhtikh stash. Ayto to opoio, omws, exei shmasia @estw kai an den yparxei proodos sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh- einai oti emeis qa prepei na eimaste parontes kai me qetiko logo na symballoyme sto jeperasma ayths ths akinhsias. Kai se teleytaia analysh, na katadeixqei, gia mia akomh fora, sto dieqnh paragonta, oti h allh pleyra einai ayth poy exei thn apolyth eyqynh gia to oti paramenoyme se ayto to telma. Prepei na ths xrewqei oti exei ayth thn arnhtikh stash mexri twra.

GIANAKOPOYLOS: Sthn Ekqesh ths Epitrophs toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs gia to ratsismo anaferetai oti h Ellada qa kyrwsei thn eyrwpaikh xarta gia thn prostasia kai didaskalia twn meionotikwn glwsswn. Poies qewrei h kybernhsh meionotikes glwsses kai pws qa tis didaskei; Kai ena deytero erwthma: Sthn idia ekqesh anaferetai oti qa askhsei pilotikh didaskalia toy Koranioy sth deyterobaqmia ekpaideysh gia ta paidia twn metanastwn. Pote qa ginei ayto, afoy h ekqesh anaferei oti h kybernhsh exei apodextei aytes tis kinhseis gia prostasia twn meionothtwn.

REPPAS: Gia to qema ths ekqeshs ayths kaname syzhthsh, xqes kai apanthsa se seira erwthsewn synadelfwn sas. Mporw na pw mono oti h monh meionothta h opoia yparxei sthn Ellada einai h qrhskeytikh meionothta twn moysoylmanwn, poy zoyn sth xwra mas. Oi sympolites mas aytoi, ektos twn allwn dikaiwmatwn, opws kai oloi oi alloi Ellhnes polites, exoyn to dikaiwma na maqainoyn th glwssa h opoia toys bohqaei na exoyn prosbash se oles tis phges ths gnwshs.

MIXAHL: Exete mia ejhghsh apo poy mporei na proerxontai oles aytes oi fhmologies kai oi ciqyroi gia thn katastash ths ygeias toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias;

REPPAS: Qewrw pws kai mono h synexish ths syzhthshs ayths apotelei noshro fainomeno. Den qa prepei, loipon, emeis na symballoyme se peraiterw syzhthsh enos qematos to opoio sthrizetai se aqlies fhmes.

MOYRTHS: Enocei kai ths ayrianhs synedriashs toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy gia thn ejwterikh politikh, mhpws yparxei kati, sxetika me thn ejelijh ths ypoqeshs gia thn onomasia twn Skopiwn;

REPPAS: Ayth thn wra den yparxei kapoia ejelijh. Gnwrizete oti to qema ayto antimetwpizetai ypo thn aigida toy OHE, sto plaisio syzhthsewn ekproswpwn twn dyo kratwn.

MOYRTHS: Eixame apo thn toyrkikh pleyra tis teleytaies meres, kai sygkekrimena apo th stratiwtikh hgesia ths Toyrkias mia aporrich plaisioy dialogoy metajy twn dyo xwrwn, alla kai toy pneymatos toy Elsinki. Yparxei kapoio sxolio;

REPPAS: Akoygontai tetoies fwnes sthn Toyrkia. Qa prepei oloi na antilhfqoyn oti o dromos pros thn Eyrwph pernaei mesa apo thn enarmonish me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno, poy synistatai apo ajies kai arxes, oi opoies prepei na ginontai sebastes, qa prepei na metoysiwnontai se sygkekrimenes politikes prwtoboylies, prokeimenoy etsi h Toyrkia, opws kai kaqe allo kratos, na mporei na synergazetai me bash enan eniaio kwdika epikoinwnias, gia na einai apotelesmatikh h synergasia ayth kai h symporeysh pros to mellon, gia to kalo twn kratwn kai twn lawn.

PAPAHLIOPOYLOS: O Mhtropoliths Kallinikos, anefere xarakthristika gia ton Prwqypoyrgo, oti ``prospaqei na ycwsei to nanwdes anasthma toy''. Qa hqela to sxolio sas. Kai ena deytero erwthma, qa hqela epishs ena sxolio gia th xqesinh ereyna ths MRB.

REPPAS: Den gnwrizw to akribes periexomeno twn oswn eipe. Kanw pantws ena geniko sxolio: O Prwqypoyrgos einai o eklegmenos Prwqypoyrgos ths xwras. O k. Shmiths einai metajy twn ligwn politikwn poy exoyn tyxei tetoias epidokimasias apo ton ellhniko lao. Me thn chfo toy o ellhnikos laos, pali kai pali exei anadeijei se ychla ajiwmata ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo. Kai gnwrizete poly kala oti oi politikoi kai monon aytoi mporoyn na diapistwnoyn thn epibebaiwsh sto proswpo toys ths agaphs kai ths empistosynhs twn sympolitwn toys dia ths kalphs, se takta xronika diasthmata. Oi politikoi den einai isobioi se mia qesh. Eklegontai me thn ekdhlwsh ths eleyqerhs boylhshs toy synoloy twn politwn, thn wra twn eklogwn. Ayto einai kati to opoio toys xarakthrizei kai toys diakrinei apo opoiondhpote allon forea, opoiasdhpote ejoysias, se mia syntetagmenh kai omalws leitoyrgoysa politeia. Ayto einai to sxolio to opoio prepei na kanoyme, giati otan miloyme gia diakritoys roloys poy einai amoibaiws sebastoi, prepei kai sthn prajh na to apodeiknyoyme.

Oson afora to deytero erwthma sas, oi dhmoskophseis einai xrhsimes. Qa elega oti se orismenes periptwseis einai kai apokalyptikes, logw ths antifatikothtas poy apotypwnoyn, oson afora th stash twn politwn. Gnwrizete poly kala oti oi dhmoskophseis paroysiazoyn, kata kairoys, metrhseis me apotelesmata ta opoia mporei na ephreasoyn asfalws tis epiloges kai enos politikoy kommatos. Qelw, omws, na eimai kathgorhmatikos, oti h kybernhsh mas, opws pantote etsi kai twra, den prokeitai na sxediasei thn politikh ths me bash tis dhmoskophseis. Sxediazoyme kai efarmozoyme politikh, me bash thn entolh toy ellhnikoy laoy, me gnwmona tis eqnikes kai koinwnikes proteraiothtes. Kai se teleytaia analysh, opws molis prosfata egine, etsi kai sto mellon, qa kriqoyme apo to kybernhtiko ergo kai monon apo ayto. Exoyme afosiwqei, loipon, diaqetontas oles tis dynameis mas sto kybernhtiko ergo, prokeimenoy na antapokriqoyme sthn entolh toy ellhnikoy laoy.

KAPPOS: Meta th synanthsh se epipedo politikwn dieyqyntwn twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn, h Agkyra proxwra ayth th stigmh sthn kyrwsh kapoiwn, toylaxiston, apo tis symfwnies poy eixan ypogracei oi kyrioi Papandreoy kai Tzem. Qa hqela na jerw pote qa erqoyn sth Boylh ta keimena twn symfwniwn pros kyrwsh, ennow sthn ellhnikh Boylh. Kai ena deytero erwthma, epeidh h toyrkikh pleyra se koinoboyleytikh ths ekpomph ekane arxh bebaia apo th symfwnia syndromhs gia antitromokratikh kai astynomikh synergasia. Ayto to synetaje mia eidikh epitroph me mia pronoia gia politikh qesh ths Elladas, gia en pash periptwsei, qesh se paranomia toy RRK. To sxolio sas.

REPPAS: Parakalw na apeyqynqeite sto ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn.

Sas eyxaristw.

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