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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-26Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 26 Ioynioy 2000H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWNJENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO DHMHTRH REPPA Geia sas kai kalh ebdomada. Qa moy epitrecete na sas enhmerwsw gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy twn prosexwn hmerwn: Ayrio, stis 12.30 to meshmeri, qa episkefqei ton Pyrosbestiko Staqmo, sto Dhmo Metamorfwshs. H episkech ayth einai ej anabolhs. Opws qymaste, eprokeito na ginei thn proprohgoymenh Pempth. Thn Tetarth, stis 12.30, synedriazei, opws exoyme anakoinwsei, to Diypoyrgiko Organo, me toys epikefalhs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, sto Megaro Majimoy. Thn Pempth, stis 12 to meshmeri, o Prwqypoyrgos qa episkefqei to ypoyrgeio Anaptyjhs. Exei egkainiasei ayto ton kyklo episkecewn se ypoyrgeia, opoy syzhta thn politikh kata tomea kai probainei se sxetikes anakoinwseis. Thn Paraskeyh, stis 10 to prwi, qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, me qema hmerhsias diatajhs thn ejwterikh politikh. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas. PARIS: Yparxei anhsyxia stoys kolpoys ths agoras. Exoyn epikoinwnhsei polloi me dhmosiografika grafeia, gia ena qema, gia mia tropopoihsh toy nomoy kai lene oti ta kerdh apo amoibaia kefalaia qa forologoyntai@ REPPAS: Se poia tropopoihsh anafereste; Exei ginei kapoia tropopoihsh; PARIS: Den mporw na sas pw. Den jerw sygkekrimena to nomo. REPPAS: Den exei allajei h politikh poy akoloyqoyme ston tomea ayto, oyte prokeitai na allajei. Pisteyw oti einai kalo ayth thn periodo na mh miloyme poly gia to Xrhmatisthrio. Tetoies fhmes to blaptoyn. Sas parakalw na apofygoyme peraiterw syzhthsh, giati dhmioyrgoyntai entypwseis twn opoiwn oi synepeies, gnwrizete poy odhgoyn. GARGALAKOS: Mhpws qa qelate na sxoliasete thn parembash toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias sth dienejh Ekklhsias-Politeias, th frash, dhladh, toy Proedroy oti den kindyneyei h eqnikh mas taytothta, logw ths entajhs mas sthn ONE; REPPAS: Den sxoliazoyme pote tis dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Gnwrizete poly kala oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, kata koinh anagnwrish, askei arista ta kaqhkonta toy. Den xreiazetai, apo th dikh mas pleyra, opoiosdhpote logos, akomh kai an einai qerma yposthriktikos pros ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Den ton exei anagkh o Proedros ths Dhmokratias. KONTOPOYLOS: Kapoioi, shmera, xarakthrisan ``aprepeia'' thn topoqethsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias@ REPPAS: Qa elega pws aprephs einai h kritikh poy diatypwnetai pros ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. GARGALAKOS: Xqes, o ``Rizospasths'' dhmosieyse mia lista dhmosiografwn, oysiastika mia ``mayrh lista dhmosiografwn'' poy ypotiqetai oti kanoyn kako sto komma. Eseis, ws Ypoyrgos Typoy, pws sxoliazete ayto to gegonos oti mia efhmerida dhmosieyse ``mayrh lista dhmosiografwn''; REPPAS: Qlich prokaloyn tetoioy eidoys topoqethseis, poly perissotero otan proerxontai apo ena komma ths ellhnikhs Boylhs. Mas gyrizoyn se mia epoxh Makarqismoy. Gnwrizete poly kala oti palaios hgeths toy Kommoynistikoy Kommatos eixe pei se dhmosia ekdhlwsh pws h alhqeia gia to komma einai o,ti symferei to komma. Pisteyoyme oti etsi katargoyme thn eleyqerotypia, th dynatothta twn dhmosiografwn na miloyn eleyqera. Kai egw, epiprosqetws, mporw na sxoliasw, legontas oti lypoymai giati mia tetoia kritikh proerxetai apo melos toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy Radiothleorashs, gegonos poy apodeiknyei, gia mia akomh fora, oti to ESR syxna leitoyrgei ws diakommatiko organo, enw ta melh toy, poy proteinontai men apo kommata, alla exoyn leitoyrgikh kai proswpikh anejarthsia, sthn prajh apodeiknyetai -kai edw exoyme to pleon prosfato kai xarakthristiko paradeigma- oti leitoyrgoyn ws ekproswpoi toy kommatos poy ta ypedeije. Ayto einai aparadekto. Kai katalyei thn arxh kai th fysiognwmia mias Anejarthths Arxhs. STAMATOPOYLOS: Palia, eixan dhmosieyqei kai ``listes'' toy Majimoy, an qymaste. Ti exete na peite gi` ayto; ``Mayres kai aspres''. REPPAS: Epinohseis yparxoyn para polles, fhmes para polles, diadoseis para polles kai sygxyseis kai paranohseis para polles. Alla, sthn prokeimenh periptwsh, exoyme thn epishmh dhlwsh-topoqethsh enos kommatos ths Boylhs. Ayto, antilambaneste oti einai kati prwtognwro, den exei prohgoymeno kai me ayth thn ennoia, h stash olwn mas prepei na einai stash apodokimasias se tetoioy eidoys fainomena. STAMATOPOYLOS: Kai tote yphrje ``lista'' toy Prwqypoyrgoy@ REPPAS: Ayto htan kati to opoio epinohsan, profanws, kapoioi, gia sygkekrimenoys logoys. Gia na plhjoyn ton Prwqypoyrgo kai toys synergates toy. Gnwrizete, omws, oti oydepote fanhke ayto na exei pragmatikh bash. Enw, twra, exoyme thn epishmh topoqethsh enos kommatos. Ayto einai kati to opoio mas jenizei. MPOTWNHS: O Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei ton Arxiepiskopo, an toy zhthqei shmera, meta th synedriash ths diarkoys Ieras Synodoy; REPPAS: Oydepote exoyme apokleisei to endexomeno synanthshs toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Makariotato. Exoyme pei oti, sto plaisio toy programmatos toy Prwqypoyrgoy, bebaiws, kata proteraiothta, qa antimetwpistei ena tetoioy eidoys endexomeno, efoson ypoblhqei analogo aithma. Alla, h ``porta toy dialogoy'' den qa anoijei me ayth thn proypoqesh. H ``porta toy dialogoy'' einai kai paramenei anoikth. Exoyme, kat` epanalhch, pei oti o armodios ypoyrgos ths kybernhshs, o ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn, einai sth diaqesh twn ekproswpwn ths Ierarxias gia na syzhthsei mazi toys qemata, ta opoia mporei na apotelesoyn kai to plaisio syzhthshs poy qa ginei metajy toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai toy Arxiepiskopoy, thn wra poy aytoi qa apofasisoyn na synanthqoyn. Nomizw, loipon, oti ola ayta einai lymena. Den prepei na dhmioyrgeitai opoiadhpote peraiterw paranohsh h parejhghsh kai gi` ayto, akribws, kalo einai na ta exoyme kai emeis jekaqarismena. Gi` ayto ta epanalambanw, wste na mh xrhsimopoieitai h ajia toy dialogoy apo kapoioys, me ena tetoio prosxhmatiko kai synqhmatologiko tropo, oxi sthn kateyqynsh na ejeyreqei lysh se ena problhma, alla sthn kateyqynsh na dhmioyrghqoyn entypwseis kai mono. BITALHS: Lete oti den exei apokleistei to endexomeno synanthshs toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Arxiepiskopo. Ayth h synanthsh, an ginei, qa afora kai to qema twn taytothtwn; REPPAS: Sas eipa poia einai h qesh ths kybernhshs. Epanalambanw th qesh ayth: To qema ayto, apokleistikhs armodiothtas ths Politeias, exei kleisei. Apo thn pleyra ths h Ekklhsia qewrei oti ayto to qema menei anoikto pros syzhthsh. Ston armodio ypoyrgo Paideias, oi ekproswpoi ths Ierarxias proserxomenoi, qa qesoyn ta qemata poy qewroyn oti prepei na qesoyn kai qa laboyn tis apanthseis apo thn pleyra ths kybernhshs poy prepei na laboyn. To qema ayto, apokleistikhs armodiothtas ths kybernhshs, ths Politeias, einai qema poy exei antimetwpistei oristika kai telesidika. STAMATOPOYLOS: Mesw ypoyrgoy Paideias, dhladh, qa synanthqei o Arxiepiskopos; REPPAS: Htan safh osa eipa. Milhsa gia synanthsh Prwqypoyrgoy-Arxiepiskopoy. Milhsa gia synanthsh ekproswpwn ths kybernhshs kai ekproswpwn ths Ierarxias. Oydeis qa orisei poios ek meroys ths kybernhshs qa einai o synomilhths. Kai emeis, den qa orisoyme, poioi ek meroys ths Ierarxias, qa syzhthsoyn me ekproswpoys ths kybernhshs. Eipame, bebaiws, oti o armodios ypoyrgos, poly perissotero otan paramenei ekkremhs h antapodotikh episkech se ayton apo thn pleyra toy Makariotatoy, mporei na syzhthsei me ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias. Twra, ean qa einai o idios o Makariotatos h qa einai Mhtropolites h kapoioi alloi ekproswpoi ths Ierarxias, sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh, einai kati gia to opoio qa apofasisoyn ekeinoi kai oxi emeis. STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, h erwthsh htan an o Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei ton Arxiepiskopo. Kai eipate oti oydepote exoyme apokleisei th synanthsh toy Arxiepiskopoy me ton Prwqypoyrgo. REPPAS: Akribws ayto kai to epanalambanw. STAMATOPOYLOS: An zhthsei o Arxiepiskopos na dei ton Prwqypoyrgo gia tis taytothtes, qa ton dexqei; REPPAS: An zhthsei o Prwqypoyrgos mia syzhthsh me ton Arxiepiskopo, gnwrizete oti kai o Arxiepiskopos qa prepei, symfwna me to programma toy, na apanthsei pote dieykolynetai gi` ayth th synanthsh. Apo thn allh, an o Makariotatos zhthsei mia episkech apo ton Prwqypoyrgo, qa teqei to qema kai qa labei thn apanthsh, efoson oi dyo pleyres symfwnhsoyn gia thn hmera, thn wra kai to plaisio ths synanthshs ayths. Ayta einai safh. H synanthsh den egine ekeinh thn hmera, epeidh akribws to aithma poy diatypwqhke, aforoyse synanthsh ekeinh thn hmera, ekeinh thn wra kai katw apo sygkekrimenes synqhkes. Den aforoyse, genikws kai aoristws, mia synanthsh toy Makariotatoy me ton Prwqypoyrgo. Gia na mh dhmioyrgoyntai paranohseis. Giati, se mia tetoia synanthsh, pote den htan o Prwqypoyrgos h h kybernhsh arnhtikoi kai aporriptikoi. STAMATOPOYLOS: Kai kati akomh: Thn Pempth, qa syzhthqei h protash nomoy ths N.D. gia tis taytothtes; REPPAS: H syzhthsh ayth qa ginei sto plaisio ths koinoboyleytikhs diadikasias, me bash ta osa problepei o Kanonismos ths Boylhs. An h armodia ypoyrgos brisketai ektos Elladas gia programmatismenes apo kairo ypoxrewseis, mporei na metateqei gia thn epomenh periodo h syzhthsh. Alla h syzhthsh ayth qa ginei. Emeis den exoyme genikws kamia antirrhsh. STAMATOPOYLOS: Qa ginei: Egw rwtaw@ REPPAS: Ayto antimetwpizetai me bash ton Kanonismo ths Boylhs. Den qa ypokatasthsw egw tis koinoboyleytikes diadikasies, milwntas ek meroys toy Proedreioy ths Boylhs h twn ekproswpwn twn kommatwn. STAMATOPOYLOS: Oi yfypoyrgoi den mporoyn na antikatasthsoyn thn ypoyrgo; REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala pws h Boylh leitoyrgei me bash diadikasies tis opoies apofasizoyn ta kommata, sto plaisio twn ekproswpwn toys, me to Proedreio ths Boylhs. Sas qymizw oti eixe diatypwqei protash nomoy ek meroys ths N.D., prin apo tis Eyrwekloges toy 1999 kai syzhthqhke telika gyrw stoys oktw mhnes meta. H N.D. espeyse na thn kataqesei, gia logoys entypwsewn, prin apo tis Eyrwekloges kai aforoyse thn perifhmh kalych apo ta radiothleoptika mesa twn drasthriothtwn twn kommatwn. Otan, pleon, hrqe h wra na syzhthqei, me symfwnia ths N.D. syzhthqhke me toso megalh argoporia, mono kai mono gia th dhmioyrgia entypwsewn, oxi gia na paraxqei sygkekrimeno oysiastiko apotelesma. MPEKAS: Einai proypoqesh, einai oros na prohghqei h synanthsh toy ypoyrgoy Paideias me ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias kai meta na akoloyqhsei h synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Arxiepiskopo; REPPAS: Eipame pws h porta toy ypoyrgoy Paideias einai, ana pasa stigmh, anoikth. Kai epeidh paramenei ekkremhs h antapodosh ths episkechs ston ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn, qewrhsame pws h episkech ayth mporei na ginei kai qa prosefere qetika sthn kateyqynsh na ejomalynqei h katastash. Apo ekei kai pera, bebaiws, h Ierarxia einai ayth h opoia qa epilejei poio einai to aithma to opoio qa diatypwsei pros thn kybernhsh, oson afora ta qemata synanthshs me ekproswpoys ths kybernhshs, eite einai o Prwqypoyrgos, eite oi ypoyrgoi kai qa labei, efoson diatypwsei to aithma, thn analogh apanthsh. Prin yparjei aithma, mhn perimenete apanthsh. Sas eyxaristw. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |