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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-08

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 8 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Ekfrazoyme th lyph mas gia thn anandrh dolofonia toy stratiwtikoy akoloyqoy ths Bretanikhs Presbeias sthn Aqhna. H ellhnikh koinwnia den katadikazei aplws, alla einai ametaqeta topoqethmenh kai antimetwph se tromokratikes energeies poy exoyn antikoinwniko, antidhmokratiko xarakthra kai mesw aytwn epixeirei, opoios tis apergazetai kai tis ektelei, na plhjei ta symferonta ths xwras.

Ekfrazoyme th symparastash mas sth bretanikh kybernhsh, ta eilikrinh syllyphthria mas sthn oikogeneia toy dolofonhmenoy stelexoys ths Bretanikhs Presbeias.

H Ellada einai mia xwra eirhnikh kai dhmokratikh. Synexizoyme me idiaiterh entash thn prospaqeia mas gia na ejaleicoyme tetoies drasthriothtes.

Gia to qema ayto o Prwqypoyrgos eixe thlefwnikh synomilia me to Bretano Prwqypoyrgo k. Mpler. Peran aytoy apesteile sxetiko mhnyma @to periexomeno toy opoioy exete sth diaqesh sas- kai epeidh einai syntomo sas to diabazw:

``Eimai baqia syglonismenos apo th dolofonia toy Bretanoy Akoloyqoy Amynhs sthn Aqhna, tajiarxoy Stiben Sonters.

H ellhnikh kybernhsh kai o ellhnikos laos katadikazoyn kaqe tromokratikh prajh kata ton pio kathgorhmatiko tropo. Den qa feisqoyme prospaqeiwn gia na prosagagoyme toys ypeyqynoys sth dikaiosynh kai eimeqa apofasismenoi na synexisoyme energa to dyskolo agwna mas kata ths tromokratias.

Parakalw, dexqeite ek meroys ths ellhnikhs kybernhsews kai toy ellhnikoy laoy thn idiaiterh symparastash moy kai ta syllyphthria moy gia thn oikogeneia toy qymatos.

Kwstas Shmiths

Prwqypoyrgos ths Ellados.''

Exete, epishs, sth diaqesh sas, th sxetikh grapth dhlwsh sthn opoia exei probei o Prwqypoyrgos kai thn opoia sas diabazw:

``Ekfrazw mazi me olo ton ellhniko lao ton apotropiasmo moy gia th barbarh energeia ths dolofonias toy Aggloy stratiwtikoy akoloyqoy.

H tromokratikh ayth energeia einai antiqeth me to stoixeiwdh kanona koinwnikhs symbiwshs, to sebasmo ths anqrwpinhs zwhs. Symbainei se mia stigmh epityxoys poreias ths Elladas se oloys toys tomeis, se mia stigmh ayjhmenoy kyroys poy exei h xwra dieqnws.

H ellhnikh kybernhsh qa kanei to kaqhkon ths kai qa proaspisei me ola ta mesa thn omalh poreia toy topoy kai thn asfaleia ths zwhs twn politwn.

Den qa epitrecoyme se kanena na anatrecei thn omalothta kai thn proodo poy epiteleitai h na amayrwsei thn eikona mias Elladas sygxronhs, eirhnikhs kai dhmokratikhs.''

Qa moy epitrecete prin dexqw tis erwthseis sas na kanw mia anafora, me aformh dhmosieyma sthn efhmerida ``Pontiki''. Tetoies anafores einai adianohtes kai peran pashs logikhs. Me ayqairetes ypoqeseis kai atekmhriwtes kataggelies den antimetwpizetai h tromokratia. Qa htan anajio sxoliasmoy ena tetoio dhmosieyma poy anaferetai se isxyrismoys enos prwhn ajiwmatoyxoy ths CIA. Omws, epeidh den einai dynaton tetoioy eidoys isxyrismoi na paramenoyn ewloi, h ellhnikh kybernhsh analambanei prwtoboylia kai qa zhthsei apo tis HPA dikastikh syndromh, prokeimenoy na klhqei o en logw ajiwmatoyxos kai na kataqesei o,ti sxetiko gnwrizei gyrw apo to qema ayto sto opoio anaferetai.

Qelw, epishs, na sas enhmerwsw oti to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy shmera, diamorfwnetai ws ejhs:

Eixe synergasia, h opoia kai oloklhrwqhke, me ton Ypoyrgo Politismoy Qeodwro Pagkalo, gia qemata poy aforoyn thn proetoimasia ths xwras mas gia thn Olympiada. Ayth thn wra dexetai ton Ypoyrgo Dhmosias Tajhs Mixalh Xrysoxoidh, me antikeimeno syzhthshs to shmerino qlibero symban. Antilambaneste pws metatiqetai, xronika, h programmatismenh gia shmera episkech toy Prwqypoyrgoy ston Pyrosbestiko Saqmo ths Metamorfwshs. Stis 2 to meshmeri qa dexqei ton Ypoyrgo PEXWDE Kwsta Laliwth. Qa syzhthsei mazi toy qemata poy aforoyn, epishs, thn proetoimasia ths xwras mas gia thn Olympiada toy 2004.

To apogeyma, to programma paramenei idio. Stis 7 h wra sto PASOK o Prwqypoyrgos qa proedreysei se synedriash ths dieyrymenhs Ektelestikhs Grammateias, h opoia exei systaqei prosfata.

SOYRMELIDHS: Mia dieykrinish qa hqela. H dhlwsh sas ayth anaferetai kai sto dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas ``Pontiki'';

REPPAS: Oxi. Gia osa anaferontai se ayto. Aforoyn to sygkekrimeno ajiwmatoyxo. Den einai to sxolio moy gia thn efhmerida. Afora o,ti periexetai sto dhmosieyma, ws isxyrismos toy en logw ajiwmatoyxoy.

SOYRMELIDHS: Bebaia, eipate oti qa klhqei o en logw ajiwmatoyxos na kataqesei, alla toylaxiston o k. Goylsei leei oti h ellhnikh kybernhsh den einai sobarh sto na kynhghsei thn ``17N'' kai oti yparxoyn paragontes, oi opoioi gnwrizoyn. Mporeite na mas kanete ena sxolio;

REPPAS: Paramenw sto sxolio to opoio ekana, prin. Pisteyw oti o en logw ajiwmatoyxos, efoson qewrei oti gnwrizei kai mporei na symbalei qetika sthn antimetwpish toy fainomenoy ths tromokratias sth xwra mas, kalo einai tis gnwseis toy aytes na tis qesei ypoch twn armodiwn arxwn ths xwras, wste etsi na fqasoyme se ena epityxes apotelesma. Gi` ayto, loipon, pairnoyme thn prwtoboylia na zhthsoyme th dikastikh syndromh twn HPA. Na doqei h dynatothta ston en logw ajiwmatoyxo na kataqesei o,ti sxetiko gnwrizei gia to qema.

SOYRMELIDHS: Qa hqela na rwthsw, an h kybernhsh skeftetai na tropopoihsei ta nomika ``ergaleia'' poy diaqetei enantion ths tromokratias kai na yparxei qema anadiorganwshs ths antitromokratikhs yphresias.

REPPAS: Exoyme syzhthsei kai tis prohgoymenes hmeres sxetika qemata. Den exei allajei tipota, oson afora to qema ayto. Oi apanthseis poy edwsa, paramenoyn se isxy.

KAPPOS: Qa hqela na rwthsw, an mexri ayth thn wra yparxei kapoia oxlhsh apo thn pleyra twn HPA gia to sxetiko gegonos kai pros tis gnwstes kateyqynseis, dhladh, ths allaghs toy nomoqetikoy plaisioy kai ola osa zhtoyn oi Amerikanoi.

REPPAS: Ej oswn gnwrizw, oxi.

KARELIAS: O prwhn Arxhgos ths CIA, poy kanei aytes tis dhlwseis shmera, gnwrizete an palaiotera eixe proideasei gia tis apoceis toy aytes kapoion Ellhna ajiwmatoyxo se kapoia xronikh stigmh; Giati, apo to @93 ews to @95, htan Arxhgos ayths ths yphresias.

REPPAS: Den gnwrizw leptomereies. Poly perissotero, otan anafereste se mia qhteia, h opoia oloklhrwqhke arketa xronia prin. Pisteyw, omws -me dedomenh th synergasia twn armodiwn yphresiwn twn dyo xwrwn, alla kai allwn xwrwn, gia thn patajh tetoiwn drasthriothtwn- pws o,ti gnwrize, o,ti ektimhsh eixe kanei gia ta qemata ayta o en logw ajiwmatoyxos, asfalws qa ta eixe qesei ypoch twn yphresiakwn paragontwn, prokeimenoy na ajiopoihqoyn analogws.

FILHS: O epitimos Proedros ths N.D. k. Mhtsotakhs, proebh se mia dhlwsh, sxoliazontas to qema ths dolofonias. Ekei anamesa sta alla eipe, prwton, oti prepei na ypografei amesws h symfwnia ths astynomikhs synergasias, metajy Elladas kai HPA, kai deyteron, synedese to qema ths tromokratias me to qema twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004. Exete kapoio sxolio;

REPPAS: Einai anepityxhs ayth h dhlwsh. Einai mia proseggish, h opoia pisteyoyme oti den einai h kalyterh. Giati, shmera antimetwpizoyme ena sygkekrimeno qlibero gegonos kai den prepei h syzhthsh na pairnei mia tetoia ektash. Na anaferomaste, dhladh, sta qemata asfaleias, enocei ths Olympiadas toy 2004 h na tiqetai pali mia ypoqesh, h opoia exei parei to dromos ths, opws einai ayth ths ypografhs enos mnhmonioy astynomikhs synergasias, katw apo to prisma toy shmerinoy qliberoy symbantos. Gia to qema ayto oi dyo pleyres exoyn symfwnhsei. Den exei prosdioristei h sygkekrimenh hmeromhnia kai pantws, den apotelei qema antidikias, antiparaqeshs h diafwnias h ypografh toy mnhmonioy aytoy. Oson afora thn proetoimasia ths xwras mas gia thn Olympiada, qewrw oti den einai swsto na ginetai opoiadhpote tetoioy eidoys sysxetish. Giati, mporei, bebaiws, ta qemata na exoyn synafeia, alla den einai katallhlh h stigmh gia na probainoyme se tetoioy eidoys ektimhseis, ypo to baros twn entypwsewn.

FILHS: Epibebaiwnete tis dhmosiografikes plhrofories, symfwna me tis opoies oi HPA endiaferontai na analaboyn, me aformh toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004, dia bioy thn eyqynh gia thn asfaleia twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poies synqhkes epikrathsan ston tomea ayto kata th diejagwgh ths Olympiadas sthn Atlanta. Prepei na sas pw oti kata th diarkeia ths diejagwghs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn sthn Ellada, qa ginei ayto poy ginetai pantote, kata thn ejelijh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Oi armodies yphresies ths xwras mas, symfwna me osa problepontai pantote gia analoges periptwseis, gia tetoia poly shmantika ektakta gegonota, qa laboyn ta aparaithta metra kai bebaiws qa exoyn tis synergasies poy prepei gia na petyxoyme ta kalytera dynata apotelesmata.

KARAKWSTAS: An katalaba kala, qewreite tyxaia th xronikh stigmh poy epelegh gia na ginei ayto to xtyphma;

REPPAS: Den exw stoixeia, ta opoia na moy dinoyn th dynatothta na sxoliasw to an h energeia ayth prepei na syndeqei me kati allo. Den exw kanena stoixeio sth diaqesh moy.

KARAKWSTAS: Epomenws, th xarakthrisate ws tromokratikh energeia.

REPPAS: Asfalws einai tromokratikh energeia. Ayto einai bebaio. Mporw na sas bebaiwsw oti, meta tis ereynes kai kyriws th balistikh ereyna poy egine, apodeiknyetai oti einai apo sygkekrimeno oplo ta blhmata ayta kai ara, mporei kaneis na bgalei ena prwto symperasma gia to poioi krybontai pisw apo th dolofonikh energeia.

MOYRTZHS: Einai to 45ari ths ``17N'' ayto;

REPPAS: Oi prwtes ektimhseis odhgoyn se ayto to symperasma.

PAPADOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh, giati den analambanei mia prwtoboylia na dwsei sth dhmosiothta ta stoixeia poy exei@

REPPAS: Gia na ejyphrethsei ti;

PAPADOPOYLOS: @enantion twn jenwn kentrwn apofasewn poy droyn se tetoies eyaisqhtes stigmes gia thn patrida kai ta symferonta mas;

REPPAS: Exoyme kapoia stoixeia, ta opoia mas odhgoyn sto symperasma oti kapoioi apergazontai sxedia enantion ths xwras mas; Kaqenas stis dhmosies syzhthseis mporei na exei tis apoceis toy. Mia kybernhsh, omws, qa prepei na kineitai me bash sygkekrimena stoixeia. Tetoia stoixeia den exoyme emeis ypoch mas, wste na prepei na ta anakoinwsoyme.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Shmera, qelete th dikastikh syndromh.

REPPAS: Kai ayto to kaname gnwsto. Otan, loipon, exoyme ypoch mas na paroyme mia prwtoboylia, thn kanoyme gnwsth.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Efoson to kratos exei kai alla stoixeia oti ayth h organwsh dieyqynetai apo jena kentra apofasewn, giati den proxwrate se @.

REPPAS: Poios sas eipe oti to kratos exei tetoia stoixeia; Ayto to symperasma to exete eseis.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Erwthsh ekana, den einai symperasma.

REPPAS: Apanthsa prin se ayto kai eipa oti den diaqetoyme stoixeia, ta opoia na mas odhgoyn se tetoioy eidoys prwtoboylies.

FILHS: Stoixeia den diaqetete. Alla den exete mia eikona toy ti syzhteitai sthn Ellada kai poia einai h aisqhsh kai h epimonh ypocia ekatommyriwn Ellhnwn gia to qema ayto;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti ola ayta mporei na ajiologhqoyn, na ajiopoihqoyn. Ayto to opoio exei shmasia, omws, einai na exeis tekmhria, prokeimenoy na analabeis mia sxetikh prwtoboylia. Oi armodies yphresies kanoyn o,ti einai dynato. Qa synexisoyn me pio entatiko ryqmo thn prospaqeia toys, gia na antimetwpisoyme tetoioy eidoys energeies. Alla, den yparxei tipote allo, peran aytoy.

KAPPOS: Lete oti den yparxei tipote allo, peran aytoy. Epeidh sto parelqon yphrjan orismena pragmata, ta opoia den exoyn akomh dialeykanqei. Qymizw, as poyme, thn periptwsh twn Amerikanwn praktorwn sto mpar sthn Kycelh, epi ypoyrgias Dhmosias Tajhs toy k. Papaqemelh. Ti exei ginei me aytes tis periptwseis; Einai se qesh h ellhnikh kybernhsh na dwsei kapoia stoixeia;

REPPAS: H ellhnikh kybernhsh -epanalambanw- o,ti stoixeia exoyn perielqei se gnwsh ths, ta ajiologhqei, prokeimenoy na fqasei se ena apotelesma. Gnwrizete poly kala oti pote, dystyxws, mexri shmera, den exoyme fqasei se sygkekrimeno apotelesma, pros opoiadhpote kateyqynsh.

KAPPOS: Sas rwthsa, epeidh sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh yphrje mia aifnidiastikh apelash mesa se xronoys taxytatoys twn sygkekrimenwn praktorwn. Oyte kan anakrish egine.

REPPAS: Poia einai h erwthsh;

KAPPOS: H erwthsh einai ayth poy sas ekana sthn arxh. Dhladh, oti yparxoyn ypoqeseis gia draseis jenwn praktorwn sthn Aqhna kai sthn Ellada, qa elega, genikotera, poy den exoyn dialeykanqei.

REPPAS: Eipa oti ola ayta ta stoixeia ajiologoyntai analogws. Ginetai mia synektimhsh twn dedomenwn, alla den exoyme fqasei se kapoio sygkekrimeno apotelesma.

KAPPOS: Mporei na apelaynontai parayta;

REPPAS: Otan meta apo toses dolofonikes energeies den exoyn entopistei oi drastes, antilambaneste pws yparxei ena problhma se ayto ton tomea.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, qa gnwrizete kalytera apo emena, sthn erwthsh toy synadelfoy moy, oti yparxoyn toylaxiston treis periptwseis poy h ellhnikh kybernhsh jerei thn anamijh jenwn praktorwn, Amerikanwn kai Germanwn sthn ypoqesh ayth kai epi Skoylarikh kai epi Papaqemelh kai epi allwn ypoyrgwn. Eseis, shmera, dexeste mia katafwrh kai anteqnikh epiqesh poy leei eyqews oti Ellhnes ypoyrgoi einai anamemigmenoi se ayth thn organwsh kai den tolmate na apokalycete ta stoixeia poy exete eis baros aytwn twn kentrwn.

REPPAS: An exete eseis ypoch sas kapoia stoixeia, giati asfalws kati gnwrizete, sas parakalw otan ``anoijei'' ayth h diadikasia na proselqete na kataqesete ki eseis, aytoboylws. O,ti gnwrizete sxetiko na to qesete ypoch twn armodiwn arxwn. Kante to.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Den eimai ypeyqynos egw na to kanw.

REPPAS: Eiste anqrwpos o opoios diateinetai oti jerei polla pragmata gia to qema ayto.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Ma, ayta k. Ypoyrge exoyn dei to fws ths dhmosiothtas, ta jerei olos o ellhnikos laos, poy ta diabase stis efhmerides.

REPPAS: Poia qemata eidan to fws ths dhmosiothtas, k. Papadopoyle; Oti kapoia jena kentra apergazontai sxedia se baros ths Elladas; Mporei na to isxyristei kapoios ayto kai na to kataqesei epwnymws kai eggrafws;

PAPADOPOYLOS: Isxyrizeste oti einai egxwria organwsh;

REPPAS: Ma, den gnwrizw. An gnwrizame peri tinos akribws prokeitai qa eixame kalytera apotelesmata.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Kai dexeste oti@

REPPAS: Ayto katalabate; den eipa oti ayta einai adianohta kai yperanw pashs logikhs. Den eipa oti analambanoyme prwtoboylia, wste o sygkekrimenos kyrios na klhqei na kataqesei o,ti sxetiko gnwrizei.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Tetoies dhlwseis, omws, tis akoyme 20 xronia panomoiotypws.

REPPAS: Exete dikio en merei. Ejefrasa ki egw prin thn adynamia poy exei epideixqei ston tomea ths apotelesmatikothtas. Ayto einai mia pragmatikothta.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Epifylassomai na sas ferw ta sxetika dhmosieymata.

REPPAS: Den xreiazetai na ferete ta dhmosieymata se mena. Yparxoyn armodies yphresies stis opoies mporeite na proskomisete ta dhmosieymata ayta, etsi wste na epilhfqoyn armodiws. Parakalw na ta proskomisete kai na to kanete parayta. Shmera na to kanete.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Prepei na epilejete.

REPPAS: Ti na epilejw; Den yparxoyn armodia organa sth syntetagmenh Politeias mas, ta opoia qa epilhfqoyn gi ayta ta stoixeia, ta opoia gnwrizete eseis; Parakalw na ta proskomisete. Kai na to kanete parayta. Shmera na to kanete.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Syllogismos symperasmatwn einai.

REPPAS: Nai, alla gnwrizete poly kala oti oi politikes prwtoboylies den kaqodhgoyntai mono apo syllogismoys, xreiazontai kai kapoia stoixeia, kapoia tekmhriwsh.

BITALHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, epeidh sto poly prosfato parelqon, ashmantes aformes, gkazakia k.lp., eixan odhghsei se kapoies systaseis apo tis HPA kai epeidh ayto einai kati sobarotero apo ta gkazakia, skefteste, enocei kai ths toyristikhs periodoy, kapoia prwtoboylia, wste na mh breqoyme pali, mesa sthn toyristikh periodo, antimetwpoi me tetoia qemata, systaseis, odhgies k.lp;

REPPAS: Oi armodioi paragontes ths kybernhshs qa kanoyn o,ti prepei, kaqenas sto diko toy tomea, gia na antimetwpisoyn ta synafh qemata. Asfalws, briskomaste enocei ths toyristikhs periodoy. Milhsa prin gia ekeinoys, oi opoioi analambanontas tetoies drasthriothtes, ej antikeimenoy, isws kai me sygkekrimeno stoxo epidiwkoyn na plhjoyn ta symferonta ths xwras. Hmoyn poly safhs. H kybernhsh, asfalws, qa kanei o,ti prepei, prokeimenoy na proaspisei ta symferonta ths xwras. Kai sthn kateyqynsh ayth qa analabei sxetikes prwtoboylies.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Sthn Kypro yparxei anataraxh, me thn paroysia sta katexomena kai th symmetoxh ths Mis Ellas Katerinas Dellh sta kallisteia, sto ceydokratos@

REPPAS: Qa moy epitrecete na pw, me aformh thn erwthsh sas oti symmerizomai apolytws kai prosypografw th dhlwsh poy ekane o ekproswpos ths kypriakhs kybernhshs. Qa prosqesw mono oti den fainetai, apo ta stoixeia ta opoia exoyme ypoch mas, oti yphrje ena sygkekrimeno sxedio h oti kapoioi eixan ej arxhs enan tetoio skopo. Na pane, dhladh, sta katexomena, prokeimenoy etsi na deijoyn oti anagnwrizoyn to kaqestws poy yparxei sthn perioxh, ws nomimo. Den yparxei, loipon, mia tetoia proqesh, ej oswn gnwrizw mexri twra se aytoys oi opoioi symmeteixan se ayth thn poly atyxh diorganwsh.

FILHS: Ma, sthn Kypro yphrje anastatwsh;

REPPAS: Ekane dhlwsh o kybernhtikos ekproswpos ths Kyproy. Kai ayto kati shmainei. Emeis apexoyme, bebaia, arketa milia apo thn Kypro. Isws blepoyme alliws ta pragmata. Alla prepei na symmerizomaste ton tropo me ton opoio blepoyn ta pragmata sthn Kypro.

MAYRIDHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, shmerina dhmosieymata anaferoyn oti h synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton k. Laliwth, ektos ths poreias twn ergwn gia thn Olympiada, qa exei ws antikeimeno kai ena ``sxedio'' gia thn apoklimakwsh ths entashs metajy kybernhshs-ekklhsias. To epibebaiwnete h to diaceydete;

REPPAS: Na epibebaiwsw poio einai to periexomeno mias syzhthshs, h opoia den exei jekinhsei kan; Ayto to opoio lew einai oti h kybernhsh, dia toy armodioy ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn, exei dhlwsei pws paramenei sth diaqesh twn ekproswpwn ths ierarxias gia na syzhthsoyn ta sxetika qemata. Den yparxei otidhpote allo to opoio na afora thn kybernhsh se epipedo mesolabhsewn, prwtoboyliwn h o,ti allo legetai se sxesh me prospaqeies ektonwshs ths krishs. Den qewroyme oti mporei na mila kaneis gia krish dedomenoy oti exoyme dhlwsei, me poly safh kai kathgorhmatiko tropo, oti den qewroyme thn Ekklhsia politiko antipalo mas.

TAKHS: O ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs, arqrografwntas se ena nomiko periodiko, aneptyje kapoies apoceis toy kai proteinei na katarghqoyn ta qrhskeytika sta sxoleia kai na katarghqoyn arqra toy Syntagmatos poy anaferontai sto qrhskeyma kai sthn epiklhsh ths Agias Triadas kai genika to kratos na einai qrhskeytika oydetero. H kybernhsh, apenanti se aytes tis apoceis toy k. Staqopoyloy poy einai kai ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs, pws steketai;

REPPAS: Den exoyn apasxolhsei thn kybernhsh tetoia qemata. Allwste, den einai h prwth fora poy diatypwnontai aytes oi apoceis@

TAKHS: Einai proswpikes apoceis toy k. Staqopoyloy;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti ta kybernhtika organa den exoyn asxolhqei me tetoia qemata. Gnwrizete poia einai h qesh ths kybernhshs. Gnwrizete, epishs, poies diatajeis einai pros anaqewrhsh, katarghsh h tropopoihsh sto plaisio ths syzhthshs poy qa ginei gia thn Anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos. To arqra 3 kai 13, den perilambanontai se ekeina poy prokeitai na syzhthqoyn, wste na ejetastei h anaqewrhsh toys.

TAKHS: To oti o k. Staqopoylos, omws, diatypwnei aytes tis apoceis meta thn krish poy yparxei stis sxeseis Politeias-Ekklhsias kai epanerxetai se qemata poy h ekklhsia qewrei oti einai h synexeia toy qematos twn taytothtwn, den sas problhmatizei ws kybernhsh;

REPPAS: Na mas problhmatizei to oti o k. Staqopoylos epanalambanei apoceis tis opoies exei diatypwsei kai sto parelqon; To periergo qa htan, isws, na diatypwsei twra diaforetikes apoceis.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Einai dynaton ypoyrgos na bgainei kai na diatypwnei diaforetikes apoceis apo aytes ths kybernhshs;

REPPAS: H episthmonikh arqrografia dinei th dynatothta ayth se paragontes ths dhmosias zwhs, poy prwta ap` ola exoyn mia poreia sthn akadhmaikh koinothta ths xwras kai exoyn diatypwsei tis apoceis aytes.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Na parameinei panepisthmiakos tote, na mh ginei ypoyrgos.

REPPAS: Den qa orisete eseis pws kai poioys qa epilejei o Prwqypoyrgos gia ypoyrgoys kai yfypoyrgoys ths kybernhshs.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ayth th stigmh einai ypoyrgos, omws.

REPPAS: Bebaiws. Ti shmainei ayto;

STAMATOPOYLOS: Shmainei oti h kybernhsh einai ``alaloym''. Ayto deixnei.

REPPAS: Kanete terastio laqos. H kybernhsh exei sygkekrimenh politikh kai qa krinete thn kybernhsh apo toys logoys kai ta erga ths. Kai gnwrizete poies einai oi prajeis ths kybernhshs gi ayta ta qemata.

MAYRIDHS: Yparxei oxlhsh toy Beligradioy pros thn ellhnikh pleyra gia th drasthriothta toy k. Rontoy, toy symboyloy toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn;

REPPAS: O k. Rontos exei prosferei shmantikes yphresies sthn periodo ths krishs. Den exei diatypwqei kapoia tetoia oxlhsh, opws anaferete eseis. Isa-isa, h epikoinwnia poy yparxei me thn kybernhsh toy Beligradioy einai diarkhs, me diaforoys tropoys. Pisteyw oti anagnwrizete thn prospaqeia poy ekane sto parelqon kai kanei h ellhnikh kybernhsh prokeimenoy h Gioygkoslabia na epanelqei ws symmetexoysa xwra stis dieqneis drasthriothtes.

GIANNAKOPOYLOS: Symmerizetai h kybernhsh thn apoch poy diatypwse o kaqhghths Syntagmatikoy Dikaioy, Antwnhs Manitakhs, oti einai antisyntagmatikh h organwsh apo thn ekklhsia syllalhthriwn kai epomenws prepei na efarmostei o poinikos nomos;

REPPAS: Exei kataqesei sxetikh erwthsh pros ton armodio ypoyrgo Dikaiosynhs kai o Proedros twn Fileleyqerwn Stefanos Manos, zhtwntas thn katarghsh ths sxetikhs diatajhs. Loipon, den qa kanoyme sxolia, epi apocewn poy episthmones ths xwras h alloi paragontes ths dhmosias zwhs anaptyssoyn, aythn thn periodo, gia diafora qemata.

Sas eyxaristw poly.

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