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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-01

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 1 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Anaxwrei o Prwqypoyrgos, se ligo, gia to Berolino, opoy qa labei meros sthn politikh diaskech, me kentriko qema thn proodeytikh diakybernhsh sto sygxrono kosmo. Symmetexoyn hgetes apo 16 akomh xwres, apo oles tis hpeiroys. Exei idiaitero endiaferon. Oi synadelfoi sas poy qa parakoloyqhsoyn tis ergasies ayths ths synodoy, bebaiws, qa exoyn ton prwto logo na enhmerwsoyn thn koinh gnwmh. Pisteyoyme oti h symmetoxh toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy sth diaskech einai shmantiko gegonos. Poly perissotero poy -opws qa enhmerwqoyme, tis epomenes hmeres- qa exei th dynatothta na anaptyjei shmantika qemata, na proseggisei ayto to poly shmantiko kefalaio, me tropo poy dinei apanthseis sta sygxrona problhmata, se oles tis koinwnies.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KARAKWSTAS: Ektimate oti synista diasyrmo gia th dieqnh eikona ths xwras to gegonos oti se xqesino prwtoselido dhmosieyma ths toyrkikhs efhmeridas ``Xoyriet'' milaei gia skandalo omofylofilias sthn ellhnikh politikh skhnh;

REPPAS: Einai profanes -to antilambaneste- oti ayto to qema den afora thn kybernhsh kai den aggizei th xwra. Egw, apo proswpikh qesh arxhs, alla kai apo th qesh poy katexw, ws Ypoyrgos Typoy, eimai ypoxrewmenos na perifroyrhsw thn eleyqerotypia sthn Ellada. Poly perissotero den einai dynato na dwsw odhgies se efhmerides allwn xwrwn gia to ti qa dhmosieysoyn. Apo thn allh, omws, prepei na pw oti tetoia dhmosieymata den einai eyxarista. Kai en pash periptwsei, qa elega oti tetoia dhmosieymata afairoyn, den prosqetoyn. Ayto to sxolio exw na kanw.

KYRIAKIDOY: Exw merikes apories, sxetika me to qema toy tzamioy. Giati, symperielhfqh to tzami poy qa ginei sthn Paiania sto nomosxedio gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes; Giati, xrhsimopoioyntai, dhladh, ws aformh oi Olympiakoi Agwnes gia na ginei ayto to tzami; Giati, ginetai sthn Paiania kai oxi kapoy pio konta, wste, en pash periptwsei, ean einai gia toys Ellhnes Moysoylmanoys sthn Aqhna h ean einai gia toys aqlhtes stoys Qrakomakedones; Epimenei h kybernhsh na to kanei se ayto to shmeio;

REPPAS: To qema ayto -einai swsth h parathrhsh sas- den taytizetai apolytws me th diorganwsh ths Olympiadas toy 2004. Asfalws, syndeetai, emmesws, me to gegonos oti para polloi, oi opoioi qa episkefqoyn thn Ellada, me aformh thn Olympiada, aqlhtes-melh twn aqlhtikwn apostolwn, oi opoioi anhkoyn se ayth th qrhskeia, qa exoyn th dynatothta na askhsoyn ta qrhskeytika, ta latreytika kaqhkonta toys, kata th diarkeia ths paramonhs toys sthn Ellada. To qema ayto mas exei apasxolhsei, edw kai arketo kairo. Htan wrimes pleon oi synqhkes, h dedomenh boylhsh ths kybernhshs na labei sygkekrimeno xarakthra kai na proxwrhsoyme sthn prajh, sthn anegersh, dhladh, aytoy toy temenoys. H perioxh exei epilegei ws h pleon katallhlh, epeidh qewreitai oti h prosbash se ayth qa einai eykolh, me ta erga poy ginontai, ta epomena xronia. Epishs, den afora asfalws thn Olympiada, einai epilogh -epanalambanw- thn opoia eixame kanei poly prin. Epeidh yparxei to nomosxedio poy afora thn Olympiada, perilambanetai h sxetikh diatajh se ayto. An den yphrxe ayto to nomosxedio -den htan bebaio oti qa prokycei nomosxedio poy qa afora thn Olympiada- h sxetikh ryqmish qa eixe perilhfqei se ena allo nomosxedio. Pantws, einai epilogh mas, oi moysoylmanoi poy zoyn sthn Ellada na exoyn th dynatothta na askoyn ta latreytika toys kaqhkonta, se ena xwro poy, dystyxws, den yparxei shmera. Prepei na sas pw oti me ta shmerina dedomena qa prepei na metakinhqoyn sthn perioxh ths Qrakhs, apo tis alles perioxes ths Elladas. Pisteyoyme oti se mia sygxronh xwra, opws h dikh mas, einai kati to opoio leipei kai oti h epilogh ths kybernhshs, opws anagnwrizetai apo oloys, einai mia swsth epilogh, h opoia tiqetai se efarmogh.

TAKHS: Qa sas problhmatisoyn dhlwseis boyleytwn toy PASOK, poy lene oti qa katachfisoyn th diatajh otan erqei sth Boylh;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala, oti opws kaqe nomosxedio kai to sygkekrimeno qa syzhthqei sth Boylh, gia na chfistei kai na ginei nomos toy kratoys me th qelhsh ths pleiochfias twn boyleytwn. Den qa krinw twra ti qa ginei s` ayth thn koinoboyleytikh diadikasia. Den qa ypeiselqw sta eswterika ths Boylhs. Pisteyw oti h epilogh einai swsth. Thn epilogh ayth sthrizoyn boyleytes kai stelexh apo ola ta kommata, dioti krinoyn oti einai anagkaio na proxwrhsoyme se ayto to metro.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Qa yparjei antidrash kai apo toyrkikhs pleyras, wste na leitoyrghsoyn ekei oi ellhnikes Ekklhsias kai endexomenws h Agia Sofia;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti leitoyrgoyn ellhnorqodojes ekklhsias sthn Kwnstantinoypolh. Exoyn th dynatothta oi Ellhnes omogeneis aperispastoi na askoyn ta qrhskeytika toys kaqhkonta, se aytoys toys topoys latreias poy leitoyrgoyn sthn Toyrkia.

KWNSTANTHS: Qa teqei qema kommatikhs peiqarxias gi ayto to nomosxedio;

REPPAS: Den tiqetai tetoio qema.

TAKHS: Dedomenoy oti h pleiochfia sas einai 8 boyleytes, apo toys 157 boyleytes, an katachfistei h sygkekrimenh diatajh, qa einai problhma gia thn kybernhsh;

REPPAS: Mhn kanete ypoqeseis, mhn protrexete. Exoyn dikaiwma na lene eleyqera tis apoceis toys. Kaqe boyleyths exei thn eyqynh twn logwn toy. Qewrw, omws, pws h epilogh ayth einai swsth kai ws tetoia anagnwrizetai apo thn pleiochfia twn boyleytwn.

FILHS: O Arxiepiskopos k. Xristodoylos, se synenteyjh Typoy sto geyma twn Jenwn Antapokritwn, eipe oti h politikh ejoysia katoikei sta palatia, apomonwmenh apo to lao, enw aytoi, ennoei to Ierateio, einai konta stis laikes prosdokies. Qa hqela ena sxolio gi ayth th dhlwsh toy Xristodoyloy, opws, epishs kai gia th dhlwsh, oti h symperifora ths kybernhshs apenanti sthn ekklhsia sto qema twn taytothtwn yphrje ahqhs.

REPPAS: O Makariotatos ejefrase tis apoceis toy, opws exei dikaiwma na kanei o kaqenas, analogws toy roloy kai ths armodiothtas poy exei sthn ellhnikh koinwnia. Gnwrizete poly kala oti h apofash ths kybernhshs gia th mh anagrafh toy qrhskeymatos, alla kai allwn eyaisqhtwn proswpikwn dedomenwn, se dhmosia eggrafa, sthrizetai se nomo poy exei chfistei apo thn ellhnikh Boylh kai hrqe h wra na teqei se efarmogh. Oson afora thn ekproswphsh toy laoy apo toys boyleytes, gnwrizete, epishs, oti h ellhnikh koinwnia einai dhmokratika organwmenh, oti exoyme mia syntetagmenh Politeia, opoy oi Ellhnes polites exoyn th dynatothta, se takta xronika diasthmata, na eklegoyn me thn chfo toys eleyqera kai abiasta (yperaspizomenoi thn arxh ths laikhs kyriarxias) toys sympolites toys, poy qeloyn na toys ekproswpoyn gia mia orismenh periodo (gia tessera xronia). Oi boyleytes, aytoi kai mono aytoi, exoyn ayto to pronomio ths ekdhlwshs ths agaphs kai ths empistosynhs twn sympolitwn toys, se taktika diasthmata, mesw mias diadikasias, poy einai h ``mystikh chfoforia'' se olh thn Ellada, pragma to opoio katajiwnei kai to rolo toys kai apodeiknyei oti h Ellada einai mia dhmokratikh, sygxronh koinwnia, me dhmokratikoys qesmoys. Oi kanones ths ellhnikhs dhmokratias einai aytoi poy isxyoyn dieqnws kai prepei na ginontai apo oloys sebastoi. O kaqenas exei to diko toy rolo. Oi politikoi exoyn ayto to idiaitero pronomio, na eklegontai apeyqeias apo to lao, apo toys Ellhnes polites, mesw mystikhs chfoforias, gia mia sygkekrimenh periodo, me safh entolh.

FILHS: Sas problhmatizei h epanalhch xarakthrismwn, xqes, apo ton k. Xristodoylo, opws ``ahqes kybernhtikhs politikhs'';

REPPAS: Kaqenas epilegei ton tropo me ton opoio ekfrazetai. Einai diko toy dikaiwma, opws kai dikaiwma olwn twn allwn, na krinoyn ayto ton tropo.

FILHS: Sygnwmh poy epimenw. H erwthsh einai safhs: Opoiosdhpote politikos arxhgos ebgaine kai elege oti einai anhqikh h kybernhsh, oti einai ahqes ayto poy kanei, qa eisepratte mia apanthsh me dikh sas prwtoboylia. Bgainei o k. Xristodoylos, oxi sthn arxh ths antiparaqeshs, afoy exei perasei ena 15qhmero, af hs yphrje to problhma kai milaei opws milaei. Den krinete skopimo na apanthsete politika se ayth th qesh;

REPPAS: Me ta politika kommata exoyme mia pronomiakh sxesh, sto plaisio ths politikhs antiparaqeshs. Me thn Ekklhsia den exoyme politikh antidikia. Oson afora to sygkekrimeno metro den mporei na apotelesei pedio politikhs antiparaqeshs h antallaghs politikwn epixeirhmatwn. H Ekklhsia exei to diko ths rolo, o opoios einai diakritos apo to rolo ths Politeias. Askei ta kaqhkonta ths se ayto to plaisio. Den einai dynaton h politeia na einai synomilhths ths ekklhsias gia qemata, ta opoia den aforoyn thn ekklhsia, ta opoia aforoyn mono thn Politeia. Apo kei kai pera to qema ths aisqhtikhs, twn orwn, twn xarakthrismwn twn lejewn, to sxoliasa me ton tropo poy apanthsa molis prin. An me rwtoysate shmera gia ton k. Karamanlh kai thn omilia poy ekane xqes sth Boylh, sto komma toy qa mporoysa na kanw toys dikoys moy politikoys sxoliasmoys. An qewreite oti o Makariotatos Arxiepiskopos probainei se politikes omilies, tote anagnwrizete pws prepei se ena politiko epipedo pia na diamorfwnontai oi sxeseis mas, h synergasia mas, h epikoinwnia mas. Qewroyme oti h Ekklhsia exei sygkekrimeno pneymatiko, qrhskeytiko kai koinwniko rolo kai, pantws, den askei politikh ejoysia. Den mporei na antimetwpistei, dhladh, san politikos synomilhths.

FILHS: Den milaei gia to fylo twn aggelwn o Makariotatos. Gia politika qemata milaei kai epikrinei thn kybernhsh me xarakthrismoys, oi opoioi se allh periptwsh qa eixan episyrei apo thn pleyra sas sxolia poly kaystika. Kai blepw oti eseis eiste ``mh moy aptoy''.

REPPAS: Kanete megalo laqos. Kaqe fora, emeis sxoliazoyme, apantoyme analogws toy ti eipwqhke, apo poion eipwqhke, giati eipwqhke kai se poia stigmh eipwqhke. Synomilhtes mas einai ta politika kommata, sto plaisio ths politikhs diadikasias, h opoia ektylissete se mia syntetagmenh dhmokratika organwmenh kai qesmika sygkrothmenh Politeia, opws einai h Ellada.

GARGALAKOS: Qa prepei na paradexteite, omws, oti o logos orismenwn ekklhsiastikwn paragontwn einai, pleon, logos kaqara politikos kai oxi pneymatikos.

REPPAS: Ta symperasmata kai ta sxolia dika sas.

TSAKIRHS: Shmera, polla dhmosieymata feroyn ton Prwqypoyrgo dysaresthmeno me ton k. Mpakoyrh. Yparxei qema antikatastashs toy;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti h Organwtikh Epitroph toy 2004, meta thn teleytaia anasynqesh ths, exei entatikopoihsei thn prospaqeia ths gia thn kalyterh proetoimasia ths xwras mas. Den antimetwpizetai opoiodhpote allo qema allagwn.

FILHS: Pote qa anakoinwqoyn ta onomata toy neoy 5meloys organoy toy 2004.

REPPAS: Efoson chfistei to nomosxedio, sto opoio problepontai ayta ta nea organa kai efoson, katastei nomos toy kratoys, aytomatws qa teqei se efarmogh h leitoyrgia toy, h sygkrothsh toy organoy.

Sas eyxaristw poly.

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