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Greek Government Press Briefing, 98-06-30

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 30 Ioynioy 1998


Geia sas.

Qa hqela eisagwgikws na anaferqw sto programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia ayth thn ebdomada:

* Sas exw enhmerwsei gia thn paroysia toy Prwqypoyrgoy sth Frankfoyrth. Shmera qa parastei stis ekdhlwseis gia thn egkatastash toy neoy Dioikhth ths Eyrwpaikhs Kentrikhs Trapezas.

* Ayrio to prwi, o Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei ton k. Tsoxatzopoylo. Argotera, to meshmeri, qa exei synergasia me Ypoyrgoys, me toys k. Papantwnioy, Papaiwannoy, Mantelh, gia qemata poy aforoyn tis metarryqmiseis se Organismoys toy Dhmosioy.

* Thn Pempth qa episkefqei tis egkatastaseis toy METRO, opoy qa parakoloyqhsei pws ejelissetai ayto to megalo ergo. Qa exete thn eykairia kai eseis kai oi synadelfoi sas -osoi endiafereste toylaxiston- na parakoloyqhsete apo konta thn episkech toy Prwqypoyrgoy.

* Thn Paraskeyh qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio me qemata energeiakhs politikhs.

Qa moy epitrecete na kanw dyo-tria eisagwgika sxolia.

* To ena afora thn ekdosh chfismatwn toy OHE, oson afora to Kypriako. To ena chfisma ekdoqhke me aformh th syzhthsh poy ginetai gia tis kales yphresies poy prosferei o G. G. toy OHE, sthn prospaqeia gia thn anazhthsh lyshs sto Kypriako problhma. Einai qetiko to oti epanalambanetai sto chfisma ayto, h anafora sthn eniaia kyriarxia, th mia iqageneia kai th mia dieqnh proswpikothta ths Kyproy, opws epishs epanalambanetai h anafora sta chfismata toy OHE, ta opoia apoteloyn th bash kai to plaisio gia thn anazhthsh lyshs sto Kypriako. To allo chfisma, to opoio ekdoqhke me aformh th syzhthsh gia thn ananewsh ths paroysias sthn Kypro ths eirhneytikhs stratiwtikhs dynamhs, perilambanei, metajy twn allwn, th qesh toy Organismoy gia thn apostratikopoihsh sto nhsi, th meiwsh twn stratiwtikwn dynamewn kai twn ejoplismwn, se mia prospaqeia na meiwqei h entash kai na anazhthqei to syntomotero dynato mia eirhnikh lysh sto politiko problhma. Einai qetikes aytes oi epishmanseis kai pisteyoyme oti o dieqnhs paragontas, qa prepei na antimetwpisei analogws thn Toyrkia kai toys hgetes twn Toyrkokypriwn, wste ta chfismata ayta na metaferqoyn kai sthn prajh kai na apotelesoyn, pia, mia nea selida -qa elega- sthn prospaqeia poy ginetai gia lysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos.

* Qa moy epitrecete na kanw mia poly syntomh anafora sthn agora ths Trapezas Krhths. Pisteyoyme oti h ejelijh, h opoia sas einai gnwsth, apotelei enan qetiko deikth empistosynhs gia to paron kai to mellon ths ellhnikhs oikonomias. Taytoxronws einai kai mia anagnwrish gia ton tropo me ton opoio askei thn oikonomikh politikh h Kybernhsh, h opoia mesw twn diarqrwtikwn allagwn, twn metoxopoihsewn, twn idiwtikopoihsewn, twn metarryqmisewn se Organismoys toy Dhmosioy, odhgei th xwra sthn ONE.

* Exw th xara, epishs, na sas anakoinwsw oti oloklhrwqhke h diadikasia ekponhshs toy neoy sxedioy nomoy gia thn paroxh syndromhtikwn radiothleoptikwn yphresiwn sthn patrida mas. To keimeno ayto qa doqei ayrio stoys koinwnikoys kai politikoys foreis. Qa exw th dynatothta, ayrio stis 14.00 s' aythn edw thn aiqoysa, na enhmerwsw, me kaqe leptomereia, toys synadelfoys sas radiothleoptikoys syntaktes gia to periexomeno toy nomosxedioy. To nomosxedio ayto antimetwpizei to synolo twn syndromhtikwn yphresiwn, oi opoies parexontai me opoiadhpote texnikh meqodo, eite analogikh, eite chfiakh kai me opoiodhpote meso, eite me to doryforo, eite me toys epigeioys pompoys, eite me ta kalwdiaka diktya. Einai plhres kai leptomereiako. Pisteyoyme oti antimetwpizei to synolo twn qematwn, xwris na dhmioyrgei ypermetrh grafeiokratia. Antimetwpizei ta qemata sygkentrwshs kai diafaneias. Stoxos mas einai na ejyphrethqei o poliths me th dynatothta poy qa toy dwsoyme, na exei prosbash se mia megalh poikilia programmatwn ychlhs poiothtas, me xamhlo kostos. Aytos einai o skopos mas. Pisteyw oti eimaste metajy twn prwtwn sthn E. E. poy epejergazomaste kai kataqetoyme ena nomiko kai qesmiko plaisio, gia th leitoyrgia aytwn twn neas morfhs yphresiwn.

* Yparxei, telos, ayto to problhma me thn paroxh hlektrikoy reymatos se kapoies perioxes. Einai ektos leitoyrgias to Keratsini kai to Layrio, logw texnikwn problhmatwn. To diktyo fortwqhke poly, logw leitoyrgias pollwn klimatistikwn mhxanhmatwn.

MOYRTZHS: H DEH den ta problepei ayta, kyrie Ekproswpe;

REPPAS: Einai mia poly ektakth katastash ayth, h opoia qa antimetwpistei se ligh wra.

ALEJAKH: Enas Mhtropoliths kateqese mia protash sthn Iera Synodo me thn opoia proteinei symmetoxh Arxierewn se eklogimes qeseis se chfodeltia epikrateias olwn twn kommatwn. Pws blepete ayth thn protash;

REPPAS: Den th syzhtoyme.

ALEJAKH: Dhladh, thn aporriptete, den th dexeste, kan, den sas endiaferei; Giati to "den th syzhtoyme", den leei tipota.

REPPAS: Den th syzhtoyme, me thn ennoia oti de sxoliazoyme. Den mas apasxolei ayto to qema.

Eyxaristw poly.

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