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Greek Government Press Briefing, 98-06-16

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 16.6.1998


Geia sas.

Sxetika me th Synodo Koryfhs toy Karntif exete enhmerwqei apo ton Prwqypoyrgo kai apo toys ypoyrgoys poy ton synodeyoyn me tis xqesines dhlwseis toys. Den exw neotera. Allwste kai an eixa, qa ta afhname na prokycoyn apo ekei, apo toys synadelfoys poy synodeyoyn ton Prwqypoyrgo.

Ws afethria ths shmerinhs enhmerwshs, qa hqela na kanw ena sxolio: Qelw na katadikasw me ton pio entono tropo, th xqesinh epiqesh, enantion toy Proedroy ths OLME k. Tsoylia. Ayta ta fainomena, opws kai h palaioterh epiqesh enantion toy Proedroy ths ADEDY, einai fainomena aparadekta. Einai fainomena poy eisagoyn ton "xoyligkanismo" stoys koinwnikoys agwnes. Fainomena poy den mporoyn na einai anekta apo kanenan. Katadikazoyme me ton pio entono tropo ayth thn prajh kai ekfrazoyme th symparastash mas ston Proedro ths OLME.

Ayta apo thn pleyra moy, akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

GARGALAKOS: H Antipoliteysh, synolika, kathgorei thn Kybernhsh gia ena klima aytarxismoy kata twn koinwnikwn agwnwn twn ergazomenwn. Exete kapoio sxolio;

AQANASAKHS: Aytarxismos, ke Gargalako, den einai h prospaqeia efarmoghs toy nomoy. Aytarxismos den einai h apofasistikh stash ths Kybernhshs gia th diasfalish toy dikaiwmatos -sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh twn teleytaiwn hmerwn- oswn hqelan na laboyn meros stis ejetaseis, se ena systhma diafanes kai ajiokratiko, gia thn epilogh twn newn ekpaideytikwn. Aytarxismos, antiqeta, einai oi epiqeseis gia thn katalhch dhmosiwn ktiriwn. Aytarxismos einai oi epiqeseis enantion twn astynomikwn dynamewn. Aytarxismos einai ola ayta ta fainomena poy eidame na anaptyssontai tis teleytaies hmeres apo elaxistes meiochfies.

KIAOS: Sxetika me thn paraggelia poy edwse o Eisaggeleas k. Koliokwstas. Prwton, ws Kybernhsh, an exete kati perissotero yp ocin sas. Kai deyteron, se poies energeies qa probeite gia na bohqhsete to ergo toy kai triton, ti mellei genesqai;

AQANASAKHS: Den exoyme kati perissotero ypoch mas, den exoyme kai kati ligotero ypoch mas. Ayth einai mia eisaggelikh paraggelia, h opoia -opws anaferetai sthn idia- kinhqhke me afethria ta dhmosieymata, ta opoia yphrjan. O Eisaggeleas kinhqhke kata nomo. Den einai mia diadikasia sthn afethria ths opoias exei opoiadhpote sxesh h Kybernhsh. To mono poy mporw egw na pw einai, oti einai kalo oles aytes oi diadikasies otan kinoyntai, na oloklhrwnontai grhgora, oytws wste h paratash toys na mhn epibarynei to dhmosio bio.

MOSXOBAS: Hqela na sas rwthsw ean symmerizetai h Kybernhsh ta osa anaferei o k. Koliokwstas sthn paraggelia ayth, opoy anaferei epi lejh oti "diafainetai organwmenh egklhmatikh drash se baros toy dhmosioy symferontos gia...

AQANASAKHS: Ej oswn exw antilhfqei, o k. Koliokwstas epanalambanei shmeia twn dhmosieymatwn, ta opoia apotelesan thn aformh gia th sxetikh Eisaggelikh Paraggelia. Ayta ola qa ereynhqoyn apo toys armodioys Eisaggeleis, apo toys Eisaggeleis poy oristhkan kai qa yparjoyn ta sxetika porismata.

MIXAHL: Grafetai shmera ston Typo oti h paraggelia toy k. Koliokwsta kai ayta poy anaferei sto eggrafo ths paraggelias toy, sxedon taytizontai me erwthsh boyleyth ths Neas Dhmokratias. Eseis ektimate oti yparxei aplws symptwsh h kati parapanw;

AQANASAKHS: Prwton, den exw kanei th sygkrish twn dyo keimenwn. Kai deyteron, den qa eixe kanena nohma h ektimhsh moy.

MIXAHL: E, pws; Den exei nohma h ektimhsh ths Kybernhshs;

AQANASAKHS: Den qa eixe kanena nohma h ektimhsh moy gia dyo keimena, ena keimeno enos boyleyth kai ena keimeno toy Eisaggelea. An exete eseis tetoia ektimhsh, mporeite na thn gracete. Opws, epishs, an den exete tetoia ektimhsh mporeite, epishs, na to gracete. Egw den exw kati ep' aytoy. H Kybernhsh den exei kamia emplokh s` olh ayth th diadikasia.

MIXAHL: Kyrie Ekproswpe, to eida dhmosieymeno, gi` ayto rwtw.

AQANASAKHS: H Kybernhsh, enhmerwqhke, opws enhmerwqhkate kai eseis, xqes, gia thn eisaggelikh paraggelia meta th dhmosiopoihsh ths.

Sas eyxaristw.

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