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Friday, 24 January 2025 | ||
BRIEFING 11-1-96Greek Government Press Release DirectoryFrom: Hellenic Ministry of Press <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS 11.1.96H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO k. THLEMAXO XYTHRHKalhmera sas.* Xqes peratwqhke h syzhthsh sth Boylh epi ths protasews dyspistias ths Neas Dhmokratias pros thn Kybernhsh. Nomizw oti eginan ta sxolia poy eprepe na ginoyn. Skopos einai na jerei kaneis pote ypoballoyme protash dyspistias, giati thn kataqetoyme sth Boylh kai ti epitygxanoyme me ayth. Shmasia exei se kaqe periptwsh oti mesa se liges meres, gia deyterh fora, h Kybernhsh elabe chfo empistosynhs apo th Boylh, apo mia koinoboyleytikh pleiochfia, h opoia einai kai sympaghs kai arraghs kai aklwnhth. KIAOS: Yphrxe periptwsh na mhn thn parei; XYTHRHS: Kammia periptwsh. Gi' ayto kai sthn arxh ejefrasa kapoia erwthmata (dhladh, to pote ypoballoyme protash dyspistias, ti epidiwkoyme kai ti epitygxanoyme me thn ypobolh protasews momfhs). MIXAHL: Exei prosdiorisqei synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai me ti antikeimeno; XYTHRHS: Xqes, arga to brady, ejedwsa mia anakoinwsh, thn opoia fantazomai na exete ypoch sas. Kai sthn opoia anaferomai sthn epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias - opws gnwrizete - shmera brisketai sto Parisi gia na ekproswphsei th xwra mas sthn epimnhmosynh dehsh ston Kaqedriko Nao ths Panagias twn Parisiwn gia ton Fransoya Mitteran. Sthn xqesinobradynh anakoinwsh moy anaferw oti h synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias qa pragmatopoi- hqei "en eyqetw xronw", pragma poy shmainei oti stis epomenes meres qa ginei mia tetoia synanthsh. MIXAHL: Me ti antikeimeno; XYTHRHS: To antikeimeno, panta, twn synanthsewn toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, gnwrizete oti einai enhmerwsh, pagiws. KARELIAS: Dhladh, poios qa enhmerwsei poion; XYTHRHS: Qa yparjei allhloenhmerwsh. Qa syzhthsoyn. MARDAS: Dhladh, o Prwqypoyrgos Andreas Papandreoy qa enhmerwsei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias epi ths eswterikhs kai ejwterikhs katastasews ths xwras; XYTHRHS: Qa syzhthsoyn. MARDAS: Na rwthsw kati allo: O k. Papoylias eipe xqes oti qa prepei na epanejetasqei h apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy gia thn dromologhsh twn diadikasiwn antikatastashs toy Prwqypoyrgoy, epeidh exoyme nea dedomena oson afora thn ygeia toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Pws to sxoliazei ayto h Kybernhsh; Allazei twra to programma; XYTHRHS: H Kybernhsh den to sxoliazei. O k. Papoylias, ayto, mporei na to kataqesei sthn ayrianh synedriash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy, toy opoioy einai kai melos. GARGALAKOS: Apodexqhke o Proedros ths Dhmokratias to aithma ayto toy Prwqypoyrgoy; To exei apodexqei; Exei shmasia ayto, giati... XYTHRHS: H anakoinwsh moy bghke, afoy prwta eidopoihqhke h Proedria ths Dhmokratias apo ton Ypoyrgo Epikrateias k. Antwnh Libanh. KIAOS: Se poion ejefrase, symfwna me thn anakoinwsh sas, o Prwqypoyrgos thn epiqymia na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias; Se sas; XYTHRHS: Thn ejefrase kat' arxhn sth syzygo toy. KIAOS: Kai sth synexeia; XYTHRHS: Kat' arxhn den xreiazotan h erwthsh poy moy ypobalate, omws sas apanthsa. Den xreiazotan me thn ennoia oti exei eidopoihqei epishmws h Proedria ths Dhmokratias. Poy shmainei oti ola eginan, opws eprepe na ginoyn. Apo ekei kai pera - an moy epitrepete - mporw na pw (pragma to opoio einai gnwsto ligo - poly) oti me thn beltiwsh ths ygeias toy Prwqypoyrgoy (poy exei parathrhqei kai to gnwrizete) o Prwqypoyrgos exei mpei h mpainei siga - siga se enan kyklo enhmerwsewn toy. Mesa se ayton pia, zhthse na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. KIAOS: Emeine keno. XYTHRHS: Poio; KIAOS: Mas eipate oti ejefrase kat' arxhn thn epiqymia toy o Prwqypoyrgos pros thn syzygo toy gia na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. En synexeia h syzygos toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy to eipe ston k. Libanh; XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. Thn epafh me thn Proedria thn ekane o k. Libanhs. FILHS: Me poion synomilhse o Prwqypoyrgos kai eipe oti qelei na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias h yparxei apeyqeias epikoinwnia toy k. Libanh me ton Prwqypoyrgo; Ayth einai h erwthsh. XYTHRHS: Loipon, sas eipa oti kat' arxhn o Prwqypoyrgos ejefrase thn epiqymia na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias sth syzygo toy. SOYRMELIDHS: Sth synexeia; XYTHRHS: Akoloyqws eidopoihqhkan kai o k. Libanhs kai egw. Kai o k. Libanhs sth synexeia epikoinwnhse me thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias. Den katalabainw poy einai to periergo, den katalabainw giati toses erwthseis. SOYRMELIDHS: Apo thn ka Lianh eidopoihqhkate; XYTHRHS: Apo thn ka Lianh - Papandreoy. To periergo poy einai, den katalabainw. SOYRMELIDHS: Sas rwtame gia na dieykrinisqei to qema. XYTHRHS: Ayto ginotan kai prin, opws jerete. Kai otan den yphrxe o anaplhrwn ton Prwqypoyrgo, oi synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias ginontoysan meta apo eidopoihsh toy Idiaiteroy Grafeioy toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy pros ton Ypoyrgo Epikrateias k. Antwnh Libanh, o opoios en synexeia anelambane thn epafh me thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias. Dhladh, eprokeito gia mia synhqh taktikh. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, afoy o idios o Prwqypoyrgos zhthse na synanthqei kai na synomilhsei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, fantazomai oti den xreiazontai pia oi giatroi na orisoyn pote qa paei sto Wnaseio h antiproswpeia toy PASOK na syzhthsei mazi toy. XYTHRHS: Ayto egkeitai kai ston idio ton Prwqypoyrgo panta kai asfalws kai stoys giatroys. Kai asfalws htan se gnwsh toy k. Kremastinoy h synanthsh poy zhthse o Prwqypoyrgos me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, epitrecte moy na rwthsw to ejhs: Giati, enw einai gnwsto oti o k. Papandreoy ejefrase thn epiqymia na synanthqei me ton k. Stefanopoylo toylaxiston prin to meshmeri xqes, den espeyse kapoios armodios paragontas na enhmerwsei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, wste na ginei oso to dynaton syntomotera - akoma kai xqes, endexomenws - h synanthsh me ton k. Stefanopoylo; Kai deyteron, giati xreiasthkan toses wres wste na epibebaiwqei epishmws apo thn Kybernhsh to aithma toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy; XYTHRHS: Kat' arxhn, thn synanthsh den thn zhthse o Prwqypoyrgos gia xqes. Epomenws, ola eginan, sth diarkeia ths hmeras. H synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias den qa ginotan xqes oytws h allws. KARELIAS: Giati to anakoinwsate xqes, toso arga to brady, stis 23:45, ena tetarto prin apo ta mesanyxta; Ayth einai h erwthsh toy synadelfoy, an katalaba kala. Giati to eipate stis 23:45, ena tetarto prin apo ta mesanyxta, afoy ayto htan gnwsto (to jerate kai eseis, to jerame kai emeis) apo to meshmeri; Poios logos yphrxe na to anakoinwsete toso arga; XYTHRHS: Den yphrxe kanenas logos. Eprepe prwta na eidopoihqei h Proedria ths Dhmokratias kai akoloyqws na ekdoqei anakoinwsh. KARELIAS: To brady enhmerwqhke o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, kyrie Ypoyrge; XYTHRHS: To brady enhmerwqhke. FILHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, o Prwqypoyrgos enhmerwqhke epi ths protasews momfhs ths Neas Dhmokratias, epi ths syzhthsews ths sth Boylh, kaqws kai epi toy apotelesmatos ths chfoforias; XYTHRHS: Den to gnwrizw ayto. Dioti - opws jerete - to apotelesma ths chfoforias gia thn protash dyspistias egine gnwsto xqes thn 1h prwinh wra. FILHS: Epi ths diadikasias; XYTHRHS: Gia thn diadikasia kai gia thn protash dyspistias ths Neas Dhmokratias pros thn Kybernhsh, enhmerwqhke o Prwqypoyrgos apo ton idio ton Ypoyrgo toy. FILHS: Poion; XYTHRHS: Ton k. Kremastino. FILHS: Synepws, enhmerwqhke prin apo thn omilia toy k. Kremastinoy sth Boylh, pro h meta; XYTHRHS: Pro. FILHS: Enhmerwqhke gia to periexomeno ths omilias toy anaplhroyntos ayton, dhladh enhmerwqhke o Prwqypoyrgos gia to periexomeno ths omilias toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy sth Boylh; O k. Tsoxatzopoylos milhse ant' aytoy sth Boylh. XYTHRHS: Oxi, den gnwrizw. FILHS: Gia to periexomeno ths omilias toy k. Kremastinoy sth Boylh, enhmerwqhke o Prwqypoyrgos; XYTHRHS: Den gnwrizw epishs. KARAKWSTAS: Eipate oti h syzygos toy Prwqypoyrgoy enhmerwse esas kai ton k. Libanh. To erwthma moy einai: Enhmerwse ton Prwqypoyrgeyonta k. Tsoxatzopoylo; Kai deyteron, gnwrizei o Prwqypoyrgos oti anaplhrwnetai apo ton k. Tsoxatzopoylo; XYTHRHS: Bebaiws kai to gnwrizei. Kai asfalws eidopoihsame kai emeis (o k. Libanhs kai o omilwn) ton k. Tsoxatzopoylo. KARAKWSTAS: Eipate oti me thn beltiwsh ths ygeias toy Prwqypoyrgoy, siga - siga arxizei enas kyklos epafwn kai oti o Prwqypoyrgos enhmerwnetai siga - siga gia ta politikws drwmena. Apo poioys enhmerwnetai, kyrie Ypoyrge; Dedomenoy oti oi Ypoyrgoi poy eixan synanthseis mazi toy, eipan oti den eixan mazi toy politikes syzhthseis. XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti siga - siga, me th beltiwsh ths ygeias toy Prwqypoyrgoy, arxizei enas tetoios kyklos enhmerwshs toy Prwqypoyrgoy. KARAKWSTAS: Apo poioys; XYTHRHS: Kat' arxhn, yparxei to endiaferon toy idioy toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Kai to endiaferon ayto ekdhlwnetai, prwton, me tis erwthseis poy exei kanei o idios o Prwqypoyrgos toso pros ton k. Kremastino, oso epishs kai apo thn epiqymia toy na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Kai pisteyoyme - opws sas eipa - kai elpizoyme oti qa yparjei h dynatoths, tis epomenes meres, na synanthqei kai me ta stelexh toy kommatos, prokeimenoy ayth h enhmerwsh na synexisqei. KARAKWSTAS: Dhladh, se prwth fash, enhmerwnetai apo ton k. Kremastino, se o,ti afora to politika drwmena; XYTHRHS: Otan o Prwqypoyrgos erwthsei me dikh toy prwtoboylia ton k. Kremastino, profanws qa labei apanthsh. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, to shmantikotero pragma poy exei zhthsei o Prwqypoyr- gos shmera, einai ayth h synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kai ayth thn epiqymia thn ejefrase kat' arxhn - opws eseis o idios mas eipate - sth syzygo toy. Sas erwtw: Mhpws mas lete oti syzhta ta politika pragmata me thn syzygo toy kai apo aythn enhmerwnetai; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti zhthse synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Kai thn epiqymia ayth aphyqyne sth syzygo toy, prokeimenoy h ka Lianh - Papandreoy na eidopoihsei (opws akribws sas eipa prohgoymenws) gia to qema ayto. Kai etsi kai egine. KWNSTANTHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, eipate oti o k. Kremastinos gnwrize thn epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Topoqethqhke xqes gyrw stis 8 to brady sth Boylh (an den kanw laqos). Giati den eqese yp' ocin ths Eqnikhs Antiproswpeias thn epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy; Mhpws to gnwrizete ayto; XYTHRHS: Giati den symperielabe ayto sthn omilia toy o k. Kremastinos; Ayto erwtate; Den mporw na apanthsw se ayto. MOYRTZHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, protiqetai na paraithqei o k. Prwqypoyrgos; Giati o k. Kremastinos, oysiastika xqes, an kai ekane kapoies sibyllikes dhlwseis, htan proaggelos ayths ths proqeshs toy Prwqypoyrgoy. XYTHRHS: Ayta einai sxolia dika sas. MOYRTZHS: Oxi sxolio, erwthma einai. XYTHRHS: Einai erwthma - sxolio diko sas. Den jerw kati tetoio. Den jerw ti protiqetai o Prwqypoyrgos na syzhthsei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Jerw oti ayto poy protiqetai, einai na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. MARDAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, sta plaisia toy kykloy enhmerwshs (poy opws eipate prin, exei arxisei o Prwqypoyrgos) gia ta politika problhmata, gnwrizei o Prwqypoyrgos oti exei orisqei Kentrikh Epitroph toy PASOK stis 20 Ianoyarioy, me qema thn oristikh lysh, h opoia mporei na einai kai gia antikatastash toy; XYTHRHS: Den to gnwrizw. KIAOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, to prwi eixate mia synomilia se ena radiofwno, nomizw sto FLAS. XYTHRHS: Malista. KIAOS: Kai kati (an den kanw laqos, diaceyste me) eipate, an mporeite na mas peite apo "prwto xeri" twra, peri piqanothtos paraithsews toy Prwqypoyrgoy h peri antiproedrwn, symfwna me ayta poy yposthrijate. An mporeite dhladh na mas ta epanalabete, gia na maqoyme apo "prwto xeri"... XYTHRHS: Kat' arxhn, edw briskomai ws Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos. KIAOS: Kai ekei; XYTHRHS: Ekei ekana mia syzhthsh. Mhn jexnate oti eimai kai egw stelexos - kai Ypoyrgos - alla kai stelexos toy Kinhmatos. Kai mporw kai exw th dynatothta na kanw syzhthseis gia to paron kai to mellon kai toy Kinhmatos kai twn problhmatwn poy antimetwpizei. KIAOS: Dhladh, an einai etsi... XYTHRHS: Se kaqe periptwsh... KIAOS: A, synexizete. XYTHRHS: Ta prohgoymena ta anefera ws prologo. Synexizw: Se kaqe periptwsh ejefrasa thn proswpikh moy apoch - kai mporw na thn ekfrasw kai twra - kai eipa oti gnwmh moy einai pws th synanthsh me ton Anwtato Arxonta th zhthse o Prwqypoyrgos, prokeimenoy na antallajei apoceis. Kai den mporoysa na proxwrhsw parakatw, dhladh peri qematwn "paraithsews", "mh paraithsews" h den jerw ti allo. KAMPOYRIANH: Kyrie Ypoyrge, apokleisate to endexomeno paraithshs h orismoy antiproe- drwn; XYTHRHS: Den mporw na apokleisw tipota. Dioti epi toy periexomenoy ths syzhthsews poy prokeitai na ginei, den gnwrizw tipota. Proswpikh moy apoch einai oti qa yparjei kapoia enhmerwsh. Kai o Prwqypoyrgos qelhse thn enhmerwsh ayth na thn kanei arxizontas apo ton idio ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Ayth einai mia proswpikh apoch, thn opoia kai ejeqesa. KIAOS: H proswpikh sas apoch sto radiofwno htan kapws perissotero ekpefrasmenh ap' o,ti mas lete edw. Dhladh, h entypwsh einai oti mallon kleinei (o Prwqypoyrgos) pros paraithsh kai qewreite apiqano to senario twn antiproedrwn. Toylaxiston na mas ta peite, gia na ta jeroyme. XYTHRHS: Na sas ekqesw tis proswpikes moy apoceis edw sto briefing; KIAOS: Bebaiws. XYTHRHS: Den qa htan kalytero na sas tis pw meta to briefing; Dioti sthn enhmerwsh mas edw twn politikwn syntaktwn, sas anakoinwnw diafora qemata poy anagontai sthn kybernhtikh drasthriothta. Den erxomai edw gia na sas ekqetw tis proswpikes moy apoceis. KARELIAS: Kala, peite mas kati allo, kyrie Ypoyrge... XYTHRHS: Par' ola ayta, mporw na sas pw... KARELIAS: Pera apo tis proswpikes sas apoceis, mporeite na mas peite kati allo, kyrie Ypoyrge; XYTHRHS: Parakalw. KARELIAS: Mono enhmerwsh qa kanei o Prwqypoyrgos h o Proedros ths Dhmokratias ston Prwqypoyrgo; Apofaseis den qa lhfqoyn; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti ayth einai h apoch moy. Proswpikh moy gnwmh einai ayth. KARELIAS: Kai sas erwtw: Apofaseis, o Prwqypoyrgos prokeitai na anakoinwsei ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias; XYTHRHS: Den to gnwrizw kaqoloy. Epishmh qesh epomenws toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy sto briefing einai oti: Profanws, den gnwrizw to periexomeno ths syzhthshs poy qa ginei metajy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Ejefrasa aplws mia proswpikh moy apoch. MOYRTZHS: Kata th synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, qa einai kaneis allos parwn, qa einai kammia allh paroysa; XYTHRHS: Den gnwrizw kai den nomizw. GARGALAKOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, gnwrizete an o k. Kremastinos enhmerwse analytika ton Prwqypoyrgo gia thn katastash ths ygeias toy; Kai epishs, o Prwqypoyrgos zhthse meta apo ayth thn enhmerwsh - an egine - na dei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias h prin; XYTHRHS: Oxi, den gnwrizw. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Mporeite na mas peite an gnwrizete, poios qa kaqorisei ton "eyqeto xrono" ths synanthshs toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias; XYTHRHS: Profanws, o "eyqetos xronos" einai oi epomenes hmeres, meta thn epistofh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias apo to Parisi. MIXAHL: Piqanon mesa sto Sabbatokyriako; XYTHRHS: Den gnwrizw poia mera qa einai. Qa ginei katopin synennohsews me thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias kai pali. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Epishs, gnwrizete na bebaiwsete h na diaceysete an o dialogos o opoios anagrafetai shmera stis efhmerides metajy toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai ths Dieyqyntrias toy Idiaiteroy Grafeioy toy, oti adynatei na ginei h synanthsh, logw ths metabashs toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias sth Gallia; O dialogos aytos einai akribhs; XYTHRHS: Den to gnwrizw. Ayto poy gnwrizw, einai oti otan o Prwqypoyrgos ejefrase thn epiqymia toy na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, toy eipwqhke oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa brisketai sto Parisi. Kai epishs toy anakoinwqhke kai o qanatos toy Fransoya Mitteran. KIAOS: Apo th syzygo ola ayta; XYTHRHS: Den jerw an htan parwn kai o k. Kremastinos. FILHS: Pws sxoliazete to gegonos oti Ypoyrgoi ths Kybernhsews Papandreoy, kata th diadikasia ths syzhthsews ths protashs momfhs enwpion toy Ellhnikoy Koinoboylioy, dhlwsan oti exoyn dromologhqei oi diadikasies gia na eklegei neos Prwqypoyrgos entos toy Ianoyarioy; XYTHRHS: Den to sxoliazw. Jerw, ayto poy jeroyme oloi mas: oti stis 20 Ianoyarioy yparxei h Synodos ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs opoy, symfwna me thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy, qa syzhthsei to problhma. KARELIAS: Oloi mas, eipate. Ennoeite kai ton Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: Ennow esas. KARELIAS: Oxi emas. Ton Prwqypoyrgo, an ennoeite. XYTHRHS: Gia ton Prwqypoyrgo exw apanthsei prohgoymenws. FILHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, nomizw oti den egine safes to erwthma moy. Na to epanalabw, dioti yparxei ena ojymwro: Ypoyrgoi ths Kybernhsews Papandreoy, me ton epikefalhs malista, ton anaplhroynta ton Prwqypoyrgo, dhlwnoyn sth Boylh kata th syzhthsh ths protashs momfhs - oxi se radiofwno, oxi se kommatiko organo, alla mesa sth Boylh - oti qa eklegei neos Prwqypoyrgos se liges meres. Ayto den to sxoliazete ws Kybernhsh; Den einai proswpikh gnwmh kapoioy poy milhse. Einai, Ypoyrgwn ths Kybernhshs. XYTHRHS: Profanws, ayto qa yposthrixqei sthn Kentrikh Epitroph. To syllogiko organo einai poy qa parei thn apofash toy. BAREMENOS: Me dedomenh thn apofash ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas na aytosygklhqei... Fysika to anagnwrizete. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. Alla, opws gnwrizete, exei yparjei synanthsh toy proedreioy ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omados me to Ektelestiko Grafeio kai exei apofasisqei na sygklhqei h Koinoboyleytikh Omada meta thn Kentrikh Epitroph. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, epeidh htan gnwsto oti o Prwqypoyrgos syndeotan me baqeia filia me ton Proedro Mitteran, pws antedrase otan emaqe gia to qanato toy; XYTHRHS: Profanws, lyphqhke poly. Akribws gi'ayto to logo, ton opoio lete, dioti htan pragmatika stenh h sxesh kai h filia toy k. Papandreoy kai toy Mitteran, h opoia htan - qa elega - kai panw apo ta politika. MPOYRDARAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, einai piqanon h Kentrikh Epitroph stis 20 kai 21 Ianoyarioy kai endexomenws argotera h Koinoboyleytikh Omada qa labei apofash sxetika me to qema ths antikatastashs toy Prwqypoyrgoy an sto metajy o Prwqypoyrgos, opws eipate, den exei kleisei ton kyklo ths enhmerwshs toy gia tis ejelijeis; Kai an akomh den exei gnwsh toy gegonotos oti h Kentrikh Epitroph kai h Koinoboyleytikh Omada qa asxolhqoyn me to qema ayto; XYTHRHS: Kat'arxhn, qa yparjei mia eishghsh sthn Kentrikh Epitroph, toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Sthn eishghsh ayth, to Ektelestiko Grafeio, opws einai kaqierwmeno kai ginetai panta, qelei na exei thn apoch toy Proedroy. H eishghsh einai toy "Proedroy kai Ektelestikoy Grafeioy", opws gnwrizete eseis poy kalyptete tis Synodoys ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs. Epomenws - opws exoyme epanalabei polles fores - h prospaqeia kai h elpida mas einai na ginei ayth h synanthsh kai h syzhthsh me ton k. Papandreoy, prokeimenoy na yparjei kai h eishghsh sthn Kentrikh Epitroph. Kai thn apoch toy Prwqypoyrgoy thn qewroyme barynoysa kai aparaithth. KANELLOPOYLOS: Meta th xqesinh ejelijh sthn ygeia toy Prwqypoyrgoy - kai milaw gia ejelijh pairnontas ws dedomeno thn epiqymia toy na dei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias - profanws o Prwqypoyrgos exei th dynatothta pleon na epikoinwnhsei kai na syzhthsei o,tidhpote. Erwtw ean, meta ap'ayto, exei programmatisqei h synanthsh ths antiproswpeias twn stelexwn toy PASOK poy qa ton episkefqei; Poioi einai h poioi prokeitai na sygkrothsoyn ayth thn antiproswpeia; Kai den nomizw pleon na yparxei logos wste na mhn yparxei sygkekrimenh hmeromhnia gi'ayth th synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo. H dynatothta yparxei. XYTHRHS: Peran toy o,ti nomizete, o Prwqypoyrgos ejefrase thn epiqymia na synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai apo ekei kai pera ayto den apokleiei, o Prwqypoyrgos na qelhsei na synanthqei me opoiodhpote h me opoiadhpote apo ta stelexh toy PASOK. Ayto, omws, den exei programmatisqei. KANELLOPOYLOS: Anamenete prwtoboylia toy Prwqypoyrgoy; Den prokeitai na paroyn prwtoboylia ta stelexh toy PASOK, to Ektelestiko Grafeio h h Kybernhsh; XYTHRHS: Ta stelexh to exoyn pei ayto. Oti einai se diaqesh toy Prwqypoyrgoy na synanthqoyn mazi toy. KANELLOPOYLOS: Kai an o Prwqypoyrgos den ekfrasei thn epiqymia na toys dei, menei to qema ws exei kai fqanoyme sthn Kentrikh Epitroph xwris na exoyme th barynoysa gnwmh toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia thn opoia mas lete; XYTHRHS: Ayto einai mia ypoqesh.... KANELLOPOYLOS: Den einai ypoqesh. XYTHRHS: Mh biazeste. Einai mia ypoqesh. Perimenete na doyme. Den ftasame sthn 20h Ianoyarioy. GARGALAKOS: Dhladh gnwrizei o k. Papandreoy oti yparxei ena aithma stelexwn, qesmika katoxyrwmenwn, na ton episkefqoyn kai na syzhthsoyn mazi toy; 9 -XYTHRHS: O k. Papandreoy exei hdh kanei mia prwth syzhthsh, ap' o,ti gnwrizete ki eseis, me ton Giwrgo Papandreoy. GARGALAKOS: An to gnwrizei, rwtw. Dhladh, gia na dexqei ena aithma o Prwqypoyrgos, prepei na to gnwrizei. To aithma yparxei. Toy exei diabibasqei; Giati qa prepei na toy to exei diabibasei h o k. Kremastinos h h syzygos toy. Den yparxei kai kanenas allos na toy to diabibasei. O k. Skandalidhs paei kaqe brady sto Wnaseio kai den ton blepei. Poios qa toy to pei; XYTHRHS: Otan qa ginei h synanthsh ayth, qa sas anakoinwqei. MOYRTZHS: To Ektelestiko Grafeio toy PASOK exei parei apofash oti ton Prwqypoyrgo qa episkefqoyn stelexh poy exoyn qesmikh idiothta. Dhladh, o k. Tsoxatzopoylos, o k. Kaklamanhs kai o k. Skandalidhs. Rwthse kai o kyrios synadelfos: Exei diabibasqei ayto ston Prwqypoyrgo, ayth h apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa kai prohgoymenws oti, otan ginei mia tetoia synanthsh qa sas anakoinwqei. Oti elpida mas einai oti h synanthsh ayth qa mporesei na ginei stis epomenes meres kai epidiwketai na ginei ayth h synanthsh. Kai ayto ejartatai, apo ton idio bebaiws ton Prwqypoyrgo, opws epishs ejartatai apo toys iatroys. Ayto den erxetai se antifash me thn epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy na dei ton k. Stefanopoylo, pragma to opoio gnwrizei o k. Kremastinos. KANELLOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, paramenei adieykrinisto, omws, kati poy sas rwthsa kai prin: Oti thn prwtoboylia gia th synanthsh ayth thn anamenei to PASOK, to Ektelestiko Grafeio apo ton Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. Eidopoieitai o Prwqypoyrgos oti ta stelexh qeloyn na synanthqoyn mazi toy kai profanws thn prwtoboylia gia to pote kai to pws qa thn parei o Prwqypoyrgos. Den mporoyn na anoijoyn thn porta ta stelexh kai na mpoyn mesa, xwris na klhqoyn. KANELLOPOYLOS: Qa eidopoihqei pali o Prwqypoyrgos h to exei ypoch toy kai anamenoyn ta stelexh toy PASOK; XYTHRHS: Kai to exei ypoch toy kai qa epanalhfqei. KIAOS: Mporoyme na apokleisoyme h mallon, eseis apokleiete to endexomeno, kata th synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, na pei o Prwqypoyrgos ston Proedro oti paraiteitai; XYTHRHS: Egw den mporw na prosdiorisw kaqoloy poio qa einai to periexomeno ths syzhthshs. Kai eipa mono mia proswpikh moy gnwmh: oti qa einai enhmerwsh poy zhtaei o Prwqypoyrgos kai qa pei kai thn apoch toy. Qa kanei mia syzhthsh, profanws, me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, me ton Anwtato Arxonta, dhladh, me ton opoio qelhse na jekinhsei, kata thn apoch moy, thn enhmerwsh toy kai tis syzhthseis toy. Alla ayth einai mia proswpikh apoch. KAMPOYRGIANNH: Par' oti eipate oti den gnwrizete to periexomeno ths syzhthshs poy qa ginei, eipate shmera to prwi se radiofwniko staqmo oti qewreite "trabhgmeno" to endexomeno orismoy Antiproedrwn... XYTHRHS: Aytes einai proswpikes moy apoceis, sas eipa kai pali. KAMPOYRGIANNH: Basei poiwn stoixeiwn, basei poias enhmerwshs; XYTHRHS: Aytes einai proswpikes moy apoceis. MOYRTZHS: Ara, to pio isxyro stoixeio einai h paraithsh. XYTHRHS: Proswpikes moy apoceis. Lene polloi oti o Prwqypoyrgos qa orisei dyo Antiproedroys, treis Antiproedroys k.lp. Proswpikh moy apoch - kai den to lew edw sto briefing, sthn epishmh enhmerwsh - einai oti den qewrw oti kati tetoio qa ginei. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Me dedomeno oti akoma den exei yparjei synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Me dedomeno epishs oti den exei yparjei politikh enhmerwsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy, to oti o k. Arsenhs shmera to prwi, kaqws kai o k. Kaklamanhs eipan oti mexri tis 24 toy mhnos qa yparxei neos Prwqypoyrgos kai me dedomeno epishs oti ta dyo ayta proswpa einai kai melh toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy, sto opoio syllogika alla kai atomika ta melh toy ekfrazoyn thn elpida, prin apofasisqei o,tidhpote, na yparjei enhmerwsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy, kanei thn Kybernhsh na pisteyei oti edw exoyme kapoia chgmata ektrophs h en dynamei arxh anwmalias; XYTHRHS: Oxi, aplws den sxoliazw tis dhlwseis. MARDAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, h apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy milaei gia oristikh lysh toy politikoy problhmatos sth synedriash ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs stis 20 Ianoyarioy. H oristikh lysh shmainei opwsdhpote paraithsh h mporei kai na shmainei kai diorismo Antiproedrwn; XYTHRHS: Den gnwrizw. Paramenw sthn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Kai paramenw, epishs, sth syzhthsh kai sthn apofash poy qa parei h Kentrikh Epitroph. Den mporw na prodikasw th syzhthsh poy prokeitai na ginei sthn Kentrikh Epitroph. Kai den mporw na prodikasw, epishs, poia qa einai h eishghsh toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Eimai melos ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs poy qa parw kai egw, opws kai oi alloi, qesh ekei. MARDAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, dhladh h epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy ws Proedroy toy PASOK qa teqei ypoch ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs me chfoforia; Kai qa lyqei, an yparxei dixognwmia twn melwn ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs kai toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy kai toy Andrea Papandreoy, ws Proedroy toy PASOK; XYTHRHS: Den jerw ayto to diadikastiko qema poy moy anaferete. Ayto poy sas lew einai oti h epiqymia twn stelexwn toy PASOK kai toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy einai na yparxei apoch toy Proedroy, toy Andrea Papandreoy, eis tropon wste na enswmatwqei sthn eishghsh. Na einai eishghsh toy Proedroy kai toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy pros thn Kentrikh Epitroph. MARDAS: An omws den yparxei ayth h taytish Proedroy kai Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Eipate prohgoymenws, oti to sxhma sto PASOK einai o Proedros ws organo kai h Kentrikh Epitroph... XYTHRHS: Kai to Ektelestiko Grafeio. MARDAS:... kai kalyptw th diastash Proedroy kai Kentrikhs Epitrophs. Poios lynei th diafora; XYTHRHS: Einai ypoqetikes oi erwthseis sas. MARDAS: Den einai ypoqetikes. XYTHRHS: Opws qa deite, einai ypoqetikes. DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Ena sxolio gia thn apofash twn Tiranwn peri katarghsews twn qewrhsewn twn diabathriwn twn Ellhnwn politwn poy episkeptontai thn Albania; XYTHRHS: To sxolio einai qetiko kai sas parapempw sto briefing poy ekane o k. Mpikas, sto Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn shmera kai anaferqhke sto qema ayto, kai oxi mono s'ayto. Sas eyxaristw. |