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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 12-10-29The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Glezos: Enwpion twn symbolwn na ginontai oi parelaseis, oxi ths ejoysiasThn pagia apoch toy oti oi parelaseis prepei na ginontai enwpion twn mnhmeiwn symbolwn kai oxi twn ekproswpwn ths ejoysias ejefrase milwntas sth NET o boyleyths toy SYRIZA, Manwlhs Glezos.To istoriko stelexos ths Aristeras yperamynqhke ths apochs toy SYRIZA gia laikes parelaseis, legontas oti einai dikaiwma toy kosmoy na parelasei, eidika twra poy niwqei pws den ekfrazetai pleon apo toys eklegmenoys qesmoys. Opws eipe, oi ellhnikes epeteioi giortazoyn thn aparxh agwnwn kai oxi epinikia h enqronismoys, opws symbainei stis alles xwres. Ejhghse pws oi eortasmoi ginontai gia toys agwnes poy eginan, kai oxi gia th nikh h thn ejoysia, gia ayto qa eprepe na ginontai symbolika konta sta antiproswpeytika mnhmeia, xwris na paremballetai h ekproswphsh ths ejoysias. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias kaqybrizei ta symbola me ton tropo poy steketai, exontas strammena ta nwta toy sto Mnhmeio toy Agnwstoy Stratiwth, eipe xarakthristika. Anaforika me to gegonos oti exei stoxopoihqei apo th Xrysh Aygh, dexomenos akoma kai ybristikoys xarakthrismoys, shmeiwse pws den mporei kamia organwsh na epiballei tis apoceis ths me th bia kai eidikotera na xrhsimopoiei tis ellhnides idees gia na to kanei. ``Dolofonoyn tis ellhnides idees. Pote sthn istoria toy o ellhnikos politismos den xrhsimopoihse th bia gia na epiballei idees. Sxedon panta htan kyriarxos o laos'', tonise. Xarakthrise th Xrysh Aygh ``mia omada poy qelei dia ths bias na epiballei th monodiastath antilhch'' kai aperrice th syzhthsh na teqei ektos nomoy, legontas pws ayto qa htan boytyro sto cwmi toys. Opws shmeiwse, ayto poy endiaferei ton idio einai oxi na teqei ektos nomoy, alla na teqei ektos twn ideologiwn poy proballoyn: th qrhskeia kai ton ellhnismo. Se sxesh me ta sklhra metra litothtas, anarwthqhke gia poio logo prepei o laos na plhrwsei gia mia krish gia thn opoia den eyqynetai. ``Olo akoyme gia epwdyna metra gia to lao, giati den akoyme mia fora gia epwdyna metra gia to trapezitiko kefalaio;'', eipe o Manwlhs Glezos. Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: NET Reportaz: Epimeleia: T. Balaoyra Antapokrish: Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Deytera, 29 Oktwbrioy 2012 12:10 Eidhsh: 24867 [02] Q. Karaogloy: To kalokairi ``mpetonarame'' ta synora me thn ToyrkiaApo 500 laqrometanastes poy pernagan se hmerhsia bash ton Ebro prin apo to kalokairi, shmera o ariqmos aytos exei perioristei se monochfia noymera, oriaka dichfia, epishmane o ypoyrgos Makedonias-Qrakhs Qeodwros Karaogloy milwntas sthn ekpomph ``NET sta Gegonota''. Ayto shmainei oti o Ebros ekleise gia toys laqrometanastes, omws to problhma den teleiwse - brhkan diejodo mesw twn nhsiwn, prosqese o ypoyrgos.O k. Karaogloy tonise h B. Ellada zei dyskoles katastaseis me xiliades epixeirhseis na phgainoyn sta Skopia h sth Boylgaria: ``Qa qelame na exoyme eidikh oikonomikh zwnh sth B. Ellada, me sygkekrimenes omws proypoqeseis''. Anaforika me thn parelash ths 28hs Oktwbrioy sth Qessalonikh, o ypoyrgos shmeiwse oti h paroysia twn stratiwtwn ekaterwqen toy dromoy htan timhtika aghmata gia toys parelaynontes, oxi metra tajhs. Opws shmeiwse, symfwnei me to dikaiwma diamartyrias, omws stis dyo eqnikes epeteioys qa prepei na yparxei sebasmos se osoys qeloyn na symmetexoyn sthn parelash. Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: Reportaz: Epimeleia: Mp. Saboyrdoy Antapokrish: Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Deytera, 29 Oktwbrioy 2012 11:57 Eidhsh: 24864 [03] Me mia matia-Sto Aytofwro shmera o dhmosiografos Kwstas Bajebanhs gia dhmosiopoihsh ths listas.-Notiades ews 8 mpofor sta pelagh. Problhmata stis aktoploikes sygkoinwnies. Den ekteloyntai ta dromologia twn ydropterygwn gia Argosarwniko. Kleistes oi porqmiakes grammes Kabala-Prinoy-Qasoy kai Alejandroypolh-Samoqrakh. -Synedriazei shmera me th symmetoxh twn proedreiwn olwn twn megalwn Farmakeytikwn Syllogwn ths xwras, h Dioikhsh toy Panellhnioy Farmakeytikoy Syllogoy gia tis lhjiproqesmes ofeiles toy EOPYY pros toys farmakopoioys, gia tis opoies to ypoyrgeio Ygeias exei desmeytei oti qa katablhqoyn ews tis 12 Noembrioy. -Enas 62xronos idiokthths kentrwn diaskedashs synelhfqh sth Skiaqo, ystera apo aithsh poinikhs diwjhs toy Proistamenoy ths DOY Glyfadas, gia xreh pros to Dhmosio ycoys 3 ekatommyriwn eyrw. -Dwrean eisithria kai ekptwsh sthn timh ths desmidas twn 10 eisithriwn qa mporoyn na promhqeyontai apo tis arxes Noembrioy oi epibates twn astikwn meswn metaforas. -Synagermos sth N. Yorkh logw toy kyklwna Santi. Akinhtopoihmena ola ta mesa mazikhs metaforas. Kleisth h Wall Street. Akyrwqhkan kai oi synodoi toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE. -Synelhfqh, apogeymatines wres xqes, ston epibatiko staqmo toy notioy limena Patrwn apo proswpiko ths Ypodieyqynshs Asfaleias Patrwn / Tmhma Allodapwn, ystera apo elegxo poy dienerghqhke se atoma poy eprokeito na tajidecoyn me E/G-O/G ploio me proorismo thn Italia, 32xronos allodapos o opoios kateixe kai epedeije plasto tajidiwtiko eggrafo, me skopo thn paranomh ejodo toy apo th xwra. -Synelhfqhsan, prwtes prwines wres shmera, sthn pylh eisodoy toy limena ejwterikoy Hgoymenitsas apo proswpiko toy Klimakioy Eidikwn Apostolwn ths oikeias Limenikhs Arxhs, dyo allodapoi, hlikias 53 kai 52 etwn, ws odhgos kai synodhgos antistoixa se forthgo oxhma me epikaqhmeno, dioti diapistwqhke na metaferoyn deka tesseris allodapoys, oi opoioi entopisthkan epimelws krymmenoi se eidika diamorfwmeno xwro apo sanides ston xwro toy fortioy, aney tajidiwtikwn eggrafwn me skopo thn paranomh ejodo toys apo th xwra. Oi deka tesseris allodapoi epishs synelhfqhsan. -Enhmerwqhke, meshmbrines wres xqes, h Limenikh Arxh Hrakleioy, gia ptwsh atomoy sth qalassa epi ths paraliakhs odoy Hrakleioy. Amesa sthn perioxh metebhsan proswpiko ths oikeias Limenikhs Arxhs opoy me thn syndromh andrwn ths EMAK anesyran 36xrono allodapo, o opoios eixe pesei sth qalassa apo toixio ycoys peripoy 8 metrwn. O 36xronos diekomisqh me asqenoforo oxhma toy EKAB sto ``BENIZELEIO'' Nosokomeio, opoy paramenei noshleyomenos gia prolhptikoys logoys. -Enhmerwqhke, meshmbrines wres xqes, h Limenikh Arxh Samoy apo to Astynomiko Tmhma ths perioxhs, gia ptwsh atomoy sth qalassia perioxh ``KOKKARIOY'' entos alieytikoy katafygioy. Amesa sthn perioxh espeyse apo qalasshs plwto peripoliko L.S. - EL. AKT., enw apo jhras peripoliko oxhma me stelexh ths oikeias Limenikhs Arxhs diapistwnontas oti o 66xronos idiokthths ths lemboy ``OLGAKI'' S.S. 59 eixe pesei sth qalassa apo agnwstoys logoys, enw eixe anasyrqei sthn akth apo perioikoys xwris tis aisqhseis toy. O 66xronos diekomisqh me asqenoforo oxhma sto Geniko Nosokomeio Samoy, opoy diapistwqhke o qanatos toy, enw paraggelqhke h dienergeia nekrocias- nekrotomhs. -Apogeymatines wres xqes, diapistwqhke apo proswpiko L.S. - EL. AKT. ths Limenikhs Arxhs Kalwn Limenwn, h hmibyqish toy epaggelmatikoy A/K skafoys ``GIWRGOS'' N.H. 168, to opoio htan agkyrobolhmeno entos toy alieytikoy katafygioy. Apo to peristatiko ths hmibyqishs den yphrje traymatismos atomoy h zhmia alloy skafoys, enw den proklhqhke rypansh toy qalassioy periballontos. Apo to Limeniko Staqmo Kalwn Limenwn poy dienergei thn proanakrish, apagoreyqhke o apoploys toy A/K mexri apokatastashs ths zhmias kai epiqewrhshs toy apo to Topiko Klimakio, enw parallhla enhmerwqhke o idiokthths gia thn anelkysh toy. Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: NET FM, AMPE Reportaz: Epimeleia: Banessa Dhmopoyloy Antapokrish: Eidhsh: 24863 The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |