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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 12-07-17The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] H kataqesh n/s toy KKE gia thn katarghsh toy mnhmonioy sthn ``Enhmerwsh sth NET''H kataqesh sxedioy nomoy toy KKE gia thn katarghsh toy mnhmonioy breqhke sto epikentro ths syzhthshs sthn ``Enhmerwsh sth NET'' sthn opoia meteixan o ekproswpos Typoy toy SYRIZA Panos Skoyrleths, o koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy KKE Qanashs Pafilhs kai o ekproswpos Typoy ths DHMAR Andreas Papadopoylos.O kaqenas prepei na analabei tis eyqynes toy, tonise o Qanashs Pafilhs, ypogrammizontas oti me to ``koyrema'', lhsteythkan se mia nyxta ta Tameia, ta nosokomeia, ta AEI-TEI: ``Aytoi poy plhrwnoyn einai oi idioi oi ergazomenoi''. To mnhmonio katestrece ta laika strwmata, ta metra poy efarmozontai edw efarmozontai kai se xwres poy den exoyn mnhmonio, eipe o k. Pafilhs, prosqetontas oti h EE arneitai na syzhthsei otidhpote. Gia ton Pano Skoyrleth, h shmerinh protash toy KKE ``toylaxiston apokaqista to problhma stis pragmatikes diastaseis, to problhma mnhmonio-antimnhmonio den htan plasto''. An to KKE eixe antapokriqei sto kalesma toy SYRIZA proeklogika, shmera qa hmastan sygkybernwses dynameis, shmeiwse o k. Skoyrleths, dieykrinizontas oti o SYRIZA diafwnei me thn aitiologikh ekqesh sthn protash toy KKE, alla kai me th strathgikh toy oson afora thn EE. ``Den yparxei omada epanadiapragmateyshs, yparxei omada efarmoghs, [...] H efarmozomenh politikh einai synexeia ths prohgoymenhs'', tonise. Apo thn pleyra toy, o Andreas Papadopoylos shmeiwse oti h symmetoxh ths DHMAR sthn kybernhsh sxetizetai me thn prospaqeia stadiakhs apagkistrwshs apo toys epaxqeis oroys toy mnhmonioy. Symfwna me ton k. Papadopoylo, h protash toy KKE einai toylaxiston synephs me ta osa presbeyei mexri twra, ``h protash KKE synadei me thn ejodo apo EE''. H antifash einai apo thn pleyra toy SYRIZA kaqws den mporei na eisai yper ths EE kai chfiseis ayth thn protash, ektimhse o ekproswpos Typoy ths DHMAR. O k. Papadopoylos tonise oti estw apo ton Septembrio, prepei na epistrecoyn oi syllogikes symbaseis. Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: NET, Reportaz: Epimeleia: Mp. Saboyrdoy Antapokrish: Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Trith, 17 Ioylioy 2012 11:30 Eidhsh: 17422 [02] Me mia matia-Stash ergasias 12 me 4 qa pragmatopoihsoyn shmera oi ergazomenoi ston Hlektriko, antidrwntas sthn entajh toy Tameioy toys ston EOPPY.-Ston anakrith anamenetai na apologhqei entos ths hmeras o jadelfos toy Akh Tsoxatzopoyloy, Nikos Zhgras, poy einai profylakismenos gia jeplyma brwmikoy xrhmatos. -Toylaxiston dyo nekroi kai 20 traymaties se antallagh pyrwn se ypaiqrio mparmpekioy sto Toronto toy Kanada. -Apo ektetamenh jhrasia, th xeiroterh twn teleytaiwn 56 etwn plhttontai oi Hnwmenes Politeies. -Peqane se hlikia 71 etwn o Tzon Lornt, idrytiko melos twn Deep Purple kai synqeths pollwn epityxiwn toy qrylikoy rok sygkrothmatos opws to ``Smoke on the water''. Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: NET FM Reportaz: Epimeleia: Banessa Dhmopoyloy Antapokrish: Eidhsh: 17424 The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |