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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 12-05-27

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] F. Koybelhs sth NET: Epimhkynsh prosarmoghs mexri to 2018
  • [02] Prognwsh apo thn E. Katirtzogloy

    [01] F. Koybelhs sth NET: Epimhkynsh prosarmoghs mexri to 2018

    Dexomaste foberes kai aparadektes pieseis ws xwra, dhlwse o proedros ths Dhmokratikhs Aristeras, Fwths Koybelhs, sthn prwinh ekpomph ths NET, sxoliazontas ti;s prosfates dhlwseis ths genikhs dieyqyntrias toy DNT Kristin Lagkarnt. "Sta ekbiastika dilhmmata na prosqesw kai toy ekproswpoy toy germanikoy ypoyrgeioy oikonomikwn o opoios dhlwse oti h Ellada den exei anagkh thn xrhmatodothsh".

    O k. Koybelhs eqese ws amesh proteraiothta thn xronikh epimhkynsh ths dhmosionomikhs prosarmoghs mexri to 2017-18. "H epimhkynsh ayth, eipe, emperiexei sygkekrimena stoixeia, opws meiwsh toy epitokioy kai megalytero xroniko periqwrio sthn katabolh twn dosewn". Ejalloy, symfwna me ton k. Koybelh, h Ellada qa prepei na diekdikhsei metafora meroys toys xreoys ths sthn EKT kai thn ekdosh eywromologwn.

    Ayta den einai eykola pragmata, alla prepei na diekdikhsoyme kai na diamorfwsoyme symmaxies, tonise o proedros ths DHMAR, proeidopoiwntas pws h ellhnikh koinwnia exei elaxistes antoxes pleon. O laos exei matwsei, alla den yparxei to prosdokwmeno apotelesma, anefere kai prosqese pws h xwra prepei na paei sthn Eyrwph me sygkekrimeno paketo protashs.

    O k. Koybelhs ejefrase epishs th baqia toy anhsyxia gia to gegonos oti ayth th stigmh ta esoda briskontai se terastia ysterhsh kai epanelabe thn protash toy na sygkrothqei perioysiologio. Qa mporoysame na exoyme forologikh ryqmish poy qa htan pio dikaih, eipe, tonizontas pws forodiafeygoyn ta isxyrotera eisodhmata kai kaloyntai na plhrwsoyn oi adynamoi.

    'Den leitoyrgei tipota sto dhmosio logw aprajias ta teleytaia 2-3 xronia. O laos chfise me synqhma kai orgh stis 6 Maioy. Oi Ellhnes anazhtoyn thn qetikh chfo. Na mas dwsei o laos megalytero pososto chfwn gia na mporesoyme na bgaloyme thn xwra apo th krish", tonise o proedros ths DHMAR.

    Se erwthsh ean qa zhthsei nees ekloges se periptwsh poy den yparxei aytodynamh kybernhsh meta thn 17h Ioynioy, o k. Koybelhs apanthse oti qa kanei "oti einai dynaton kai me synepeia oti ekana thn 6h Maioy. Qa to proteinoyme sto SYRIZA me basiko oro thn diapragmateysh apodesmeyshs daneiakhs symbashs. Qa to proteinw se oles tis politikes dynameis poy to qeloyn kai ekeinoi" katelhje o k. Koybelhs.


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    Prosqetes Plhrofories

    Phgh: NET


    Epimeleia: Faih Tsamoylh-Staqhs Sfaelos


    Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Kyriakh, 27 Maioy 2012 15:24

    Eidhsh: 13275

    [02] Prognwsh apo thn E. Katirtzogloy


    Thn Kyriakh anamenontai pio ektetamenes broxes sth boreia Ellada apo to prwi kai sthn ypoloiph hpeirwtikh xwra kai ta nhsia toy boreioy kai kentrikoy Aigaioy mesa sthn hmera. Sth Krhth kai ta Dwdekanhsa o kairos qa einai genika aiqrios me liges nefwseis. Oi anemoi sta pelagh qa exoyn entash sta 3-5 mpofor, sto Ionio apo boreiodytikes dieyqynseis kai sto Aigaio notioi. H qermokrasia qa shmeiwsei mia mikrh ptwsh kyriws oson afora tis megistes times to meshmeri sth boreia kai thn dytikh Ellada. Sta notia kai anatolika tmhmata ths xwras to qermometro qa parameinei stoys 25 me 26 baqmoys. Pio analytika, oi elaxistes kai oi megistes qermokrasies gia kaqe diamerisma ths Elladas qa kymanqoyn:

    b€A Boreia: 8 ews 22°C.

    b€A Kentrika: 11 ews 26°C.

    b€A Dytika: 10 ews 19°C.

    b€A Nhsia Anatolikoy Aigaioy: 15 ews 25°C.

    b€A Krhth: 14 ews 26°C.

    b€A Kyklades: 15 ews 25°C.

    b€A Peloponnhsos: 10 ews 24°C.


    Sthn Attikh qa yparxoyn kata topoys ayjhmenes nefwseis kaqws anamenontai topikes mpores mesa sthn hmera. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 15 ews 25 baqmoys Kelsioy. Oi anemoi qa einai notioi sta 3-5 mpofor.


    Sth Qessalonikh h hmera qa kylhsei me broxes alla kai topikes kataigides. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 14 ews 22 baqmoys Kelsioy. Oi anemoi sto Qermaiko qa einai asqeneis notioi sta 3-4 mpofor.

    Epomenes Hmeres

    Th Deytera stadiaka o kairos qa beltiwqei sth dytikh Ellada, kaqws oi broxes qa ephreasoyn kyriws thn kentrikh Ellada kai Makedonia, th Qrakh kai ta nhsia toy kentrikoy kai boreioy Aigaioy. Topikes broxes anamenontai kai sth boreia Peloponnhso sthn arxh ths hmeras. Ta notia tmhmata ths xwras qa synexisoyn na apolambanoyn ton hlio. Oi anemoi qa synexisoyn na pneoyn apo tis idies dieyqynseis me mikrh enisxysh mexri ta 6 mpofor sto notio Aigaio. H qermokrasia qa parameinei se xamhla epipeda, shmeiwnontas ptwsh kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy. Oi megistes den qa jepernoyn toys 25 baqmoys to meshmeri kai qa shmeiwqoyn sth kentrikh Ellada. Sthn ypoloiph xwra qa kymanqoyn apo 21 ews 23 baqmoys.

    Thn Trith epimenoyn oi broxes sta hpeirwtika ths xwras, pio asqeneis kai mikroterhs diarkeias me mikra anoigmata hliofaneias. Sthn Peloponnhso omws kai sta nhsia toy notioanatolikoy Aigaioy o kairos qa einai aiqrios. Sta pelagh qa epikrathsoyn boreiodytikoi anemoi sta 3-5 mpofor me ejairesh to Krhtiko pelagos poy qa einai dytikoi. O ydrargyros qa shmeiwsei mikrh anodo sta boreia kai dytika, ftanontas stoys 23 baqmoys kai sthn ypoloiph xwra sta idia epipeda mexri toys 24 me 25 baqmoys.


    Ermionh Katirtzogloy

    Fysikos - Metewrologos, MSc

    Prosqetes Plhrofories





    Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Kyriakh, 27 Maioy 2012 13:39

    Eidhsh: 13232

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