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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 12-05-01

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Dretta-Ntinopoylos-Papadopoylos-Dhmaras se proeklogikh ``maxh''
  • [02] Kefalogiannh, Magkriwths, Skoyrleths syzhtoyn pente meres prin apo tis kalpes
  • [03] Samaras: ``Exoyme orama, sxedio, qeloyme isxyrh laikh entolh''
  • [04] Qerino wrario apo shmera gia to nyxterino reyma

    [01] Dretta-Ntinopoylos-Papadopoylos-Dhmaras se proeklogikh ``maxh''

    Liges hmeres prin tis ekloges oi proeklogikes kontres metajy twn kommatwn kai twn ypochfiwn briskontai sta ych. Gia to diakybeyma twn eklogwn alla kai thn epomenh hmera atniparateqhkan oi ypochfioi: toy PASOK Aqhna Dretta, ths ND Argyrhs Ntinopoylos, toy KKE Makhs Papadopoylos kai toy Armatos Politwn (synergasia me Anejarthtoys Ellhnes) Giannhs Dhmaras.

    H ka Dretta metajy allwn tonise oti proapaitoymeno einai stis 7 Maioy na yparxei kybernhsh, enw to krisimo politiko diakybeyma einai poios qa kybernhsei th xwra kai oxi pws. Epishmane akomh oti ola ta mikra kommata exoyn endiaferoyses protaseis, omws poio apo ayta mporei na eggyhqei oti thn 1h Ioynioy qa exei na dwsei misqoys kai syntajeis. Shmeiwse de oti prepei na yparjei mia sobarh syzhthsh gia to ean qa yparjei kybernhsh thn epomenh twn eklogwn.

    O k. Ntinopoylos askhse ojeia kritikh sto PASOK, anaferontas oti o k. Benizelos eixe synergastei me ton k. Karatzaferh gia thn ypoqesh twn ypobryxiwn. Dhlwse oti ``kalo einai na askoyme kritikh alla h zeygas-zeygas h papas- papas'' kai symplhrwse oti h ND den egklhmatise opws to PASOK, to opoio -opws eipe- diogkwse to elleimma gia na mpei h xwra sto DNT. Gi' ayto kai h ND syntoma qa proxwrhsei se Ejetastikh gia to qema.

    O k. Papadopoylos apo thn pleyra toy, anefere oti osa elege to KKE apo to 2009 gia thn krish, ta elege oxi giati htan manths alla giati to hjere opws kai ola ta kommata, apla htan to mono poy qelhse na ta pei kai stoys polites. Kathgorhse ta kommata oti ``patane gkazi se ayton ton katastrofiko dromo'' poy briskomaste ws xwra kai dhlwse oti ``to KKE einai mono toy sthn antipera oxqh''. Tonise akomh oti to diakybeyma twn eklogwn den einai poios qa isopedwsei ta dikaiwmata twn politwn alla to periexomeno ths politikhs poy qa akoloyqhqei.

    O k. Dhmaras anefere toys logoys oi opoioi ton odhghsan sth synergasia me to komma toy P. Kammenoy, legontas oti htan to mono komma poy apanthse kai symfwnhse me th ``Xarta'' toy Armatos Politwn kai symplhrwse oti einai ``ena mikro bhma sthn arxh to opoio qa einai ena megalo sth synexeia''. Ypogrammise oti se ena toso megalo problhma poy antimetwpizei h xwra prepei na eimaste enwmenoi. Epishs, milhse gia ton eklogiko nomo kai toys kindynoys poy krybei, kati poy qa doyme stis 7 Maioy kai tonise oti ena apo ta pragmata poy prepei na ginoyn thn epomenh twn eklogwn einai h epistrofh sthn aplh analogikh.

    Prosqetes Plhrofories

    Phgh:, NET


    Epimeleia: Bibh Papastefanoy


    Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Trith, 01 Maioy 2012 11:05

    Eidhsh: 10812

    [02] Kefalogiannh, Magkriwths, Skoyrleths syzhtoyn pente meres prin apo tis kalpes

    G. Magkriwths: Dyo taseis ston SYRIZA

    Erwthqeis me poion qa synergastei to PASOK, o Giannhs Magkriwths, ypogrammise oti to PASOK proteinei ayto poy zhtoyn kai oi polites tis eyryteres synergasies me dyo parametroys. Ta kommata me eyrwpaiko prosanatolismo kai thn efarmogh toy programmatos.

    H efarmogh toy programmatos, arga, dyskola kai epwdyna men qa dwsei th dynatothta na bgoyme apo thn krish, anefere, parathrwntas oti einai antifash na les nai sto Eyrw alla den qa thrhsw to programma.

    H epomenh mera qa einai mia mera me staqerh kybernhsh shmeiwse.

    Anaferomenos ston SYRIZA, eipe oti exei dyo taseis, h mia ektos eyrwphs kai draxmh kai h allh entos eyrwphs kai eyrw.

    Thn idia stigmh gia to PASOK eipe oti h krish exei ejaleicei apo to komma kaqe stoixeio laikismoy kai proxeirothtas.

    Olga Kefalogiannh: O SYRIZA einai to lefta yparxoyn toy 2012

    Apo thn pleyra ths, h Olga Kefalogiannh tonise :

    H ND, mexri tis ekloges, epimenei na zhta isxyrh entolh. Omws oi polites, qa dwsoyn to mhnyma. H Ellada xreiazetai mia staqerh kybernhsh.

    Para polloi , parathrhse, phgainoyn me elafrothta sthn kalph legontas oti qa chfisoyn akraia kommata. Wstoso qa prepei kaneis na skeftei ta erwthmata, eimaste yper h kata ths Eyrwphs eimaste yper h kata na noikokyreyqoyn ta dhmosia oikonomika ths xwras mas.

    ``Eyrwph den einai mono dikaiwmata einai kai ypoxrewseis'' jekaqarise

    Gia to PASOK, parathrhse oti einai arga gia dakrya enw apeyqynomenh ston SYRIZA eipe oti me ayta poy leei einai ``to lefta yparxoyn to 2012''.

    G. Kyrtsos

    Dinoyme proteraiothta sthn politikh atzenta shmeiwse apo thn pleyra toy LAOS, o Giwrgos Kyrtsos.

    Eimaste kata mias germanikhs Eyrwphs, leme to dhmosio xreos den einai biwsimo kai to neo mnhmonio dhmioyrgei perissotera problhmata apo ayta poy lynei.

    Exoyme oloklhrwmenh politikh . Pame sthn anazhthsh synergasiwn, oxi basei poioy qa einai prwqypoyrgos thn epomenh mera. Mas endiaferei na lysoyme problhma ths xwras

    P. Skoyrleths

    O kosmos den qa chfisei ayth th fora apo synhqeia alla me bash ta pragmatika diakybeymata parathrhse apo thn pleyra toy o Panos Skoyrleths, ypochfios B' Aqhnas toy SYRIZA.

    Xarakthrise apolyta katanohth thn epiqesh poy dexetai o SYRIZA apo PASOK kai ND, shmeiwnontas oti einai eniaios o xwros kai twn dyo. H epiqesh, fanerwnei paniko, se ena endexomeno poy gia prwth fora einai piqano, to endexomeno mias aristerhs kybernhshs.

    Epiprosqeta, rwthse ton Giannh Magkriwth, poy qa pane ta 18 dis anakefalaiopoihshs twn trapezwn

    Ta xrhmata ayta, den einai xarisma stis trapezes, kai an oi trapezes den symmetexoyn sthn ayjhsh toy metoxikoy kefalaioy tote, mesa apo ton mhxanismo qa perasoyn ston kratiko elegxo, apanthse o Giannhs Magkriwths.

    Prosqetes Plhrofories



    Epimeleia: Annita Pasxalinoy


    Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Trith, 01 Maioy 2012 11:33

    Eidhsh: 10808

    [03] Samaras: ``Exoyme orama, sxedio, qeloyme isxyrh laikh entolh''

    ``H paratajh mas einai h monh poy mporei na bgalei th xwra apo thn krish. To PASOK qelei, apla, na pesei sta malaka. Oi ypoloipoi ekmetalleyontai thn krish, tzogaroyn sthn apelpisia toy kosmoy, Den prosferoyn diejodo. Den ejhgoyn ti qa kanoyn. Kataggelloyn oloys toys alloys. Kataggellontai kai metajy toys. Emeis qeloyme na jeperasei h xwra thn krish''. Ayta tonise metajy allwn o proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias Antwnhs Samaras, kata thn diarkeia ths proeklogikhs toy omilias th Deytera, sto kleisto gymnasthrio ths EAP sthn Patra.

    Katarghsh toy nomoy Ragkoysh gia toys paranomoys metanastes

    O proedros ths ND ekane sthn omilia toy ektenh anafora sto metanasteytiko zhthma anaferontas xarakthristika ``eseis sthn Patra exete poly asxhmh empeiria'' kai synexise: ``Epi xronia, PASOK kai Aristera kaqybrizan opoion tolmoyse akoma kai na to anaferei. Oyte th lejh den afhnan na akoystei. Prwtos nomos ths teleytaias kybernhshs toy PASOK htan o nomos Ragkoysh! Poy ekane thn Ellada "magnhth" gia toys paranomoys metanastes. Me to nomo Ragkoysh esteilan to mhnyma oti edw dinoyme eykola kai aytomata ellhnikh iqageneia se opoion jeno perasei ta synora mas''.

    Oson afora thn Nea Dhmokratia o Antwnhs Samaras tonise oti ``prwth apofash ths kybernhshs mas qa einai na katarghsoyme to nomo Ragkoysh. Kai qa to kanoyme. H Ellada den mporei na einai "jefrago ampeli"''.

    Sxetika me thn antimetwpish ths laqrometanasteyshs o Antwnhs Samaras anefere oti ``ta synora qa fylaxtoyn kala, qa pacoyn na erxontai kainoyrgioi laqrometanastes kai qa dhmioyrghqoyn xwroi gia th fylajh toys mexri na apelaqoyn stis patrides toys''.

    Akomh opws shmeiwse ``hdh etoimazoyme koinh eyrwpaikh politikh gia th laqrometanasteysh mazi me toys prwqypoyrgoys Ispanias kai Portogalias, giati kai h Eyrwph pleon anhsyxei''. Epishs o proedros ths ND anefere oti ``h laqrometanasteysh sthn Ellada apeilei pia thn idia thn Synqhkh toy Sengken kai an den toys stamathsoyme emeis, an den toys apelasoyme emeis, se ligo qa apomonwqei h Ellada apo thn ypoloiph Eyrwph''.

    Sthn synexeia o proedros ths ND anaferqhke kai sto asylo shmeiwnontas oti ``epibalame katarghsh toy asyloy sta Panepisthmia alla akoma isxyei paranoma''. Opws prosqese ``h kybernhsh h dikh mas qa to katarghsei kai sthn prajh kai mazi qa epibalei to nomo, giati dhmokratia xwris nomo den yparxei''.

    Peri meteklogikhs synergasias ND-PASOK

    Se allo shmeio ths omilias toy o Antwnhs Samaras anaferqhke sta osa legontai kai grafontai peri meteklogikhs synergasias ND - PASOK aporriptontas ena tetoio endexomeno. Malista eipe xarakthristika: ``Pws qa apokatasthsw toys xamhlosyntajioyxoys, mazi me to PASOK poy to aporriptei; Pws qa spasw th grafeiokratia, mazi me to PASOK poy thn efere kai thn epebale kai thn prostateyei; Pws qa jemplokarw to ESPA, mazi me to PASOK poy dyomish xronia krathse ta kondylia anajiopoihta;''. Kai apeyqynomenos pros toys sygkentrwmenoys tonise: ``Dwste moy th dynamh na ta allajw ola. Oso perissoterh dynamh moy dwsete, toso perissotera qa allajw''.

    Oson afora ton oikonomiko tomea o Antwnhs Samaras tonise oti ``qa rijoyme to baros sthn katanomh toy ESPA, wste na ginoyn erga kai na prowqhqei h anaptyjh'', enw parallhla anakoinwse oti qa antikatastaqei to ``xaratsi'' mesw twn logariasmwn ths DEH, me enan eniaio foro akinhths perioysias, opws to ETAK.

    Epishs o proedros ths ND eipe oti qa ginei diereynhsh apo dikastikoys gia to poqen esxes oswn meteixan se kybernhseis apo to 1974, kaqws kai mia ejetastikh Epitroph gia to pws h xwra efqase sto Mnhmonio. ``O laos ofeilei na jerei'' eipe o Antwnhs Samaras ``wste na apokatastaqei to aisqhma dikaioy''. Dioti opws prosqese ``gia na afhsoyme pisw to parelqon, prepei na jekaqarisoyme toys logariasmoys mas me to parelqon''.

    Telos o proedros ths ND kathgorhse to PASOK oti synexizei na jegela ton lao kai prosqese pws den exei oyte sxedio, oyte synepeia.


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    Prosqetes Plhrofories

    Phgh: NET FM

    Reportaz: Basilhs Mpeskenhs

    Epimeleia: Katerina Iwannidoy


    Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Trith, 01 Maioy 2012 11:43

    Eidhsh: 10802

    [04] Qerino wrario apo shmera gia to nyxterino reyma

    Se isxy tiqetai kai fetos, apo 1hs Maioy ews 31hs Oktwbrioy to qerino wrario gia th xrhsh toy nyxterinoy reymatos. To wrario gia th qerinh periodo einai synexes, apo tis 11 to brady ews tis 7 to prwi. Katanalwtes poy epiqymoyn peraiterw enhmerwsh gia to qema ayto mporoyn na zhthsoyn ta sxetika plhroforiaka entypa apo ta armodia grafeia DEH ths perioxhs toys h na episkeftoyn thn istoselida ths DEH, / Spiti/Oikiaka Timologia /Oikiako timologio me xronoxrewsh (meiwmeno nyxterino) - G1N.

    Prosqetes Plhrofories

    Phgh: DEH


    Epimeleia: A. Pasxalinoy


    Eidhsh: 10814

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