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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 12-04-15The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Prognwsh apo thn Xristina RhgoyMe symmaxo ton kairo anamenetai h epistrofh twn ekdromewn toy eortastikoy trihmeroy. Oi notiades sta pelagh den qa dhmioyrghsoyn problhmata stis metakinhseis, kaqws qa pneoyn mexri 6 kai topika 7 mpofor. H qermokrasia qa diathrhqei se kanonika gia thn epoxh epipeda me ejairesh thn Tetarth poy oi anemoi qa strafoyn se boriades kai qa prokalesoyn mia mikrh ptwsh. Oi broxes periorizontai aisqhta, wstoso den qa leicoyn apo to skhniko proskaires kataigides sta boreiodytika tis meshmerianes wres.Pio analytika, thn Deytera toy Pasxa parodikes nefwseis me broxes kai proskaires kataigides anamenontai apo to prwi sto boreio Ionio kai ta dytika hpeirwtika. Topikes broxes qa ekdhlwqoyn sth Qessalia kai thn Makedonia kata th diarkeia th meras, me megalytera ych broxoptwshs to brady sta boreia. Sta nhsia toy Aigaioy o kairos qa einai aiqrios. Eynoikes synqhkes dhmioyrgoyntai gia metafora afrikanikhs skonhs sto megalytero meros ths xwras, alla kyriws sta kentrika kai notia. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 9-20 sta boreia, apo 9-22 sta kentrika kai sthn Peloponnhso kai 24 sthn Krhth. Oi anemoi sta pelagh qa pneoyn kyriws se noties dieyqynseis 4-5 kai to brady 6 mpofor sto Aigaio kai qa enisxyqoyn sto Ionio sta 7 mpofor. AQHNA Sthn Attikh problepetai hliofaneia me liges nefwseis kai asqeneis syntomes broxes sta boreia toy nomoy. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 11-21 baqmoys Kelsioy. Oi anemoi sto Sarwniko qa pneoyn se noties dieyqynseis 3-5 kai proskaira 6 mpofor. QESSALONIKH Sthn Qessalonikh anamenontai parodikes nefwseis me topikes broxes meta to meshmeri kai qa entaqoyn to brady. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 10-19 baqmoys Kelsioy. Oi anemoi sto Qermaiko qa einai notioanatolikoi 4-5 kai to brady 6 mpofor. PROOPTIKH EPOMENWN HMERWN Thn Trith se genikes grammes qa epikratei synnefia me ayjhmenes nefwseis kai broxes sta boreia, dytika kai thn Peloponnhso. Kata th diarkeia ths meras qa shmeiwqoyn broxes se aytes tis perioxes alla kai sta kentrika kai to boreioanatoliko Aigaio. To brady ta fainomena qa epektaqoyn kai sthn ypoloiph xwra, omws qa einai topika kai mikrhs entashs kai diarkeias. Eynoikes synqhkes gia metafora skonhs apo thn Afrikh problepetai se olh th xwra, metatrepontas to cilobroxo se laspobroxh. Oi anemoi qa enisxyqoyn ligo kai qa pneoyn se entaseis 5-6 kai topika 7 mpofor sto Aigaio, enw sto Ionio qa einai dytikoi 3-5 mpofor. H qermokrasia qa parameinei se fysiologika gia thn epoxh epipeda, xwris na jeperasei toys 20-22 sta hpeirwtika kai toys 24 baqmoys sthn Krhth. Thn Tetarth qa ekdhlwqoyn sporadikes broxes kai proskaires kataigides sta dytika, kentrika kai boreia hpeirwtika kai sto anatoliko Aigaio. Sthn ypoloiph xwra problepontai nefwseis me kapoia diasthmata hliofaneias kai topikes broxes. Oi anemoi qa strafoyn se boriades kai sto notio Ionio kai Aigaio qa pneoyn mexri 7 kai topika 8 mpofor. Logw twn boreiwn anemwn h qermokrasia qa paroysiasei mikrh ptwsh, me ton ydrargyro na ftanei toys 17 baqmoys Kelsioy sta boreia kai dytika kai toys 18-19 stis ypoloipes perioxes. Prognwsh: Xristina Rhgoy Maqhmatikos-Metewrologos Prosqetes Plhrofories Phgh: Reportaz: Epimeleia: Antapokrish: Teleytaia tropopoihsh stis Kyriakh, 15 Aprilioy 2012 23:21 Eidhsh: 9473 The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |