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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 08-12-30

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Diplwmatia sthn Eyrwph, bombes sth Gaza
  • [02] Xamhles qermokrasies
  • [03] Forein Ofis gia A. Papandreoy kai K. Karamanlh
  • [04] Dolofonies dyo gynaikwn

    [01] Diplwmatia sthn Eyrwph, bombes sth Gaza

    Me dekades epiqeseis enantion kybernhtikwn ktiriwn kai allwn egkatastasewn ths Xamas, synexizontai shmera Trith, gia tetarth mera oi israhlinoi aeroporikoi bombardismoi sth Lwrida ths Gazas - me apologismo ws twra anw twn 360 nekrwn kai 1.690 traymatiwn, enw sta nosokomeia ths perioxhs epikratei xaos. Panw apo 60 oi nekroi amaxoi, ek twn opoiwn polla paidia, symfwna me parathrhtes toy OHE. Apo thn pleyra toy o Kristofer Gkines, ekproswpos ths UNRWA, ths yphresias toy OHE gia toys palaistinioys prosfyges, anakoinwse pws oi amaxoi poy exoyn xasei th zwh toys einai 57, anamesa toys 21 paidia kai toylaxiston epta gynaikes exoyn traymatistei, symfwna me nosokomeiakes phges. Alla dyo mikra paidia 11 kai 2 etwn skotwqhkan apo israhlinh royketa shmera to prwi. "Briskomaste se oloklhrwtiko polemo me th Xamas", dhlwse o Israhlinos ypoyrgos Amynas Exoynt Mparak, me to endexomeno na paramenei anoixto gia xersaia epiqesh sth Lwrida ths Gazas poy exei khryxqei kleisth stratiwtikh zwnh. "Oi xersaies dynameis einai etoimes na epemboyn. Oloi einai stis qeseis toys. epilogh yfistatai. Mporei na epemboyme, pros to paron wstoso xtypoyme mono mesw aeros kai qalasshs", dhlwse so Galliko Praktoreio Eidhsewn h ekproswpos toy israhlinoy stratoy Abital Limpobits. To Israhl einai etoimo na synexisei na maxetai gia ebdomades enantion ths Xamas, anakoinwse o yfypoyrgos Amynas Matan Bilnai.

    Xqes pantws, h Xamas apanthse stis epidromes me royketes enantion toy notioy Israhl, prokalwntas ton qanato triwn anqrwpwn. "Oi hgetes ths dieqnoys koinothtas den kanoyn arketa gia na epiteyxqei katapaysh twn exqroprajiwn", epishmane o g.g. toy OHE Mpan Ki-Moyn, enw to apogeyma synedriazoyn ektaktws sto Parisi oi YPEJ ths EE, prokeimenoy na syntonisoyn tis energeies toys gia na epidiwjoyn termatismo ths bias. Thn israhlinh YPEJ Tzipi Libni, fabori gia thn prwqypoyrgia, qa dexqei entos twn hmerwn o Gallos proedros Nikola Sarkozi.

    Shmera Trith, oi israhlines arxes epetrecan th dieleysh se 109 forthga me dieqnh anqrwpistikh bohqeia gia th Lwrida ths Gazas. H bohqeia proerxetai apo ton OHE, ton Dieqnh Eryqro Stayro, th UNICEF kai diafores xwres, kyriws apo thn Iordania kai thn Toyrkia.

    Synodos sth Gallia

    Synergasia me thn YPEJ Ntora Mpakogiannh qa exei stis 10.30 o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Karamanlhs. "Stoxos einai na anoijei anqrwpistikos diadromos pros th Lwrida ths Gazas kai h Aqhna einai etoimh na parasxei anqrwpistikh bohqeia", tonise, milwntas xqes sto MEGKA, h k. Mpakogiannh, poy epikoinwnhse thlefwnika me to Gallo YPEJ kai ton g.g. toy Arabikoy Syndesmoy me ton opoio symfwnhsan sthn anagkh na termatistei amesa h bia.

    "Anqrwpistikoy xarakthra" ekexeiria sth Lwrida ths Gazas epidiwketai apo th gallikh proedria ths EE, gia na mporesei na fqasei stoys amaxoys iatrikh bohqeia. Sto Parisi metabainei shmera Trith h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Ntora Mpakogiannh prokeimenoy na metasxei sthn atyph synodo twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, me antikeimeno to syntonismo ths eyrwpaikhs politikhs gia thn antimetwpish ths krishs sth Lwrida ths Gazas. "Oi ypoyrgoi qa ejetasoyn ti mporei na kanei h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh gia na epilysei thn trexoysa krish se synergasia me th dieqnh koinothta kai kyriws me to Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn", anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn ths Gallias.H synanthsh qa arxisei stis 19.30 (wra Elladas). H synodos twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn sygkaleitai apo th Gallia sto plaisio ths proedrias ths EE.

    "Proexei h apostolh anqrwpistikhs bohqeias", epishmainei kai to PASOK, zhtwntas prwtoboylies apo thn EE gia amesh katapaysh toy pyros. Antiproswpeia ths KE toy KKE me epikefalhs th GG ths KE Aleka Paparhga metabainei sth Ramala th Deytera 5 Ianoyarioy 2009, gia na ekfrasei thn allhleggyh kai th symparastash toy KKE sto lao ths Palaistinhs,Shmera, koinoboyleytikh antiproswpeia toy SYRIZA qa synanthqei me th Ntora Mpakogiannh, prokeimenoy na enhmerwqei gia thn katastash sth Gaza. H synanthsh qa pragmatopoihqei stis 12.30 sto ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn.

    H nyxta poy perase

    Kata th diarkeia ths nyxtas, toylaxiston 10 Palaistinioi brhkan ton qanato ki alloi 40 traymatisqhkan apo th nea seira apo aeroporikoys bombardismoys poy pragmatopoihse o israhlinos stratos ths Lwrida ths Gazas H dhlwsh gia thn ejelijh ayth anhkei sto dieyqynth twn Prwtwn Bohqeiwn sthn perioxh Moaoyigia Ampoy Xasanein.Stoxoi twn nyxterinwn epidromwn htan ktiria poy feretai oti stegazoyn drasthriothtes ths Xamas, opws h edra toy prwqypoyrgoy, ta ypoyrgeia Amynhs, Ejwterikwn, kai Oikonomikwn, to hdh plhgen Islamiko Pan/mio, ki enas syllogos poy sxetizetai me thn organwsh Fatax, toy palaistinioy proedroy Maxmoynt Ampas.

    Sthn allh pleyra, enas Israhlinos stratiwths skotwqhke to brady ths Deyteras apo blhma olmoy poy ektojeythke enantion ths bashs toys, konta sth Lwrida ths Gazas, enw ypekyce gynaika poy eixe xtyphqei apo palaistiniakh royketa sto Asntont, to brady ths Deyteras. Ligo nwritera allos enas Israhlinos skotwqhke apo royketa poy eplhje to Naxal Oz, sta notia toy Israhl.

    Synolika, apo thn enarjh twn epixeirhsewn toy israhlinoy stratoy sth Lwrida ths Gazas, to Sabbato, exoyn xasei th zwh toys pente Israhlinoi.

    Oktw spoydastes programmatwn toy OHE exasan th zwh toys, apo toys bombardismoys twn israhlinwn, me apotelesma na yparjei entonh diamartyria apo ton epikefalhs toy tmhmatos toy OHE gia thn bohqeia stoys Palaistinioys prosfyges (UNRWA) Karen Ampoy Zaint, pros ton ypoyrgo Amynhs toy Israhlm Exoynt Mparak.

    "Aytoi poy exoyn anoixta h kryfa syndesei ta symferonta toys me toys siwnistes (Israhl) qa prepei na gnwrizoyn oti kapoia stigmh qa pane oloi mazi sthn kolash", dhlwse enwpion toy koinoboylioy o Iranos proedros Maxmoynt Axmantinetzant.

    Embolisan ploio

    Symfwna me ta prwta stoixeia, to ploio Dignity toy dieqnoys kinhmatos "Eleyqerwste th Gaza", to opoio jekinhse xqes to apogeyma apo thn Kypro, gia th Lwrida ths Gazas, metaferontas tesseris tonoys me anqrwpistikh bohqeia, giatroys kai farmaka, embolisthke sthn prymnh, stis 6.45pm apo Israhlino taxyploo, anoikta ths Gazas. Agnoeitai h tyxh twn epibatwn toy afoy se kanena apo ta kinhta, ta opoia eixan mazi toys den apantoyn. Opws anaferei h istoselida ths organwshs oi Israhlinoi apaitoysan thn epistrofh toy ploioy sthn Kypro, an kai den eixe arketa kaysima. O kybernhths toy israhlinoy peripolikoy skafoys se epikoinwnia poy eixe me ton kapetanio toy Dignity, toy eipe oti exei anamijh se tromokratikes drasthriothtes.

    Epikefalhs twn dieqnwn aktibistwn einai h paidoxeiroyrgos kai boyleyths toy "Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy" Elenh Qeoxaroys h opoia dhlwse oti eginan oles oi dieyqethseis, wste na ikanopoihqoyn oi apaithseis toy Israhlinoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, to opoio zhthse na exei logo gia to ycos kai to eidos ths bohqeias poy metaferetai sth Gaza.

    Se syntomh thlefwnikh epikoinwnia me to "Kypriako Praktoreio Eidhsewn", h Elenh Qeoxaroys anefere oti oloi oi epibainontes sto ploiario einai kala. Dhmosiografos toy CNN poy brisketai sto skafos metedwse oti den yphrxe kindynos byqishs toy skafoys, to opoio prospaqhse na kateyqynqei pros to Libano.

    Symfwna me anakoinwsh ths organwshs "Eleyqerwste th Gaza", sto skafos briskontai oi: Denis Healey, kybernhths, apo th Bretania, Giwrgos Klontzas, bohqos kybernhths, apo thn Ellada, Nikolas Mpolos, prwtos ajiwmatikos, apo thn Ellada, Othman Abu Falah, apo thn Iordania, Renee Bowyer, apo thn Aystralia, Caoimhe Butterly, apo thn Irlandia, Aikaterinh Xristodoyloy, dhmosiografos, apo thn Kypro, Sami El-Haj, apo to Soydan, dhmosiografos toy Al Tzazira kai prwhn kratoymenos sto Gkoyantanamo, Dr. David Halpin, apo th Bretania, orqopedikos xeiroyrgos, Dr. Mohamed Issa, apo th Germania, Fathi Jaouadi, apo thn Tynhsia, Bretanos poliths, thleoptikos paragwgos, Cynthia McKinney, prwhn melos ths Amerikanikhs Boylhs, Marqa Paish, apo thn Kypro, Karl Penhaul, apo th Bretania, antapokriths toy CNN, Thaer Shaker, apo to Irak, kinhmatografisths toy Al Tzazira kai Elenh Qeoxaroys, paidoxeiroyrgos kai boyleyths, epikefalhs ths apostolhs.

    O ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, Markos Kyprianoy dhlwse oti h kypriakh kybernhsh probainei se diabhma diamartyrias pros tis israhlines arxes, giati "xwris logo teqhke se kindyno h zwh Kypriwn" poy epibainoyn sto ploio "Dignity".

    Me anakoinwsh toy to Grafeio Typoy toy SYN tonizei: "Katadikazoyme aperifrasta th nea polemikh energeia toy Israhl, kai malista se dieqnh ydata, enantion toy ploioy DIGNITY to opoio metefere anqrwpistikh bohqeia sthn perioxh ths Gazas h opoia ayth th stigmh antimetwpizei entonh anqrwpistikh krish logw twn israhlinwn bombardismwn. Zhtame apo thn Ellhnikh Kybernhsh kai thn EE na drasei amesa wste na stamathsoyn oi polemikes energeies toy Israhl, na stamathsei o apokleismos ths Gazas kai na parasxeqei h aparaithth anqrwpistikh bohqeia".

    Sxetika arqra:Synexizetai to sfyrokophma

    Eidhsh: 17240

    [02] Xamhles qermokrasies

    Prwtoxronia, me xamhles qermokrasies kai ton kratiko mhxanismo se epifylakh, problepetai me tis ejelijeis ston kairo. Me antiolisqhtikes alysides, logw toy pagetoy, kinoyntai ta oxhmata se sxedon olo to oreino eparxiako odiko diktyo ths dytikhs kai kentrikhs Makedonias. Antiolisqhtikes alysides einai aparaithtes kai se arketa shmeia toy odikoy diktyoy sthn Hpeiro, sth Qessalia, sth Sterea kai sthn Peloponnhso, kaqws kai sthn Parnhqa, apo to teleferik kai panw.

    Akarpes paramenoyn, en tw metajy, oi ereynes gia thn aneyresh toy boskoy poy agnoeitai apo to Sabbato sthn Troizhnia.Sthn nea megalh ejodo apo ta astika kentra ,gia ton eortasmo ths Prwtoxronias qa prepei oi odhgoi na einai idiaitera prosektikoi logw twn kairikwn synqhkwn kai idiws osoi qa metakinhqoyn sta oreina kai tis anatolikes perioxes ths Qessalias, ths Stereas Elladas symperilambanomenhs ths Attikhs, ths Peloponnhsoy kai ths Eyboias. Se kaqe periptwsh oi ekdromeis poy qa metakinhqoyn me IX prepei na einai efodiasmenoi me antiolisqhtikes alysides.

    Prognwsh ths EMY gia thn Trith 30-12-2008

    Genika xarakthristika-proeidopoihseis

    Proskairh epideinwsh toy kairoy sto boreio Aigaio, thn anatolikh Qessalia, thn anatolikh Sterea, thn Eyboia, thn anatolikh kai notia Peloponnhso, tis Kyklades kai th boreia Krhth me topikes xionoptwseis kai stis noties paraqalassies perioxes xiononero.

    Makedonia Qrakh

    kairos: liges topikes nefwseis.

    anemoi: boreioanatolikoi 4 me 6 kai sta anatolika topika 7 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo meion 9 ews 5 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Dytikh Ellada

    kairos: genika aiqrios.

    anemoi: apo anatolikes dieyqynseis 4 me 5 kai topika sto Ionio 6 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo meion 5 ews 11 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Qessalia, anatolikh Sterea, Eyboia, anatolikh Peloponnhsos

    kairos: topikes xionoptwseis kai stis noties paraqalassies perioxes xiononero.

    anemoi: boreioanatolikoi 4 me 6 mpofor. Sta anatolika kai notia 7 me 8 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo meion 3 ews 8 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Kyklades, Krhth

    kairos: nefwseis me xiononero. Xionia sta oreina kai se hmioreines perioxes ths boreias Krhths.

    anemoi: boreioi boreioanatolikoi 6 me 7 kai stis Kyklades 8 kai piqanws topika 9 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo 4 ews 12 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Nhsia anatolikoy aigaioy, Dwdekanhsa

    kairos: parodikes nefwseis me xioni h xiononero stis boreioteres perioxes kyriws to prwi.

    anemoi apo boreies dieyqynseis 6 me 7 kai topika 8 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo 3 ews 12 baqmoys kelsioy.


    kairos: parodikes xionoptwseis sta anatolika kai boreia kai xiononero sta ypoloipa. Einai piqano na xionisei proskaira kai sthn polh.

    anemoi: boreioanatolikoi 5 me 6 kai sta anatolika topika 7 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo 3 ews 6 baqmoys kelsioy.


    kairos: topikes nefwseis.

    anemoi: apo boreies dieyqynseis 3 me 5 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo meion 2 ews 4 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Topikh prognwsh gia tis seismoplhktes perioxes Hleias kai Axaias gia thn Trith 30-12-2008

    kairos: genika aiqrios.

    anemoi: anatolikoi 4 me 5 mpofor.

    qermokrasia: apo 4 ews 10 baqmoys kelsioy.

    Prognwsh gia thn Tetarth 31-12-2008

    kairos: sthn anatolikh Qessalia, thn anatolikh Sterea, thn Eyboia, thn anatolikh Peloponnhso, tis Kyklades kai th boreia Krhth topikes nefwseis me xiononero stis notioteres pedines perioxes kai topikes xionoptwseis sta ypoloipa. Stadiaka ta fainomena qa perioristoyn sth boreia Krhth. Sthn ypoloiph xwra genika aiqrios kairos.

    anemoi: boreioi boreioanatolikoi sta dytika 3 me 4 mpofor kai sta anatolika 6 me 7 mpofor, me baqmiaia ejasqenhsh.

    Eidhsh: 17241

    [03] Forein Ofis gia A. Papandreoy kai K. Karamanlh

    Ellada -


    San ton Qemistoklh poy eswse thn Ellada apo toys Perses, h san ton Karaiskakh, poy elege "opote qelw einai aggelos kai opote qelw eimai diabolos", xarakthrizan ta arxeia toy Forein Ofis, ton Andrea Papandreoy. Ayto prokyptei apo thn se ethsia bash apodesmeysh arxeiwn, toy Forein Ofis poy symplhrwsan 30 xronia. Oi xarakthrismoi gia ton Andrea Papandreoy, apodoqhkan apo ton tote Bretano presbh sthn Aqhna Ser Mproyks Ritsarnts, se sxetikh anafora poy ekane to 1978, meta apo synanthsh toy, me ton tote hgeth toy PASOK.

    Anaferei epishs thn ektimhsh toy A. Papandreoy, oti den eblepe na exoyn mellon ta kommata ths EDHK kai toy KKE eswterikoy kai gia to KKE oti den qa mporesei pote na jeperasei to pososto toy 12%.O Bretanos presbhs xarakthrize tote sthn anafora toy, tis qeseis toy A. Papandreoy san antikoinotikes me exqrothta enantion ths Amerikhs kai toy NATO.Apo ta apodesmeyqenta arxeia prokyptei epishs oti o tote prwqypoyrgos Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs, eixe zhthsei kai petyxe, apo thn bretanikh kybernhsh na bohqhsei sthn epispeysh ths ellhnikhs entajhs kai na thn aposyndesei apo tis aithseis ths Portogalias kai ths Ispanias. Gia to Kypriako o Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs eixe qesei anwtato orio paraxwrhshs edafwn stoys Toyrkokyprioys to 25%, enw eixe dhlwsei oti h Ellada den qa epistrecei sto stratiwtiko skelos toy NATO ean den dieyqethqei prwta to qema ths Kyproy.

    Phges: APE

    Eidhsh: 17243

    [04] Dolofonies dyo gynaikwn

    Dyo agria egklhmata me qymata dyo gynaikes shmeiwqhkan kata th diarkeia ths nyxtas, Peripoy mish wra meta ta mesanyxta, 57xronh Oykranh ierodoylh, breqhke nekrh mesa ston oiko anoxhs ths odoy Alkibiadoy 16 G. To qyma efere traymata apo maxairi sto laimo kai sto sthqos. Ws piqanotero kinhtro qewreitai apo thn astynomia h lhsteia, epeidh o xwros htan anastatwmenos. Ajizei na shmeiwqei oti prin apo 15 meres eixe shmeiwqei dolofonia ierodoylhs, se kontino shmeio, sthn odo Liosiwn.

    Eidhsh: 17242

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