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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 08-04-19The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] KoinwniaNeo synnefo skonhs ston orizonta19/4/2008 9:01:00 mm Phgh: APE-MPE Neo synnefo afrikanikhs skonhs plhsiazei thn Ellada kai qa kalycei tis perissoteres perioxes arxhs genomenhs apo th Megalh Deytera ews to apogeyma ths Megalhs Triths. H qermokrasia qa shmeiwsei shmantikh anodo kai qa ftasei ews kai toys 32 baqmoys, enw apo th Megalh Tetarth o ydrargyros qa pesei sta fysiologika gia thn epoxh epipeda. Gia to Pasxa, symfwna me ta mexri stigmhs stoixeia anamenetai genika kalos sto megalytero meros ths xwras. Eidikotera, anamenontai gia Th Megalh Deytera: araies nefwseis oi opoies baqmiaia kata topoys qa pyknwsoyn. Eynoeitai h metafora skonhs apo th boreia Afrikh. Oi anemoi: sta dytika notioi 4 me 5 mpofor kai apo to brady dytikoi boreiodytikoi. Sta anatolika notioi 5 me 7 mpofor. H qermokrasia qa breqei se ychla gia thn epoxh epipeda. H megisth timh ths sta boreia stoys 26 me 28 baqmoys kai sta ypoloipa stoys 30 me 32 baqmoys. Sth boreia Krhth qa einai kata topoys 2 me 3 baqmoys ychloterh. Th Megalh Trith: araies nefwseis kata diasthmata pyknoteres. Proskaires topikes broxes se Hpeiro, Dytikh Sterea kai Makedonia. Oi anemoi: sta dytika dytikoi boreiodytikoi 4 me 5 mpofor kai sta anatolika notioi notiodytikoi 5 kai sto Aigaio topika 6 mpofor. H qermokrasia qa shmeiwsei ptwsh kyriws sta dytika, kentrika kai boreia. Th Megalh Tetarth: sto Ionio kai ta hpeirwtika anamenontai parodikes nefwseis me topikes broxes se Hpeiro, Dytikh Sterea, Makedonia kai Qrakh. Stis ypoloipes perioxes proskaires nefwseis. Oi anemoi: qa pneoyn apo dytikes dieyqynseis 4 me 6 mpofor kai sta notia pelagh proskaira mexri 7 mpofor. H qermokrasia de qa shmeiwsei ajiologh metabolh. Th Megalh Pempth: topikes broxes kai sporadikes kataigides sta hpeirwtika kyriws meta to meshmeri. Sthn ypoloiph xwra liges nefwseis parodika ayjhmenes. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreiodytikoi 4 me 6 mpofor kai apo to apogeyma sta boreioanatolika boreioanatolikoi 6 me 7 mpofor. H Qermokrasia qa shmeiwsei ptwsh. Th megalh Paraskeyh, symfwna me ta shmerina prognwstika stoixeia, ta genika xarakthristika toy kairoy qa einai oi topikes broxes kai oi enisxymenoi kyriws sto Aigaio boreioi anemoi. [02] KoinwniaApergia sta fraoyloxwrafa19/4/2008 8:33:00 mm Phgh: NET, NET 105.8 Kalyteres synqhkes ergasias kai ychlotero hmeromisqio zhtoyn oi allodapoi ergates poy ergazontai sth syllogh ths fraoylas sthn eyryterh perioxh ths Manwladas, sthn Hleia. Oi oikonomikoi metanastes, panw apo 1.000 anqrwpoi, sthn pleiochfia toys Pakistanoi kai Indoi, poy zoyn stoibagmenoi se paragkes, pragmatopoihsan shmera sygkentrwsh diamartyrias. Malista den eleice kai h entash afoy osoi apergoyn kathgoroyn merida omoeqnwn synadelfwn toys ws apergospastes. Oi apergoi zhtoyn to merokamato toys na ayjhqei apo ta 23 sta 30 eyrw. Apo thn pleyra toys oi paragwgoi fraoylas an kai paradexontai oti ergatika xeria twn allodapwn toys einai aparaithta, yposthrizoyn oti den mporoyn na antapokriqoyn sto poso ayto legontas xarakthristika pws "kalytera na afhsoyn tis fraoyles na sapisoyn sta xwrafia". [03] PolitikhDiakommatikh antiproswpeia sto Afganistan19/4/2008 7:34:00 mm Phgh: APE-MPE Epestrecan apo thn Kampoyl, opoy episkefqhkan thn Ellhnikh Dynamh Afganistan, oi 11 boyleytes-melh ths koinoboyleytikhs epitrophs Amynas & Ejwterikwn. Prin thn anaxwrhsh toys, o proedros ths epitrophs Miltiadhs Barbitsiwths dhlwse oti o Ellhnikos Stratos exei mia entonh paroysia sto Afganistan, "symballei sthn anoikodomhsh toy kratoys, thn katapolemhsh ths dieqnoys tromokratias kai panw apo ola sthn epiteyjh ths dieqnoys eirhnhs". Sth diakommatikh antiproswpeia symmeteixan epishs, apo th ND oi boyleytes Ar. Paylidhs, N. Dendias, S. Kedikogloy, K. Markopoylos (Eyboias) kai Olga Kefalogiannh, Apo to PASOK oi P. Mpegliths, Soyla Merentith, I. Dhmaras kai D. Tsirwnhs, kai apo to LAOS o Ad. Gewrgiadhs. Den symmeteixan boyleytes toy KKE kai toy SYRIZA. Symfwna me sxetiko deltio Typoy ths Boylh, kata thn oligowrh paramonh sto ellhniko stratopedo o dioikhths antisyntagmatarxhs Kwstas Kolokoyrhs enhmerwse toys boyleytes "gia thn istoria toy Afganistan kai tis ejelijeis sth xwra meta ta tromokratika xtyphmata ths 11hs Septembrioy, kaqws kai thn apostolh kai to ergo toy Tagmatos Eidikhs Synqeshs (TESAF) me basiko xwro epixeirhsewn thn Kampoyl kai thn eyryterh perioxh, sta plaisia ths ISAF, ths Dieqnoys Dynamhs Asfaleias kai Staqeropoihshs ypo to NATO". Opws anefere o k. Kolokoyrhs, skopos ths ellhnikhs paroysias einai h anoikodomhsh kai anasygkrothsh ths xwras me thn ektelesh ergwn ypodomhs, opws thn kataskeyh kai diaplatynsh odwn kai gefyrwn, tis perifrajeis stratopedwn, thn anakataskeyh sxoleiwn, thn ektelesh xwmatoyrgikwn ergasiwn, ton apoxionismo, th dianomh anqrwpistikhs bohqeias kai thn paroxh iatrikwn yphresiwn se Afganes apo Ellhnides stratiwtikes iatroys. Sto deltio Typoy ths Boylhs shmeiwnetai oti oi Ellhnes boyleytes synexarhsan toys ajiwmatikoys kai toys oplites gia thn acogh eikona kai leitoyrgia ths monadas, toys eyxaristhsan gia th megalh symbolh toys sthn anadeijh ths dieqnoys eikonas ths xwras katw apo idiaitera antijoes synqhkes kai toys eyxhqhkan gia tis giortes toy Pasxa. Se grapth anakoinwsh toy, o proedros ths Boylhs D. Sioyfas ejefrase tis eyxaristies toy pros ton ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Amynas Baggelh Meimarakh kai ton arxhgo toy Genikoy Epiteleioy Stratoy, antistrathgo Dhmhtrh Boylgarh "gia thn ameristh sthrijh poy edwsan stoys Ellhnes boyleytes, prokeimenoy na diamorfwsoyn eikona gia thn apostolh kai to ergo ths Ellhnikhs Dynamhs poy stratopedeyei sthn Kampoyl". Ejalloy, apeyqynomenos sto dioikhth, toys ajiwmatikoys kai toys oplites toy ellhnikoy tagmatos anefere ta ejhs: "Metaferete to mhnyma ths eirhnhs sta perata ths ghs kai mas kanete yperhfanoys. Exete thn ameristh symparastash mas sthn apostolh poy sas aneqese h patrida". [04] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)Kypelloyxos h Mpagern Monaxoy19/4/2008 11:37:00 mm Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Giaxanatzhs Phgh: APE Me prwtagwnistes toys Frank Rimperi kai Loyka Toni, h Mpagern Monaxoy katekthse to kypello Germanias gia 14h fora sthn Istoria ths. Oi Bayaroi epikrathsan ston teliko ths diorganwshs me 2-1 ths Ntortmoynt, estw kai an xreiasqhkan thn paratash gia na panhgyrisoyn thn katakthsh toy tropaioy. H Mpagern prohghqhke molis sto 11o lepto me ton Toni (1-0), h Ntortmoynt isofarise sto teleytaio lepto ths kanonikhs diarkeias me ton Petrits (1-1), alla o Italos senter for, xarise stoys "kokkinoys" to barytimo tropaio me to gkol poy petyxe sto 103 (2-1). The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |