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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 08-02-15

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Kypros: 24 wres prin anoijoyn oi kalpes
  • [02] Epeisodia sthn Kopegxagh
  • [03] "Efyge" h Ntolly Goylandrh
  • [04] "Qriler" h koyrsa twn Dhmokratikwn

    [01] Kosmos

    Poly mikrh h diafora

    Kypros: 24 wres prin anoijoyn oi kalpes

    15/2/2008 9:52:00 mm

    Syntakths: Andreas Rodiths

    Phgh: NET-APE-105,8

    Poly mikrh einai h diafora poy xwrizei toys treis diekdikhtes toy proedrikoy ajiwmatos sthn Kypro, ena 24wro prin anoijoyn oi kalpes. H proeklogikh ekstrateia lhgei ta mesanykta, me tis dhmoskophseis na emfanizoyn sta oria toy statistikoy laqoys ta pososta toy Tassoy Papadopoyloy, toy Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy Iwannh Kasoylidh.

    O Proedros T. Papadopoylos epikalesthke diplwmatikes ekqeseis gia tis proedrikes ekloges kai to Kypriako "Thn Kyriakh h Kypros prepei na steilei ena mhnyma kai pros ta mesa kai pros ta ejw oti o kypriakos laos den exei koyrastei kai den exei metaniwsei gia thn apofash poy phre sto dhmochfisma toy 2004 kai oti aytos apofasizei gia thn tyxh toy". "Apeyqynomai pros toys polites ejw kai pera apo ta kommata na diamorfwsoyn th dikh toys krish kai epilogh kai na epilejoyn thn epilogh empistosynhs, poy einai h dikh moy ypochfiothta, katelhje o Proedros Papadopoylos.

    O ypochfios gia thn Proedria, Proedros ths Boylhs, Dhmhtrhs Xristofias sto teleytaio mhnyma toy prin apo tis ekloges eyxaristhse toys chfoforoys kai toys kalese "na chfisoyn enothta, poy qa odhghsei se lysh dizwnikhs, dikoinotikhs omospondias". O kyrios Xristofias anefere oti diko toy orama einai mia dikaih koinwnia.

    Thn etoimothta toy na analabei th diakybernhsh ths Kyproy kai na ths dwsei jana to kyros, th dieqnh aktinobolia kai thn yperoxh poy, opws yposthrizei, exei xasei, ejefrase o ypochfios proedros, eyrwboyleyths toy DHSY, Iwannhs Kasoylidhs. Se mhnyma toy gia tis ekloges ths Kyriakhs o k. Kasoylidhs kalese toys chfoforoys na ton chfisoyn gia na "paei h Kypros mprosta". Anefere oti ola ayta ta xronia politeyetai me ena orama gia thn Kypro. "Qelw na th dw apallagmenh apo thn toyrkikh katoxh, dikaiwmenh kai enwmenh me oloys toys katoikoys ths eleyqeroys kai perhfanoys. Qelw na th dw na phgainei mprosta, na pairnei isotima th qesh ths dipla sta alla eyrwpaika krath", eipe.

    [02] Kosmos

    Gia thn epanadhmosieysh skitsoy toy Mwameq

    Epeisodia sthn Kopegxagh

    15/2/2008 9:52:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 15/2/2008 10:35:22 mm)

    Phgh: NET

    Taraxes exoyn jespasei sthn Kopegxagh, meta thn anadhmosieysh se pente efhmerides ths Danias skitsoy toy Mwameq, enos apo ekeina poy eixan pyrodothsei th megalh krish me akraies islamistikes organwseis prin apo dyo xronia. Nearoi ekacan aytokinhta kai kadoys aporrimmatwn, enw se proastio ths prwteyoysas pyrpolhqhke sxoleio.

    H astynomia synelabe 17 tarajies kai apodidei se paidia metanastwn ta epeisodia, poy anastatwsan thn polh meta thn anadhmosieysh toy epimaxoy skitsoy.

    Oi ypeyqynoi twn efhmeridwn tonizoyn pws h anadhmosieysh egine ws endeijh allhleggyhs pros enan apo toys skitsografoys poy egine stoxos dolofonikoy sxedioy.

    Entonh einai h antiparaqesh poy exei jespasei kai gia thn tyxh twn dyo Tynhsiwn poy qewroyntai mazi me ena akomh atomo ypoptoi gia thn apopeira dolofonias. Oi arxes exoyn apofasisei na toys apelasoyn xwris na perasoyn apo dikh, apofash poy briskei antiqetes tis anqrwpistikes organwseis.

    [03] Politismos

    19/2 h khdeia

    "Efyge" h Ntolly Goylandrh

    15/2/2008 8:52:00 mm

    Phgh: NET, APE

    "Efyge" apo th zwh to apogeyma ths Paraskeyhs, ystera apo syntomh maxh me thn eparath noso, h Ntolly Goylandrh, idrytria kai cyxh mexri shmera toy Moyseioy Kykladikh Texnhs. Idryse to 1985 to Idryma Nikolaoy Goylandrh, toy opoioy dietelese Proedros epi seira etwn. Thn epomenh xronia egkainiase to Moyseio Kykladikhs Texnhs, sto opoio dwrise thn ploysia syllogh Kykladikhs kai Arxaias ellhnikhs texnhs, poy eixe apokthsei, mazi me ton syzygo ths, apo to 1960. Shmera sto Moyseio ektiqentai perissotera apo 3.000 antikeimena, enw periodika filojenoyntai megales ekqeseis texnhs.

    "O ellhnikos politismos exase mia shmantikh proswpikothta. H Ntolly Goylandrh dhmioyrghse ena apo ta pleon sygxrona kai shmantika Moyseia ths Elladas. Syneisefere polla sthn prostasia kai thn anadeijh ths politistikhs mas klhronomias" tonizei se syllyphthria dhlwsh toy o ypoyrgos Politismoy k. M. Liaphs kai epishmainei: "afhnei mia shmantikh parakataqhkh stis neoteres genies poy qa thn qymizei gia panta".

    Meta apo thn anakoinwsh toy qanatoy ths idrytrias kai Proedroy toy idrymatos Goylandrh, to DS synedriase ektaktws kai apofasise na anarthqei mesistia h shmaia sto Moyseio Kykladikhs Texnhs, na parameinei kleisto to Moyseio thn hmera ths khdeias kai na katateqei to poso twn 20 xiliadwn eyrw sto idryma drashs kata toy karkinoy toy mastoy.

    H nekrwsimos akoloyqia gia th Ntolly Goylandrh qa calei thn Trith apo ton iero nao Agioy Dionysioy toy Areopagitoy kai h tafh ths qa ginei sto A' Nekrotafeio.

    [04] Kosmos


    "Qriler" h koyrsa twn Dhmokratikwn

    15/2/2008 7:43:00 mm

    Syntakths: Anqh Ntaoysanh

    Phgh: NET, APE, CNN

    Oi dyo ypochfioi twn Dhmokratikwn prospaqoyn na epishmanoyn tis diafores toys, kaqws h koyrsa twn prokrimatikwn brisketai se poly lepth fash. O Ompama prohgeitai stoys eklektores kai h Klinton rixnei twra to baros ths kampanias ths sto Oxaio kai thn Pensylbania, dyo politeies poy, symfwna me tis dhmoskophseis, mallon gernoyn pros thn pleyra ths. To zhthma ths oplokatoxhs den einai apo ta basika qemata ths proeklogikhs ekstrateias twn diekdikhtwn toy xrismatos, wstoso kai h Xilari Klinton kai o Mparak Ompama tassontai yper ths apagoreyshs sth xrhsh oplwn, kaqws h eswkommatikh maxh klimakwnetai.

    Neoi sysxetismoi

    Opws anakoinwqhke apo to stratopedo twn Dhmokratikwn, h prwhn prwth kyria twn HPA kerdise tis prokrimatikes ekloges toy Neoy Mejikoy, ths monadikhs politeias poy den eixe dhmosiopoihsei mexri shmera ta apotelesmata apo tis prokrimatikes ekloges ths "soyper Triths".

    En tw metajy, to proeklogiko synqhma toy Mparak Ompama, "Nai, mporeis!" exei ginei moda sthn Amerikh, enw h dhmotikothta toy geroysiasth toy Ilinoi ayjanetai synexws. Aythn th stigmh o Mparak Ompama elegxei 1289 apo toys 2025 eklektores kai h Xilari Klinton 1237 eklektores, symfwna me thn istoselida RealClearPolitics

    H Geroysiasths strefei thn prosoxh ths sto Tejas poy prepei na kerdisei opwsdhpote kai tis elpides ths stis prokrimatikes ekloges toy Oxaio kai ths Pensylbania opoy symfwna me tis dhmoskophseis exei megalo probadisma toylaxiston 20 monadwn enanti toy Ompama.

    Oi analytes ektimoyn oti stoys Dhmokratikoys tipote den prokeitai na kriqei prin ton Ioynio. Me ta ews twra dedomena h Klinton den mporei na efhsyxazei, kaqws prepei na parei toylaxiston 55% h kai konta sto 60% se kaqe epikeimenh eklogh, prokeimenoy na ejasfalisei mia kaqarh nikh, kati poy diagrafetai dyskolo.

    "H diafora anamesa se mena kai ton Ompama einai oti ekeinos dinei omilies. Egw prosferw lyseis. Aytos qelei na sas synarpasei. Egw na sas isxyropoihsw" dhlwse h Klinton, klimakwnontas tis epiqeseis kata toy eswkommatikoy antipaloy ths, enw me th bohqeia toy syzygoy ths prospaqei na ejasfalisei thn yposthrijh oso to dynato perissoterwn yper-eklektorwn.

    Me aformh to sok poy exoyn prokalesei stis HPA oi allepallhles enoples epiqeseis, me apokoryfwma to teleytaio makeleio sto panepisthmio toy Ilinoi, oi ypochfioi twn Dhmokratikwn tassontai stis omilies toys kata ths oplokatoxhs, an kai to qema ayto de briskotan apo thn arxh sthn atzenta toys.

    Apo thn pleyra twn Repoymplikanwn o Makein enisxyetai, afotoy ejasfalise kai thn anoixth yposthrijh toy prwhn eswkommatikoy antipaloy toy, Mit Romnei. "Exw thn timh na yposthrijw thn ypochfiothta toy geroysiasth Tzon Makein gia thn proedria twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn" dhlwse o prwhn ypochfios gia to xrisma toy repoymplikanikoy kommatos.

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