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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 06-08-10

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Episkeceis kai epafes
  • [02] Apetraph aeropeiratia sto Katar
  • [03] "Edese" sto "limani" o Kastigio
  • [04] PAO: Pentaeths ananewsh me Darla
  • [05] Anakoinwse Bentoyra o Arhs
  • [06] Eqnikh: Teleytaio test gia to Pagkosmio
  • [07] "Xrysos" o Iakwbakhs
  • [08] H xrysh koyrsa toy Periklh
  • [09] Ston teliko o Gkoyshs
  • [10] Eqnikh: Krataei kormo o Rexagkel

    [01] Politikh

    Episkeceis kai epafes

    10/8/2006 11:15:00 mm

    Phgh: NET

    To nosokomeio Agios Sabbas episkefqhke o ypochfios dhmarxos me th "Symparatajh gia thn Aqhna", Spyros Xalbatzhs. O k Xalbatzhs, poy synanthqhke me th dioikhsh toy nosokomeioy kai to swmateio twn ergazomenwn proteine na katarghqei o idiwtikos tomeas Ygeias. Apo thn pleyra toy, o ypochfios ypernomarxhs ths "Nomarxiakhs Agwnistikhs Synergasias", Giwrgos Mayrikos, breqhke konta stoys ergazomenoys toy jenodoxeioy "Karabel" apo toys opoios zhthse na sthrijoyn to syndyasmo toy, xwris na ephreazontai apo sthmena ntimpeit ths thleorashs, opws xarakthrise tis thleoptikes monomaxies.

    Epishs, me thn Epitroph Periballontos toy GEWTEE, toy episthmonikoy forea ston opoio anhkoyn gewponoi, dasologoi kai gewlogoi synanthqhke o ypochfios dhmarxos Aqhnaiwn me to syndyasmo "Anoixth Polh", Alejhs Tsipras, o opoios tonise, oti prwth proteraiothta gia th dhmotikh arxh qa prepei na einai h katagrafh twn eleyqerwn xwrwn.

    Ta erga asfaltostrwshs, poy pragmatopoioyntai sthn Anw Toympa, epiqewrhse o dhmarxos Qessalonikhs Basilhs Papagewrgopoylos.

    [02] Kosmos

    Apetraph aeropeiratia sto Katar

    10/8/2006 9:06:00 mm

    Phgh: Reuters

    Apetraph aeropeirateia se aeroskafos toy Katar, poy eixe jekinhsei apo thn prwteyoysa ths Iordanias Amman kai eixe proorismo thn prwteyoysa toy Katar Ntoxa, symfwna me osa metedwse to arabiko thleoptiko diktyo Al Tzazira. Opws dhlwse sto Al Tzazira ekproswpos ths Qatar Airways, aerosynodoi kai plhrwma akinhtopoihsan enan epibath apo thn Eryqraia, o opoios prospaqhse na eisbalei sto pilothrio. Symfwna me thn idia, o epibaths 21 etwn, kratoyse ena koyti, poy perieixe adieykrinisth oysia, gegonos, poy anagkase ton piloto na epistrecei sto Amman. "O pilotos dhlwse katastash ektakths anagkhs kai prosgeiwqhke sto Amman, opoy o en logw epibaths paradoqhke stis iordanikes Arxes", anefere xarakthristika h idia.

    [03] Podosfairo (Ellada)

    "Edese" sto "limani" o Kastigio

    10/8/2006 11:26:00 mm

    Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos

    Phgh: APE

    Paikths toy Olympiakoy qa synexisei na einai gia ta epomena tessera xronia o Neri Kastigio. O Oyroygoyanos asos twn "eryqroleykwn" metebh to brady sta grafeia ths PAE, mazi me ton manatzer toy, kai eixan synanthsh me ton antiproedro twn prwtaqlhtwn, Giwrgo Loybarh. Oi dyo pleyres ta brhkan se ola, symfwnhsan ki etsi o Kastigio qa parameinei sto dynamiko twn Peiraiwtwn gia akomh tessera xronia. Ypenqymizetai oti o Neri Kastigio entaxqhke ston Olympiako se hlikia molis 16 etwn, to kalokairi toy 2000. Ton teleytaio kairo o 22xronos paikths eixe breqei sto metagrafiko stoxastro ths mejikanikhs Tsibas.

    H anakoinwsh ths PAE Olympiakos

    "H PAE OLYMPIAKOS anakoinwnei thn epektash ths synergasias ths me ton Neri Kastigio gia tessera xronia. H symfwnia epeteyxqh ystera apo synanthsh poy eixe shmera to brady sta grafeia toy OLYMPIAKOY o Antiproedros ths PAE, k. Giwrgos Loybarhs, me ton podosfairisth kai ton manatzer toy".

    [04] Podosfairo (Ellada)

    PAO: Pentaeths ananewsh me Darla

    10/8/2006 8:42:00 mm

    Phgh: APE

    Neo pentaetes symbolaio me ton Panaqhnaiko ypegrace o Filippos Darlas. O nearos dieqnhs amyntikos perase apo ta grafeia ths PAE kai symfwnhse gia neo symbolaio me th dioikhsh toy "trifyllioy". Symfwna me plhrofories, oi ethsies apodoxes toy 23xronoy asoy qa diplasiastoyn, enw einai xarakthristiko pws eixe akomh tria xronia symbolaio me thn "prasinh" PAE.

    [05] Podosfairo (Ellada)

    Anakoinwse Bentoyra o Arhs

    10/8/2006 8:16:00 mm

    Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos

    Phgh: APE

    Sthn apokthsh toy 28xronoy Ispanoy amyntikoy Xabie Pitoy Bentoyra proxwrhse o Arhs, toy opoioy kai anakoinwsan. Me thn metagrafh toy kentrikoy amyntikoy, o opoios proerxetai apo thn omada Mpalamos, oi "kitrinoi" fainetai pws kleinoyn ton kyklo twn metagrafwn sto fetino kalokairino pazari, arketa ploysio apo apoch ariqmoy. O jenos paikths hrqe hdh sth Qessalonikh kai symfwnhse me toys dioikoyntes ths PAE enw shmera qa perasei kai apo iatriko elegxo. Apo ekei kai pera o texnikos toy Arh, Gkigiermo Ogios, den htan ikanopoihmenos apo thn apodosh twn paiktwn toy sto filiko me ton Pieriko sthn Katerinh alla kai thn htta, stoys opoios kai ekane arketes parathrhseis. O Arhs qa kleisei thn fetinh basikh proetoimasia kai ta filika toy paixnidia me ena akoma test to brady ths Kyriakhs kata ths italikhs Siena, thn opoia qa ypodextei sto ghpedo "Kl. Bikelidhs". Ayth qa einai kai h genikh proba en ocei toy neoy prwtaqlhmatos gia thn kainoyrgia omada twn "kitrinwn" ths Qessalonikhs. H italikh omada erxetai to Sabbato sth Qessalonikh me 19 podosfairistes sthn dynamh ths.

    [06] Mpasket

    Eqnikh: Teleytaio test gia to Pagkosmio

    10/8/2006 9:38:00 mm

    Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos

    Phgh: APE

    O xronos gia to megalo ranteboy ths Eqnikhs omadas sto Moyntompasket ths Iapwnias plhsiazei. O omospondiakos proponhths ths Prwtaqlhtrias Eyrwphs, Panagiwths Giannakhs kai oi paiktes ths Eqnikhs mas proetoimazontai kai sta plaisia ayta qa paroyn meros sto 2o "Stankovic Continental Champion Cup", h aylaia toy opoioy anoigei ayrio sthn polh Natziingk ths Kinas. Sta tria ayta filika paixnidia poy qa dwsei sthn Kina kai ta opoia qa apotelesoyn ta teleytaia dokimastika test, prwtos antipalos gia thn Eqnikh mas h Aystralia (Paraskeyh 12:45 m.m.), opoy qa thn antimetwpisoyme kai sthn prwth fash toy Pagkosmioy Prwtaqlhmatos.

    Apenanti sthn Aystralia jekinaei ayrio h Eqnikh andrwn tis filikes anametrhseis sto H prwtaqlhtria Eyrwphs dianyei pleon to trito stadio ths proetoimasias ths, enocei toy pagkosmioy prwtaqlhmatos ths Iapwnias kai ta tria filika paixnidia.

    O Omospondiakos proponhths, Panagiwths Giannakhs, mazi me ton arxhgo Mixalh Kakioyzh kai ton Niko Zhsh ekproswphsan thn Eqnikh mas se synenteyjh Typoy poy pragmatopoihqhke shmera, mia hmera prin to enarkthrio tzampol. O Panagiwths Giannakhs parathrhse metajy allwn: "Ston prwto agwna toy toyrnoya antimetwpizoyme thn Aystralia, me thn opoia qa paijoyme kai sthn prwth fash toy Pagkosmioy. Qa kanoyme kanonika thn doyleia mas kai mporei na mhn kanoyme sto ghpedo, osa exoyme sto myalo mas, alla qa doyme basika shmeia ths leitoyrgias mas se amyna kai epiqesh. Asxoloymaste me thn prosarmogh twn paiktwn mas stis klimatologikes synqhkes, giati eimaste ephreasmenoi apo thn allagh ths hpeiroy kai th diafora wras. Gi ayto hrqame edw, alla kai gia na antimetwpisoyme kapoies apo tis kalyteres omades toy kosmoy".

    Otan jenoi dhmosiografoi qymisan ston Panagiwth Giannakh ton hmiteliko toy Eyrwmpasket 2005 me th Gallia, otan h Eqnikh prokriqhke ston teliko xarh sto triponto toy Diamantidh, o Omospondiakos dhlwse: "Twra poy qa paijoyme jana me thn Gallia, h filosofia mas den allazei. Qa exoyme ena xeri panw se kaqe mpala, qa "kynhghsoyme" kaqe fash kai nomizw oti qa den breqoyme pali sto idio shmeio ths anatrophs". To programma toy "Stankovic Cup":

    PARASKEYH 11/8

    12.45 Aystralia-ELLADA

    15.00 Kina-Germania

    SABBATO 12/8

    12.15 Gallia-ELLADA

    14.30 Germania-Brazilia

    KYRIAKH 13/8

    12.15 Gallia-Aystralia

    14.30 Brazilia-Kina

    DEYTERA 14/8

    Repo-Tajidi sthn polh Koyn Sxan

    TRITH 15/8

    10.00 A3-B3

    13.30 A2-B2

    15.45 A1-B1

    *Wres Elladas

    [07] "Xrysos" o Iakwbakhs

    10/8/2006 8:59:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 10/8/2006 11:00:40 mm)

    Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos

    Sthn koryfh toy eyrwpaikoy stiboy brisketai o Periklhs Iakwbakhs. O Ellhnas Prwtaqlhths katelabe thn prwth qesh ston teliko twn 400m. toy Eyrwpaikoy Prwtaqlhmatos poy ginetai sto Gketemporgk kai katekthse to xryso metallio. O Iakwbakhs termatise se 48.46 meta apo mia ejairetikh koyrsa, opoy den afhse toys antipaloys na amfisbhthsoyn th nikh toy. Ayto einai to prwto xryso metallio gia ta ellhnika xrwmata sto Eyrwpaiko Prwtaqlhma kai trito synolika, meta ta dyo ashmenia apo thn Phgh Debetzh sto triployn kai thn Fanh Xalkia sta 400m, me empodia, alla kai to 7o xryso ths xwras mas sthn istoria twn diorganwsewn. O deyteros Ellhnas toy telikoy, Mhnas Alozidhs, termatise 7os me 49.61, enw to ashmenio metalio phre o Polwnos Marek Plabgko me 48.71 kai to xalkino o Bretanos Ris Goyiliams me 49.12.

    H katatajh ston teliko:

    1. Periklhs Iakwbakhs (Ellada) 48.46

    2. Marek Plabgko (Polwnia) 48.71

    3. Ris Goyiliams (Bretania) 49.12

    4. Naman Keita (Gallia) 49.13

    5. Sempastian Malarnt (Gallia) 49.54

    6. Tziani Karampeli (Italia) 49.60

    7. Mhnas Alozidhs (Ellada) 49.61

    8. Alejantr Nterebiagkin (Rwsia) 50.31

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    H xrysh koyrsa toy Periklh

    [08] H xrysh koyrsa toy Periklh

    10/8/2006 10:51:00 mm

    Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos

    Phgh: APE

    Edeije apo thn arxh toy Eyrwpaikoy Prwtaqlhmatos pws hqele na ftasei chla. Kai ta katafere. O Periklhs Iakwbakhs ekane thn xrysh toy koyrsa kai katafere na ftasei sthn koryfh kai thn katakthsh toy xrysoy metallioy. Stis dhlwseis toy meta ton agwna o Ellhnas Prwtaqlhths kai Prwtaqlhths Eyrwphs pleon, tonise: "Mia toy klefth, dyo toy klefth (anaferomenos sthn Phgh Debetzh kai Fanh Xalkia poy exasan gia ligo to xryso), to phrame telika to xryso. Htan kati poy hqela toso poly. Monadikh moy skech htan na trejw swsta panw ap ola kai to katafera. Einai dyskolo na afierwneis se tetoies stigmes mia diakrish, alla egw afierwnw to metallio moy se aytoys poy me sthrijan kai se aytoys poy xairontan otan eixa problhmata. As einai kala oloi toys". Sth deyterh qesh breqhke o Polwnos Marek Plabgko me 48.71 kai sthn trith o Bretanos Ris Goyiliams me 49.12. O Mhnas Alozidhs, sto idio agwnisma, termatise ebdomos me 49.61. "O Periklhs einai o kalyteros Eyrwpaios empodisths, ti allo na pw egw" dhlwse o 22xronos prwtaqlhths. O yfypoyrgos Politismoy, armodios gia qemata aqlhtismoy, Giwrgos Orfanos, o opoios brisketai sto Gketemporgk ths Soyhdias ws epikefalhs ths ellhnikhs antiproswpeias ths Boylhs kai twn kommatwn, synexarh ton Periklh Iakwbakh gia thn megalh toy epityxia sta 400m. empodia, poy ton "estece" prwtaqlhth Eyrwphs. O k. Orfanos edwse sygxarhthria ston Iakwbakh poy efere se peras thn apostolh toy, ekane yperhfanh thn Ellada kai, ekproswpwntas epajia ta ellhnika xrwmata, efere sthn xwra mas to xryso.

    Epidoseis xwris apotelesma

    Ektos apo to xryso metallio toy Periklh Iakwbakh, apo ellhnikhs symmetoxhs yphrxan kapoies kales epidoseis, poy den mporesan omws na synodeytoyn me prokrish se teliko. Sto triployn ton andrwn yphrje h megalh atyxia, afoy toso o Kwstas Zalagkiths, oso kai o Xrhstos Meletogloy emeinan ektos telikoy, afoy sta prokrimatika breqhkan se kakh mera. Amfoteroi malista teleiwsan tis prospaqeies toys xwris na kataferoyn na kanoyn egkyro alma stis eji prospaqeies (treis kai treis) poy pragmatopoihsan. O Xrhstos Meletogloy pragmatopoihse shmera ton teleytaio agwna ths karieras toy. "Feygw apo thn energo drash "gematos" apo aqlhtismo", eipe o aqlhths toy Olympiakoy enw o Zalagkiths tonise: "Ta epomena xronia qa deite apo emena qaymasia pragmata".

    Ektos hmitelikwn twn 200m h Eleyqeria Kompidoy, poy phre thn 7h qesh sthn prokrimatikh ths seira me 23.92. "Den eniwqa kai poly kala sthn koyrsa moy. Twra to myalo moy brisketai sth skytalodromia 4X100m, opoy mporoyme na diakriqoyme", eipe h aqlhtria apo thn Qessalonikh. Mazi ths sta 4X100m, qa trejoyn oi Koklwnh, Patsoy kai Mpoynta.

    H 4h hmera toy eyrwpaikoy prwtaqlhmatos ekleise me ton 27xrono Taso Gkoysh, poy phre meros ston megalo teliko twn 200m. Katelabe thn 8h qesh me epidosh 20.94, enw dyo wres nwritera sta hmitelika eixe termatisei se 20.76. "Emaqa pws einai enas telikos mias megalhs diorganwshs. Phra ena spoydaio maqhma. Mporw kai kalytera sto mellon, arkei na eimai ygihs" eipe o Tasos Gkoyshs. Nikhths ths koyrsas, o Portogalos Ompikbeloy, me 20.01, poy ekane to ntampl se 100m kai 200m.

    Ektos telikoy emeine kai o Kwstas Filippidhs sto alma epi kontw. O Ellhnas Prwtaqlhths eixe molis mia egkyrh stis eji synolika prospaqeies poy epixeirhse, omws ta 5 metra 35 ekatosta den htan arketa gia na toy xarisoyn kai to "eisithrio" ths prokrishs gia thn 12ada. O Filippidhs jekinhse me dyo akyres sta 5.35m. prin petyxei thn egkyrh sto idio ycos, enw sta 5.45m. eixe treis akyres me apotelesma na katakthsei thn 26h qesh ths katatajhs.

    Sta ajiologa h emfanish ths Eirhnhs Kokkinarioy sta hmitelika twn 3.000 metrwn stipl. H 26xronh aqlhtria toy Panaqhnaikoy, kalyce thn apostash se 9 lepta 53 deytera 7 ekatosta, katekthse thn 13h qesh sth b` hmitelikh seira (s.s. thn 21h sth genikh katatajh) petyxainontas neo panellhnio rekor kai katarriptontas to prohgoymeno poy kateixe h idia apo tis 30/5/2006 sto mitingk ths Ostraba me 9:55.82. Wstoso me thn epidosh ayth h Kokkinarioy emeine ektos telikoy, th stigmh poy thn kalyterh epidosh twn hmitelikwn pragmatopoioyse h Leykorwsida Alesia Toyraba me 9:37.01. H Eleyqeria Kompidoy katetagh 8h sthn 1h prokrimatikh seira twn 200m ki emeine ektos hmitelikwn. H Ellhnida aqlhtria termatise se 23.92 kai apokleisthke, afoy prokrinontan oi 3 prwtes kaqe seiras kai oi 4es me toys kalyteroys xronoys. Prwth sth seira ths termatise h Polwnh Monima Mpeinar me 23.07. To "baptisma toy pyros" stis megales diorganwseis, den synodeythke kai apo diakrish gia ton Eyqymh Papadopoylo. O Ellhnas prwtaqlhths sta prokrimatika twn 800m. andrwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Prwtaqlhmatos, katekthse thn 7h qesh sthn 1h prokrimatikh seira me 1:49.36 (s.s. thn 19h sth genikh katatajh) kai emeine ektos hmitelikwn. Thn kalyterh epidosh twn prokrimatikwn shmeiwse o Bretanos Maikl Rimer me 1:47.10.

    Oi telikoi


    1. Fransis Ompikbeloy (Portogalia) 20.01 2. Gioxan Bisman (Soyhdia) 20.38 3. Marlon Ntebonis (Bretania) 20.54 4. Kristof Mpegien (Belgio) 20.57 5. Iban Teplik (Rwsia) 20.76 6. Enti nte Lepine (Gallia) 20.77 7. Ntabint Alerte (Gallia) 20.93 8. Tasos Gkoyshs (Ellada) 20.94

    800m gynaikwn

    1. Olga Kotliaroba (Rwsia) 1.57.38 2. Sbetlana Klioyka (Rwsia) 1.57.48 3. Rempeka Line (Bretania) 1.58.45 4. Tatiana Petlioyk (Oykrania) 1.58.65 5. Mprigkita Langkerxolk (Slobenia) 1.59.30 6. Teontora Kolaroba (Boylgaria) 2.00.00 7. Maite Martines (Ispania) 2.00.10 8. Sbetlana Tserkasoba (Rwsia) 2.03.43

    400m gynaikwn 1. Bania Stampoloba (Boylgaria) 49.85 2. Tatiana Beskoyroba (Rwsia) 50.15 3. Olga Zaitseba (Rwsia) 50.28 4. Mariana Ntimitroba (Boylgaria) 50.64 5. Ilona Oysobits (Leykorwsia) 50.69 6. Nikola Santers (Bretania) 50.87 7. Sbetlana Pospeloba (Rwsia) 50.90 8. Tzoan Kantixi (Irlandia) 51.46

    50 xiliometra badhn 1. Gioxan Ntiniz (Gallia) 3:41:39 2. Xesoys Anxel Gkarqia (Ispania) 3:42:48 3. Gioyri Antronof (Rwsia) 3:43:26 4. Tront Nimark (Norbhgia) 3:44:17 5. Mikel Ontrioqola (Ispania) 3:46:34 6. Roman Magkziartsik (Polwnia) 3:47:37 7. Marko nte Loyka (Italia) 3:48:08 8. Peter Kortsok (Slobakia) 3:51:16

    Diskobolia 1. Ntaria Pistsanlikoba (Rwsia) 65.55m 2. Franka Ntits (Germania) 64.35m 3. Nikoleta Gkrasoy (Roymania) 63.58m 4. Katerina Karsak (Oykrania) 62.45m 5. Bioleta Potepa (Polwnia) 61.78m 6. Elina Zbereba (Leykorwsia) 61.72m 7. Bera Tsekloba (Tsexia) 60.71m 8. Ntragkana Tomasebits (Serbia) 60.20m

    [09] Ston teliko o Gkoyshs

    10/8/2006 8:37:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 10/8/2006 9:44:33 mm)

    Phgh: APE

    O Tasos Gkoyshs prokriqhke ston teliko twn 200m toy eyrwpaikoy prwtaqlhmatos toy Gketemporgk poy qa ginei apoce (21.45). O Ellhnas sprinter me 20.76 termatise 4os sthn 1h hmitelikh seira, qesh poy toy dinei to dikaiwma na symmetasxei ston teliko toy agwnismatos. Prwtos htan o Portogalos Fransis Ompikbeloy me 20.36, deyteros o Soyhdos Gioxan Bisman me 20.38 kai tritos o Gallos Enti nte Lepine me 20.70.

    [10] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)

    Eqnikh: Krataei kormo o Rexagkel

    10/8/2006 11:21:00 mm

    Phgh: APE

    To idio sxhma krathse o omospondiakos texnikos, Oto Rexagkel, gia to filiko paixnidi ths Eqnikhs mas omadas stis 16 Aygoystoy kontra sthn Agglia sto Olnt Trafornt. O Germanos texnikos toy antiproswpeytikoy mas sygkrothmatos anakoinwse ta onomata twn paiktwn poy qa apotelesoyn thn apostolh. Prokeitai gia toys Nikopolidh, Xalkia, Della, Anatolakh, Antza, Kyrgiako, Seitaridh, Byntra, Fyssa, Lago, Katsoyranh, Mpasina, Karagkoynh, Kafe, Zagorakh, Giannakopoylo, Papadopoylo, Xaristea, Samara, Amanatidh, Salpiggidh, Gkeka. H apostolh qa sygkentrwqei th Deytera 14/8 kai wra 12:00. Exoyn programmatistei proponhseis gia th Deytera 14/8 (18:00) ston Agio Kosma kai thn Trith 15/8 (21:00 Elladas) sto ghpedo toy agwna. H omada q anaxwrhsei gia to Mantsester thn Trith 15/8 kai wra 12:00. Diaithths ths anametrhshs qa einai o Germanos Bolfgkangk Stark.

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