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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 06-08-04

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Nekros stis rages
  • [02] Fonikes plhmmyres kai katolisqhseis
  • [03] Dixws eleos
  • [04] Diplwmatikos pyretos
  • [05] Nea antiparaqesh gia thn Emporikh

    [01] Koinwnia

    Nekros stis rages

    4/8/2006 8:41:00 mm

    Phgh: NET

    Nearos entopisthke ta jhmerwmata, ths perasmenhs Deyteras, stis grammes toy trenoy, sthn Egkalh Diakoptoy. O 22xronos metaferqhke sto nosokomeio, me baries kranioegkefalikes kakwseis, opoy, dyo meres argotera, afhse thn teleytaia toy, pnoh. O mhxanodhgos ths amajostoixias anefere oti eide ena antikeimeno sthn aristerh pleyra ths grammhs, omws to prosperase xwris na to parasyrei. Ligo prin, symfwna me martyries o podosfairisths ths Akratas, diaskedaze se mpar ths perioxhs. Apo tis prwtes endeijeis fainetai, oti kapoies kakwseis-piqanotata- ofeilontai se xtyphma apo amajostoixia kai aytes htan -isws- oi moiraies. Wstoso, to mysthrio paramenei, afoy diereynatai to endexomeno na yparxoyn xtyphmata poy den prohlqan apo to traino. Oi synqhkes katw apo tis opoies o nearos breqhke stis rages, apoteloyn grifo gia tis arxes. H astynomia synexizei na pairnei kataqeseis kai ektos apo thn periptwsh toy atyxhmatos, ereyna kai alla endexomena.

    [02] Kosmos

    Fonikes plhmmyres kai katolisqhseis

    4/8/2006 7:44:00 mm

    Phgh: APE-MPE

    Trianta epta anqrwpoi exasan th zwh toys apo tis fonikes plhmmyres kai katolisqhseis poy sarwnoyn to boreio Pakistan. Synolika, apo ton perasmeno mhna exoyn xasei th zwh toys 140 anqrwpoi sto Pakistan kai perissoteroi apo 300 sthn India. Dwdeka apo ta qymata ek twn opoiwn epta gynaikes kai tria paidia pnighkan otan to lewforeio sto opoio epebainan parasyrqhke apo ta nera enos xeimarroy konta sto Rabalpinti. H tyxh epta epibatwn agnoeitai. Alloi tesseris anqrwpoi skotwqhkan, parasyromenoi apo ta nera enos potamoy, konta sto Tata Xel toy Boreioy Oyaziristan, sta synora me to Afganistan. Sthn polypaqh perioxh ths Mansera, poy eplhgh apo isxyro seismo ton Oktwbrio toy 2005, tis tesseris teleytaies hmeres exoyn skotwqei apo katolisqhseis 31 anqrwpoi. Thn Pempth apo katolisqhsh katastrafhke o kataylismos twn seismoplhktwn. O dhmarxos ths perioxhs, Sarntar Gioysaf, anakoinwse oti eikosi atoma brhkan to qanato konta sthn polh Mpalakot, h opoia eixe sxedon isopedwqei apo th donhsh poy stoixise th zwh se 75.000 anqrwpoys kai afhse astegoys sxedon 3 ekatommyria.

    [03] M. Anatolh

    Sfodroi bombardismoi

    Dixws eleos

    4/8/2006 8:20:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 4/8/2006 11:21:27 mm)

    Synexizontai me ameiwth entash oi exqroprajies kai oi bombardismoi sto Libano. Toylaxiston dyo pyrayloi eplhjan to brady, xwris na prokalesoyn qymata, thn perioxh ths Xantema, 40 xiliometra boreiws toy Tel Abib, thn pleon ews twra makrinh perioxh poy eplhgh me pyrayloys apo to notio Libano, opws anakoinwqhke apo ekproswpo ths israhlinhs astynomias. Nwritera, epta amaxoi exasan th zwh toys kai 10 traymatisthkan se aeroporikh epidromh enantion enos ktirioy sto xwrio Taimpe, sta synora toy Libanoy me to Israhl, opoy tis tesseris teleytaies hmeres diejagontai sfodres maxes metajy Israhlinwn stratiwtwn kai maxhtwn ths Xezmpolax. Symfwna me phges twn yphresiwn asfaleias toy Libanoy, apo thn epidromh katastrafhke olosxerws to ktirio, opoy eixan katafygei amaxoi gia na prostateytoyn apo tis sygkroyseis. To apogeyma, 33 amaxoi ergates ghs -metajy aytwn polloi Koyrdoi ths Syrias- skotwqhkan apo aeroporikh epidromh sthn Koilada Mpekaa sto boreioanatoliko Libano sta synora me th Syria, otan xtyphqhke xwros staqmeyshs forthgwn, ta opoia oi ergates fortwnan me froyta. Ekproswpos toy israhlinoy stratoy dhlwse oti stoxos twn epiqesewn htan kthria poy xrhsimopoiei h Xezmpolax san apoqhkes oplwn. Epishs, tesseris polites exasan th zwh toys sto boreio Israhl apo mparaz royketwn ths Xezmpolax. Ejalloy, symfwna me stratiwtikh phgh, polloi pyrayloi eplhjan tomeis poy elegxontai apo to Israhl kai apo th Syria sthn polh Koyneitra, sta Ycipeda toy Gkolan. Thn idia wra, o israhlinos stratos paramenei se katastash etoimothtas gia thn efarmogh toy deyteroy skeloys twn xersaiwn epixeirhsewn poy aposkopei ston elegxo ths perioxhs, h opoia ekteinetai apo ta synora Israhl - Libanoy ws ton potamo Litani. To meshmeri oi Israhlinoi edwsan sth dhmosiothta tis prwtes eikones dyo maxhtwn ths Xezmpolax poy epiasan aixmalwtoys stis maxes toy notioy Libanoy.

    Sto metajy, h Unicef ekfrazei foboys oti sto eleos twn epidhmiwn qa breqei poly syntoma o amaxos plhqysmos poy paramenei praktika apomonwmenos sto notio Libano ean synexistoyn oi bombardismoi apo toys Israhlinoys,. Symfwna me ton ajiwmatoyxo ths Unicef, Pol Serlok yparxei amesos kindynos na ekdhlwqoyn epidhmies dysenterias, xoleras h alles, oi opoies sysxetizontai kai me th genikeymenh elleich posimoy neroy, hlektrikoy kai kaysimwn.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Diplwmatikos pyretos

    Anelehto sfyrokophma

    [04] M. Anatolh

    Gia amesh katapaysh toy pyros

    Diplwmatikos pyretos

    4/8/2006 8:11:00 mm

    Syntakths: Anna Koyrth

    Phgh: Galliko praktoreio, Reuters, NET, NET 105,8, APE-MPE

    Sth Nea Yorkh synexizontai oi diapragmateyseis gia thn amesh katapaysh toy pyros. Ta sxedia chfismatos exoyn diabibastei stis kybernhseis twn HPA, ths Gallias kai twn allwn xwrwn melwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, prokeimenoy na katalhjoyn sto keimeno poy qa protaqei ston OHE ws chfisma. Thn idia wra, ektakth synodos twn arabwn YPEJ qa pragmatopoihqei th Deytera sth Bhryto, me antikeimeno h krish sto Libano. Symfwna me to ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn ths Aigyptoy me stratiwtiko aeroplano typoy C-130 qa metaferqoyn oi Arabes ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn sthn prwteyoysa toy Libanoy. Toso to Israhl oso kai oi Hnwmenes Politeies, proballoyn isxyrh antidrash sto aithma gia katapaysh pyros metajy Israhl kai Xezmpolax, to opoio aithma den katateqhke monon apo ton arabiko kosmo.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Diafwnoyn gia th gallikh protash

    Katapaysh toy pyros zhtoyn oi Islamistes

    [05] Oikonomia

    Metajy Kybernhshs kai Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs

    Nea antiparaqesh gia thn Emporikh

    4/8/2006 7:22:00 mm

    Synexizetai h politikh antiparaqesh metajy Kybernhshs kai Antipoliteyshs me aformh thn ypoqesh ths Emporikhs. O Ypoyrgos Apasxolhshs Sabbas Tsitoyridhs epiteqhke ek neoy sto PASOK, ypogrammizontas oti h Kybernhsh den kanei ton symboylo ependysewn oyte ekbiazei tis Dioikhseis twn Tameiwn gia to ean qa pwlhsoyn tis metoxes toys. To idio- prosqese- ofeilei na kanei kai h antipoliteysh. Parallhla, prosqese oti panw apo to 50% twn asfalistikwn tameiwn apofasisan na poylhsoyn tis metoxes toys sth gallikh trapeza prokeimenoy na apokthsei to 40% twn metoxwn ths Emporikhs, enw afhse na ennohqei pws ean xreiastei thn Deytera qa dwsei sth dhmosiothta stoixeia gia tis pieseis poy dexontai ta asfalistika tameia gia na mhn poylhsoyn metoxes sth gallikh trapeza Credit Agricole. Sklhrh htan h apanthsh toy ekproswpoy Typoy toy PASOK Nikoy Aqanasakh. "Ean o k. Tsitoyridhs qymhqhke to parelqon toy, thn palaiodejia kai akrodejia orologia, sigoyra den kanei kalo sto politiko klima", dhlwse o ekproswpos toy PASOK Nikos Aqanasakhs, sxoliazontas plhrofories, poy, opws eipe, dioxeteyontai apo to ypoyrgeio Apasxolhshs, peri "dhqen parakratikwn energeiwn apo thn pleyra toy PASOK" sthn ypoqesh pwlhshs ths Emporikhs Trapezas. O k. Aqanasakhs zhthse apo toys armodioys ypoyrgoys "na t' afhsoyn ayta kai na apanthsoyn epi ths oysias" ths ypoqeshs kai toys prokalese legontas oti "den mporoyn" na to kanoyn. Epishs, gia prwth fora, xrhsimopoihse ton oro "ekpoihsh" gia na xarakthrisei thn apofash pwlhshs ths Emporikhs.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Dialogos gia to Asfalistiko

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