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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 06-08-04

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Mia anasa apo toys 40oC
  • [02] Anelehto sfyrokophma
  • [03] Brazilianikos "emfylios" sto Limpertadores
  • [04] Me "triara" jekinhse h periodeia stis HPA

    [01] Koinwnia

    Mini kayswnas kai nefos

    Mia anasa apo toys 40oC

    4/8/2006 11:01:00 pm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 4/8/2006 11:46:03 pm)

    Syntakths: Mariloy Tzempelikoy

    Me ton ydrargyro na plhsiazei apeilhtika toys 40 baqmoys Kelsioy, polles einai shmera oi perioxes ths xwras, poy antimetwpizoyn synqhkes kayswna. Sthn Aqhna, h atmosfaira einai apopniktikh kaqws oi ychles qermokrasies se syndyasmo me th rypansh, thn ygrasia kai toys mikrhs entashs anemoys exoyn dhmioyrghsei ena mayro peplo nefoys panw apo thn polh. Aiqrios einai o kairos kai sth Qessalonikh me th qermokrasia na ftanei toys 35 baqmoys. Oi ychloteres qermokrasies shmeiwnontai se Lamia, Trikala kai Sparth, enw oi metewrologoi synistoyn ypomonh ews kai thn Kyriakh opote o ydrargyros qa arxisei na katebainei. Idiaiterh prosoxh prepei na epideiknyoyn oi eypaqeis omades toy plhqysmoy, opws einai oi asqeneis kai oi hlikiwmenoi.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Arxizei na anebainei o ydrargyros

    [02] M. Anatolh

    Xtyphqhke xristianikh perioxh sth Bhryto

    Anelehto sfyrokophma

    4/8/2006 8:36:00 pm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 4/8/2006 11:37:51 pm)

    Thn wra poy h Amerikanida ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Kontoliza Rais, leei pws h yioqethsh apofashs toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE gia to Libano einai konta, to Israhl synexizei to apo aeros sfyrokophma ths Bhrytoy. Sto epikentro twn epiqesewn breqhke h synoikia ths notias Bhrytoy Oyzai, apo thn opoia dierxetai h eqnikh odos poy kateyqynetai pros ton notio Libano. Malista, ta israhlina bombardistika espasan to fragma toy hxoy, petwntas se xamhlo ycos epanw apo th Bhryto, prokalwntas paniko stoys katoikoys. Sth synoikia Oyzai ta israhlina bombardistika exoyn pragmatopoihsei toylaxiston 30 epidromes, xwris h libanikh astynomia na einai se qesh na prosdiorisei toys stoxoys toys, enw den apekleise to endexomeno symmetoxhs toy israhlinoy polemikoy naytikoy stoys bombardismoys. Symfwna me martyries katoikwn ths synoikias, oi bombardismoi fainetai na exoyn enan kai monadiko stoxo, ton opoio den einai se qesh na prosdiorisoyn. Apotelesma twn bombardismwn, htan na skotwqei enas Libanezos stratiwths kai na traymatistoyn alloi treis.

    Sto stoxastro ypodomes

    Parallhla, h israhlinh aeroporia bombardise treis gefyres. Oi dyo briskontan sthn paraliakh odikh arthria poy syndeei th Bhryto me ton boreio Libano, sto ycos toy limanioy Zoynige, poy brisketai se xristianikh perioxh. Nwritera eixe bombardistei allh mia gefyra poy briskotan sthn idia odikh arthria. Me tis epiqeseis aytes, to Israhl gia prwth fora, apo th 12h Ioylioy, opote arxise h systhmatikh katastrofh twn ypodomwn toy Libanoy, plhttei th xristianikh perioxh boreia ths libanikhs prwteyoysas. H israhlinh aeroporia bombardise epishs ergostasio paragwghs hlektrikhs energeias poy trofodotei ton notio tomea ths koiladas Mpekaa kai megalo meros toy notioy Libanoy, alla kai odikes arthries ston kentriko Libano, konta sto Mpaalmpek.

    Sto metajy, thn Pempth, to Israhl apeilhse na epekteinei tis aeroporikes epidromes se synoikies ths Bhrytoy poy mexri shmera den eixan plhgei (Xaret Xreik, Mpir al Ampent, Xai Manti kai Royeis, alla oxi to Oyzai) kai me feig bolan poy rixqhkan apo aeroplana, kalese toys katoikoys na apomakrynqoyn.

    Xqes, stis sygkroyseis poy diejhxqhsan sto notio Libano, skotwqhkan tesseris Israhlinoi stratiwtes kai 15 melh ths Xezmpolax, symfwna me neotero apologismo toy israhlinoy stratoy. Synolika eji Libanezoi, ek twn opoiwn dyo melh ths siitikhs organwshs, piasthkan aixmalwtoi. Arga to brady, sto xwrio Mpoyntai, konta sthn Mpaalmpek, apo aeroporikh epidromh, skotwqhke mia nearh kopela kai traymatisthkan alloi treis amaxoi.

    Parallhla, o prwqypoyrgos toy Libanoy, Foyant Siniora, se synenteyjh toy sto BBC, proeidopoihse, oti o Libanos kindyneyei na meinei apo kaysima mesa se mia ebdomada, apo to naytiko kai aeroporiko apokleismo poy exei epiballei to Israhl sto Libano tis treis teleytaies ebdomades. Xqes ajiwmatoyxos toy OHE dhlwse oti dyo dejamenoploia poy metaferoyn petrelaio sth Bhryto kai thn Tripolh paramenoyn agkyrobolhmena sthn Kypro, zhtwntas apo to Israhl na eggyhqei thn asfaleia toys. To ena skafos einai fortwmeno me 50.000 tonoys petrelaioy kai to allo me 37.000 tonoys ntizel, poy qewreitai zwtikhs shmasias wste na synexisoyn tis apostoles toys ta forthga poy metaferoyn bohqeia stoys amaxoys.

    Se etoimothta o stratos

    To neo mparaz epiqesewn apo pleyras Israhl, erxetai mia hmera meta tis apeiles toy hgeths ths Xezmpolax, Xasan Nasrala -gia epiqeseis sto Tel Abil an oi Israhlinoi epiteqoyn sth Bhryto- kai thn apanthsh apo israhlinhs pleyras, oti se mia tetoia periptwsh, to Israhl qa katastrecei politikes domes toy Libanoy.

    Argotera, mia ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy Amynas, gnwstopoihse, oti o israhlinos stratos elabe diatagh apo ton ypoyrgo Amynas, Amir Peretz, na einai se etoimothta gia thn periptwsh poy qa klhqei na analabei ton elegxo toy notioy Libanoy mexri ton potamo Litani.

    H israhlinh efhmerida Xaaretz, sthn istoselida ths, yposthrizei oti h apofash ayth elhfqh meta to qanato, thn Pempth, oktw politwn apo pyrayloys poy ektojeyse h Xezmpolax. Wstoso, h apofash na teqei ypo israhlino elegxo to libaniko edafos den mporei na lhfqei para mono apo to symboylio asfaleias toy Israhl.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Diafwnoyn gia th gallikh protash

    Apeilei h Xezmpolax

    Katapaysh toy pyros zhtoyn oi Islamistes

    Epiqeseis Israhlinwn sth Gaza

    Jana stoxos h Bhrytos

    [03] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)

    Brazilianikos "emfylios" sto Limpertadores

    4/8/2006 11:18:00 pm

    Syntakths: Hlias Papaiwannoy

    Gia allh mia xronia o telikos toy Kopa Limpertadores, ths koryfaias diasyllogikhs podosfairikhs diorganwshs ths Notias Amerikhs, qa einai brazilianikh ypoqesh. Xqes h Internasional nikhse 2-0 sth Brazilia th Limpertad ths Paragoyahs kai se syndyasmo me th "leykh" isopalia poy apespase prin apo mia ebdomada ektos edras, sfragise thn prokrish ths gia ton teliko ths diorganwshs. Ta gkol ths brazilianikhs omadas shmeiwsan sto 63' o Alej kai sto 68' o Fernanto, enw gia toys filojenoymenoys o -prwhn paikths ths AEK- Karlos Gkamara exase shmantikes eykairies gia gkol. Ston teliko ths diorganwshs perimenei edw kai liges meres h katoxos toy tropaioy, Sao Paoylo, poy deixnei etoimh na yperaspistei ton titlo ths stoys dyo "emfylioys" ths "xwras toy kafe", poy qa diejaxqoyn stis 9 kai 16 Aygoystoy.

    [04] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)

    Me "triara" jekinhse h periodeia stis HPA

    4/8/2006 10:43:00 pm

    Syntakths: Hlias Papaiwannoy

    Liges wres meta to eygeniko "kleisimo ths portas" sthn protash ths Milan, legontas oti einai eytyxismenos kai qelei na parameinei sth Mpartselona, o Brazilianos asos Ronalntinio odhghse thn omada toy sth nikh me 3-0 epi ths Mejikanikhs Tigkres. Sto Mejiko h prwhn omada toy neoapokthqenta Brazilianoy asoy toy Olympiakoy, Xoylio Sezar den katafere na probalei sqenarh antistash stoys "mplaoygkrana", poy jekinhsan me ton kalytero tropo ta filika toys sthn Amerikanikh Hpeiro. Ta termata twn prwtaqlhtwn Eyrwphs kai Ispanias shmeiwsan oi Mpalnteras (7' aytogkol), Ronalntinio (70') kai Gkoyntgionsen (78').

    Finale sth Nea Yorkh

    Shmera h apostolh ths "Mpartsa" petaje gia to Los Antzeles, opoy stis 7 Aygoystoy qa dwsei enan akomh filiko agwna sto plaisio ths periodeias stis HPA, kontra se omada toy Mejikoy. th Gkoyanatalaxara. To epomeno mats qa einai stis 9 Aygoystoy sto Xioyston me antipalo thn Amerika, enw h aylaia ths periodeias twn prwtaqlhtwn Eyrwphs qa pesei sth Nea Yorkh, stis 12 Aygoystoy apenanti sthn ghpedoyxo omada toy "Megaloy Mhloy", Nioy Giork Rent Mpoyls. Ajizei na shmeiwqei oti oi filoi ths pareas toy Ronalntinio exoyn ejafanisei edw kai meres ta "magika xartakia" twn filikwn agwnwn ths Mpartselona.

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