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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 05-06-18The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Podosfairo (Ellada)Symfwnhse me Roysef o Lebadeiakos18/6/2005 10:51:00 mm Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos Ena paikth pragmatiko ergaleio ebale sthn mhxanh toy o Lebadeiakos poy anakoinwse shmera thn apokthsh toy prwhn paikth ths AEK Iban Roysef. O Boylgaros mesos eixe meinei eleyqeros apo thn Enwsh kai ton teleytaio kairo eixe epafes me ellhnikes omades gia na synexisei thn kariera toy sth xwra mas. Telika oi anqrwpoi toy Lebadeiakoy ton kerdisan me thn symperifora toys, alla kai thn prosfora toys kai o paikths ypegrace symbolaio dyo etwn. "H PAE Lebadeiakos anakoinwnei th metagrafh toy prwhn podosfairisth ths AEK, Iban Roysef, o opoios, epeita apo symfwnia me ton proedro Giannh Kompoth, ypegrace symbolaio synergasias gia dyo xronia. Oi oikonomikoi kai alloi oroi toy symbolaioy qa anakoinwqoyn syntoma.", anefere lita alla oysiastika h anakoinwsh ths PAE. [02] Podosfairo (Ellada)"Trabaei to skoini" o Foytsini18/6/2005 9:52:00 mm Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos Thn apofash na yposthrijei kanonika thn prosfygh toy poy einai programmatismenh na ekdikastei stis 27 Ioynioy fainetai pws exei parei o Armanto Foytsini, para to gegonos oti apo thn PAE PAOK katateqhkan thn Paraskeyh (17/6) se logariasmo toy nomikoy toy ekproswpoy, dedoyleymena xrhmata poy toy ofeilontan. H apofash toy exei na kanei me to oti o Kameroynezos enhmerwqhke gia th dysareskeia poy edeije o proedros toy "Dikefaloy", Giannhs Goymenos, se oti afora ta gegonota ths Paraskeyhs, kai oti parallhla afhse na ennohqei oti meta thn ejoflhsh ths ofeilhs den exei kanena nohma na ypogracei mazi toy neo symbolaio synergasias. O podosfairisths feretai oti einai diateqeimenos na mhn epistrecei sth Qessalonikh apo thn patrida toy opoy brisketai th Deytera (20/6), opws arxika programmatisthke, alla me thn enarjh ths proetoimasias toy PAOK gia th nea periodo. [03] Podosfairo (Ellada)Ananewse me Iwniko o Isa18/6/2005 8:12:00 mm Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos Paikths toy Iwnikoy qa parameinei gia ta epomena tria xronia o Pier Isa. O Notioafrikanos dieqnhs podosfairisths meta apo sklhres diapragmateyseis me thn dioikhsh ths omadas ths Nikaias, ananewse th synergasia toy epomena 2+1 xronia. "Protimhsa ton Iwniko" Meta thn ypografh toy symbolaioy toy, o Isa proebh sthn akoloyqh dhlwsh: "Eyxaristw ton Xrhsto Kannelakh kai ton Iwniko gia th megalh prospaqeia poy ekanan na me krathsoyn stis tajeis ths omadas. Pisteyw oti o Iwnikos, mia noikokyremenh omada, qa exei fetos poly kalyterh poreia sto prwtaqlhma se sxesh me perysi. H symfwnia paramonhs moy ston Iwniko einai mia "sfaliara" se oloys aytoys poy alla elegan th mia stigmh kai alla thn allh, kai genikws den syzhtoysan ntompra opws o Xrhstos Kanellakhs. Eixa protaseis apo omades ths Gallias kai ths Elladas, opoy yphrje syzhthsh me mia megalh omada alla me eixan sto "perimene" gia arketo kairo. Egw kai o manatzer moy dialejame ton k. Kanellakh giati o logos toy einai symbolaio, kati poy ligoi paragontes diaqetoyn sthn Ellada. H Ellada moy aresei poly, yparxei poly kalo epipedo zwhs, moy aresoyn oi Ellhnes kai einai eyxaristo to oti synexws anebainei to epipedo toy ellhnikoy podosfairoy. Eimai xaroymenos poy qa synexisw na synergazomai me anqrwpoys poy me agkaliasan apo thn prwth stigmh kai den qa apomakrynqw apo aytoys. Ranteboy sto ghpedo". Apo thn pleyra toy, o Xrhstos Kanellakhs eyxaristhse ton Pier Issa kai ton manatzer toy gia thn acogh synergasia kai th nea symfwnia, dhlwse "eyxaristhmenos" gia thn aisia ekbash twn syzhthsewn kai ypogrammise oti pisteyei pws to idio qa symbei kai me ton Antwnh Natsoyra, th monadikh "ekkremothta" poy yfistatai anaforika me thn perysinh omada. Apo thn erxomenh ebdomada anamenontai ejelijeis sxetika me tis metagrafes newn paiktwn ston Iwniko. [04] MpasketPhre Lampropoylo-Kaykh o Apollwnas18/6/2005 9:58:00 mm Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos Mparaz metagrafwn apo ton Apollwna Patras poy apokthse toys Fwth Lampropoylo kai Panagiwth Kaykh. O Fwths Lampropoylos (23xr.- 2,06m.), agwnizetai sth qesh toy paoyer forgoyornt kai jekinhse thn kariera toy sthn Apollwniada. Epishs agwnisthke gia peripoy dyo xronia sthn Ispania kai sthn sezon poy teleiwse forese thn fanela ths Aoyna Gkran Kanaria. Oso gia ton Panagiwth Kaykh (25xr. - 2,00m.), poy perysi agwnizotan ston Makedoniko, agwnizetai sth qesh toy gkarnt kai sigoyra qa prosferei shmantikes bohqeies stis qeseis "2" kai "3".Sto metajy, o Apollwn Patrwn syntoma qa anakoinwsei kai epishma thn apokthsh toy Dhmhtrh Tsaroyxa (Hlysiakos). [05] "Patwsan" oi gynaikes18/6/2005 10:22:00 mmSyntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos Mono s ena qayma mporei na elpizei pleon h eqnikh omada Stiboy Gynaikwn gia na parameinei sth soyper ligka toy Eyrwpaikoy Kypelloy. Ystera kai apo th diejagwgh twn agwnismatwn kai ths deyterhs hmeras, h Ellada einai teleytaia me 45 baqmoys, dyomisi ligoteroys apo thn ebdomh Gallia kai eji apo thn ekth Italia. Oi dyo teleytaies omades ypobibazontai sthn A kathgoria toy Eyrwpaikoy Kypelloy. Apo tis aqlhtries mas, aytes poy jexwrisan shmera me tis epidoseis toys htan h Phgh Debetzh, h Maria Karastamath kai h Dhmhtra Ntoba. H Olympionikhs toy triployn phre th deyterh qesh sto agwnisma ths me 14.62m., epidosh poy einai h kalyterh efetinh sth xwra mas. H Maria Karastamath termatise trith sta 100m. me 11.30, enw h Dhmhtra Ntoba htan trith sta 400m. me 51.89, epidosh poy einai h trith kalyterh olwn twn epoxwn sth xwra mas. Metriotath emfanish pragmatopoihse h Olympionikhs toy akontismoy, Mirela Maniani, h opoia htan molis ekth me 57.21m. Poly kalh h Karastamath H Maria Karastamath, para thn kakh ekkinhsh ths sthn koyrsa twn 100m. termatise sthn trith qesh me 11.30. Nikhtria toy agwnismatos anadeixqhke h Gallida katoxos toy rekor Eyrwphs (10.73, Boydapesth 1998), Kristin Aron, me 11.09, enw th deyterh qesh phre h Rwsida Fintoroba me 11.21. H Karastamath prwtagwnisthse kai sth skytalodromia 4X100m. Phre th skytalh ebdomh kai telika katafere na termatisei sth pempth qesh. O xronos gia tis tesseris sprinter ths patridas mas htan 44.11. Thn ellhnikh omada apoteloysan oi Kompidoy, Kocia, Koklwnh kai Karastamath, enw prepei na anaferoyme oti h Gallia me thn Kristin Aron sth synqesh ths termatise sthn ekth qesh. H Dhmhtra Ntoba phge sth Flwrentia me 52.21 sta 400m. kai sto shmerino agwna katafere na kanei 51.89, termatizontas sthn trith qesh. H prwtaqlhtria toy Panaqhnaikoy egine h trith kalyterh Ellhnida olwn twn epoxwn sto agwnisma, pisw apo thn Fanh Xalkia (50.56) kai th Xrysa Gkoyntenoydh (51.81). Deyteroi oi andres Antiqeta me tis gynaikes me ton Alejandro Papadhmhtrioy na pairnei thn prwtia sth sfyrobolia me bolh sta 76.06m.. Allh mia prwtia hrqe gia thn xwra mas apo ton Periklh Iakwbakh, poy edeije thn klash toy para to oti etrexe ston prwto diadromo. O aqlhths ths Marias Swthrakopoyloy termatise se 50.08 kai efere thn omada meta apo dyo agwnismata na prohgeitai me 16 baqmoys. Sto mhkos, o Loyhs Tsatoymas mporei na emeine se xamhla epipeda me alma sta 7.72m., alla katafere na parei th deyterh qesh, xanontas gia ena ponto (7.73m.) apo ton Roymano Oprea. H hmera ekleise me ton kalytero tropo, afoy sth skytalodromia 4x100m., opoy polles fores exei paqei zhmia h eqnikh omada, h tetrada poy agwnisthke kata seira me toys Taso Gkoysh, Kwsta Bogiatzakh, Arh Petridh kai ton Xarh Papadia phre thn prwth qesh me xrono 39.77. Ystera apo th diejagwgh 13 agwnismatwn (synolika einai 20) tis dyo prwtes hmeres twn agwnwn ths soyper ligkas, h Ellada stis Gynaikes brisketai sthn teleytaia qesh (8h) me 45 baqmoys. Prohgeitai h Rwsia me 84,5 baqmoys kai akoloyqoyn h Germania me 64, h Polwnia me 62, h Roymania me 58, h Oykrania me 55, h Italia me 51, h Gallia me 47,5 kai h xwra mas, me 45. BAQMOLOGIA: ANDRWN: Ollandia 61, ELLADA 58, Portogalia 54, Oykrania 52, Belgio 44, Roymania 38, Irlandia 33, Serbia & Mayroboynio 20. 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