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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 04-04-18

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  • [01] Sto epikentro oi eggyhseis

    [01] Kypriako

    Sto epikentro oi eggyhseis

    17/4/2004 10:20:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 17/4/2004 10:53:48 mm)

    Syntakths: Dhmhtrhs Alejopoylos

    Phgh: NET NET 105,8 APE

    Enteinontai oi diergasies gia to flegon qema twn eggyhsewn kai ths asfaleias sth Kypro bash toy sxedioy Anan, efoson yperchfistei sta prosexh dhmochfismata, enw o Amerikanos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Kolin Paoyel, desmeyetai gia plhrh gia egkairh efarmogh ths lyshs toy OHE. Se synenteyjh toy sto "Bhma ths Kyriakhs", o k. Paoyel eggyatai thn asfaleia ths enwmenhs Kyproy, xarakthrizontas to sxedio Anan monadikh kai isws thn teleytaia eykairia gia thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy. O Kolin Paoyel shmeiwnei epishs oti oyte oi Hnwmenes Politeies, oyte h EE, oyte to Symboylio Asfaleias qa afhsoyn kamia pleyra na ypanaxwrhsei xwris na ekplhrwsei tis desmeyseis ths, symperilambanomenwn kai twn qematwn asfaleias.

    Pieseis apo HPA kai E.E. gia to "NAI"

    Nwritera me synenteyjh toy sthn toyrkikh efhmerida "Milliet", o k. Paoyel, ekane ekklhsh gia thn apodoxh toy sxedioy Anan kai kalese kai tis dyo koinothtes na skefqoyn qetika kai na chfisoyn nai xarakthrizontas "xrysh eykairia" thn prwtoboylia twn Hn. Eqnwn .

    O k. Paoyel proeidopoihse oti an to sxedio lyshs aporrifqei sto dhmochfisma, den qa isxysei h yposxesh dwreas ycoys 850 ekat. dolariwn , poy doqhke gia thn metabatikh periodo.

    Apantwntas sthn erwthsh an ena "oxi" qa odhghsei sth dixotomhsh toy nhsioy, o Amerikanos ajiwmatoyxos dhlwse oti apla den prokeitai na allajei kati apo th stigmh poy to nhsi einai kai twra diairemeno an den yparjei qetiko apotelesma apo ta dhmochfismata, qa parameinei etsi.

    Thn idia wra, o Irlandos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn armodios gia tis eyrwpaikes ypoqeseis Ntik Ros, me dhlwseis toy sto praktoreio Anatolh yposthrije oti to endexomeno aporrichs toy sxedioy Anan qa apoteloyse mia aprosdokhth ejelijh kai shmeiwse oti se mia tetoia periptwsh h EE qa prepei na anaqewrhsei tis apofaseis poy exei parei sthn Kopegxagh.

    O k. Ros shmeiwse oti den tiqetai qema askhshs pieshs epi twn ellhnokypriwn giati opws shmeiwse h empeiria ths Irlandias deixnei oti h piesh fernei arnhtika apotelesmata.

    Anaferqhke omws se prwtoboylies gia thn enqarrynsh ths yperchfishs toy sxedioy Anan kai ekane idiaiterh mneia twn oikonomikwn metrwn poy anakoinwse h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph gia th sthrijh ths oikonomias toy nhsioy meta thn epanenwsh toy.

    O k. Ros shmeiwse oti ta 2 dis. eyrw poy yposxeqhke h EE apoteloyn ''sobarh enqarrynsh''.

    Thn Paraskeyh to Symboylio Asfaleias arnhqhke na yioqethsei chfisma yper toy sxedioy Anan kai na eggyhqei thn efarmogh ths lyshs opws piezan HPA kai Bretania. Perioristhke na ekdwsei mia anakoinwsh Typoy, me thn opoia kalei toys Ellhnokyprioys kai toys Toyrkokyprioys na laboyn mia istorikh apofash gia thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

    Synanthsh Papadopoyloy-Xristofia

    Meta ta nea dedomena poy prokyptoyn apo tis synexeis diabebaiwseis twn emplekomenwn gia exeggya poy qa diasfalizoyn thn ylopoihsh toy sxedioy, o gg toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias milwntas xqes sth NET, afhse anoixto to endexomeno na apodexqei telika to AKEL to sxedio Anan , ean doqoyn oi eggyhseis gia thn efarmogh twn sxetikwn ryqmisewn.

    Oson afora thn anakoinwsh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, o genikos grammateas toy AKEL dhlwse oti den ton ikanopoiei plhrws. To AKEL, eipe, zhtei kati poly pio apto kai sygkekrimeno, apo mian aplh diabebaiwsh me dhlwsh toy proedroy toy Symboylioy Asfaleias.

    O k. Xristofias ypedeije epishs oti ena chfisma to opoio qa kaqorizei oti to Symboylio Asfaleias qetei katw apo to kefalaio epta toy katastatikoy xarth thn efarmogh ths lyshs, tote ayto qa einai kati poly perissotero apo to idio to sxedio.

    To brady toy Sabbatoy, o k. Xristofias synanthqhke me ton Proedro ths Kyproy Tasso Papadopoylo kanontas mia anaskophsh twn teleytaiwn ejelijewn sto Kypriako.

    To shmantiko einai oti o gg toy AKEL, amesws meta dhlwse oti an ikanopoihqoyn kapoia zhthmata, qa eixe th dynatothta na kinhtopoihsei ta armodia organa toy kommatos toy, prokeimenoy na epanejetasoyn th stash toys, enanti toy sxedioy Anan, qetontas omws thn proypoqesh oti gia na ginei ayto to Symboylio Asfaleias qa prepei na dwsei tis eparkeis eggyhseis poy zhta gia thn asfaleia.

    To qema twn eggyhsewn, ejetasqhke pantws kai se thlefwnikh epikoinwnia toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Petroy Molybiath me ton armodio epitropo ths EE gia th dieyrynsh, Gkinten Ferxoigken, qa teqei apo ton epitropo kai sthn synedriash toy Eyrwkoinoboylioy thn prosexh Tetarth.

    Tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako anamenetai na syzhthsoyn o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Karamanlhs kai o Toyrkos omologos toy Tagip Erntogan, treis hmeres prin apo ta dhmochfismata, thn prosexh Tetarth sto periqwrio ths Diaskechs gia th Synergasia sth Notioanatolikh Eyrwph, sto Seragebo.

    Thn idia wra pantws paramenei to metwpo kata toy sxedioy symfwna me nea dhmoskophsh se Aqhna kai Leykwsia ths VPRC , gia thn Kyriakatikh Eleyqerotypia. Opws prokyptei apo ta stoixeia ths dhmoskophshs to 65,5%sthn Kypro, alla kai to 54% sthn Ellada, leei oxi sto sxedio toy genikoy grammatea toy OHE.

    Sxetikes Eidhseis:

    Isws ginei NAI to OXI toy AKEL

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