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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 03-09-07The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Sthn kykloforia neo tmhma ths Egnatias odoy7/9/2003 7:58:00 mmMegalo odiko ajona poy exei kataskeyastei me texnikes prodiagrafes prwtognwres gia th xwra mas, xarakthrise thn Egnatia Odo o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths, o opoios to apogeyma ths Paraskeyhs paredwse sthn kykloforia to tmhma ths Egnatias odoy apo to Derbeni mexri th Nymfopetra. Prokeitai gia 30 xiliometra dromoy, proypologismoy 140 ekatommyriwn eyrw, enw alla dyo xiliometra qa paradoqoyn ton Dekembrio toy 2003. Shmiths: ''Anabaqmizetai h perifereia'' O Prwqypoyrgos tonise oti me thn Egnatia odo anabaqmizetai h perifereia kai dinontai sthn Ellada nees dynatothtes, kaqws o megalos odikos ajonas syndeei thn Anatolh me th Dysh, apo thn Toyrkia mexri thn Italia. Oson afora sth diafhmistikh kampania ths Neas Dhmokratias sthn opoia kataggelletai h kaqysterhsh teleshs toy ergoy, h ypoyrgos PEXWDE Basw Papandreoy yposthrije pws to xronodiagramma allaje giati allajan kai oi prodiagrafes toy ergoy. "Proxwroyme kai kataskeyazoyme ena ergo diaforetiko kai me megalyterh asfaleia apo ayto poy eixe jekinhsei", tonise xarakthristika h ypoyrgos, prosqetontas oti kaqe prospaqeia apajiwshs toy ergoy einai enantia sta symferonta ths xwras mas. [02] Peqane o Artemhs Matsas7/9/2003 8:46:00 mmSe hlikia 73 xronwn efyge thn Kyriakh apo th zwh o kritikos kinhmatografoy kai hqopoios Artemhs Matsas, o opoios noshleyotan se klinikh ths Aqhnas. O Arterhs Matsas gennhqhke sthn Aqhna to 1930 kai spoydase sth sxolh toy Wdeioy Aqhnwn. Kinhmatografikos kai kallitexnikos syntakths se efhmerides kai periodika, askhse to epaggelma toy hqopoioy apo to 1949. Ston ellhniko kinhmatografo prwtoemfanisthke sthn tainia "Arrabwniasmata" ths Marias Plyta, enw epaije se polles ellhnikes tainies kai se jenes paragwges metajy twn opoiwn ''To nhsi twn gennaiwn'', ''Pote thn Kyriakh'', ''Mpoympoylina''. H khdeia toy qa ginei th Deytera stis 6 to apogeyma sto nekrotafeio Kaisarianhs kai h nekrwsimos akoloyqia qa calei ston Agio Gewrgio Kaisarianhs. The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |