Athens News Agency: News in English, 11-05-03
[01] Study: Fewer Greek smokers
[01] Study: Fewer Greek smokers
(ANA-MPA) -- The number of cigarette smokers in Greece has dropped
considerably for the first time in years, according to three relevant
reports that suggest a decline between 4 and 9 pct, the health ministry
announced on Tuesday.
Despite the fact that the implementation of the anti-smoking law is not
regarded as successful it appears that tobacco users have realized the
benefits of reducing or cutting smoking altogether, health ministry
general secretary Antonis Dimopoulos pointed out. (ANA-MPA)
The number of smokers using hospital anti-smoking clinics has doubled,
while 65 pct of the Greeks have responded that they do not smoke when
they go out. The anti-smoking legislation is seen as positive
development by 70 pct of respondents. (ANA-MPA)
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