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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 14-10-25

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] P. Lafazanhs: Na ginei amesa katagrafh twn zhmiwn kai na apozhmiwqoyn oi plhgentes
  • [02] Se katastash ektakths anagkhs o dhmos Axarnwn
  • [03] Stoys dhmoys poy eplhghsan apo thn kataigida synergeia ths Perifereias Attikhs
  • [04] N. Dendias: Etoimh h ryqmish gia ta mh ejyphretoymena stegastika daneia
  • [05] Sto nosokomeio o Mikhs Qeodwrakhs
  • [06] Sthn Aqhna o polybrabeymenos senariografos Pol Laberti

    [01] P. Lafazanhs: Na ginei amesa katagrafh twn zhmiwn kai na apozhmiwqoyn oi plhgentes

    H ``politikh oligwria kai aneyqynothta den mporoyn na synexistoyn allo'' dhlwse o koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy SYRIZA Panagiwths Lafazanhs meta thn shmerinh periodeia toy sthn Palaia Kokkinia poy exei plhgei apo tis xqesines plhmmyres.

    O k. Lafazanhs ypogrammise oti xreiazetai amesa na ekponhqei meleth kai na kataskeyasqei edw kai twra ena megalo kai apotelesmatiko antiplhmmyriko ergo poy qa prostateysei kai qa qwrakisei thn perioxh, prin qrhnhsoyme qymata, opws eixe symbei sto parelqon kai prosqese oti qa ferei thn erxomenh ebdomada to qema sthn boylh .

    Epishs tonise thn anagkh na katagrafoyn , xwris kamia kaqysterhsh, oi zhmies kai na apozhmiwqoyn plhrws, xwris grafeiokratikoys daidaloys, oloi anejairetws oi plhgentes.

    [02] Se katastash ektakths anagkhs o dhmos Axarnwn

    Se katastash ektakths anagkhs khryxqhke o dhmos Axarnwn apo ton dhmarxo Giannh Kassabo.Katasthmata exoyn plhmmyrisei kai para polla emporeymata exoyn katastrafei. H asfaltos exei fygei apo to odostrwma se olh thn ektash toy dhmoy, me kaqizhseis se polla shmeia. Exoyn katarreysei ta prostateytika kigklidwmata sta remata ths polhs. Dekades spitia exoyn plhmmyrisei kai arketes oikogeneies exoyn meinei asteges.

    Diabaste epishs:

    Stoys dhmoys poy eplhghsan apo thn kataigida synergeia ths Perifereias Attikhs

    [03] Stoys dhmoys poy eplhghsan apo thn kataigida synergeia ths Perifereias Attikhs

    Apo xqes stis dyo to meshmeri kinhtopoihqhkan ta synergeia ths Perifereias Attikhs prokeimenoy na syndramoyn stoys dhmoys poy eplhghsan baria apo thn neroponth. Ta synergeia synexizoyn kai shmera adialeiptws apantlhsh nerwn apo toys dromoys, kaqarismo freatiwn (se osoys dhmoys den eixan kanei), kaqarisma apo ferta ylika kai kaqarisma rematwn.

    Opws shmeiwnei sto APE-MPE h ypeyqynh gia thn Politikh Prostasia, perifereiakh symboylos Iwanna Tsoypra, synergeia synexizoyn na ergazontai stoys dhmoys Kamateroy, Xaidarioy, Axarnwn, Aigalew, Peristerioy, Fylhs kai sto Ilion.

    Eidika sto Peristeri, h perioxh Tsalaboyta ``katabyqisqhke'' sthn kyriolejia sto nero kai olh h perioxh -opws shmeiwnei- moiazei me limnh.

    H perifereiarxhs Attikhs Rena Doyroy eyxaristhse toys andres ths Pyrosbestikhs Yphresias, ths Troxaias kaqws epishs tis yphresies ths Perifereias kai se osoys agwnizontai stoys dhmoys poy exoyn plhgei apo thn kakokairia.

    ``Den einai wra gia fqhnes kritikes - oi polites, poy dokimazontai gia pollosth fora, gnwrizoyn poly kala ti shmainei en etei 2014 h antiplhmmyrikh prostasia na paramenei zhtoymeno'' anaferei h k.Doyroy sth dhlwsh ths, ypogrammizontas pws ayth th stigmh oloi oi antiperifereiarxes kai oi yphresies ths Politikhs Prostasias ths Perifereias, briskontai epi podos, prokeimenoy na bohqhsoyn toys polites poy eidan na xanontai oi perioysies toys.

    [04] N. Dendias: Etoimh h ryqmish gia ta mh ejyphretoymena stegastika daneia

    Allagh ths ryqmishs poy den epitrepei toys pleisthriasmoys prwths katoikias kai antikatastash ths apo diatajh poy qa prostateyei thn katoikia ths oikogeneias, proanaggellei me synenteyjh toy sto Bhma ths Kyriakhs o ypoyrgos Anaptyjhs Nikos Dendias.

    Anaferei oti h isxyoysa diatajh exei ajiopoihqei monon se 3.000 periptwseis enw o synolikos ariqmos einai ekatontades xiliades. Prosqetei pws me th nea ryqmish ``den qa epitrecoyme na yparjei kataxrhstikh ajiopoihsh ths opoias prostateytikhs ryqmishs apo strathgikoys kakoplhrwtes, oi opoioi den antimetwpizoyn oikonomiko problhma kai qeloyn na fortwsoyn tis ypoxrewseis toys sthn ellhnikh koinwnia''.

    O k Dendias dhlwnei oti ejetazei kai to qema ths elafrynshs twn synepwn daneiolhptwn stegastikwn daneiwn alla den yparxei kati sygkekrimeno pros anakoinwsh. Pantws, ypogrammizei, oti meta th ryqmish gia ta mh ejyphretoymena epixeirhmatika daneia - einai etoimh gia kataqesh sthn Boylh kai anamenei thn egkrish ths kybernhshs- qa prowqhqei h ryqmish gia ta mh ejyphretoymena stegastika.

    O ypoyrgos anaptyjhs se synenteyjh toy sthn Hmerhsia anefere oti dekatria dis. eyrw, apo ta mh ejyperoymena epixeirhmatika daneia aforoyn se mikres epixeirhseis kai ta ypoloipa se megalyteres. Synolika de, eipe, to megeqos toy idiwtikoy xreoys (ejyphretoymeno kai mh) pros tis trapezes ftanei sta 215 dis. eyrw. To mh ejyphretoymeno xreos pros tis trapezes anerxetai sta 86 dis. ( 50 dis. eyrw epixeirhmatika kai 36 dis. eyrw idiwtwn) anefere o N. Dendias.

    [05] Sto nosokomeio o Mikhs Qeodwrakhs

    Sto Iatriko Kentro ths Aqhnas noshleyetai apo xqes o Mikhs Qeodwrakhs, o opoios ypaballetai se seira ejetasewn.

    Symfwna me to iatriko periballon, efoson ola ejelixqoyn omala o Mikhs Qeodwrakhs qa epistrecei sto spiti toy, thn prosexh Deytera.

    [06] Sthn Aqhna o polybrabeymenos senariografos Pol Laberti

    O senariografos Pol Laberti, opws eixe proanaggeilei o Ken Looyts, o synergaths toy, synanthqhke shmera to prwi me tis apolymenes kaqaristries toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn, gia na maqei apo tis idies thn istoria toy agwna toys.

    H istoria toys exei koina me to senario poy egrace gia thn tainia toy Ken Looyts ``Cwmi kai triantafylla'', sxoliase o Pol Laberti, amesws meta to masterclass, sto Institoyto Gkaite.

    Symmerizetai tis apoceis toy Ken Loooyts gi ayto allwste kai synergazontai panw apo mia eikosaetia, jekinwntas apo thn tainia to ``Tragoydi ths Karlas'' (1996) kai dinontas aristoyrghmata, me koryfaio ``O anemos xoreyei to kriqari'' (2006), gia ton polemo ths Anejarthsias ths Irlandias (1919-1921).

    O polybrabeymenos senariografos kai politikos aktibisths Pol Laberti, apoce qa parastei sthn probolh ths tainias toys ``To onoma moy einai Tzo'' (1998) kai ayrio Kyriakh, sthn probolh ths teleytaias toys tainias ``Jimmy's Hall''(2014), me thn opoia rixnei thn aylaia toy to 27o Panorama Eyrwpaikoy Kinhmatografoy.

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