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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 14-07-24

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] ``Aisiodojos gia to ayrio'' dhlwnei o Ant. Samaras, me aformh th symplhrwsh 40 xronwn apo thn apokatastash ths Dhmokratias
  • [02] Polloi nekroi apo ton bombardismo enos sxoleioy toy OHE sth boreia Lwrida ths Gazas
  • [03] Dialyqhke o oykranikos kybernhtikos synaspismos meta thn apoxwrhsh dyo kommatwn
  • [04] Synetribh to aeroskafos ths Air Algerie
  • [05] H Gallia ektamieyei 11 ekat. eyrw gia anqrwpistikh bohqeia stoys amaxoys sth Gaza

    [01] ``Aisiodojos gia to ayrio'' dhlwnei o Ant. Samaras, me aformh th symplhrwsh 40 xronwn apo thn apokatastash ths Dhmokratias

    ``H Dhmokratia exei poly baqies rizes sthn Ellada, potismenes me agwnes kai me qysies toy ellhnikoy laoy. Den exei na fobatai tipota kai kaqe mera dynamwnei. Kai qa dynamwnei akoma parapanw. Giati eimai aisiodojos gia to ayrio. Kai qa prepei kai o ellhnikos laos na antilhfqei oti h aisiodojia ayth phgazei apo dedomena'', dhlwse shmera o prwqypoyrgos me aformh th symplhrwsh 40 xronwn apo thn apokatastash ths Dhmokratias.

    O k. Samaras anefere akomh oti ``h oikonomia qa paei kalytera, h staqerothta sthn Ellada einai polyshmanth, mia poy gyrw mas yparxoyn toso megales esties anatarajewn, o toyrismos shmera- poy qa ftasei ta 20 ekatommyria, dhladh dyo toyristes gia kaqe Ellhna- qa dwsei mia reystothta sthn oikonomia kai qa kalytereysoyn akoma perissotero ta pragmata''.

    ``Epomenws, eimai pragmati aisiodojos kai qelw na einai en gnwsei toy ellhnikoy laoy ayth h aisiodojia. Den to lew tyxaia'' dhlwse o prwqypoyrgos.

    [02] Polloi nekroi apo ton bombardismo enos sxoleioy toy OHE sth boreia Lwrida ths Gazas

    Polloi Palaistinioi poy eixan katafygei se ena sxoleio toy OHE sth boreia Lwrida ths Gazas skotwqhkan shmera to apogeyma, otan h perioxh bombardisthke apo ton israhlino strato.

    To thleoptiko kanali al-Aqsa TV ths Xamas metedwse oti apo ton bombardismo toy sxoleioy ths UNRWA (ths yphresias toy OHE gia thn arwgh twn Palaistiniwn prosfygwn) sth Mpeit Xanoyn skotwqhkan toylaxiston 10 anqrwpoi enw polloi alloi traymatisthkan. Symfwna me to Galliko Praktoreio poy epikaleitai thn katametrhsh twn qymatwn poy ekane enas fwtoreporter toy, oi nekroi apo ton bombardismo ayto einai toylaxiston ennea, metajy twn opoiwn kai ena brefos enos etoys. Ola ta qymata exoyn metaferqei sto nosokomeio ths Tzampaligia.

    [03] Dialyqhke o oykranikos kybernhtikos synaspismos meta thn apoxwrhsh dyo kommatwn

    Dyo oykranika kommata anakoinwsan shmera oti apoxwroyn apo ton kybernhtiko synaspismo anoigontas ton dromo gia th diejagwgh boyleytikwn eklogwn sth xwra, mia apofash thn opoia xairetise o proedros ths xwras Petro Porosenko. To kentrodejio Oyntar (Groqia) toy prwhn pygmaxoy Bitali Klitsko kai to dejio, eqnikistiko Sbomponta (Eleyqeria) toy Olegk Tiagknimpok anakoinwsan oti egkataleipoyn ton kybernhtiko synaspismo wste na mporesoyn na diejaxqoyn boyleytikes ekloges.

    Politikoi kai aktibistes diamartyrontai dioti an kai h Oykrania ejeleje neo proedro meta thn apopomph toy Biktor Gianoykobits ton Febroyario den exei eklejei neo koinoboylio, enw kathgoroyn toys yposthriktes toy prwhn proedroy oti empodizoyn to ergo ths boylhs. O Porosenko epiqymoyse edw kai kairo th diejagwgh eklogwn, oi opoies qa toy epitrecoyn na apokthsei isxyrh pleiochfia sto koinoboylio, kefalaiopoiwntas th megalh toy epityxia stis proedrikes ekloges.

    [04] Synetribh to aeroskafos ths Air Algerie

    To aeroskafos ths Air Algerie, poy xaqhke kaq' odon apo thn Mpoyrkina Faso sto Algeri synetribh, dhlwse shmera pros to praktoreio eidhsewn Roiters enas ajiwmatoyxos ths algerinhs aeroporias. ``Mporw na epibebaiwsw pws exei syntribei'', dhlwse o ajiwmatoyxos, arnoymenos na kanei gnwstes leptomereies gia to poy brisketai to aeroplano kai to ti prokalese th syntribh.

    Sto metajy, Gallos stratiwtikos ekproswpos dhlwse pws dyo maxhtika aeriwqoymena ths gallikhs Polemikhs Aeroporias poy exoyn th bash toys sth Dytikh Afrikh, anaptyxqhkan gia na prospaqhsoyn na entopisoyn thn pthsh ths Air Algerie.

    To aeroskafos ths Air Algerie metefere synolika 116 epibates, ek twn opoiwn oi 51 htan Galloi kai oi 26 apo thn Mpoyrkina Faso, metedwse to algerino radiofwno.Epikaloymeno enan ajiwmatoyxo ths yphresias politikhs aeroporias, to radiofwno anefere oti apo toys epibates toy aeroskafoys oi 51 htan Galloi, 26 katagontan apo thn Mpoyrkina Faso kai epta htan Algerinoi. Yphrxan epishs polloi Libanezoi, Kanadoi, Oykranoi, Ispanoi kai Loyjemboyrgioi.Symfwna pantws me to Germaniko Praktoreio oi Galloi epibates htan 50 kai oi Algerinoi eji.Ta eji melh toy plhrwmatos toy MD83, to opoio eixe naylwqei apo thn idiwtikh ispanikh etaireia Swiftair kai ekteloyse thn pthsh apo thn Oyagkantoygkoy gia to Algeri, htan oloi toys Ispanoi.Apo th Bhryto, epishmh phgh anefere oti metajy twn epibatwn yphrxan kai 20 Libanezoi, ek twn opoiwn treis gynaikes kai 10 paidia.

    [05] H Gallia ektamieyei 11 ekat. eyrw gia anqrwpistikh bohqeia stoys amaxoys sth Gaza

    O proedros ths Gallias Fransoya Olant anakoinwse shmera, afoy ypodexqhke stelexh mh kybernhtikwn organwsewn sto proedriko megaro, oti h kybernhsh toy ektamieyei anqrwpistikh bohqeia ycoys 11 ekat. eyrw gia th Gaza. Apo ayta ta 11 ekat. eyrw ta oktw qa diateqoyn sthn Palaistiniakh Arxh, h opoia einai egkatesthmenh sth Dytikh Oxqh, kai ta ypoloipa tria sta Hnwmena Eqnh kai se mh kybernhtikes organwseis, anefere se synenteyjh Typoy poy paraxwrhse mia symboylos toy proedroy ths Gallias. Ektos aytoy toy posoy, to opoio proorizetai gia thn antimetwpish ths katastashs ``ektaktoy anagkhs'' sth Lwrida ths Gazas, o proedros Olant anakoinwse oti dhmioyrgeitai ena eidiko tameio to opoio qa epitrecei thn sygkentrwsh kai thn ajiopoihsh apo koinoy twn meswn twn syllogikothtwn oi opoies kinhtopoioyntai gia na parexoyn bohqeia.

    Sto metajy o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Bretanias Filip Xamont dhlwse anhsyxos shmera gia ton ``bary apologismo'' twn qymatwn metajy twn amaxwn sth Gaza kai kalese na symfwnhqei to taxytero dynaton h khryjh katapayshs toy pyros, wstoso parallhla yperaspisthke to dikaiwma toy Israhl na amynetai enanti ths Xamas, h opoia elegxei thn perioxh ayth.

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