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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 14-06-05Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] S. Kedikogloy: O SYRIZA prospaqei na prokalesei qorybo, xwris na yparxei qemaH kybernhsh kathgorei ton SYRIZA oti gia allh mia fora prospaqei na prokalesei qorybo, xwris na yparxei qema, me aformh to kleisimo ths Boylhs.O kybernhtikos ekproswpos, Simos Kedikogloy, dhlwse oti h Boylh synexizei kanonika th leitoyrgia ths, opws ginetai ta teleytaia saranta xronia. Anefere de ep' aytoy oti ton Ioynio jekinoyn panta ta qerina tmhmata kai ta nomosxedia poy pernoyn exoyn thn idia nomikh kai typikh isxy. [02] Z. Kwnstantopoyloy: Oyte aqwo oyte trexon einai to kleisimo ths Boylhs``Oyte aqwo oyte trexon einai to kleisimo ths Boylhs'' ektima h boyleyths toy SYRIZA, Zwh Kwnstantopoyloy, se synenteyjh ths sto APE-MPE, yposthrizontas oti ``stoxos einai h paragrafh h h qemeliwsh epixeirhmatwn paragrafhs gia ola ta adikhmata poy exoyn telestei apo ypoyrgoys, prwqypoyrgoys kai antiproedroys kybernhsewn gia thn prohgoymenh koinoboyleytikh periodo...''.H boyleyths toy SYRIZA shmeiwnei: ``Kaneis den mporei na peisei oti ayto to kleisimo, poy htan aifnidiastiko, den aforoyse ena jeplyma olkhs poinikwn eyqynwn kybernhtikwn proswpwn poy kai shmera askoyn ejoysia. O k. Benizelos einai prwtagwnisths se mia seira apo ekkremeis dikografies....Qewrw oti h kybernhsh ki o Proedros ths Dhmokratias ekanan ena polytimo dwro kai ston k. Benizelo kai se alla proswpa, poy kanonika qa eprepe na ypoblhqoyn, opws o kaqe poliths, ki oso yparxei isonomia sth xwra ayth, sthn ejetash twn dikografiwn poy aforoyn ta proswpa toys. Den yparxei poliths sth xwra ayth, gia to pio mikro adikhma, o opoios n'apolambanei tetoioy eidoys asylia''. [03] Thn antiqesh toy sthn idwtikopoihsh ths EYAQ kai ths EYDAP ejefrase o Al. TsiprasDinontas emfash sto dhmochfisma poy egine sth Qessalonikh me prwtoboylia topikwn forewn kata ths idiwtikopoihshs toy neroy, o proedros toy SYRIZA Alejhs Tsipras dhlwse shmera oti h fetinh Pagkosmia Hmera Periballontos briskei th xwra egklwbismenh se mia katastrofikh gia to periballon kai toys fysikoys poroys mnhmoniakh politikh. Se dhlwsh toy, meta th synanthsh poy eixe shmera me antiproswpeia ths Perifereiakhs Enwshs Dhmwn Kentrikhs Makedonias, o k. Tsipras tonise oti paralies, dash, arxaiologikoi xwroi, limania, aerodromia, oryktoi poroi, akoma kai to nero, to aparaithto systatiko gia th zwh einai se diadikasia ekpoihshs, se diadikasia idiwtikopoihshs, pwlhshs, pragma poy egkymonei poly megaloys kindynoys gia th dhmosia ygeia. Ejairontas th drash twn synomilhtwn toy, o proedros toy SYRIZA shmeiwse oti mazi me thn topikh koinwnia sygkrothsan ena eyry kai arrages ployralistiko metwpo, prokeimenoy na prostateysoyn to dhmosio agaqo, to nero, apo th diadikasia ths idiwtikopoihshs poy qa odhgoyse, opws kai se polles alles eyrwpaikes xwres, sthn ypobaqmish ths poiothtas toy dhmosioy aytoy agaqoy, kaqws kai se terastioys kindynoys gia th dhmosia ygieinh.[04] N. Boytshs: ``Epikindyno bhma peristolhs ths Dhmokratias'' h diakoph twn ergasiwn ths Olomeleias ths Boylhs``Epikindyno bhma peristolhs ths Dhmokratias'' xarakthrizei o grammateas ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas toy SYRIZA, Nikos Boytshs, se synenteyjh toy sto APE- MPE, thn apofash ths kybernhshs na kleisoyn oi ergasies ths Olomeleias ths Boylhs. ``Se synqhkes krishs poy perna h xwra den qa eprepe na isxyei o qesmos twn qerinwn tmhmatwn. Dioti oi ekkremothtes einai para poly megales, posw mallon giati mesolabhse h 15hmerh diakoph gia to Pasxa kai h anagkaia 15hmerh diakoph logw twn eklogwn. Dhladh syzhtame an einai kalo na kleinei h Boylh peri ton Aprilio. Einai apisteyta pragmata ayta kai qewroyme oti einai ena epikindyno bhma peristolhs ths dhmokratias'' yposthrizei o N. Boytshs.Symfwna me ton k. Boytsh h kybernhsh me thn kinhsh ths ayth prospaqei na aposiwphsei ``pragmata poy gnwrizoyme kai pragmata poy den gnwrizoyme. Ayta poy gnwrizoyme ta exoyme ekqesei, dhladh to na mhn erqoyn sthn Olomeleia ta proapaitoymena metra gia tis doseis twn enos kai enos dis. eyrw. Den einai tyxaio oti h dosh toy enos dis. eyrw phgainei gia fqinopwro. Na mhn syzhthqoyn se epipedo arxhgwn kommatwn oi protaseis poy ekkremoyn gia pro hmerhsias syzhthsh kai bebaiws plhqos ypoqesewn poy ekkremoyn gia thn epitroph deontologias ... Ayta einai ta omologhmena,an yparxoyn kai anomologhta kai sxediasmoi poy exoyn sxesh me ton anasxhmatismo h me thn strathgikh gia thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias h gia alla meizona qemata den ta gnwrizoyme aythn th stigmh''. [05] SYRIZA: Ekqetos o prwqypoyrgos gia to aron - aron kleisimo ths BoylhsO SYRIZA epikrinei thn kybernhsh oti ``to espeysmeno kai anaitiologhto kleisimo ths Boylhs synista mia aparadekth prajh poy symballei sthn peraiterw apajiwsh ths Dhmokratias''. Opws anaferetai se anakoinwsh ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, o k. Samaras ``fobatai thn anoixth Boylh, exqreyetai ton koinoboyleytiko elegxo kai epilegei tis "asfaleis" synqeseis twn qerinwn tmhmatwn gia na oloklhrwsei tis mnhmoniakes toy ypoxrewseis me ton pio anwdyno gia thn kybernhsh tropo, alla kai gia na metaferqoyn ton Oktwbrio oi syzhthseis arshs asylias'' metajy twn opoiwn toy ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Giannh Mixelakh, alla kai toy Hlia Kasidiarh gia thn ypoqesh Mpaltakoy. Epishs, kathgorei ton prwqypoyrgo oti einai ekqetos gia th xqesinh toy apofash na kleisei aron- aron th Boylh kai gia enan epipleon logo, ``afoy exei xreos apenanti stoys polites kai th dhmokratia na syzhthqei to qema ths Xryshs Ayghs, opws epaneilhmmena exei zhthsei h KO toy SYRIZA, alla kai opws epiballetai apo thn anagkaiothta katapolemhshs toy nazistikoy fainomenoy''.[06] Thn epomenh ebdomada sth dhmosiothta h ekqesh toy DNTH ekqesh ths apostolhs toy DNT sthn Ellada me epikefalhs ton Pol Tomsen, gia thn 5h ajiologhsh toy ellhnikoy programmatos, qa doqei telika sth dhmosiothta thn epomenh ebdomada, symfwna me nea anakoinwsh toy DNT. Sthn anakoinwsh shmeiwnetai oti oi leptomereies gia th dhmosiopoihsh th ekqeshs, opws kai gia thn thlefwnikh enhmerwsh toy Pol Tomsen, qa gnwstopoihqoyn mesa stis epomenes meres. Symfwna me xqesinh anakoinwsh toy DNT, mesw hlektronikoy mhnymatos, h ekqesh qa dinotan gyrw stis 6 xqes to apogeyma (sth mia shmera to prwi wra Elladas), alla qa dhmosiopoieito stis 12 to meshmeri (stis 7 shmera to apogeyma wra Elladas). Mia wra nwritera, eixe programmatistei enhmerwsh dhmosiografwn apo ton k. Tomsen sxetika me thn ekqesh toy, mesw thlefwnikhs syndeshs. Thn perasmenh Paraskeyh, to dioikhtiko symboylio toy Tameioy syzhthse thn ekqesh Tomsen kai apofasise thn ektamieysh 3,41 dis. eyrw pros thn Ellada.[07] H EKT meiwse to basiko ths epitokio sto 0,15%Th meiwsh toy basikoy ths epitokioy epi prajewn kyrias anaxrhmatodothshs sto epipedo toy 0,15% anakoinwse prin ligo h Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza (EKT). Prokeitai gia istoriko ``xamhlo'' apo th qespish toy eyrw thn 1.1.1999 kai thn ekdosh trapezogrammatiwn kai nomismatwn thn 1.1.2002, ews shmera.Sygkekrimena, opws anakoinwqhke ta epitokia anaforas ths EKT diamorfwnontai ws ejhs: Prajeis kyrias anaxrhmatodothshs toy Eyrwsysthmatos: 0,15% (enanti 0,25% poy isxye ews twra) Dieykolynshs oriakhs xrhmatodothshs : 0,40% (enanti 0,75%) Dieykolynshs apodoxhs kataqesewn: (arnhtiko) -0,10% (enanti 0,00%) Ypenqymizetai oti h teleytaia metabolh sta epitokia anaforas ths EKT eixe pragmatopoihqei stis 13/11/2013. Ta epitokia poy anakoinwqhkan shmera qa isxysoyn apo tis 11 trexontos. [08] Diaqesimh kai sthn Ellada h diadrastikh yphresia eikonikhs perihghshs Google Street ViewH diadrastikh yphresia Street View, poy employtizei toys chfiakoys xartes ths Google, einai pleon diaqesimh kai sthn Ellada, epitrepontas thn trisdiastath eikonikh perihghsh stoys dromoys ths Elladas, se xwroys politistikoy kai toyristikoy endiaferontos, alla kai sto eswteriko kaqe eidoys idiwtikwn epixeirhsewn, me eikones apo kameres lhchs 360 moirwn. H Ellada qa einai h 56h xwra ston kosmo (h prwth htan oi HPA to 2007), opoy qa diateqei h sygkekrimenh diadiktyakh yphresia, sthn opoia oi xrhstes qa exoyn prosbash mesw toy ypologisth toys, ths tampletas h toy kinhtoy thlefwnoy toys, apo opoiodhpote shmeio briskontai.Thn yphresia ayth, poy paroysiasthke se eidikh ekdhlwsh ths Google Ellas sto Zappeio Megaro, protiqetai na ajiopoihsei to ypoyrgeio Politismoy, opws anakoinwse o ypoyrgos Panos Panagiwtopoylos se xairetismo toy, me stoxo thn probolh twn arxaiologikwn xwrwn kai moyseiwn ths xwras. H sxetikh symfwnia me thn Google qa ypografei poly syntoma. Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |