Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 13-05-04
[01] Forea antagwnistiko pros th Sosialistikh Dieqnh etoimazei to SPD
[01] Forea antagwnistiko pros th Sosialistikh Dieqnh etoimazei to SPD
Thn idrysh mias organwshs antagwnistikhs pros th Sosialistikh Dieqnh
sxediazei to germaniko Sosialdhmokratiko Komma (SPD), kaqws qewrei oti h
SD ta teleytaia xronia exei xasei thn dynatothta oysiastikhs parembashs.
Symfwna me dhmosieyma toy germanikoy periodikoy Focus, o neos foreas
qa onomazetai ``Proodeytikh Symmaxia'' kai qa systaqei sto plaisio twn
ekdhlwsewn poy qa pragmatopoihqoyn stis 22 Maioy sthn Leicia me aformh
thn symplhrwsh 150 xronwn apo thn idrysh toy SPD.