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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-22Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] O efarmostikos nomos sto YpoyrgikoMe basiko qema ton efarmostiko nomo toy mesoproqesmoy sxedioy synedriazei to apogeyma, ypo thn proedria toy prwqypoyrgoy, to ypoyrgiko symboylio. Ayth thn wra, synedriazei, me to idio antikeimeno, h kybernhtikh epitroph. O efarmostikos nomos qa katateqei pros chfish sth Boylh thn Paraskeyh, opws anefere paragontas toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn.Xqes brady, h Boylh, me tis qetikes chfoys 155 boyleytwn toy PASOK, enanti 143 arnhtikwn apo thn antipoliteysh, ananewse thn empistosynh ths pros thn kybernhsh. ``Ta katafernoyme me opoies dyskolies kai me opoia laqh. Stekomaste sta podia mas me opoio kostos kai qysies'', tonise o prwqypoyrgos G. Papandreoy. Video Ekloges zhthse o proedros ths ND Antwnhs Samaras kai aperrice kathgorhmatika to dhmochfisma poy prowqei h kybernhsh. Video Ws enan ekbiasmo me diakybeyma thn pempth dosh toy Mnhmonioy periegrace ta teleytaia "telesigrafa" apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, thn eyrwzwnh kai ton k. Soimple pros th xwra mas, h Genikh Grammateas toy KKE Al. Paparhga. Video ``Pash qysia prepei na broyme tropo synennohshs, yparxoyn kales protaseis apo ola ta kommata se ayto to plaisio prepei na proxwrhsoyme'' ypogrammise o proedros toy LAOS G. Karatzaferhs. Video ``H kybernhsh me thn anoxh ths ND kai toy LAOS qysiazei th dhmosia perioysia akomh kai thn idia thn paratajh poy apotelese kormo toy dhmokratikoy xwroy prokeimenoy na proxwrhsei se ayto to migma politikhs poy katastrefei th xwra'' tonise kata thn omilia toy o proedros toy SYRIZA Alejhs Tsipras. Video Me apodokimasies ``ypodexqhkan'' thn chfo empistosynhs pros thn kybernhsh oi ``Aganaktismenoi'', poy paremeinan mexri arga th nykta sygkentrwmenoi sthn Plateia Syntagmatos mprosta apo to ktirio ths Boylhs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] ''Tonwsh ths anaptyjhs''Thn anagkh na efarmosqei sthn Ellada, ek parallhloy me to programma dhmosionomikhs ejygianshs, ena programma tonwshs ths anaptyjhs poy me th bohqeia twn diarqrwtikwn tameiwn ths EE qa epikentrwnetai sthn ayjhsh ths antagwnistikothtas kai sthn katapolemhsh ths anergias, tonise o proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs, Zoze Manoyel Mparozo, kata th diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy, poy paraxwrhse stis Bryjelles, enocei ths ayrianhs synodoy koryfhs.O proedros ths Epitrophs anefere oti syzhthse tis ptyxes toy programmatos sth diarkeia ths synanthshs toy me ton Ellhna prwqypoyrgo Giwrgo Papandreoy kai oti protiqetai na qesei to qema pros syzhthsh sth synodo koryfhs. Kata ton proedro ths Epitrophs h ylopoihsh aytoy toy programmatos qa mporoyse na troxodromhqei me thn efarmogh se prwth fash enos sxedioy texnikhs bohqeias pros thn Ellada, ths tajews toy enos dis. eyrw, sto opoio qa klhqoyn na symballoyn oxi mono h EE, alla kai osa ek twn kratwn melwn ths to epiqymoyn. Sto plaisio toy synolikoteroy programmatos, qa mporoyse na ejetasqei h ``emprosqobarhs katabolh twn koinotikwn porwn'', h ``strathgikoterh xrhsh'' twn porwn twn diarqrwtikwn tameiwn, o ``kalyteros syntonismos twn politikwn synoxhs'', h ``epitaxynsh twn diadikasiwn aporrofhshs twn koinotikwn porwn'' kai h ``ayjhsh ths aporrofhtikhs ikanothtas ths xwras''. Stoxos ths Epitrophs einai h epistrofh ths Elladas se anaptyjiakh troxia to 2013, anefere o k. Mparozo, o opoios, opws metedwse to galliko praktoreio, me grapth dhlwsh toy, xairethse th chfo empistosynhs poy kerdise h kybernhsh toy Giwrgoy Papandreoy, kata th diarkeia ths xqesinhs chfoforias ths Boylhs kai xarakthrise ta apotelesmata "kalo neo gia thn Ellada, alla kai thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh". Sto metajy, h kagkelarios ths Germanias, Agkela Merkel, dhlwse oti aisiodojei pws h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa diaxeiristei thn krish xreoys ths Elladas, alla prosqese pws h Aqhna prepei na synexisei tis prospaqeies peristolhs twn dapanwn kai na efarmosei perissotera metra litothtas. Shmera h ka Merkel xairetise thn chfo empistosynhs toy ellhnikoy koinoboylioy pros thn kybernhsh toy Giwrgoy Papandreoy, xarakthrizontas thn "shmantiko bhma". O Proedros ths EE, Xerman Ban Rompai, ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti h Ellada oyte qa ptwxeysei, oyte qa bgei apo thn zwnh toy Eyrw. Yper ths diagrafhs xreoys gia thn antimetwpish ths krishs ths Elladas, taxqhke o prwhn proedros toy germanikoy kommatos "H Aristera" kai toy Sosialdhmokratikoy Kommatos Oskar Lafonten, milwntas shmera se germaniko radiofwno. Ejalloy, o Amerikanos ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Timoqi Gkaitner zhthse apo toys eyrwpaioys hgetes na miloyn "me mia fwnh, mia safh fwnh" gia thn oikonomikh krish poy antimetwpizei h Ellada. Telos, synomilies metajy kybernhsewn kai idiwtwn daneistwn sxetika me thn eqelontikh symmetoxh toys sto deytero paketo sthrijhs ths Elladas jekinoyn kata mhkos ths eyrwzwnhs, shmera, metadidei to praktoreio Roiters epikaloymeno phges ths germanikhs kybernhshs. Oles oi trapezes kai oi asfalistikoi organismoi poy qa mporoysan na syneisferoyn se mia lysh poy afora ston idiwtiko tomea qa paroyn meros stis synomilies, symfwna me tis plhrofories poy paraqetei to Roiter. To plhres reportaz toy M. Spinqoyrakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Pyrkagia sto XaidariPyrkagia ekdhlwqhke stis 3.30 to meshmeri se ektash me xamhlh blasthsh sth gefyra Skaramagka sto Xaidari.Sto ergo ths katasbeshs pairnoyn meros ena pyrosbestiko elikoptero, 36 pyrosbestes me 12 oxhmata kai tesseris omades pezopora tmhmata. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Sygxwneysh TT kai TBankThn enarjh ths diadikasias sygxwneyshs twn dyo etaireiwn apofasisan ta Dioikhtika Symboylia toy Taxydromikoy Tamieythrioy kai ths TBank.H sygxwneysh qa ginei me aporrofhsh ths TBANK apo to TT, me enopoihsh twn stoixeiwn energhtikoy kai paqhtikoy twn dyo etaireiwn. H proteinomenh sxesh antallaghs twn metoxwn ths TBANK pros tis nees metoxes toy TT einai 50 yfistamenes metoxes ths TBANK pros 1 nea metoxh toy TT. To plhres reportaz toy K. Xristofilea sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Diakopes reymatosNees diakopes reymatos qa ginoyn shmera, logw ths apergias ths GENOP poy exei qesei ektos leitoyrgias monades hlektroparagwghs se Ptolemaida, Megalopolh, Layrio kai Komothnh. Symfwna me phges ths GENOP, gia shmera den programmatizetai h ejodos allhs monadas apo to systhma, alla oi syndikalistes qa epanejetasoyn th stash toys apo ayrio.Sthn Krhth diakopes qa ginoyn apo tis 8.30 ws tis 10 to brady kai sth Rodo apo 8 ews 10 to brady, me megisth diarkeia sta nhsia mish wra. En tw metajy, elhje h katalhch ths GENOP sto ypoyrgeio Ypodomwn, Metaforwn kai Diktywn poy egine se endeijh diamartyrias gia tis ofeiles toy Dhmosioy pros th DEH. Symfwna me ton proedro ths GENOP N. Fwtopoylo, to synolo twn ofeilwn yperbainei ta 135 ekat. eyrw, apo ta opoia 46 ekat. einai toy ypoyrgeioy Ypodomwn kai ofeilontai kyriws sta xreh apo thn hlektrodothsh twn fanariwn meros twn opoiwn ekkremei apo to 1998. To plhres reportaz toy K.Boytsadakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |