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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-21Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Ta mesanyxta h chfoforiaMe fanerh onomastikh chfoforia oloklhrwnetai ta mesanyxta shmera sth Boylh h syzhthsh gia thn paroxh chfoy empistosynhs sthn kybernhsh.Me endiaferon anamenetai h omilia toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Ey. Benizeloy gia ta apotelesmata ths prosfaths synedriashs ths Eyrwomadas sto Loyjemboyrgo. "H kybernhsh kanei synexh diapragmateysh toy Mnhmonioy sthn prajh" tonise sth diarkeia ths syzhthshs sth Boylh gia thn chfo empistosynhs sthn kybernhsh,o ypoyrgos Epikrateias kai kybernhtikos ekproswpos Hlias Mosialos. "To mono poy katafere ayth h kybernhsh einai h epideinwsh toy biotikoy epipedoy toy laoy poy brisketai twra ston dromo", ypogrammise o tomearxhs Paideias ths ND Arhs Sphliwtopoylos. Sfodrh kritikh enantion toy SYRIZA, kathgorwntas ton oti ``sygkalyptei, ypoqalpei kai sthrizei trampoykoys me xydaies kai akraies symperifores'', ejapelyse o anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Periballontos Nikos Shfoynakhs. "Orismenoi akoloyqoyn akrws epikindynoys dromoys poy an den anakopoyn qa odhghsoyn se skoteinoys dromoys", apanthse o koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy SYRIZA, P. Lafazanhs. "Gia epixeirhsh tromokratias toy ellhnikoy laoy prokeimenoy na epiblhqoyn kai nea sklhrotera tajika kai antilaika metra", ekane logo o koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy KKE Spyros Xalbatzhs, enw pingk-pongk aneyqynothtas kathggeile o koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy LAOS Asterios Rontoylhs. Synanthseis G. Papandreoy me Mparozo kai Ban Rompai Synanthsh me antikeimeno oles tis parametroys ths krishs poy dierxetai h ellhnikh oikonomia logw toy dhmosioy xreoys, eixe, arga xqes to brady, sto Loyjemboyrgo, o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy me ton proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs, Zoze Mparozo. O Giwrgos Papandreoy, se syntomh dhlwsh toy paroysia toy k. Mparozo, anaferqhke stis krisimes stigmes poy dierxetai h Ellada kai h Eyrwph, opws kai "stis dyskoles diapragmateyseis poy diejagontai metajy twn Bš27Bš, twn Bš17Bš, alla kai peran ths Eyrwphs". Prosqese akomh pws "ki entos ths Elladas ergazomaste gia thn oso to dynaton pio eyreia synainesh", enw ejefrase thn apofasistikothta ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs "na proxwrhsoyme mprosta, fysika kai me th bohqeia ths Enwshs". To Mesoproqesmo Programma kai h poreia diamorfwshs toy neoy paketoy sthrijhs pros thn Ellada apetelese to kentriko qema ths synanthshs toy prwqypoyrgoy G.Papandreoy, me ton proedro toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, Xerman ban Rompai. "Ejefrasa thn isxyrh yposthrijh moy pros ton prwqypoyrgo kai thn akampth prospaqeia toy gia th metarryqmish ths ellhnikhs oikonomias" dhlwse o proedros toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, meta th synanthsh toy me ton G. Papandreoy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Prwta to MesoproqesmoEktakth synedriash ths Eyrwomadas qa sygkalesei stis 3 Ioylioy, o proedros ths Zan Klont Gioynker, prokeimenoy, metajy allwn, na diapistwqei oti exoyn ekplhrwqei oles oi ypoxrewseis gia thn ektamieysh ths 5hs doshs twn daneiwn pros thn Ellada.Ejalloy, opws anakoinwse se synenteyjh Typoy sto Loyjemboyrgo o k. Gioynker, antiproswpeia ths "troikas" anamenetai shmera sthn Aqhna, me stoxo na epibebaiwqei oti h ellhnikh pleyra kai o dieqnhs paragontas ennooyn ta idia pragmata se sxesh me thn efarmogh toy Mesoproqesmoy Programmatos. O k. Gioynker eipe, epishs, oti to qema ths Elladas qa syzhthqei kata th synanthsh toy me ton proedro toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy Xerman Ban Rompai. Shmera, thlefwnikh epikoinwnia me ton proedro ths Neas Dhmokratias, Antwnh Samara, eixe symfwna me asfaleis plhrofories, o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Eyaggelos Benizelos. Symfwna me tis idies plhrofories, o k. Benizelos enhmerwse ton proedro ths Neas Dhmokratias gia tis syzhthseis kai tis epafes poy eixe sto Loyjemboyrgo, sto plaisio ths synedriashs toy Eurogroup. Shmeiwnetai pws th desmeysh twn ellhnikwn arxwn, oti ws to telos Ioynioy qa prowqhsoyn oles tis anagkaies prosarmoges, oytws wste na ejasfalisqei h biwsimothta toy ellhnikoy xreoys kai na oloklhrwqei h syntajh toy neoy mnhmonioy synennohshs ths Elladas me toys daneistes ths, ypogrammisan kata th diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy poy paraxwrhsan sto Loyjemboyrgo o proedros ths Eyrwomadas, Zan Klont Gioynker kai o Epitropos Oli Ren. Thn anagkh na anakthsei h Ellada thn ajiopistia ths, ws pros thn efarmogh toy Programmatos, tonise apo to Loyjemboyrgo, opoy ekproswpei thn Ellada sto Symboylio twn ypoyrgwn Oikonomias ths EE, o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, Eyaggelos Benizelos. To plhres reportaz toy B. Demirh kai toy M. Spinqoyrakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Pros epaneklogh Mpan Ki- Moyn ston OHEH Genikh Syneleysh toy OHE etoimazetai shmera na chfisei gia mia deyterh qhteia ton geniko grammatea toy OHE, to Notiokoreath Mpan Ki-Moyn, o opoios elabe thn yposthrijh twn megalwn xwrwn.Oi dekapente xwres toy Symboylioy Asfaleias apofasisan thn Paraskeyh omofwna na yposthrijoyn ton Mpan Ki-Moyn gia mia deyterh qhteia ston OHE kai apesteilan th sxetikh "systash" toys sth Genikh Syneleysh, h opoia shmera qa proxwrhsei sthn eklogh. O 67xronos Mpan Ki-Moyn poy den exei antipalo sth chfoforia ayth, einai sigoyros oti qa epaneklegei gia pente xronia. H prwth qhteia toy oloklhrwnetai stis 31 Dekembrioy. H deyterh qhteia arxizei thn 1h Ianoyarioy 2012 kai oloklhrwnetai stis 31 Dekembrioy toy 2016. "Twra poy qa apallagei apo to baros na prepei na anazhtei yposthrijh sthn epaneklogh toy, elpizoyme oti qa exei perissotero eleyqero xrono gia na agwnistei yper twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn ana ton planhth", dhlwse o dieyqynths ths mh kybernhtikhs organwshs Parathrhthrio Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn (HRW) Filip Mpolopion. Se mia dhlwsh stis 17 Ioynioy sth Mprazilia opoy briskotan, o prwhn ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Notias Koreas eipe oti ton "tima idiaitera h omofwnh chfish toy apo to Symboylio Asfaleias" kai oti aisqanetai "perhfanos gia ola osa kaname apo koinoy". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Ligoteroi oi aristoyxoiXamhloteres einai oi epidoseis twn ypochfiwn stis fetines panellhnies ejetaseis, opws prokyptei apo ta statistika stoixeia poy edwse sth dhmosiothta to ypoyrgeio Paideias.Ayto to gegonos -ektimoyn oi ekpaideytikoi- wqei tis baseis stis perissoteres sxoles kai tmhmata se ptwsh, h opoia anamenetai na einai megalyterh sta perifereiaka idrymata. Fysikh kai Maqhmatika fainetai na einai h "axilleios pterna" twn ypochfiwn fetos. Sta Maqhmatika kai Stoixeia Statistikhs Genikhs Paideias to 43,71% einai fetos katw apo th bash, enw perysi htan to 36,26%. Sta Maqhmatika Texnologikhs Kateyqynshs, katw apo th bash einai fetos to 72,53%, enw perysi htan to 61,33%. Sth Fysikh Genikhs Paideias to 44,75% katw apo th bash fetos, enanti 23,32% perysi. Sth Fysikh texnologikhs kateyqynshs 2, fetos htan katw apo th bash to 75,17%, enw perysi htan to 61,32%. Sth Fysikh qetikhs kateyqynshs, to 41,2% katw apo thn bash fetos, enanti 23,69% perysi. Sta Maqhmatika Qetikhs Kateyqynshs to 39,21% twn ypochfiwn htan katw apo th bash fetos, enanti 25,39% perysi. Ejalloy, meiwsh emfanizetai sta grapta poy baqmologhqhkan metajy 18 kai 20 (11,09 enanti 15,51% gia to 2010), kaqws kai se ekeina poy baqmologhqhkan metajy 15-18 (18,08% enanti 19% gia to 2010). To plhres reportaz ths M. Papoytsakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Polynekro aeroporiko dystyxhmaToylaxiston 44 anqrwpoi skotwqhkan xqes to brady kata th syntribh sth diarkeia ths prosgeiwshs rwsikoy aeroskafoys se aytokinhtodromo konta sto Petrozantofsk ths Karelias (notiodytikh Rwsia), anakoinwse to ypoyrgeio Ektaktwn Katastasewn ths Rwsias."Symfwna me tis teleytaies plhrofories, 52 anqrwpoi epebainan sto aeroskafos, 44 skotwqhkan kai 8 exoyn traymatisqei", anakoinwse ekproswpos toy rwsikoy ypoyrgeioy sto praktoreio eidhsewn RIA Novosti. To aeroskafos, ena Tu-134 , poy anhkei sthn aeroporikh etaireia RussAir, epixeirhse na prosgeiwqei ligo prin apo ta mesanykta se aytokinhtodromo, se apostash enos xiliometroy apo to aerodromio toy Petrozantofsk. Ejaitias toy sok ths proskroyshs, to aeroskafos dierragh kai aneflegh. Oktw allodapoi, kaqws kai enas dieqnhs diaithths podosfairoy rwsikhs yphkoothtas, perilambanontai metajy twn 44 nekrwn ths syntribhs. Enas Soyhdos, enas Ollandos kai dyo Oykranoi perilambanontai ston katalogo twn nekrwn, kaqws kai mia tetramelhs oikogeneia rwsikhs kai amerikanikhs yphkoothtas, symfwna me anakoinwsh toy rwsikoy ypoyrgeioy Ektaktwn Katastasewn. O dieqnhs diaithths podosfairoy Blantimir Petai, 38 etwn, perilambanetai epishs ston katalogo twn nekrwn. O Blantimir Petai htan o diaithths toy 100oy podosfairikoy agwna ths prwths kathgorias ths Rwsias anamesa sthn Roympin Kazan kai th Ntinamo Mosxas. Oi oktw traymaties toy aeroporikoy dystyxhmatos noshleyontai me egkaymata. Epta briskontai se ejairetika krisimh katastash, dhlwse ekproswpos toy rwsikoy ypoyrgeioy Ektaktwn Katastasewn. Metajy toys, perilambanetai ena paidi 10 etwn. To dystyxhma ofeiletai stis dysxereis metewrologikes synqhkes, symfwna me ton dieyqynth toy aerodromioy toy Petrozantofsk Alejei Koyzmitski. Kata th diarkeia ths prosgeiwshs yphrxe isxyrh broxoptwsh kai pyknh omixlh eixe kalycei thn perioxh. Omws, symfwna me anaplhrwth dieyqynth ths eqnikhs epitrophs ereynas gia ta aeroporika dystyxhmata Alejei Morozof, to dystyxhma einai piqanon na ofeiletai se blabh toy systhmatos prosgeiwshs to aeroskafoys. To aeroporiko dystyxhma einai ena apo ta pleon polynekra twn teleytaiwn etwn sth rwsikh aeroporia, epeita apo th syntribh toy Tu-154 ths rwsikhs etaireias Poulkovo sthn Oykrania to 2006, kata thn opoia skotwqhkan 170 anqrwpoi. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Tropopoihseis sta forologikaEpi taphtos qa teqoyn shmera ta nea forologika metra toy Mesoproqesmoy Programmatos gia thn oikonomia se syskech toy oikonomikoy epiteleioy ths kybernhshs, ypo ton ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Eyaggelo Benizelo.Stoxos toy neoy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn einai na yparjoyn allages sto metro ths eisforas allhleggyhs sta eisodhmata, prokeimenoy na ginei hpioterh gia ta xamhla kai ta mesaia eisodhmata Parallhla allages qa yparjoyn sto metro twn apodeijewn, enw ejetazetai h epibolh teloys epithdeymatos gia toys eleyqeroys epaggelmaties. Oi allages poy qa ginoyn se sxesh me ta metra toy arxikoy sxedioy toy mesoproqesmoy programmatos qa exoyn oydetero dhmosionomiko apotelesma. Dhladh an yparjoyn apwleies esodwn apo tis allages aytes, qa kalyfqoyn me alles forologikes parembaseis. Se o,ti afora sthn eisfora allhleggyhs ejetazetai ayth na epiballetai klimakwta se eisodhmata panw apo 12.000 eyrw prokeimenoy na periorisqoyn oi epibarynseis. To arxiko sxedio ths ektakths eisforas proeblepe syntelesth 1% gia eisodhmata apo 12.000 eyrw ews 20.000 eyrw, 2% gia eisodhmata ews 50.000 eyrw kai 3% gia ychlotera kai thn epibolh toy syntelesth epi oloy toy eisodhmatos toy forologoymenoy. Oi opoies apwleies yparjoyn apo thn parembash ayth ejetazetai na kalyfqoyn me thn qespish teloys epithdeymatos gia oloys toys eleyqeroys epaggelmaties. Epishs ejetazetai kai h ayjhsh toy eidikoy foroy katanalwshs sto petrelaio qermanshs apo to Fqinopwro. Exei anablhqei pros to paron to qema ths ejiswshs toy eidikoy foroy katanalwshs sto petrelaio qermanshs me to kinhshs, alla ejetazetai h ayjhsh toy foroy sto qermanshs se tetoio pososto poy qa odhgei se ayjhsh ths timhs toy kata 5 lepta to litro. Ta alla metra poy qa syzhthqoyn sth shmerinh syskech einai h epibolh ths ektakths eisforas sta akinhta, sta IX aytokinhta, sta skafh kai stoys katoxoys pisinas, opws kai h meiwsh sto aforologhto toy Foroy Akinhths Perioysias. Shmeiwnetai oti oi apofaseis gia to paketo twn metrwn toy Mesoproqesmoy Programmatos prepei na oristikopoihqoyn amesa, wste ews tis 28 Ioynioy na exei chfisqei apo th Boylh, gegonos poy apotelei proypoqesh gia th lhch ths apofashs sto epomeno Eurogroup stis 3 Ioylioy gia thn ektamieyshs ths epomenhs doshs ths bohqeias pros thn Ellada. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Diakopes reymatosArxisan apo xqes oi 48wres epanalambanomenes apergies ths GENOP-DEH, antidrwntas sthn peraiterw apokratikopoihsh ths epixeirhshs.Diakopes sthn hlektrodothsh diarkeias mias wras se 26 nomoys ths xwras (metajy aytwn h Attikh kai h Qessalonikh) shmeiwqhkan, opws proeblepe o programmatismos ths DEH, tis xqesinobradines wres, apo tis 7.30 ws tis 10.30. To neo programma perikopwn sthn hlektrodothsh gia to diasthma apo tis 12:30 ews kai tis 2:30 to meshmeri, shmera, anakoinwse h DEH, h opoia epishs dieykrinizei oti oi diakopes qa ginoyn an kriqei anagkaio kai oti sto diasyndedemeno systhma (dhladh sthn hpeirwtikh Ellada, ta Eptanhsa kai orismena nhsia twn Kykladwn) den qa ginei kamia perikoph se katanalwtes, poy ypesthsan xqes diakoph reymatos. H DEH anaferei akomh oti endexetai na pragmatopoihqoyn wriaies perikopes reymatos ek peritrophs sthn Krhth apo tis 20:30 ews tis 22:00 kai sth Rodo apo tis 19:30 ews kai tis 22:00 apoce. Ta programmata twn perikopwn sthn hlektrodothsh anartwntai sthn istoselida ths DEH (, enw oi katanalwtes mporoyn na epikoinwnoyn me thn eidikh thlefwnikh grammh sto thlefwno 210 9298100. Morfes agwnistikwn kinhtopoihsewn poy "den qa epibarynoyn akoma perissotero mia agora poy parapaiei" zhtaei apo th GENOP DEH h Eqnikh Synomospondia Ellhnikoy Emporioy. H ESEE se anakoinwsh ths, me aformh tis epanalambanomenes 48wres apergies ths GENOP, anaferei oti ''sto baqmo poy h kybernhsh den mporei na dwsei tis katallhles lyseis, dedomenoy oti h peraiterw metoxopoihsh ths DEH entassetai sto paketo twn 50 dis. eyrw toy Mesoproqesmoy Programmatos, menei se emas poy apoteloyme thn koinwnia twn politwn na epideijoyme thn aparaithth Koinwnikh Allhleggyh''. To plhres reportaz toy K. Boytsadakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Oi epizhsantes..."Giati; Giati; Mh rwtate. Pws einai dynaton na mporei na ejhghqei me koinh logikhbŠ". H frash toy Beniamin Kapon, Qessalonikioy ebraioy, epizhsanta twn nazistikwn stratopedwn sygkentrwshs, apotypwnei ton paralogismo, th frikh toy Olokaytwmatos.Oi pio "skoteines" anamnhseis trianta Qessalonikewn ebraiwn, poy epezhsan apo ta kolasthria toy Aoysbits, toy Mpirkenaoy, toy Mpergken Mpelsen anabiwsan sthn aiqoysa toy dhmotikoy symboylioy, me aformh th brabeysh toys apo ton dhmo. Mazi toys timhqhke epishs kai h xristianh kratoymenh twn stratopedwn sygkentrwshs Basw Stamatioy, ektopismenh gia thn aristerh ths ideologia kai thn antistasiakh ths drash kai epizhsasa, h opoia den mporese na pareyreqei. H "proba - qanatoy", opws onomasthke o diasyrmos twn ebraiwn politwn ths Qessalonikhs apo toys nazi to kalokairi toy 1942 sthn plateia Eleyqerias, to panino kitrino astro poy ypoxrewqhkan na foroyn sto peto, o egkleismos toys sto gketo toy Xirs - sta opoia anaferqhke kata th diarkeia ths ekdhlwshs o istorikos toy APQ Giwrgos Anastasiadhs - htan mono ta proanakroysmata mias kalosxediasmenhs dielkystindas qanatoy, meros toy aimostagoys nazistikoy sxedioy "Telikh Lysh", poy ylopoihsan me apanqrwph sklhrothta kai meqodikothta sth Qessalonikh, oi entolodoxoi toy peribohtoy Antolf Aixman, oi xasaphdes twn ebraiwn ths Qessalonikhs, baronos Ntiter Bislitseni kai Alois Mproyner. Nwritera, o politikos ajiwmatoyxoys twn nazi Maj Merten eixe frontisei na lehlathsei tis perioysies, eisprattontas dysbastaxta lytra apo thn Israhlitikh Koinothta, prospoioymenos oti qa apallasse ta melh ths apo thn ejontwtikh katanagkastikh ergasia. Dystyxws, prin akomh katablhqei h trith dosh, ton Martio toy 1943, saranta oktw xiliades cyxes, andres, gynaikes kai paidia fortwnontan xwris epistrofh sta trena, odeyontas pros ta stratopeda toy qanatoy. "Penhnta bagonia, treis xiliades kaqe fora, dekaoktw apostoles" ypogrammise sto APE-MPE o epizhsas toy Aoysbits, Xaints Koynio, parwn kai omilhths sthn ekdhlwsh, prosqetontas: "Xilioi ekato mono epestrecan sthn polh metajy twn opoiwn kai egw, peripoy xilioi gyrisan apo to boyno kai alloi xilioi swqhkan sthn Aqhna. H epistrofh omws se mia polh, opoy h pleiochfia ths koinothtas eixe ejontwqei, eixan xaqei oikogeneies, yphrxan paidia orfana, yphrxan syggeneis poy de qa janablepan, htan ena akomh martyrio gia toys epizhsantes". To plhres reportaz toy Fanh Grhgoriadh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |