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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-16Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Paraithseis boyleytwnAmesh sygklhsh ths KO toy PASOK zhthse h Basw Papandreoy, enw prohghqhkan oi paraithseis twn boyleytwn Kilkis G. Flwridh kai Larisas, E. Nasiwka."Timw to Kinhma mas kai toys agwnes toy, alla sth sygkekrimenh, oriakh gia th xwra, stigmh, to Eqniko Xreos htthqhke apo to arxhgiko kai kommatiko symferon. Etsi, me apolyth syneidhsh ths krisimothtas twn stigmwn, ypoballw thn paraithsh moy apo boyleyths", anaferei sthn epistolh toy o k. Flwridhs. Paraitoymenos o boyleyths Kilkis, katalogizei se ola ta kommata, adynamia stoixeiwdoys synennohshs gia thn antimetwpish ths koryfoymenhs eqnikhs krishs, kaqws, opws leei, ``oi monokommatikoy xarakthra prospaqeies, estw kai me proswpa eyryterhs apodoxhs, adynatoyn na oloklhrwsoyn th dyskolh shmerinh apostolh'' kai oi ekloges, "paroti apoteloyn pagia kai anantikatastath dhmokratikh diejodo, sthn idiaiterh periodo poy dianyoyme, egkymonoyn sobaro kindyno gia thn oikonomikh biwsimothta ths xwras". Sth synexeia, thn paraithsh apo to boyleytiko ajiwma anakoinwse apo to bhma ths Boylhs kai o boyleyths Larisas toy PASOK Ektwr Nasiwkas. "Einai to elaxisto poy mporw na kanw gia na anatrapei to shmerino adiejodo sto politiko systhma", epikrinontas tis hgesies twn dyo megalyterwn kommatwn poy synexizoyn, opws eipe, "me gnwmona to laikismo". Proanhggeile sygkentrwsh sth Larisa gia na paradwsei, opws eipe, thn edra stoys chfoforoys toy. "Eimaste ypoxrewmenoi na meinoyme orqioi. H xwra qa brei to dromo ths. Den qa yparjei to paramikro keno". Me ta logia ayta sxoliase thn paraithsh toy boyleyth Larisas Ektora Nasiwka o ypoyrgos Ygeias Andreas Loberdos poy zhthse kai elabe to logo, amesws molis kathlqe apo to bhma ths Boylhs o k. Nasiwkas. "Den yphretoyme thn patrida apoxwroyntes. Thn yphretoyme apo edw, poy mas esteile o laos", ypogrammise o prwhn proedros ths Boylhs toy PASOK, Apostolos Kaklamanhs me parembash toy sth Boylh, amesws meta th dhlwsh toy boyleyth toy PASOK, Ektora Nasiwka, oti paraiteitai apo to boyleytiko toy ajiwma. "Eimaste desmeymenoi apenanti ston lao mexri tis prosexeis ekloges na ekteloyme tis entoles toy", tonise me emfash o k. Kaklamanhs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] O oikos Moody's ypobaqmise ton OTEO oikos Moody's ypobaqmise thn pistolhptikh ikanothta toy OTE sth baqmida B1 apo th baqmida Ba1, anaferontas ws basikoys logoys thn peraiterw makrooikonomikh epideinwsh sthn Ellada kai thn ektimhsh toy gia asqenestera leitoyrgika apotelesmata toy Organismoy."Anamenoyme oti ta leitoyrgika apotelesmata toy OTE qa synexisoyn na ephreazontai entona apo tis dysmeneis makrooikonomikes synqhkes, ton entono antagwnismo se oloys toys kladoys kai toys se ejelijh ryqmistikoys periorismoys", anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh toy oikoy. Kata thn apoch toy Moody's, o OTE qa antimetwpisei megalyterh piesh na labei metra meiwshs toy kostoys leitoyrgias toy, prokeimenoy na periorisei to apotelesma sta esoda kai tis tameiakes roes toy apo tis akomh pio dysmeneis makrooikonomikes h antagwnistikes synqhkes, se ena anelastiko periballon kostoys ergasias. O oikos qewrei oti to ryqmistiko plaisio den yposthrizei thn anagkh toy OTE na antidrasei ston antagwnismo poy antimetwpizei me thn kaqierwsh xamhloterwn timologiwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Apozhmiwseis DEH gia zhmies, logw ypertashs, se hlektrikes syskeyesApozhmiwseis ews 400 eyrw gia zhmies se hlektrikes syskeyes, logw ypertashs, symfwnhse na dinei h DEH stoys katanalwtes kai apofasise, epipleon, na efarmosei th sxetikh diadikasia anadromika gia osoys exoyn ypobalei aithseis apozhmiwshs, apo thn arxh toy xronoy.Symfwna me tis odhgies ths DEH, oi proypoqeseis gia thn katabolh ths apozhmiwshs einai oi ejhs: a) O katanalwths na enhmerwsei th DEH gia th blabh kai na ypobalei thn aithsh apozhmiwshs, an einai dynaton thn idia hmera h se proqesmia tessarwn hmerwn apo to symban. b) H blabh na mhn ofeiletai se logoys anwteras bias alla se tyxaia diakoph toy oydeteroy agwgoy. d) O katanalwths na qesei sth diaqesh ths DEH epi dyo hmeres, efoson toy zhthqoyn, tis syskeyes h ton ejoplismo, poy exei ypostei blabh, pros elegxo prin apo thn episkeyh toys. e) O katanalwths na qesei sth diaqesh ths DEH parastatika hlektrologikoy synergeioy. Shmeiwnetai oti h DEH apozhmiwnei plhrws (den isxyoyn dhladh ta oria twn 300 - 400 eyrw) toys katanalwtes gia blabes syskeywn poy proklhqhkan apo ypaitiothta ypallhlwn ths h synergazomenwn ergolabwn, meta thn proskomish twn aparaithtwn apodeiktikwn stoixeiwn (p.x. timologia episkeywn). H DEH qa apofasizei epi twn aithsewn gia apozhmiwseis se 15 hmeres kai h apozhmiwsh, efoson to aithma toy katanalwth krinetai qetika, qa kataballetai ena mhna meta. H DEH apofasise oti h nea diadikasia apozhmiwshs isxyei apo th Deytera, 2 Maioy 2011, wstoso symfwnhqhke me th RAE na ejetasqoyn anadromika kai ypoqeseis katanalwtwn poy eixan ypoballei aithsh apozhmiwshs entos toy 2011, estw kai an den eixan ypoblhqei sthn proqesmia twn tessarwn hmerwn meta thn hmera toy symbantos, efoson bebaiws proskomisqoyn parastatika hlektrologikoy synergeioy kai ypografei ypeyqynh dhlwsh apo ton katanalwth. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Ektakth synedriash KO ths NDEktakth synedriash ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas ths ND sygkalese gia tis 19.00, o proedros toy kommatos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, Antwnhs Samaras, opws egine gnwsto apo phges ths lewforoy Syggroy.O proedros ths ND zhthse ekloges, meta tis synomilies poy eixe me ton prwqypoyrgo Giwrgo Papandreoy. Sygkekrimena anefere sthn dhlwsh toy: ``O k. Papandreoy ekane tis epiloges toy kai o laos mporei na krinei. O ayrianos anasxhmatismos exei na kanei me proswpa kai isorropies. Dystyxws gia ton ellhniko lao h kybernhtikh politikh qa parameinei h idia. Sth ND synexizoyme ton agwna gia allagh politikhs. Kai allagh pleon toy idioy toy politikoy skhnikoy. Einai pleon safes oti o monos poy mporei na dwsei th lysh einai o ellhnikos laos''. Anaferei akomh oti zhthse apo ton k. Papandreoy na paraithqei apo prwqypoyrgos kai oti o k. Papandreoy arxika dexqhke kai telika to aperrice. ``Etsi xaqhke mia istorikh eykairia'', anefere o k. Samaras. H Al. Paparhga, antidrwntas sthn anakoinwsh toy prwqypoyrgoy, milhse gia "paixnidi kai ekbiasmoys poy kanei h kybernhsh kai symmetexei o k. Samaras", enw proanhggeile politikh sygkentrwsh toy kommatos ths shmera sthn Omonoia me aithma ekloges. To meshmeri h gg ths KE toy KKE, qa paraxwrhsei synenteyjh Typoy gia tis politikes ejelijeis. ``Elleich gennaiothtas kai eqnikoy oramatos gia deyterh fora mesa se liges hmeres" katalogise o proedros toy LAOS Giwrgos Karatzaferhs sta dyo megala kommata, enw ektimhse pws pleon oi ekloges einai monodromos. Shmera o G. Karatzaferhs qa ginei dektos apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Lysh mporei na doqei mesa apo thn prosfygh sthn laikh etymhgoria, tonizetai se sxolio toy SYN. ``Epibebaiwsan oti den toys xwrizoyn toso oi programmatikes diafores, oso o tropos poy blepei kaqenas ta braxyproqesma mikrokommatika toy symferonta'', anaferoyn se koinh dhlwsh oi ekproswpoi typoy twn Oikologwn Prasinwn, G. Paraskeyopoylos kai E. Iwannidoy. O proedros ths Dhmokratikhs Aristeras Fwths Koybelhs, sxoliazontas tis anakoinwseis toy prwqypoyrgoy, katelogise sthn kybernhsh "atyxeis xeirismoys" kai ektimhse pws me tis kinhseis aytes "exei anoijei o dromos gia tis prowres ekloges". "Katwteres twn peristasewn" xarakthrise tis hgesies twn dyo megalwn kommatwn h proedros ths Dhmokratikhs Symmaxias Ntora Mpakogiannh. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |