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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-08Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] "Se diaforetiko mhkos kymatos EKT- Germania"H protash toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn ths Germanias, B.Soimple, gia antallagh twn ellhnikwn omologwn poy exoyn idiwtes ependytes me nea omologa eptaetoys diarkeias, kineitai se diaforetiko mhkos kymatos apo th qesh ths Eyrwpaikhs Kentrikhs Trapezas (EKT), symfwna me thn opoia h symmetoxh twn idiwtwn prepei na ginei - se eqelontikh bash - me thn epanagora twn omologwn sth lhjh toys (rollover), epishmainei h oikonomikh yphresia Bloomberg.O proedros ths EKT, Zan Klont Trise, exei diafwnhsei me opoiadhpote lysh, peran toy rollover, kaqws qelei na apofeyxqei na xarakthrisqei h symmetoxh twn ependytwn ws xreokopia ths Elladas kai na proklhqei h plhrwmh twn asfalistrwn kindynoy (credit default swaps, cds) poy exoyn ekdwsei oi trapezes. Stelexh ths EKT eixan proeidopoihsei prosfata oti den qa kanoyn dekta ta ellhnika omologa ws enexyro gia th xrhmatodothsh twn ellhnikwn trapezwn, se periptwsh poy oi oikoi pistolhptikhs ajiologhshs qewrhsoyn thn emplokh twn idiwtwn ws xreokopia. Hdh, oi megalyteroi oikoi pistolhptikhs ajiologhshs exoyn proeidopoihsei oti qa xarakthrisoyn ws xreokopia opoiadhpote epimhkynsh twn omologwn poy exoyn idiwtes, efoson den prokyptei oti ayth egine pragmati eqelontika. "Opoiadhpote symfwnia stis 20 Ioynioy (s.s.: sto Symboylio Ypoyrgwn Oikonomikwn ths Eyrwzwnhs, opoy qa syzhthqei to neo paketo bohqeias gia thn Ellada) prepei na perilambanei mia kaqarh entolh - poy qa doqei sthn Ellada endexomenws mazi me to DNT - gia na arxisei h diadikasia ths emplokhs twn katoxwn ellhnikwn omologwn. Ayth h diadikasia prepei na odhghsei se mia posotikopoihmenh kai shmantikh symmetoxh twn omologioyxwn sthn prospaqeia enisxyshs, pera apo mia diadikasia kaqara sta protypa ths Prwtoboylias ths Biennhs", anefere xarakthristika sthn epistolh toy o Germanos ypoyrgos, metedwse to praktoreio Roiter. Shmeiwnetai oti h prwtoboylia ths Bienhs proeblepe ayto poy zhtoyse h EKT, dhladh to rollover twn ellhnikwn omologwn. Dhmosieyma toy praktoreioy Bloomberg, me titlo: "H Germania epidiwkei thn epimhkynsh twn ellhnikwn omologwn se diastash me thn EKT", shmeiwnei oti me prosfath anakoinwsh toy o oikos Fitch anefere oti mia antallagh omologwn, h opoia qa prosferei stoys katoxoys toys "xeiroteroys" oroys apo toys oroys twn yfistamenwn titlwn, qa apoteloyse mia anagkastikh h mh epiqymhth synallagh kai qa qewreito xreokopia. "Eite o k. Soimple qa xalarwsei to aithma toy h h EKT qa kanei peraiterw paraxwrhseis", dhlwse sto praktoreio o k. Kristofer Rigker, epikefalhs strathgikhs gia titloys staqeroy eisodhmatos ths germanikhs trapezas Commerzbank . Telos, th sthrijh toy sthn prospaqeia ths Elladas na antimetwpisei thn krish xreoys, ejefrase o Mparak Ompama. H Ellada mporei na prosblepei sth sthrijh apo alla krath melh ths eyrwzwnhs gia thn antimetwpish ths krishs xreoys poy antimetwpizei kai h Germania qa exei kairio rolo ston sxediasmo ths "lyshs", tonise o Proedros twn HPA, sthn koinh synenteyjh Typoy, ston Leyko Oiko, me thn Germanida kagkelario Agkela Merkel. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] H protash Asempigio gia to "Ellhniko" VideoTo 72% ths ektashs toy prwhn aerodromioy toy Ellhnikoy qa metatrapei se prasino, to 15% qa kalyptetai apo dromoys kai to 12% qa einai to domhmeno tmhma, poy qa perilambanei spitia, grafeia, emporiko kai synedriako kentro, panepisthmio, kybernhtika ktiria k.a.Aytos einai o kormos ths protashs toy Ispanoy arxitektona Xose Asempigio gia thn anaplash toy Ellhnikoy, poy paroysiasthke, xqes to brady, sto Dioikhtiko Symboylio ths "Ellhniko AE", ths etairias dhladh poy systhqhke gia th diaxeirish kai ajiopoihsh ths ektashs. Me bash thn protash Asempigio alla kai alles protaseis poy exoyn diatypwqei kata kairoys gia to Ellhniko, opws tonise o ypoyrgos Epikrateias k. Xarhs Pampoykhs, qa diamorfwqei h telikh kybernhtikh protash gia thn ajiopoihsh ths ektashs kai qa akoloyqhsei "poly syntoma" (to argotero ws to telos toy kalokairioy) prosklhsh gia ekdhlwsh mh desmeytikoy endiaferontos apo ependytes. Dhlwse de aisiodojos oti metajy twn ypochfiwn ependytwn qa perilambanetai to Katar, poy exei hdh dhlwsei epishmws to endiaferon toy. Paroysiazontas tis protaseis toy o k. Asempigio staqhke idiaitera sth monadikothta toy akinhtoy, tonizontas oti se kamia Eyrwpaikh polh den yparxei ektash toso megalh, (600 ektaria), me 3 xiliometra paraliako metwpo, prosbash se tram, metro kai odikoys ajones, konta sto aerodromio, konta sto kentro ths polhs, apolyta epipedh kai idiokthsias toy Dhmosioy. "To Ellhniko mporei na apogeiwqei, einai eqnikh ypoqesh kai mporei na apotelesei ton oikonomiko katalyth gia th xwra, oxi mono gia thn Attikh kai toys gyrw Dhmoys", anefere o k. Asempigio. O idios epanelabe oti einai ergazomenos kai oxi idiokthths toy Ispanikoy forea poy exei analabei symboylos ths kybernhshs gia to Ellhniko, enw gia ton prwqypoyrgo k. G. Papandreoy eipe oti den einai filos toy, an kai qa to hqele poly. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Problech gia anaptyjh 3,2% ths pagkosmias oikonomiasH anakamch ths eyrwpaikhs oikonomias antimetwpizei shmantikoys metwpikoys anemoys, logw ths abebaiothtas apo thn krish xreoys sthn Ellada, thn Portogalia kai thn Irlandia, anaferei h Pagkosmia Trapeza (PT) sthn epikairopoihmenh ekqesh ths gia tis prooptikes ths pagkosmias oikonomias, metadidei to praktoreio Roiter.H PT meiwse thn problech gia thn anaptyjh ths pagkosmias oikonomias to 2011 sto 3,2% apo 3,3% ton Ianoyario, lambanontas ypoch ton seismo sthn Iapwnia kai thn anataraxh sth Boreio Afrikh kai th Mesh Anatolh, enw afhse ametablhth thn problech gia thn anaptyjh to 2012 sto 3,6%. Oson afora stis anaptyssomenes oikonomies, h Trapeza problepei ena meso ryqmo anaptyjhs 6,3% gia ta epomena tria xronia enanti 7,3% poy htan o ryqmos poy shmeiwsan to 2010, enw proeidopoiei oti oi ychloteres times twn trofimwn kai twn kaysimwn ayjanoyn tis plhqwristikes pieseis. Oi xwres me xamhlo kai mesaio eisodhma synebalan kata 46% sthn pagkosmia anaptyjh to 2010, shmeiwnei h ekqesh, enw o oikonomologos ths Trapezas Antrioy Mperns dhlwse oti oi anaptyssomenes xwres piqanon qa prepei na sysfijoyn taxytera th dhmosionomikh kai th nomismatikh politikh toys gia na periorisoyn tis plhqwristikes pieseis. O k. Mperns eipe oti ta prosfata stoixeia deixnoyn mia epibradynsh h diakoph ths anakamchs ths amerikanikhs oikonomias, alla apekleise thn piqanothta mias deyterhs yfeshs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] "Efyge" o X. SemproynO spoydaios Ispanos syggrafeas Xorxe Semproyn, peqane xqes Trith, se hlikia 88 etwn, opws anakoinwsan ta ispanika mesa enhmerwshs, epikaloymena phges apo to oikogeneiako toy periballon.O syndhmioyrgos toy senarioy ths tainias toy Kwsta Gabra "Z", syggrafeas peripoy 15 bibliwn, moirase th zwh toy anamesa sth syggrafh kai thn politikh drash. O Xorxe Semproyn poy yphrje ypoyrgos Politismoy sthn Ispania toy Felipe Gkonzales, gennhqhke sth Madrith to 1923 kai apo to 1939 ezhse sto Parisi. Dietelese melos toy Kommoynistikoy Kommatos, edrase kata toy kaqestwtos toy Franko, phre meros sthn Antistash kata twn nazi, fylakisthke sto stratopedo toy Mpoyxenbalnt kai yposthrije tis politikes aristeres idees toy. Apo to 1964, xronia poy ton eqese ektos IKK, afierwqhke sto syggrafiko toy ergo, antlwntas syxna thn empneysh toy apo tis empeiries toy, (to biblio toy "H grafh h h zwh" exei ws afethria ton egkleismo toy sto stratopedo Mpoyxenbalnt), thn istoria kai to baqy erwthma poy ton apasxoloyse: th mnhmh. Sto ergo toy symperilambanontai kai senaria, skhnoqethmena apo spoydaioys dhmioyrgoys opws o Alen Rene. Polybrabeymenos kai melos ths Akadhmias Gkonkoyr apo to 1986, egrace metajy allwn "Ta sandalia", to "Eikosi xronia kai mia mera", to "O nekros mas xreiazetai", to "Ti wraia Kyriakh!", thn "Epistrofh toy Netsagief" kai fysika, "To megalo tajidi". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Aplopoihsh ypobolhsNeo tropo hlektronikhs ypobolhs dhlwsewn mesw logisth, gia toys forologoymenoys poy den einai eggegrammenoi sto TAXISnet, eqese apo shmera se leitoyrgia h Genikh Grammateia Plhroforiakwn Systhmatwn toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn.H diadikasia ayth, opws anaferetai se anakoinwsh toy ypoyrgeioy, katargei thn anagkh o forologoymenos na metabei sth DOY gia na apokthsei kleidariqmo kai na pistopoihsei sygkekrimeno logisth gia thn ypobolh ths. Anti ayths ths diadikasias, o forologoymenos arkei na dwsei sto logisth - forotexniko me ton opoio synergazetai tria apla stoixeia poy bohqoyn thn taytopoihsh toy sto TAXISnet. Sygkekrimena, enas ejoysiodothmenos logisths - forotexnikos mporei na ypobalei me toys dikoys toy kwdikoys prosbashs dhlwsh foroy eisodhmatos fysikwn proswpwn gia logariasmo tritoy, o opoios den einai eggegrammenos sto TAXISnet. Sthn periptwsh ayth kata thn eisodo sthn efarmogh o logisths - forotexnikos qa eisagei ta ejhs stoixeia toy ypoxreoy: a) ton A.F.M. toy, b) ton ariqmo taytothtas h diabathrioy toy, opws aytos emfanizetai sto mhtrwo TAXIS kai g) ton ariqmo eidopoihshs toy persinoy toy ekkaqaristikoy shmeiwmatos foroy eisodhmatos (toy oikonomikoy etoys 2010). H eisodos sthn efarmogh ypobolhs epitrepetai mono otan ola ta stoixeia eisodoy einai aqroistika orqa. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |