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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-02Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Diaboyleyseis gia thn oikonomiaH kybernhsh oloklhrwnei tis teleytaies texnikhs fysews leptomereies gia na kleisei to Mesoproqesmo Programma, to opoio sth synexeia qa perasei apo ta kybernhtika organa gia na katateqei telika pros chfish sth Boylh. O prwqypoyrgos qa exei ayrio synanthsh me ton epikefalhs toy Eurogroup, Zan Klont Gioynker enocei ths synedriashs toy Eurogroup, thn epomenh ebdomada, opoy anamenetai na syzhthqei h symfwnia me thn troika.O koinotikos epitropos Oli Ren afhse anoikto to endexomeno to paketo bohqeias pros thn Ellada na perilambanei kai thn problech "eqeloysias diakrathshs twn omologwn apo toys ependytes kai meta th lhjh toys" opws synebh kai me th symfwnia ths Biennhs to 2009. O idios apekleise kathgorhmatika to endexomeno anadiarqrwshs toy ellhnikoy dhmosioy xreoys. O oikos ajiologhshs Moody's anakoinwse oti ypobaqmise thn pistolhptikh ikanothta ths Elladas, kata treis monades, apo B1 se Caa1 kai sxediazei na thn meiwsei peraiterw. H apofash ayth, kata to Moody's, antikatoptrizei "enan ayjhmeno kindyno na mhn mporesei h Ellada na staqeropoihsei to xreos ths, xwris thn anadiarqrwsh toy". Ephreasmenh ``apo thn entonh fhmologia ston entypo kai hlektroniko Typo'' xarakthrizei to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn thn apofash toy Moody's kai apanta oti ``parablepei tis desmeyseis ths kybernhshs, na epityxei ton dhmosionomiko stoxo gia to 2011, alla kai na epitaxynei to programma twn apokratikopoihsewn''. To ypoyrgeio xarakthrizei ``ajioshmeiwto oti o oikos anagnwrizei tis prospaqeies ths xwras, alla thn idia stigmh proxwra se ypobaqmish, anamenontas thn ylopoihsh twn desmeysewn aytwn, prokeimenoy na proxwrhsei se anabaqmish''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Sygxwneyseis kai katarghseis forewnThn katarghsh, sygxwneysh kai anadiarqrwsh 75 forewn toy Dhmosioy, kata thn trietia 2012 - 2015, anakoinwse o antiproedros ths kybernhshs Q. Pagkalos, tonizontas oti qa prokycei ofelos 650 ekat. eyrw, enw den qa didontai kai ta 2,7 dis. eyrw twn epixorhghsewn kat' etos, ta opoia qa eggrafoyn ston proypologismo toy 2012.Stoys sygkekrimenoys foreis ypagontai 7.000 ergazomenoi, apo toys opoioys, opws tonise o k. Pagkalos, den qa apolyqei kanenas, alla qa ajiopoihqoyn ystera apo ajiologhsh toys apo to ASEP. Metajy twn forewn aytwn einai h KED, h ETA, o ODDY, h ERT, o OSK, h DEPANOM, h QEMIS KATASKEYASTIKH, o EOMMEX, to EIN, to EQIAGE kai to IGME. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Kinhtopoihseis apo ta syndikataH khryjh 24wrhs apergias se oles tis DEKO thn erxomenh Pempth, 9 toy mhna kai genikhs apergias stis 15 Ioynioy apofasisthkan, metajy allwn, kata th diarkeia ths syskechs ths GSEE, twn Omospondiwn twn DEKO kai toy Ergatoypallhlikoy Kentroy Aqhnas (EKA), poy pragmatopoihqhke sta grafeia ths Genikhs Synomospondias Ergatwn Elladas (GSEE), me qema ton syntonismo ths drashs twn Omospondiwn gia thn apo koinoy antimetwpish twn idiwtikopoihsewn twn DEKO.Ejalloy, stis 11 to prwi toy Sabbatoy exei programmatistei koino syllalhthrio sthn Omonoia apo th GSEE kai thn ADEDY, enw kinhtopoihseis programmatizontai kai gia thn Trith 21 Ioynioy, me aformh thn Paneyrwpaikh Hmera Drashs twn Syndikatwn. To Panergatiko Agwnistiko Metwpo exei programmatisei gia thn Paraskeyh syllalhthria sthn Aqhna, stis 7 to apogeyma, sthn Omonoia kai se oles tis megales poleis ths xwras. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Dhmosieyqhke h apofash gia ton P. CwmiadhKaqarografhke kai dhmosieythke h apofash toy Pentameloys Efeteioy Qessalonikhs, me thn opoia katadikasthke se poinh fylakishs 12 mhnwn, me 3eth anastolh, o Perifereiarxhs Kentrikhs Makedonias, Panagiwths Cwmiadhs, gia thn ypoqesh ths meiwshs prostimwn se prathrioyxo ygrwn kaysimwn, apo thn epoxh poy htan akomh Nomarxhs Qessalonikhs.Sto polyselido skeptiko ths apofashs toy, o proedreywn toy dikasthrioy, efeths Kwstas Bambakidhs, anaferei oti o P. Cwmiadhs ekane ``kakh xrhsh ths diakritikhs toy ejoysias kai sygkekrimena yperebh ta akraia oria ths diakritikhs toy eyxereias poy epebalan oi arxes toy dhmosioy symferontos, ths xrhsths dioikhshs, ths isothtas kai ths ejyphrethshs ton exonta ton nomo''. Tonizei de oti h apofash gia th meiwsh sto elaxisto toy ycoys twn prostimwn -apo 89 se 5 xiliades eyrw- ``den mporoyse, safws, na leitoyrghsei apotreptika se enan prathrioyxo kaysimwn, o opoios diaqetontas noqeymena kaysima (me th meqodo toy apoxrwmatismoy) kerdize poly perissotera ap' oti apo thn katabolh toy prostimoy aytoy toy ycoys''. H apofash qa apostalei amesa -endexomenws kai shmera- ston geniko grammatea ths apokentrwmenhs dioikhshs Makedonias-Qrakhs, Qymio Swko, poy, basei ths keimenhs nomoqesias, qa qesei ton P. Cwmiadh se proswrinh argia apo to ajiwma toy Perifereiarxh Kentrikhs Makedonias. Symfwna me nomikoys kykloys, o P. Cwmiadhs anamenetai, mesa sthn proqesmia poy orizei o nomos, na prosfygei ston Areio Pago, kataqetontas aithsh anaireshs ths apofashs. Na shmeiwqei oti toso prwtodika oso kai se deytero baqmo h epiblhqeisa poinh se baros toy Perifereiarxh htan fylakish 12 mhnwn me 3eth anastolh. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] OTE: Stis 23 Ioynioy h GS twn metoxwnGia tis 23 Ioynioy kaqoristhke h hmeromhnia sygklhshs ths Ethsias Taktikhs Genikhs Syneleyshs twn metoxwn toy OTE, h opoia, opws kaqe xrono qa pragmatopoihqei sto Dioikhtiko Megaro toy Organismoy sto Maroysi.H fetinh Genikh Syneleysh paroysiazei idiaitero endiaferon kaqws pragmatopoieitai sth skia twn syzhthsewn me thn Deutsche Telekom gia thn agora toy ypoloipoy 16% twn metoxwn poy exei sthn katoxh toy sto Ellhniko Dhmosio, gegonos poy shmainei oti sto ejhs kyrio "afentiko" ston OTE qa einai h germanikh etairia. Epishs, sthn en logw Genikh Syneleysh, pairnei gia prwth fora meros me thn idiothta toy Proedroy kai Dieyqynontos Symboyloy toy OTE, o k. Mixalhs Tsamaz, o opoios antikatesthse ton k. Panagh Boyrloymh. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] EE: Sobarh krish me to E.coliH Eyrwpaikh Enwsh antimetwpizei "mia sobarh krish" kai qa prepei na katabalei kaqe prospaqeia gia na entopisei to taxytero dynato thn piqanh aitia ths epidhmias apo to enteroaimorragiko bakthrio E.coli (EHEC) poy breqhke sth Germania, dhlwse o Epitropos ths EE gia thn Ygeia Tzon Ntali.O Ntali dieykrinise oti o entopismos ths phghs ths molynshs apo to bakthridio "den qa einai eykolos" meta ton apokleismo ths ekdoxhs me ta aggoyria poy eixan kallierghqei sthn Ispania. H epwash toy bakthridioy diarkei peripoy deka hmeres protoy ekdhlwqei h asqeneia, dieykrinizoyn eidikoi ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs. To bakthrio E.coli 0104, aitia ths nosoy, exei prokalesei to qanato ennea anqrwpwn sth Germania kai enos sth Soyhdia, shmeiwse, epikaloymenos apologismo poy edwse sth dhmosiothta h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph sthrizomenh sta stoixeia poy ths exoyn dwsei ta krath melh. Symfwna me tis germanikes arxes, h epidhmia exei prokalesei to qanato 15 anqrwpwn.To germaniko kentro elegxoy asqeneiwn anefere xqes 365 nea kroysmata toy bakthridioy E.coli. Sto metajy, h Rwsia apagoreyse shmera thn eisagwgh freskwn laxanikwn apo oles tis xwres ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs logw ths qanathforas epidhmias toy bakthrioy E.coli 0104, anakoinwse h Yphresia Prostasias twn Katanalwtwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] ``Etos Brettakoy'' to 2012Ekato xronia symplhrwnontai to 2012 apo thn epeteio ths gennhshs toy Lakwna poihth Nikhforoy Brettakoy kai to Ypoyrgeio Politismoy kai Toyrismoy anakhryje thn epomenh xronia ``Etos Brettakoy''O Nikhforos Brettakos (1912-1991) apotelei shmantiko kefalaio sthn ejelijh ths neoellhnikhs grammateias. To ergo toy ektimhqhke sthn epoxh toy - mia megalh periodo zymwsewn, pneymatikwn, koinwnikwn kai politikwn gia ton ellhnismo - enw ejakoloyqei na diabazetai kai na sygkinei tis neoteres genies anagnwstwn. Exoyn kykloforhsei 39 poihtikes sylloges toy (metajy allwn: ``Filosofia twn loyloydiwn'', ``O Promhqeas h To paixnidi mias meras'', ``To baqos toy kosmoy'', ``O Taygetos kai h siwph'' k.a.). Ta poihmata toy Brettakoy metafrasthkan se polles glwsses. Yphrje melos ths Etaireias Ellhnwn Logotexnwn. To 1987 ejelegh melos ths Akadhmias Aqhnwn. O Nikhforos Brettakos efyge apo th zwh stis 4 Aygoystoy 1991. To Ypoyrgeio Politismoy aneqese sto Eqniko Kentro Biblioy (EKEBI) ton epiteliko sxediasmo kai thn ylopoihsh toy programmatos. Gia thn proetoimasia toy ergoy to EKEBI qa synergastei stena me th Dhmosia Kentrikh Biblioqhkh Sparths h opoia diaqetei to plhres arxeio toy poihth (, kaqws kai me ton Politistiko Syllogo Karaba Lakwnias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Kostizei h anyparjia drashs gia to klimaSthn periptwsh poy h xwra epilejei na ylopoihsei metra drastikhs meiwshs twn ekpompwn aeriwn toy qermokhpioy, to kostos twn arnhtikwn synepeiwn ths klimatikhs allaghs sthn ellhnikh oikonomia qa perioristei se 294 dis. eyrw, ws ta telh toy aiwna. Sthn antiqeth periptwsh, dhladh sthn epilogh ths mh drashs, to kostos qa anelqei se sxedon 701 dis. eyrw, ayjhmeno kata 60%. H anyparjia kaqe drashs gia meiwsh twn anqrwpogenwn ekpompwn twn aeriwn toy fainomenoy toy qermokhpioy qa exei ws apotelesma th meiwsh 2% toy ellhnikoy AEP to 2050 se ethsia bash kai meiwsh 6% toy AEP to 2100, tonizetai se meleth ths Trapezas ths Elladas, poy ekponhse h epitroph apo diakekrimenoys episthmones.``H yioqethsh politikwn metriasmoy twn epiptwsewn twn allagwn toy klimatos sthn Ellada kai politikwn prosarmoghs se aytes, an kai fainomenika parempodizetai apo to shmerino ojy problhma ths oikonomias, mporei pragmati na symbalei sth lysh toy'', tonise o dioikhths ths Trapezhs ths Ellados, Giwrgos Probopoylos. Shmeio anaforas ston eyrwpaiko dialogo qa apotelesei h ekqesh ayth, opws ektimhse sthn omilia ths h ypoyrgos Periballontos T. Mpirmpilh. Diapistwse oti h klimatikh allagh den syndeqhke pote me th syzhthsh sthn Eyrwph gia th metabash se ena allo montelo anaptyjhs, sthn prasinh anaptyjh. ``Ki omws, klimatikh allagh kai prasinh anaptyjh einai oi dyo oceis toy idioy nomismatos. Oi dyo oceis ths prospaqeias gia mia biwsimh katanalwsh twn fysikwn porwn, shmera kai ayrio'', eipe. Oi ependyseis stis Ananewsimes Phges Energeias sthn Ellada, sth dekaetia 2010-2020, qa dhmioyrghsoyn 100.000 qeseis ergasias, tonise o prwqypoyrgos. " H sxesh mas me to periballon den mporei na einai mono qema koinwniko h politistiko poy antimetwpizetai peristasiakaB· einai prwtistws qema politiko" tonizei sto mhnyma toy gia thn Pagkosmia Hmera Periballontos, (5 Ioynioy) o Proedros ths Dhmokratias , Karolos Papoylias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] "Synainesh sto laqos den dinw"``An apofasisoyn ekloges, qa einai kalodexoymenes. Na to jeroyn omws, ekloges an qa ginoyn, qa ginoyn epeidh ekeinoi den mporoyn na kybernhsoyn, epeidh ekeinoi den mporoyn na chfisoyn ta nea metra'', eipe apo to Hrakleio o proedros ths ND, tonizontas oti ``synainesh sto laqos den dinw. Den dikaioymai na dwsw. Kai den mporw na dwswb¦''.O proedros ths ND milwntas se stelexh kai opadoys ths ND, askhse kritikh sthn kybernhsh kai esteile mhnymata pros ton prwqypoyrgo alla kai ton proedro toy LAOS. Emeis den fernoyme thn katastrofh, eipe, opws kanoyn kaqhmerina ypoyrgoi toy PASOK. Poy dysfhmoyn th xwra sto ejwteriko kai dhmioyrgoyn paniko mesa sthn Elladab¦ Perysi apokaloysan thn Ellada ``diefqarmenh xwra''. Ki ystera anakalycan oti den mas daneizan oi agores. Perysi apokaloysan thn ellhnikh oikonomia ``Titaniko''. Ki ystera mas epiteqhkan oi kerdoskopoi. Fetos bgainei o idios o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn kai dhlwnei oti meta ton Ioylio to kratos ``katebazei rola''. Ki akoma, den apodokimazoyn tis anohsies gia epistrofh sth draxmh. Kai me ola ayta dhmioyrghqhke panikos mesa sth xwra milwntas gia aneyqynoys kai adiorqwtoys. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Kataqetei o A. TsoxatzopoylosTo meshmeri anamenetai na kataqesei sthn Proanakritikh Epitroph poy diereyna thn ypoqesh twn germanikwn ypobryxiwn, o prwhn ypoyrgos Amynas, Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos.En tw metajy, kykloi apo to PASOK yposthrijan oti apo ton elegxo toy Swmatos Orkwtwn Elegktwn sto ``poqen esxes'' toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy, proekycan tria epibaryntika stoixeia eis baros toy. Symfwna me tis idies phges breqhkan kataqeseis se germanika Marka, se trapezikoys logariasmoys ths syzygoy toy, thn periodo 1998 - 2001 kai toy idioy toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy thn periodo 2000-2003, gia ta opoia den yparxoyn ta aparaithta parastatika. Epishs, apo thn oikonomikh xrhsh toy 2000 prokyptei adikaiologhth ayjhsh ths perioysiakhs katastashs toy prwhn ypoyrgoy ycoys 55.616.733 drx., enw to 2004 agorase dyo diamerismata, 85.000 eyrw kai 30.000 eyrw antistoixa, xwris na fainetai oti exei kanei kamia analhch apo trapeziko logariasmo. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] Kaqhmerino ranteboyPistoi sto kaqhmerino toys pleon ranteboy, stis 6 m.m. sthn plateia Syntagmatos, synanthqhkan kai xqes oi ``Aganaktismenoi'' ths Aqhnas, se mia nea sygkentrwsh diamartyrias gia thn kybernhtikh oikonomikh politikh.To kainoyrgio ths xqesinhs sygkentrwshs htan h emfanish perissoterwn twn 300 motosikletistwn, oi opoioi se poreia apo ton Lykabhtto ekanan ton gyro ths plateias kai staqhkan empros apo th Boylh. Akoloyqws, me shmaies kai akatapaysta marsarismata kai kornarismata, enwsan th fwnh toys me ayth twn ypoloipwn toy kinhmatos enantia stoys politikoys kai ta metra litothtas. Kata ta loipa, katsaroles ejakoloyqoyn na dinoyn to synqhma ths diamartyrias kai ellhnikes shmaies me pano thn eikona ths aganakthshs. ``An den fygoyn, den qa fygoyme'', dhlwnoyn apofasistika. Oi syzhthseis se syneleyseis kai sth grammateia toy kinhmatos twn ``Aganaktismenwn'' estiazontai ston tropo kathgoriopoihshs kai ejeidikeyshs twn qematikwn enothtwn, wste na sygkekrimenopoihqoyn ta aithmata twn sygkentrwmenwn. Nea kinhsh diamartyrias, poy prosteqhke stis hdh yparxoyses sthn plateia Syntagmatos, einai ayth toy Syllogoy gia thn ``Prostasia twn Politwn apo thn Ayqairesia twn Trapezwn'', ta melh toy opoioy zhtoyn thn ek neoy anabolh toy anoigmatos twn pleisthriasmwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] Thn timhtikh toys ta podhlataThn timhtikh toys qa exoyn thn Kyriakh 5 Ioynioy 2011 ta podhlata kai oi anabates toys, kaqws me aformh thn Pagkosmia Hmera Periballontos diorganwnetai ekdhlwsh me eidikh podhlatikh diadromh, me thn yposthrijh twn ypoyrgeiwn Ypodomwn Metaforwn kai Diktywn,Periballontos Energeias kai Klimatikhs Allaghs, kai ths Attiko Metro .H ekkinhsh qa ginei apo to Parko Eleyqerias, sto Megaro Moysikhs kai thn prwth "petalia" qa kanei h Eqnikh Omada Podhlasias. Qa akoloyqhsei diadromh kata mhkos kentrikwn odwn poy qa einai shmatodothmenes me kwnoys, apo tis 11 to prwi ews tis eji to apogeyma, poy qa katalhjei sto Falhro. H diadromh poy qa akoloyqhqei apo tis 11:00 ews tis 15:00 qa einai : Megaro Moysikhs - Basilews Kwnstantinoy - Basilisshs Olgas - Basilisshs Amalias - Lewforos Syggroy - paradromos Syggroy - Esplanada -Plateia Neroy (Falhro). Apo tis 15:00 ews tis 18:00 Plateia Neroy (Falhro) - Esplanada - ypogeia diabash Lewf. Syggroy -paradromos Lewf. Syggroy - Metro Fij. Ta podhlata qa kykloforoyn eleyqera sto metro kai sto tmhma ths diadromhs-opoy yparxoyn lewforeiolwrides-qa dokimastei h armonikh synyparjh twn podhlatwn me ta lewforeia. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] ''Staqero to eyrw''H germanida kagkelarios Aggela Merkel dhlwse pws to eyrw einai "ena staqero nomisma" alla orismenes xwres ths eyrwzwnhs prepei na antimetwpisoyn to "problhma antagwnistikothtas" poy paroysiazoyn."Qa sas to pw jekaqara: den exoyme problhma me to eyrw", tonise h kagkelarios apo thn Sigkapoyrh opoy symmetexei se foroym. "Einai ena staqero nomisma, eidika an koitajoyme thn isotimia toy se sxesh me to dolario", prosqese. H k. Merkel ypogrammise antiqeta pws orismenes xwres ths eyrwzwnhs exoyn "problhma antagwnistikothtas". H k. Merkel eipe epishs oti yposthrizei thn gallida ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Kristin Lagkarnt gia th qesh toy epomenoy genikoy dieyqynth toy Dieqnoys Nomismatikoy Tameioy, alla prosqese pws den einai antiqeth, sto mellon, th qesh ayth na katalambanoyn mh eyrwpaioi ypochfioi. H germanida kagkelarios zhthse apo tis anadyomenes xwres na ejetasoyn antikeimenika thn ypochfiothta ths Lagkarnt. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |