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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-02-12

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Sterno antio ston Miltiadh Ebert
  • [02] Nees kinhtopoihseis twn dikhgorwn
  • [03] Ayjhseis 50% ston Proastiako
  • [04] Prosklhsh synaineshs
  • [05] Enothta dynamewn o''W

    [01] Sterno antio ston Miltiadh Ebert

    To teleytaio antio ston Miltiadh Ebert eipe shmera o politikos kosmos ths xwras. H khdeia toy prwhn proedroy ths ND egine to meshmeri apo to A' Nekrotafeio, dhmosia dapanh.

    Sthn teleth parabreqhkan o prwqypoyrgos, Giwrgos Papandreoy, o proedros ths Boylhs, Filippos Petsalnikos o prwhn proedros ths Dhmokratias, Kwsths Stefanopoylos, o dhmarxos Aqhnaiwn, Giwrgos Kaminhs, kai h sxedon sysswmh kentrodejia paratajh, thn opoia yphrethse me paqos o eklipwn. Ektos apo ton proedro ths ND, Antwnh Samara, kai ton prwhn prwqypoyrgo, Kwsta Karamanlh, htan ekei h Ntora Mpakogiannh, o Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs, o Gewrgios Soyflias, dekades nyn kai prwhn boyleytes, kommatika stelexh ths ND, alla kai polloi aploi polites.

    Toys epikhdeioys logoys ekfwnhsan oi kyrioi Samaras, Petsalnikos kai Kaminhs.

    O k. Samaras milhse gia thn plhqwrikh proswpikothta toy Miltiadh Ebert kai tonise oti htan agwnisths, asymbibastos, politikos poy ``den masage ta logia toy'', panta afosiwmenos stis arxes toy idryth toy kommatos Kwnstantinoy Karamanlh. O k. Petsalnikos staqhke sth makra koinoboyleytikh paroysia toy eklipontos kai epishmane oti den perioristhke sth diekperaiwsh, otan anelabe kybernhtika posta, ejasfalise thn enothta ths ND kai ton xarakthrizan panta h synepeia, o dynamismos, h entimothta kai to hqos. O k. Kaminhs ypogrammise oti o Miltiadhs Ebert diekdikhse rolo kainotomo sthn politikh zwh toy topoy kai synebale sthn allagh toy epikoinwniakoy topioy me thn idrysh toy dhmotikoy radiofwnoy 9,84.

    H oikogeneia toy Miltiadh Ebert eixe zhthsei anti stefanwn na katatiqentai xrhmata stoys logariasmoys filanqrwpikwn organwsewn.

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    [02] Nees kinhtopoihseis twn dikhgorwn

    Th synexish ths panelladikhs apoxhs ews th Deytera, 21 Febroyarioy, apofasise h olomeleia twn dikhgorikwn syllogwn ths xwras, poy synhlqe shmera sthn Aqhna me th symmetoxh 55 dikhgorikwn syllogwn apo toys synolika 63 (den symmeteixan ths Aqhnas kai toy Peiraia). To Sabbato, 19 toy mhnos, qa pragmatopoihqei nea olomeleia sthn Aqhna.

    Oi dikhgoroi diamartyrontai gia to ``anoigma'' toy epaggelmatos toys.

    Epipleon, apofasisthke, thn Tetarth, 16, na pragmatopoihqei apo tis 8 to prwi dywrh symbolikh katalhch se ola ta dikasthria ths xwras, enw mia mera prin, Trith, 15, h syntonistikh epitroph ths olomeleias qa dwsei synenteyjh Typoy.

    Akomh, h olomeleia apodokimase thn pleiochfia twn dioikhtikwn symboyliwn toy Dikhgorikoy syllogoy Aqhnwn kai Peiraia gia thn apofash toys na mh symmetexoyn stis apergiakes kinhtopoihseis, poy pragmatopoihqhkan, alla kai th stash orismenwn melwn ths ESHEA na mhn kalycoyn dhmosiografika th xqesinh sygkentrwsh diamartyrias sto Syntagma kai th symbolikh katalhch ston Dikhgoriko Syllogo Aqhnwn, poy elhje shmera.

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    [03] Ayjhseis 50% ston Proastiako

    Ayjhmena ews kai 50% qa einai apo th Deytera, 14 Febroyarioy, ta eisithria toy Proastiakoy, symfwna me th nea timologiakh politikh, poy anakoinwse h etaireia kai entassetai sth logikh na meiwqoyn, oso ginetai perissotero, ta elleimmata toy OSE, opws problepei kai to sxetiko nomosxedio, poy chfisthke prin apo peripoy 4 mhnes sth Boylh.

    Xarakthristika sth diadromh Kiato-Peiraias-Kiato to aplo eisithrio, poy kostizei 8 eyrw, me th nea timologiakh politikh anebainei sta 12 eyrw, dhladh ayjanetai kata 50%. To de eisithrio me epistrofh ftanei ta 18 eyrw. Antistoixa, sth diadromh Korinqos-Peiraias-Korinqos to aplo eisithrio einai 6 eyrw kai me epistrofh 10 kai apo th Deytera, qa stoixizoyn 9 eyrw to aplo kai 14 me epistrofh, dhladh epibarynontai me ayjhseis 50 kai 40% antistoixa. Analoges ayjhseis qa isxysoyn kai sta eisithria gia ta topika dromologia toy Proastiakoy, me apotelesma ta eisithria na ejiswnontai me ayta twn astikwn sygkoinwniwn, dhladh apo 1 eyrw se 1,40 (ayjhsh 40%).

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    [04] Prosklhsh synaineshs

    Den qa epiblhqoyn metra antistoixa me ekeina toy 2010, diabebaiwnei o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, Giwrgos Papakwnstantinoy, se synenteyjh toy sthn efhmerida ``Kosmos toy Ependyth''. Kalei, de, ta politika kommata toy koinoboylioy na synainesoyn sto trietes kyliomeno dhmosionomiko programma, ypogrammizontas oti prepei na apotelesei monadikh eykairia, toso gia thn kybernhsh, oso kai gia to politiko systhma synolika, na apodeijoyn oti ``mporoyme na mpoyme se mia nea epoxh politikoy hqoys kai politikhs praktikhs''.

    ``Apo th stigmh, poy to elleimma mas synexizei na yparxei, h oikonomia mas brisketai se yfesh, to xreos mas ayjanetai kai ejartiomaste apo ton daneismo, den mporoyme na stamathsoyme thn prospaqeia. Ayto shmainei oti xreiazontai kai alles parembaseis [...] se baqies tomes kai oxi se metra antistoixa me ayta, poy anagkasthkame na paroyme to 2010'', tonizei o ypoyrgos.

    Xarakthrizei ``kontofqalmes, aytokatastrofikes kai baqytata antikoinwnikes'' tis logikes toy "den plhrwnw", enw anaferomenos sto endexomeno kleisimatos DEKO kai nosokomeiwn kai s'ekeino ths apolyshs ergazomenwn, o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn shmeiwnei: ``Kanenas poliths den qelei na plhrwnei gia peqamenoys organismoys xwris antikeimeno h gia epixeirhseis, poy h synthrhsh toys kostizei pollaplasia apo to ofelos gia toys polites. Omws, epishs, exoyme pei oti den katargoyme dhmosia agaqa [...]''.

    Sto metajy, thn prosklhsh gia dialogo, poy aphyqyne xqes o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, aporriptoyn toso h ND, oso kai to KKE kai o SYN. Antiqeta, qetika apanta o LAOS.

    Stis epistoles poy apesteile, o k. Papakwnstantinoy, me entolh toy prwqypoyrgoy, pros toys arxhgoys twn kommatwn, epishmainetai h anagkh ekponhshs enos mesoproqesmoy dhmosionomikoy plaisioy kai anaferei: ``Dedomenoy oti oi shmantikes aytes apofaseis qa kaqorisoyn thn poreia ths xwras ta epomena xronia, ta opoia yperbainoyn thn koinoboyleytikh qhteia ayths ths kybernhshs, einai synepws aparaithto na sthrixqoyn apo ena oso to dynaton eyrytero fasma ths koinwnias kai toy politikoy kosmoy''.

    Se dhlwsh toy o ekproswpos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs Giannhs Mixelakhs kathgorei thn kybernhsh oti anazhtei synenoxoys sthn adiejodh politikh ths kai epishmainei pws h Nea Dhmokratia exei kata to parelqon enhmerwsei polles fores toso ton k. Papakwnstantinoy, oso kai ton yfypoyrgo toy sxetika tis protaseis gia ejodo apo thn krish.

    ``Den exei kanena nohma o dialogos me mia kybernhsh h opoia efere sthn Ellada to Mnhmonio kai oloys ekeinoys toys barbaroys mhxanismoys poy enan stoxo exoyn: Thn kerdoforia toy kefalaioy se baros twn pio stoixeiwdwn dikaiwmatwn twn ergazomenwn'' anaferei anakoinwsh ths KE toy KKE.

    ``Sth Dhmokratia ta kommata exoyn qesmikes ypoxrewseis'', tonise o proedros toy LAOS G. Karatzaferhs.

    ``H kybernhsh exei epilejei ton dromo toy mnhmonioy. H synainesh se aythn thn politikh synista synenoxh'', anaferetai se sxetikh anakoinwsh toy SYN.

    ``H Dhmokratikh Aristera den synainei se politikes kai metra poy ejoyqenwnoyn kai dialyoyn thn koinwnia. Oi epiloges ths kybernhshs gia thn antimetwpish twn elleimmatwn kai toy xreoys einai koinwnika adikes kai anapotelesmatikes'', dhlwse o proedros ths Dhmokratikhs Aristeras, Fwths Koybelhs.

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    [05] Enothta dynamewn

    H krish ``gonimopoiei'' enwtikes diergasies, koines draseis kai diekdikhsh koinwn enallaktikwn pros to mnhmonio politikwn, s' ena megalo fasma dynamewn, shmeiwse sthn omilia toy sth synedriash ths Kentrikhs Politikhs Epitrophs o proedros toy SYN, Alejhs Tsipras.

    ``S'ayth thn kateyqynsh symmetexoyme ws SYN kai ws SYRIZA se prwtoboylies poy qa entaqoyn sto epomeno diasthma, me stoxo na dhmioyrghqei mia nea dynamikh kai mia nea elpida [...] Se mia periodo koinwnikhs isopedwshs, h eyryterh dynath enothta dynamewn einai anagkaiothta. Einai, loipon, peritth polyteleia h adynamia mas na synennohqoyme metajy mas gia ta aytonohta'', ypogrammise o proedros toy SYN.

    O k. Tsipras kathgorhse thn kybernhsh pws exei syneidhta epilejei me poioy to meros einai, xarakthrizontas prosxhmatikes tis apostaseis, poy phre o kybernhtikos ekproswpos meta th xqesinh synenteyjh Typoy ths troikas, enw epekrine kai th stash ths ND kai toy proedroy ths, Ant. Samara, gia antimnhmoniakh rhtorikh.

    ``H oysia toy mnhmonioy htan h katedafish twn koinwnikwn katakthsewn, h dialysh twn ergasiakwn sxesewn kai to jepoylhma olhs ths dhmosias perioysias'', anefere.

    Epipleon, yposthrije pws ``h kybernhsh kanei anoixta thn epilogh ths aytarxopoihshs''. ``Toys ftaine oi pantes. Oi odhgoi, oi agrotes, oi metanastes, oi foithtes, oi giatroi, oi farmakopoioi, oi noshleytes. Oi monoi poy den ftaine gia ton k. Papandreoy einai oi synergates toy kai ta megala symferonta'', eipe o k. Tsipras.

    Sxoliazontas, telos, thn ejegersh toy aigyptiakoy laoy, shmeiwse pws ``o jeshkwmos twn lawn ths B. Afrikhs apenanti stoys dynastes toy apotelei nikh gia oloys toys laoys poy toytes tis dyskoles meres ths krishs blepoyn na xanoyn dhmokratika dikaiwmata kai katakthseis poy kerdhqhkan me agwnes kai me aima''.

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